
Wish Granted

 Hyemi expected to sleep in since it was a Saturday but when her alarm went off, she jerked awake. Rubbing her eyes, she stopped her alarm, questioning if she had left it on or not. When she exited her room, the hallway was completely empty. Her parents had left for work, leaving Jin and Hyemi to tend to themselves. She stepped into the kitchen to find Jin eating all ready.


Hyemi sent a glare to him immediately, “It's not funny that you set my alarm.”


Jin gave her a confused expression, “What are you talking about. I didn't set your alarm. Why would I do that.”


Hyemi held the glass cup in her hand, she turned around to leave but gasped and dropped the glass, breaking it to pieces. V leaved against the wall, smirking at her action. Jin seemed more surprised at the glass breaking while Hyemi stood frozen.


“Don't just stand there and clean at that.”


With her eyes still glued on V, she cleaned the mess and walked to her room in which V followed. Hyemi closed the door and breathed. When she turned again, she jumped at V standing in front of her. Hyemi shut her eyes in hopes she was dreaming or imagining it.


“Do people really think I'd disappear if they close their eyes.”


“W-Why are you following me.”


V walked around her, “Your wish. I can feel your wish burning inside you. It's gonna grow with every argument. It's gonna grow to the point of you screaming my name, begging me to make you your wish.” V brought his face closer to her, “And when it does, I'm making sure your soul is mine.”


Hyemi backed up, “I'm not making that wish.”


V stopped, turning his head a different direction upon hearing a distinct voice. He looked at Hyemi, “I'll be back.”


In a blink of an eye, he disappeared. Hyemi grabbed her things, stuffing her money and phone into her pocket. She dashed to the front door, leaving without telling Jin. Hyemi walked inside the empty cafe. Sitting down with her drink, Hyemi could only feel cautious since she knew V could pop up anywhere.


“Running away?”


Hyemi jumped, spilling a bit of the coffee on the table, “Aish. Stop doing that.” She wiped the spilled coffee and could feel his eyes staring at her, “I wasn't running away.”


“Sure you weren't. Just so you know, I can find you wherever you go. Even if you try to hide in the most difficult place. I know where you are. It's kind of like how a dog is able to track someone down with just their scent.”


“I'm not making the wish so stop following me. You ert.”


V scoffed, “I bet a ert wouldn't even look at you.”


Hyemi gritted her teeth, “Go away.”




“Go away.”




“Go away!”


V leaned forward, “You do know that you look crazy right now right?”




V smirked, “You're the only one that can see me.”


Hyemi stiffened. Turning her head, she spotted the workers who looked befuddled of the situation. Hyemi shot a glare at the smirking V before getting up from her seat and walking out of the place. V followed quickly, walking besides her while continuing to bring her wish as a topic.


“Just make the wish.”


Turning into an empty street, Hyemi faced him, “Why do you want my soul so much. Can't you take someone elses.”


V began to circle her, “Because you're special. You have potential.”




V stood behind her, leaning close to her ear, “To turn me human.”


Hyemi quickly looked back to see he had disappeared, turning her head back, she faced him again, “Why would you want to be human.”


“Honey, everyone wants to be human. You just can't see it. Demons have to work for their right to become human but demons that find a pure soul can instantly become human. I've waited so long for this moment and not another demon can take you away from me. So if you'll be generous and make that wish now.”


“Well I'm not generous.”


Hyemi stormed off a different direction, leaving V to curse at her. Hyemi entered her home to hear the clashing of pots and she knew her mother was home. Shutting the front door quietly, Hyemi could hear her mother talking on the phone.


“Hyemi? She's such a lazy child. I tell her to do something and she never does it. She can't even get to rank first in her class and always comparing herself to Jin. Ugh, if only I had listened to the doctor when he said to abort her.”


Hyemi dropped her keys, making her mother look her direction. Tears had all ready fallen from her eyes, “A-Abortion. You were going to abort me.”


Her mother dropped the phone down, “No. Hyemi.”


“You really didn't want me! Fine! You should have aborted me! I didn't want to be in this family anyways!”


“Hyemi! Kim Hyemi!”


Hyemi slammed the door to her room, sitting on her bed with only tears. V appeared next to her, resting a hand on her shoulder, “I can make the pain go away.”


“Okay. You win.”


V smirked, “What is your wish.”


With a tear falling to the ground, Hyemi whispered, “I wish I was never born.”


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teddiebears #1
popping in to visit older fics and say hi. .u.
Chapter 3: this chapter is so sad! (´Д`)
who knew things would turn out like this!?
v you better make things right! oh gosh,
i'm literally teary eyed from reading this!
hopefully he comes up with a good plan!
--daedreamer #3
Chapter 3: Oh...
This is really quite terrible. I was absolutely not expecting this turn of events. I wonder what V's going to do to make her wish that? It must be something extremely terrible and heartless =(
--daedreamer #4
Chapter 2: Omfg.
Her mom.
What a .
I can't even.
Hyemi would be like the perfect child if she wasn't so cruel to her.
This .
And now she's not going to be alive? Whhaaattt? Omg I'm so curious. ;A;
WAE U DO THIS?!? щ(ಥДಥщ)
ugh taehyung gtfo, ur a bad guy
but ur existence is just alskfjs
Chapter 2: omo hyemi :O
Chapter 1: ugh i feel yaa hyemi (´д`)
my parents always compare me to my siblings!
but they're just as worst as me! /slapped
aklsjdkal kim freaking taehyung a demon omf
that was hot when he touched her hair otl
and what a creeper. going to follow her every
where she goes ಠ_ಠ but idk if it's a good thing
or bad thing l00ll0l ;; update soon!
oh and it's the same author-nim from
the red umbrella!! h allo again ♡
--daedreamer #9
Lol but omg seriously her parents are so... Oh gosh, I can relate (you know, the whole 'being compared' thing). Her parents really took it too far though! They should be pleased with second! That's still really good! =(
Potaytoes #10
LOL awks, Minji, Hyemi, and V are three main characters in my story too! Woah. It's like de ja vu keke. ANyways, the plot is good! Hope to read it soon~