Chapter 7


I stormed through the school’s corridors, not even minding to excuse myself as I bumped into other students on my way out. As soon as I passed the gate I got on my skateboard and rode it as fast as I could. I needed to get out of there. I didn’t even know why I was so upset, I didn’t know what was wrong with me, I was just so confused. My vision got blurry and the tears that threatened to fall earlier were now flowing freely down my cheeks. Though I couldn’t see very well, I rushed to the only place I wanted to be right now. I just needed comfort and good advice, maybe Hyung knew what was wrong with me, because I certainly didn’t have a clue. He always knew the right words to say and the answers to everything and if he didn’t know once, he would always find a solution.


Luckily I didn’t run into any persons, cars, trees, or poles on the way to my destination, which meant that I got there safe and sound. I picked up my skateboard and stormed through the door of the coffee shop, while a little bell was ringing, signaling that someone was entering. I immediately spotted the male, I was searching for, standing at the counter and closed the gap between us with a few huge steps. “Hyung!”, I sobbed as I reached him and threw my arms around the slightly shorter male. He ruffled my hair and as I opened my eyes and looked at him, I could see him smiling, showing his gums, “Hey kid, long time no see”.


Finally I was home.



*Yongguk’s POV*


Sure, I was surprised when the kid stormed into the coffee shop and practically threw himself onto me, clinging onto me for dear life while bawling his eyes out, but I wasn’t shocked. It’s been a lot of times now that something like this had happened. Since his mother wasn’t there anymore he’d had nobody to talk to. His father had always been busy 24/7 and the maids weren’t quite the people you would want to share your heart’s content with. I had known Junhong since he was born and therefore he were like a little brother to me. It was just natural that he came to talk to me about both, happy and sad things, though the sad things overweighed the good ones recently, unfortunately. He wasn’t a person that opened up to others easily, so I happened to be the only one who knew this side of him, not even Jongup, Daehyun or Youngjae knew him this way, they only knew that Junhong saw me as a brother and that we were very close. He always seemed so strong and carefree, seemed was the right term though.  He was just a vulnerable teenage boy who’d lost his mother too soon and I was glad that I could be there for him.


I ruffled his hair and felt him loosen up a bit. As he looked me in the eyes, my heart ached, he looked so miserable, with his eyes all puffy and red from crying. Although I didn’t feel like smiling right now, I flashed him my most gentle gummy smile to comfort him, showing him that everything was going to be alright.


“Hey kid, long time no see”

“Yes, too long if you ask me”, he smiled weakly, though he was still crying, “I hate that you already graduated last year and that you’re now going to university and own a coffee shop. I mean it’s amazing, but… I miss having you around Hyung”

“I know, I miss you too kid, but see? You never fail to find me, so it’s quite alright”, I said in a cheery voice.

“Hyung, please. Don’t try to sound all cheery, it doesn’t suit you, it’s giving me the creeps”, he let go of me and made a face, but couldn’t help but giggle anyways.

“See, that’s how I like my Junhonggie best, all smiley and giggling and not crying”, I felt my heart go lighter as I noticed that the kid was already comforted by just being here and talking to me, “So tell me, what made my favourite Dongsaeng cry in the first place?”, I said as I shoved him into a seat and made him a cup of hot chocolate.


He began to blush immediately and I couldn’t hide my curiosity. What could have possibly happened, that made the boy cry and blush at the same time?


“You know… I’m just kinda… erm… confused?”, he stuttered and his face was the same colour as his beloved cherry tomatoes now.

“Is that a question or an answer?”, I teased.

“Well, I did say that I’m confused, didn’t I?”, he snapped.

“Ok ok, relax kid, I was just teasing”, I couldn’t help but laugh, I think I’d actually never seen the kid this flustered; his expression was just too funny to not laugh.

“You know what, I guess it was a bad idea coming here. I better get going now. Bye Hyung, it was nice seeing you again”, he was clearly hurt and I felt bad for laughing at him.

“No, please stay and talk to me. I’m sorry I laughed at you, it’s just rare seeing you this flustered. I promise I won’t laugh again”, I didn’t hesitate to grab his arm and pull him back into his seat, as he was about to stand up and go.

“Pinky promise?”, he asked and looked at me with his innocent puppy eyes.

“Pinky promise”, I said with a smile as we hooked our pinkies together, “So, what are you confused about? You know you can tell me everything”


That was when he began to blush like mad again and I got even more curios.


“You know… father has hired a bodyguard slash babysitter, because he thinks that I cause too much trouble-“

“Well, you do cause much trouble”, I said and cocked an eyebrow.

“Whatever”, he snapped and rolled his eyes, “You see, I totally can’t stand this guy, I really don’t. Everything he does makes my blood boil and I get the urge to smash something into his face, like literally”, I looked at him suspiciously, “Anyway, now this bloke enrolled in my school and the guys got suspicious and I didn’t want anyone to know that he’s my bodyguard, so he told them he was my boyfriend and now I have to pretend that we’re together because otherwise everyone would know that my father sent a babysitter after me and even told him to enroll in our school and I don’t even know if he’s the age for being in high school anymore, he doesn’t seem like it, he seems more like your age actually and I told the boys they shouldn’t tell anyone that he and I are ‘toghether’ and there are moments when he’s so cold and annoying and ugh and then there are strange moments like when I had to take his hand and drag him away or when he hugged me and I could smell his scent and his warmth and man he smells good, but I hate this guy and-“, he seemed really out of it and kept rambling on about this guy. The shade of his skin was now beyond tomato-red and I was afraid he’d pass out any moment.


Wait a minute.


“Wait, wait, wait, stop. So, you have a bodyguard that you can’t stand and you’re pretending you’re a couple because you don’t want anyone to know and sometimes you get a strange feeling when he touches you? And the more important question is: He touches you?!”, I couldn’t hide my anger and I was sure that Junhong could clearly read my expression.

“No, no, noooo, it’s not like that! He doesn’t touch me in any inappropriate ways, he just hugged me and spun me away from the cooking pot because I was so lost in thought and I nearly dipped my hand into the soup and-“

“What? You nearly burned yourself while cooking? That’s really odd”

“Yeah, I even burned my pancakes and I failed making the soup too…”


That was when it hit me.


“Tell me Junhonggie, does it bother you when he calls you Junhong?”

“Well, not that much actually, I didn’t pay mind to it. Why are you asking Hyung?”, he asked with a puzzled expression.

“Ok then. What are the things that annoy you about him?”

“He’s always there. I can’t be alone any minute. I swear, the classes I had without him today were the best thing that happened since father hired him. He’s cold and distant towards me, but he’s always friendly and kind to every other person, he doesn’t even mind the dozens of fangirls and fanboys running after him like little lost puppies. And if he shows any emotion towards me it’s fake-friendliness, anger or disappointment”, he answered irritated and slightly annoyed.


Junhong didn’t let anybody, except me, near him, since his mother died, it was no wonder he was annoyed by the fact that his bodyguard was there 24/7. He didn’t allow anybody, except his dad and me, call him by his real name. If anybody ever dared to call him anything other than Zelo, he’d surely eat them alive. However he didn’t seem all too bothered by the fact that the bodyguard called him by his real name and the kid said that he felt ‘strange’ sometimes around this guy.


I guess little Junhonggie is just way too innocent, to get that he’s got a little crush on his caretaker.


I decided that I’d just keep an eye on the situation for now and let the boy figure out that he’d got a crush by himself.


“Don’t worry Junhong, it’s just because you’re not used to him. Just give it some time and everything will be as normal as it can be eventually”, I smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

“Ok Hyung, if you say so. I guess you’re right”, he smiled at me too.



*Himchan’s POV*


I was running around in circles and searching for Junhong since 3 hours now. I’d already scanned half of the city and I didn’t have any clue where to find him. I ran after him as soon as I saw him looking at me with these glistening eyes and storming out of class, however I soon lost track of him, because of his long legs and his skateboard. Damn this kid, first he nearly burns himself and then he’s on the verge of crying and storming off. He’s just too tall, how could anybody ever follow him when he’s running away with his long legs? It was clear that I couldn’t follow him; however I had to find him. What if anybody recognized him or if any ert wanted to have a little fun? It wasn’t as if the boy wasn’t good looking.


Damnit, what am I even thinking? Snap out of it Himchan!


As I was about to run past a coffee shop I stopped dead in tracks. There he was. He seemed so comfortable and delighted, sitting there and talking to some guy. From the looks of it I could tell that the guy was much older than him. Junhong seemed to be a bit irritated as he gave a response to something the older said, but as the latter spoke again, Junhong seemed to understand and flashed him the most sincere smile I’d ever seen from him. The boy smiled a lot when he was with his friends, but he never smiled like this. He seemed pretty close to the other guy, were they related to each other? Junhong’s father didn’t tell me anything about a cousin or brother though.


I got slightly irritated and felt anger wash over me. There I was, running around the street for almost 3 and half hours now, worried that something bad might happened to the boy and there he was, sitting in a coffee shop, talking to some guy and being all comfortable and delighted. I yanked the door open and was greeted by a bell ringing as a stepped inside.


“Junhong, it’s time to go home”, I growled with an icy voice.

“Is this guy him?”, the older asked as he sized me up and I couldn’t help but be surprised about how deep his voice was.

He concentrated his attention on Junhong again, who blushed slightly and shyly nodded.


Wait, were they talking about me?


“Ok kiddo, I guess you have to go home now then. See you again soon, take care Junhonggie”, the older ruffled the boy’s hair and flashed him a gummy smile.

“Yes, definitely, I’ll come around again as soon as I can Hyung”, Junhong beamed at the older.


However the beam faded into a weak put-on smile as he slowly made his way over to the entrance. I took one last look at the guy the boy had talked to and noticed that he was glaring at me intensely.


I really can’t stand him.



Hey-oh (:
I'm sorry it's been so long, again :/
I just recently got a job at a store and we had grand opening and yeah... everything was quite stressfull.
I tried to make it up to you by finally introducing Yongguk to the story, an oblivious maknae and a jealous Himchan :D
Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it and I hope you'll forgive me if there're some grammatical mistakes, because I nearly fell asleep writing this. I just wanted to update already, so I was quite in a hurry :P

Lots of love ♥

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kelkua #1
Chapter 8: i so love ur story...pls keep updating <3
Kirichan #2
Chapter 8: Ooooh new chapter please *-* pleaseeeee
Kirichan #3
Chapter 8: Im waiting for the next chapter soooo soooo bad *-*
drownthenoise #4
Chapter 5: Ich misch mich da mal unauffällig ein und weise dich darauf hin, dass du das vielleicht nochmal durchlesen solltest. Ich hab nicht alles glesn, aber Beistriche, Bibi. Und am Anfang waren auch ein paar Rechtschreibfehler drin ->constructive criticism und so. Hat aber alles nix mim Inhalt zu tun, weil Menschen und Pairing, nein danke ^^
Kirichan #5
Chapter 8: Oooooh i love it *-* thank you sooooo much *-* i hope that you will bring the next chapter earlier*-*
Chapter 8: Yayyayyayayayay!!!!!! It's so good, keep up the hard work!! :D
Chapter 8: Finally an update!!!!!!!!
This chapter was so cute, omg!!! Himchan and Zelo together are just... UGH!! PERFECT!!!!!!
Kirichan #8
Chapter 7: Oh i really loved this fic. I would like to read more. Please *_*
Kirichan #9
Chapter 7: oh *-* Yongguk cute and Zelo too. :)
Yey! You made a HimLo! I love how Himchan is a little cold at the beginning, but then he began to warm up a bit, and teased Zelo. Tsk, tsk, Baby Jello, you really should stop day dreaming about your Hyung, neh? I'm glad Himchan was there to save the day, though, even though, in the end, Zelo got upset. I really love this. But, I hope you won't make Himchan warm up too fast on Zelo, since our baby still need to be taught a lesson. Haha. XD Love DaeJae, and 4D Jonguppie! Keep going and good luck, Biancer! ^^V