Lunch with the Annoying Brother

Empty [Semi-Hiatus]

Chapter Six: Lunch with the Annoying Brother

Mi Yeon entered her office at exactly 8:30am and did her usual routine looking through the entries. By 9:30, her co-workers arrived and started their tasks for the new exhibition – just the same normal day.

A knock on her office door came and Xi Wang entered, holding two thick sheets in her hands,

“Mi Yeon, which do you prefer for the wallpaper, light blue swirls or multi-coloured stripes? I couldn’t decide since most of the paintings have different colours,” she asked, holding two samples of the said wallpapers


The younger one took the two samples and picked out three entries, then examined them, “I think the light blue looks better, it makes more contrast with these,” she replied, indicating to the photo entries, “So It looks brighter and vivid,”


Agreeing, Xi Wang nodded and collected the samples back, “Okay, thanks.  The wallpapers won’t be coming in for two weeks since we have more time to do it,”

“That’s fine,” Mi Yeon approved while fixing the tables on her table.


“Are you uh, going for lunch yet? I could get lunch for you, if you want,” The organiser offered, since her boss seemed busy

Mi Yeon looked up and shook her head, “I’ll head out later, but thank you,”

“Aright, me and the others are heading out for lunch now,” Xi Wang smiled and went out the office


Five minutes later and she came back again, with pink cheeks and a flustered look, “Uhm, Mi Yeon, are you acquainted with the producer Shim Hyun Ki?”

She didn’t show her confusion at the sudden question but answered, “Not acquainted, but I know him. May I ask why?”

“Well he’s in the reception area, and we asked him if he had an appointment but he said he doesn’t have to have one since you know him,” Xi Wang said, her cheeks getting redder

Mi Yeon inwardly facepalmed herself, “I see. Please let him in,”

She was confused since her brother never visited the gallery once because of the uptight schedules, except for the time when she viewed the building before buying. And after meeting him yesterday, he suddenly comes? A bit odd.

Xi Wang left the room, and Hyun Ki entered two minutes later wearing a cream coloured jumper underneath his black coat, and paired with black boots, whilst holding a white plastic bag.

If anyone didn’t know him, he’d be mistaken as a model or an idol.

He scanned around before sitting on the couch with the coffee table in front, “So, what’s up?”

“I should be asking you the same thing,” Mi Yeon crossed her arms

“I can’t visit my sister’s workplace?”

“Not without warning, no,”

“Did you eat yet?” Hyun Ki changed the subject, taking off his coat

“No, later,” She told him as she resumed looking through the papers

“Come onnnn, let’s eat! Look at you, you’re getting skinnier,” He remarked

Mi Yeon sighed, annoyed, “You’re not gonna leave me alone, are you?”

Hyun Ki held up the plastic bag, “Oh we both know the answer to that,”


Leaving her papers, she went on the other side of the room where Hyun Ki was.

He took out and spread the food from the bag onto the black coffee table, “I bought a lot of Chinese food, so you better eat half,”

After he laid them all, the coffee table was practically full with containers of chow mein, dumplings, spring rolls, etc. And that doesn’t even include dessert.

“You expect me to eat all of that?” Mi Yeon scrunched her nose

“Wae? You’re on a diet or something?” Hyun Ki questioned, while filling up two plates from the containers

“No, but it’s…a lot,” she stated

He gave her a look and threatened, “Just eat, or I’ll tell Umma and Appa,”

Mi Yeon sighed again and took her plate that he purposely filled up with the different dishes, “What did you do to Xi Wang? She looked re – Oh wait, you flirted with her didn’t you? No wonder you’re having problems with girls,”

“She’s pretty, but I didn’t flirt with her! And it’s not my fault that I’m too hot to handle,” He smirked

She rolled her eyes then said, “Seriously though, what are you doing here?”

“Well I didn’t really have much anything to do at the company ‘cause I’ve finished all the work set, and it’s been a while since I came here…so, yeah,” he shrugged, “But speaking of the company, everyone’s talking about you, you know,”


“Oh yay, more attention on me,” Mi Yeon snorted sarcastically

“Everyone doesn’t really like her, and it was funny for them that someone finally owned her ,”

Hyun Ki said, chewing a spring roll

“I wouldn’t have done something like that if it’s unnecessary. And besides, it’s your fault too for leading her on. Pabo,”

Her brother choked on his spring roll at what she said. For after how many years, Mi Yeon acted more…sisterly towards him. What could have changed? It’s weird but refreshing at the same time.


Mi Yeon just stared at him strangely as he coughed, “Are you done yet?”

…And now she’s back to her cold self.

“You’re not – cough – even gonna – cough – help me?” Hyun Ki thumped his chest as he coughed

“With what, the Myung Hee crap, or your chest-thumping like King Kong?” She picked up a dumpling using her chopsticks, and placed it on

“BOTH, damm – cough,” He coughed again before drinking water

Mi Yeon rolled her eyes, “I have work, Hyun Ki. I don’t have time to handle your silly problems,”

“I know for a fact that you’ve got four weeks until the exhibition, sis,” Hyun Ki began, “When was the last time you took a proper break anyway?”

She swallowed her food before answering, “What’s a break for when there’s lots of work to be done? If Xi Wang and the others need a leave, I wouldn’t stop them. I myself just choose not to have one,”

“Sure, whatever you say,” He commented, almost halfway through off finishing his food

“And in your work, clear up that misunderstanding about me being your girlfriend. It’s a bother,” Mi Yeon glared at him

Hyun Ki pouted, “Aw! But who’s gonna help me stop the girls from coming after me? After they saw you yesterday, all the ladies in the company were disappointed. It was kinda hilarious,”

“Then why don’t you get a real girlfriend?!” She said through gritted teeth

“Should I be asking you the same thing?” He mimicked her voice

Placing her almost empty plate on the table, she said, “Ugh, you are so frustrating. I don’t know what those blind girls see in you,”

“Well, ouch. That hurts,” Hyun Ki placed a hand over his chest, feigning hurt, “But why don’t you have one? Do you want me to find one for you? Ooooh, what about Leeteuk? His dating ban’s been lifted! Oh wait, he’s too old for you. What about my friends? Maybe I could hook you up or something…”

Mi Yeon rubbed her temples, irritated, and grabbed one of the pillows on the couch and hit her brother with it, “What the hell, can you just shut up? What kind of brother hooks his sister up with one of his friends? Bloody heck. And you should be finding a solution to YOUR own problems,”

“Okay, okay, got it – ow! Stop hitting me with the damn pillow, it hurts!” He placed his plate on the coffee table as well, and put his hands up in defence


After finishing their lunch, Mi Yeon went back to her desk and continued with her papers.

“Don’t you have something else to do?” She peered at Hyun Ki who was done packing with all the containers and stayed sat on the couch

“If you don’t want me here, you could just say so,” He replied, putting a pillow on his lap

“Okay, I don’t want you here. Now can you go somewhere else? I’m working,”

Hyun Ki’s eyes rounded,“What! I was joking when I said that, can’t I just stay here? Pretty please?”

Mi Yeon threw her pen on the table and groaned, “Fine! But not here in my office, go around the building or something! Goodness sake,”

The producer stood up, and opened the door and snickered, “It’s always fun annoying you,”

He closed the door before the thrown pen could hit his face.


Hyun Ki first headed around where the main hall was – where they did most of the events – and was surprised at how bigger it looked like from the first time he came here. But then again, it’s been ages since. There was a storage door near it where they keep the paintings and art stuff as well.


He walked next to where he spotted doors earlier, there were six in total and three were each labelled with names; Liu Xi Wang, Park Seung Hyun, and Yoshida Mayumi.

It’s nice working with mixed races, he approved


The fourth room had double doors, and had a sign that said ‘Staff Room’ in it. Hyun Ki entered and saw bright colours painted around the walls – a mix of blue, pink, and purple formed what looked to be hand painted swirls and other shapes. The chairs, table, sofas, TV, and such were arranged in a manner that would make you think an interior designer was hired. In his opinion, it was very cosy and had a homey feel to it.


He passed the fifth room which was the meeting room, and didn’t bother going inside since it had glass doors where he could see what’s inside – expensive looking long table with chairs, and a flat screen TV on the wall; just the usual meeting room.


The last room was guarded by a smooth black door with intricate flower designs on one side, and a combination lock near the door handle. He was curious about what his sister hid behind the doors, and looked around the hallway for any signs of other people.

Hyun Ki stared at the lock, thinking of what the code could be, and then guessed the numbers.

Eight, seven, nine, two - the last two numbers of the years we were born. He thought

He closed his eyes and waited for the warning beep, nervouse that Mi Yeon might have changed the numbers since it’s always the same combination she used in everything. Yet she doesn’t even know that he knows her code.

The lock gave out a small click and the door opened into a middle sized square room that made his jaw drop. Hyun Ki went inside, relieved, and closed the door slowly before facing the room.


Both of their favourite colours, black and white, was the wallpaper that made into nature outlines with grass, flowers, and butterflies. Hyun Ki guessed that his sister painted it herself.

The most important reason the room had a lock into it was because of the paintings and art work Mi Yeon created throughout the years since she started to have an interest in art – there was a landscape sketch of Seoul, a canvas painting of her family, graffiti she made in high school, collages, mosaics, and more.

Hyun Ki was amazed at how much the room describes his sister so much, and how she is truly gifted at what she does. He immediately felt proud of her, now knowing why the room was locked.

He knows how much she valued her own privacy, and Hyun Ki felt the guilt rising up in him for entering.

The 25 year old left the room before he was tempted again to look around more inside.

When he made sure that the door was locked, he turned around and his heart stopped for a moment when a pair dark brown eyes stared back at him. 

Author's Note: 

Dun dun dun. Who could it be? 

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Chapter 7: This story is really interesting and i really like the way you write the chapters!! Update soon~!!! :)
guiltyNaNa #2
Chapter 4: cant wait for the nxt chapter.. update soon author-nim...
cant wait to readd ;D