Chapter 3


“Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Kim Himchan, please take good care of me”


I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Kim Himchan, my bodyguard, was now a senior at my high school. I didn’t even know if he’s the age for being in high school anymore. He seemed so mature and he nagged all the time, he’s definitely more like a mother than a high school student. And here my hopes and dreams of ‘private-being-away-from-Himchan-time’ were getting destroyed. Why did he have to enroll at my school? That’s so cruel! I swear I was nearly crying at the thought of being watched over 24/7.


“Oh my gosh, Oppa is gorgeous!”

“He seems so mature”

“Kim Himchan-sshi is definitely y as hell”

“God rest my soul!”

“Do you think he’ll go on a date with me?”

“He’s so well-mannered!”


The girl’s squealing and whispering could be heard throughout the room, if not even the school, as Himchan bowed in a 90 degree angle. They all seemed to go crazy at the sight of it. Ok, I have to admit I kind of had the same reaction when I saw him the first time but there’s definitely a difference between fangirling on the inside and going completely nuts, drooling on the table, squealing and nearly dying because someone has the looks.

What’s up with them anyhow? Did they forget that I’m here too? What’s with the squealing and whispering because of me? Guess they must all be that overwhelmed because of the new guy. They only have eyes for him now. Tsk. How could they forget their Kingkas so easily? They didn’t even squeal about ‘DaeJae’ being the cutest couple of the world’s history, for heaven’s sake!


“Hey Zelo-ah, what do you think about the new student? He’s totally your type, isn’t he? Even I have to admit he doesn’t look too bad. If the girls keep being crazy about him like this, I wouldn’t wonder when they actually kidnap and lock him up so only they can see him”, Jongup whispered to me with a sappy expression on his face.

“God Hyung, sometimes I wonder what’s going on in that head of yours. No, you know what? Thanks to that comment I don’t even want to know anymore. I mean, what the? And besides, yes, you’re right. He definitely is totally my type. However I can’t stand his attitude.”, I answered, making a face.

“What do you mean by that? You can’t stand his attitude? Zelo, he didn’t even say much yet, just ‘Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Kim Himchan, please take good care of me’”

“Well, I simply don’t like him ok?”

“If you say so”


The whispering and squealing quickly died down as the teacher cleared his throat.

“So Himchan, since you are new could you show us a bit of your musical skills? Do you play any instruments?”

“Yes Seonsaengnim, I play a few, but I like guitar and janggu best”

“You play the janggu? It’s been a while since we had a student that’s been able to play a traditional Korean instrument, I’m very impressed! Unfortunately we don’t have one here though, so would you mind to play something on the guitar? And while you’re at it, would you mind to sing along too?”

“Thank you for your compliment, of course I’ll gladly play and sing a song for you”


He sat down on a chair on the mini-stage of the music room with one of the school’s guitars and began to play. It was a slow and beautiful melody and I have to admit that he was pretty good at playing the guitar. As soon as he began to sang though I was completely speechless.


Summer,Winter,Spring & Fall
Everything is changing
But why am I at the same place
Waiting for you?”


He had a rough though soothing voice that I would never get tired to hear, I thought. It was angelic. A gentle smile creeped on Himchan’s face as he was performing the song and I was so amazed by the scene ahead of me, I didn’t even notice it already came to an end. However I wasn’t the only one that was caught up in the moment. Bit by bit the whole class came back to reality and everyone started to cheer for Himchan.


“Wow, I’m really overwhelmed Himchan-sshi, I guess you won’t have any problems passing this class with flying colors. That was magnificent, thank you very much for this song. Did you write it yourself?”, the teacher said, smiling like his biggest dream came true.

“Yes, I did. I’m glad you liked it, thank you for your appreciation, it means a lot to me that people actually like my work”, the most sincere smile you could have ever seen was displayed on his face.


“Oppa, we don’t like it, we love it!”

“That was just simply amazing!”

“You nailed it Hyung!”


“You know what Zelo-ah?”, Jongup asked.


“If you won’t have him then I’ll gladly take him”



So it seems like Kim Himchan is going to be the school's new sweetheart, right?



Hey-oh (:
So the third chapter is on and as promised it's a bit longer than the previous ones (:
The next ones will hopefully be even longer though haha

Now tell me, what do you guys think about the story so far?

Lots of love ♥

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kelkua #1
Chapter 8: i so love ur story...pls keep updating <3
Kirichan #2
Chapter 8: Ooooh new chapter please *-* pleaseeeee
Kirichan #3
Chapter 8: Im waiting for the next chapter soooo soooo bad *-*
drownthenoise #4
Chapter 5: Ich misch mich da mal unauffällig ein und weise dich darauf hin, dass du das vielleicht nochmal durchlesen solltest. Ich hab nicht alles glesn, aber Beistriche, Bibi. Und am Anfang waren auch ein paar Rechtschreibfehler drin ->constructive criticism und so. Hat aber alles nix mim Inhalt zu tun, weil Menschen und Pairing, nein danke ^^
Kirichan #5
Chapter 8: Oooooh i love it *-* thank you sooooo much *-* i hope that you will bring the next chapter earlier*-*
Chapter 8: Yayyayyayayayay!!!!!! It's so good, keep up the hard work!! :D
Chapter 8: Finally an update!!!!!!!!
This chapter was so cute, omg!!! Himchan and Zelo together are just... UGH!! PERFECT!!!!!!
Kirichan #8
Chapter 7: Oh i really loved this fic. I would like to read more. Please *_*
Kirichan #9
Chapter 7: oh *-* Yongguk cute and Zelo too. :)
Yey! You made a HimLo! I love how Himchan is a little cold at the beginning, but then he began to warm up a bit, and teased Zelo. Tsk, tsk, Baby Jello, you really should stop day dreaming about your Hyung, neh? I'm glad Himchan was there to save the day, though, even though, in the end, Zelo got upset. I really love this. But, I hope you won't make Himchan warm up too fast on Zelo, since our baby still need to be taught a lesson. Haha. XD Love DaeJae, and 4D Jonguppie! Keep going and good luck, Biancer! ^^V