Chapter 5- O-oh Busted!

Love on the Clock

(Saturday at Lotte Park)

*the 2 girls rode countless rides and now their resting on a bench having smoothies and churos*

Bei: wow. Acting like a kid really got me worked up an appetite!

G: *laughs* This is so much fun! I’m so glad you decided to go to Korea!

Bei: Ditto!

*suddenly 2 guys approach them, one wearing a gray hoody and a white mask and the other wearing a blue hoody with rayban shades. This makes it hard to see their faces*

Rayban guy: excuse me miss, may I have a bite from your churos? *speaking to B*

Bei: *completely confused* what?

Mask guy: Yo! What’s up? Wanna have a date with me? *speaking to G*

 G:Excuse me? What?! Wait..*thinking that the voices sounded familiar* JiYong?

Mask guy: Jagiya! *gives G a massive bear hug* you recognized me! *laughs cutely*

Bei: so if your GD..who’s thi-*eyes widen when the rayban guy pushed his shades down a bit*

Rayban guy: hey. *in a deep voice*

Bei: Hey back at you *totally blushing*

G: wait. What are you guys doing here? Isn’t it, like, DANGEROUS for you to be out in public like this?

GD: as long as we wear our disguises we’re fine *smiles proudly*

TOP: but if you ladies want us to leave so you can spend some time together we’ll lea-

G and Bei: No! *okay..both of them thought that they sounded too giddy just saying they wanted the boys to stay*

TOP: *laughs. woah..they must have gotten hyper with the smoothy and churos!*

GD: For a second there I thought you were gonna kick us out! *Laughs*

G: Are you kidding me? *pinches GD’s cheek*

TOP: So, how about that churos? *talking to Bei*

*the 4 spent the whole day together playing games, running around, going on rides..acting like kids*

There were times that TOP would act all sweet with B but as soon as he realizes what he was doing, he immediately draws back. This confused Bei big time!

(Sitting on a bench near the fountain)

TOP: *gives GD a look and GD nods* Bei, come with me I think I saw a cute toy over there! *leaves pulling Bei with him*

G: babe, don’t you feel uncomfortable wearing all that? *pointing at GD’s hoody and mask that’s covering his face* I mean, it’s summer and we’ve been running around the park for hours.

GD: Ani. Kenchana. This is nothing compared to what you’ve been going through to date me. *looks down*

G: What? What are you talking about? I’m not the one wearing winter clothes in the middle of summer! *laughs* *damn..did he find out?? crap oh crap. wait i'll just deny everything! yeah that's right..deny! just play it cool G!*

GD: *clears his throat* it’s not that. *pauses for a second thinking* TOP-hyung overheard you the other day at the studio. *G stiffened* why didn’t you tell me you were having a hard time with the fans?

G: *totally taken aback* i don't know what your talking about *why is he giving me that look? oh crap..okay..there's no way out of it. sigh* i..i. don’t know. I guess I was scared. I’m really sorry.*looks down not knowing what to say*

GD: wait. Scared? Did they do something to you? I can’t let that pass!

G: Hey! Hold on! Cool it down..nothing happened. It’s just that their comments are finally hitting me.

GD: oh should have told me. I would have done something to stop them.

G: like what? Deny our relationship again?

GD: *looks guilty* well, it would stop, if not lessen all the rumors. *G rolls her eyes* I’m sorry.

G: Yeah. Me too. But again, I understand.

GD: *pulls G to him and gives her a hug* I love you, you know that? *gives G a kiss on the forehead*





hey again..sorry if i can't update regularly..but please comment and suggest!:) mi'd like to hear from you guys!:) and i wanna improve my writing.

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Iheartlife #1
new reader..update when you can :D
pixieGD #2
thanks!:) i'll keep that in mind!:)
its quite interesting at points but develop it and it should come well