
Imagine Your OTP...

Daehyun kept glancing around, almost paranoid. He knew what he was doing was wrong, he was going behind his partner’s back, but he couldn’t stop. He didn’t want to stop.

He knew if Youngjae found out about this, he would be heartbroken. If Youngjae still wants to even be with him anymore, Daehyun knew there would be severe trust issues in their relationship. They made a promise, and Daehyun continues to break it.

Daehyun keeps telling himself that it’s Youngjae’s fault; that if he wasn’t so bossy, Daehyun wouldn’t have to sneak around. However, deep inside, the older of the two knows that Youngjae loves him and wants what’s best for him, for them.

The brunet’s heart is ridden with guilt just at the thought of his chubby-cheeked boyfriend, sound asleep back at home, probably thinking he was curled up right next to him. Thinking that his boyfriend was actually trust-worthy.

It pained his heart so much, Daehyun started to cry. But, even then, he still couldn’t stop himself. So there he was, sitting in the small café, stuffing his mouth with large forkfuls of cheesecake as he sobbed his heart out.

“W-w-waiter, another s-slice, p-please!” the thick-lipped boy cried.

I ing hate diets.


This was so short, it's not even worth your time.

Yeah I decided to post the prompt at the bottom this time...

Imagine your Person A of your OTP declaring that the two of them were going to eat healthier, and Person B sneaking junk food while person A is asleep.

Because if this prompt doesn't scream DaeJae, I don't know what does.

Thanks for reading! Comment and subscribe if you want!

I'll try to get out another update for you guys soon, in apology for this pathetic excuse of a chapter OTL


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Emma194 #1
Chapter 4: Omg, I actually laughed so hard. How cute.
Chapter 4: LOL Daehyunniee!!!! :DDd
Chapter 4: Omg I was like no daes ing cheating and then I realized what it was about XD freaking adorable!
Chapter 4: OMO cute Daehyun XD
Chapter 3: They were amazing XD like I said! Ahhh my daejae feels!
Great work :)
Chapter 3: SOOOO CUTEEEE XD and you updated fast too~ Please continue this chapter ^^ or not, it's up to you, author-nim. I love you either way~~
Chapter 3: kjhghjkjnhjk OMGGG YOUNGJAEEEE AHAHHHAHA SOOO CUTE!!! >.<
zuttoharuharudani #9
Chapter 3: I cannot handle all of the squeals of adorableness. I just... this was perfect and I could totally see it IRL.

Cute flustered Jae just kills me. Can't wait to see what you come out with next!