Chapter 5


*Himchan’s POV*


I made my way to the cafeteria, accompanied by loads of boys and girls I had never even seen before and that were asking me questions constantly.


“Do you have any siblings Oppa?”

“How old are you Himchan-sshi? Can I call you Hyung?”

“Is this your natural haircolor?”


People were following me around since the moment I first sat a foot over the swell of the school’s gate this morning and they started bombarding me with questions as soon as I introduced myself and performed my song during music class. The storm of questions soon became a blur and I really didn’t pay attention anymore and was somewhat annoyed because the pupils wouldn’t leave me alone.


It seemed like the whole school had heard of me until lunchtime, because when I came near the cafeteria the questions and people asking them became more and more.


I entered the room and scanned it for a place to sit, where the other students wouldn’t be asking and squishing me to death and from where I could have an eye on Junhong. The said boy could be found sitting at the middle table together with his friends and it seemed like he and one of the others were in the middle of a quarrel. As I took a closer look though a mischievous glint could be seen in Junhong’s eyes and from that point on it was clear that the two were just messing with each other. After Junhong somewhat ‘proposed’ to the other boy the third one decided to barge in and tease the second one. An amused expression was evident on my face as I continued to witness the scene before me. As the third guy pecked the second guy’s lips Junhong said something and made a face. Despite of his expression you could see that he really enjoyed the bickering and the company of his friends because he seemed so carefree and happy that moment.


So this is Junhong’s true self when he’s comfortable with someone, isn’t it?


 I noticed that no one got too near to the table they were sitting at and reckoned that they had to be the Kingkas then. A smirk formed itself on my lips as I made my way straight over to them. This was the perfect solution to all my problems; I could flee from the student’s storm of questions and have an eye on the kid I’d had to take care of.


The fourth boy, that didn’t take part in the ‘conversation’, saw me walking straight towards them and whispered something to the others. They all shifted their gazes in my direction and I noticed Junhong was tensing up slightly as soon as he saw me.  


What the hell is up with this kid?


“Here you have the cause of the ruckus Hyung”, he said when I was near the table, sounding clearly annoyed.


Is he bipolar or something? One minute ago he was all happy and carefree and now he’s like this?


“Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Kim Himchan”, I said as I bowed in a 90 degree angle towards his friends; Then I turned to face him, “Hello Junhong”, I said with a stern expression.

“Yes, yes, we all know who you are, who wouldn’t when the whole school has been talking about nothing else than you the whole day?”, he snarled, not even greeting back and oblivious to the fact that his friends were staring at us with their mouths agape.

“Zelo-ah! That was not very nice of you, you could’ve at least greeted back. Annyeonghaseyo Himchan-sshi, my name is Jung Daehyun, is it ok for me to call you Hyung?”, the third boy said with a smile after he composed himself.

“Yah, Maknae, how dare you to be so mean to him?”, the fourth boy shouted at Junhong.

“Whatever”, he replied while rolling his eyes.

“By the way Hyung, my name is Jongup, nice to meet you”, the fourth boy said and flashed a dorky smile.

“Sure, I would be glad if you called me that Daehyun-ah and don’t worry, I won’t take it to heart Jongup-ah”, I told them with a little smile.

“Wooooow, Woooow, Wooow, hoooold ya horses man. Did ya jus’ call ‘em Junhong?”, the second guy hollered. It seemed as, unlike Daehyun and Jongup, he hadn’t composed himself yet.

“Youngjae, what did I tell you about speaking properly?”, Daehyun threatened.

“I’m sorry honey, I’ll be good from now on, I swear, it was just so intense, I was caught up in the moment, didn’t you just hear him say ‘Junhong’? Oh my gosh, I definitely did!”, Youngjae kept on rambling about how he couldn’t believe that I just called the kid Junhong.


Nope. He most definitely hasn’t composed himself yet. I wonder what’s so bad about calling someone by their name.


“Yes, I just called him Junhong, what’s so bad about it? By the way, it’s nice meeting you Youngjae”, I said out loud as a grin spread on my face.

“I’m sorry, I totally forgot, it’s nice meeting you too Himchan Hyung”, he hysterically said.

“You know Hyung, nobody ever dares to call Zelo ‘Junhong’ except for his father. So as you can see Youngjae Hyung is very emotional and freaked out because of it and we are all most definitely… baffled about the fact that you call him by his real name”, Jongup barged in and his dorky smile was now replaced with a confused expression.

“So tell us; what’s your relation with Zelo? I mean if you were just anybody, a stranger, he would’ve already eaten you alive, but look at him, he doesn’t even say anything!”, Daehyun stated rather curious.


It was true; Junhong neither hadn’t moved an inch nor said anything since he stated that everybody already knew who I was when I introduced myself. He just sat there with a stern expression. I waited for him to say something, but he didn’t utter a single word.


Well, if he won’t then I’ll tell them.


“Truth be told, I’m Junhong’s bo…”, I saw him tensing up immediately and guessed that he didn’t want me to tell them that I was his bodyguard. What then? I couldn’t just say nothing after I’d already begun the sentence, so I said the first thing that came to my mind,”…yfriend”

“You’re what?”, Jongup asked puzzled.

“I’m his boyfriend”, I replied earnestly.

“What?!”, Youngjae and Jongup yelled at the same time.


They all sat there, stunned and in utter disbelieve with their eyes wide open, Junhong included, as I kept my poker face. 



Hey-oh (:
That's my first chapter with over 1,000 words and the first time in Himchan's POV :D
So he just told everyone that baby Jello is his boyfriend, now things are starting to get interesting~ hehe
I really hope you enjoy the update as much as I enjoyed writing it (:

Lots of love ♥

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kelkua #1
Chapter 8: i so love ur story...pls keep updating <3
Kirichan #2
Chapter 8: Ooooh new chapter please *-* pleaseeeee
Kirichan #3
Chapter 8: Im waiting for the next chapter soooo soooo bad *-*
drownthenoise #4
Chapter 5: Ich misch mich da mal unauffällig ein und weise dich darauf hin, dass du das vielleicht nochmal durchlesen solltest. Ich hab nicht alles glesn, aber Beistriche, Bibi. Und am Anfang waren auch ein paar Rechtschreibfehler drin ->constructive criticism und so. Hat aber alles nix mim Inhalt zu tun, weil Menschen und Pairing, nein danke ^^
Kirichan #5
Chapter 8: Oooooh i love it *-* thank you sooooo much *-* i hope that you will bring the next chapter earlier*-*
Chapter 8: Yayyayyayayayay!!!!!! It's so good, keep up the hard work!! :D
Chapter 8: Finally an update!!!!!!!!
This chapter was so cute, omg!!! Himchan and Zelo together are just... UGH!! PERFECT!!!!!!
Kirichan #8
Chapter 7: Oh i really loved this fic. I would like to read more. Please *_*
Kirichan #9
Chapter 7: oh *-* Yongguk cute and Zelo too. :)
Yey! You made a HimLo! I love how Himchan is a little cold at the beginning, but then he began to warm up a bit, and teased Zelo. Tsk, tsk, Baby Jello, you really should stop day dreaming about your Hyung, neh? I'm glad Himchan was there to save the day, though, even though, in the end, Zelo got upset. I really love this. But, I hope you won't make Himchan warm up too fast on Zelo, since our baby still need to be taught a lesson. Haha. XD Love DaeJae, and 4D Jonguppie! Keep going and good luck, Biancer! ^^V