Stereotypical Mean Girl

Empty [Semi-Hiatus]

Chapter Five: Stereotypical Mean Girl


Just as Hyun Ki was about to say something, the door burst open again to find a girl wearing a vest top and training shorts, with bleached blonde hair, though her face is caked with make-up.

Her face is showing anger as she marched her way to the group, trailed by her four cronies.

Mi Yeon didn’t show her disgust towards the girl and looked at her brother massaging his temples. Does he have a connection towards her?


“Oppa! Is it true you have a girlfriend?” The girl crossed her arms and then spotted Mi Yeon, “Is it her?!”

“What are you doing here, Myung Hee? You should be training right now,” Leeteuk, who was behind Lu Han, told her

She ‘pouted’ and whined, “But oppa! I heard that Hyun Ki oppa has a girlfriend, and I just had to know the truth,”


Mi Yeon mentally snorted at the girl’s nosiness since she knew that Hyun Ki would tell her if he dated someone, and she already felt sick at how many times Myung Hee said the word ‘Oppa’ in her sickly high-pitched voice.


Myun Hee turned her gaze on Mi Yeon and glared at her, “So, are you the that’s dating my oppa?”

Everyone else around the room furrowed their eyebrows at her language, their dislike on her growing bigger.

Mi Yeon didn’t say anything and just continued to stare at the latter, annoyed at the fact that Myung Hee would say such things without letting Hyun Ki to explain, not that she deserved the explanation, but still.

“Hey , are you deaf? I asked you a question,” The messed up Barbie shouted

When everyone around the room was about to defend her, Mi Yeon stood up and walked over to where the other was standing, “First of all, watch your language. If ever you debuted, which I HIGHLY doubt, what happened today will leak and your reputation will be ruined, not that it already is,”

“Second of all, who are you to nose into other people’s business when you’re not dating them? I know for a fact that Hyun Ki has better standards…” She looked at her from head to toe, “Than whatever the heck you are,”


Some people in the room sniggered at Myung Hee’s enraged expression since not many dared to say stuff like that in her face, “Who are you to tell me that, you lit-“

“You have no right to know things that don’t concern you,” Mi Yeon sighed and checked her nails, indicating she was already bored of this…conversation.

“Hyun Ki oppa’s my girlfriend, you !”

“How funny. Didn’t I tell you that Hyun Ki has standards? Or are you the one who’s deaf?” She raised an eyebrow.

Everyone on the table tried to cover their mouths to stop the laughter from coming out. From their reactions, they pretty much hated Myung Hee and her attitude; she bullied some of the trainees, tried to up to the idols, and whatnot.

Her face was now red with humiliation and opened when Mi Yeon raised her hand up and spoke, “You don’t have to say anything, your face offends me by just being in the same room. Leave.”

By now, everyone howled in laughter as Myung Hee cried in frustration and left the canteen. Again, her sidekicks following her.


Mi Yeon went back to her seat and continued to eat her sandwich, as if nothing happened at all. The idols, including her brother, watched her with a newfound admiration.

“That’s…okay, wow,” Kyungsoo breathed

“I didn’t really like her, to be honest,” Victoria commented

Key rolled his eyes, “Who did anyway? No one likes girls like her, unless you’re just plain desperate. And have you seen her face? She’s clearly trying the ‘natural look’…’ And he blabbered on


Out of all of them, Hyun Ki was the most amazed that she stood up for herself when she’s quiet most of the time. Usually, his sister ignored snide remarks.

Whilst the others talked amongst them about the event, Hyun Ki poked Mi Yeon’s hand with his spoon, “When did you learn to say things like that?”

“When I found out that you couldn’t be assed defending yourself,” She responded, expressionless


He felt touched when she said that since she doesn’t show any sort of affection to her sibling. Hyun Ki really appreciated her effort, despite that.

“You’re not really dating though, are you?” Mi Yeon’s eyebrows furrowed

Sehun, who overheard, answered instead, “Well, Myung Hee asked him out many times, but hyung always declined. We know she’s not his type,”

“What she said about being his girlfriend was a lie. Everyone knows it’s not true even though she insisted a lot,” Seohyun chirped in

By this time, the others joined into the conversation.

“There are so many complaints about her, I don’t know how she’s still in the company,” Jonghyun added

Kai nodded, “Not being harsh, but she deserved that humiliation,”

“You see, Mi Yeon, since EXO’s gonna debut soon, and the sunbaes are already idols, we really couldn’t say much about Myung Hee because rumours might start up about us. And knowing that girl, she might leak false information outside for her own gain, who knows?” Suho shrugged, while the rest agreed


Mi Yeon nodded in understanding, “I see. Thank you for looking after Hyun Ki, and for the information,”

“It’s okay, since he’s one of our brothers in the company. You’re going out, right?” Taeyeon brought back the main subject

At the question, all eyes fixed on the ‘couple’, waiting expectantly

Hyun Ki could feel their apprehensive gazes, but mostly Mi Yeon’s glare, “About that…”

His sister sighed, texting under the table, and sending it to Hyun Ki

5:04PM - Can we not deal with this now? I want to go home


Hyun Ki’s phone beeped and was thankful that he could stall for a while, he read the text, and quickly looked at Mi Yeon from the corner of his eye

“I just received a text from my parents asking them to meet me now. I have to go, you guys,” He smoothly lied

Some groaned as the two stood up, and headed for the door


“You are so toasted,” Mi Yeon said to him before getting into her car


He scowled, knowing he’s got A LOT of explaining to do.

Author's Note: 

Bleh, I should update more. 

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Chapter 7: This story is really interesting and i really like the way you write the chapters!! Update soon~!!! :)
guiltyNaNa #2
Chapter 4: cant wait for the nxt chapter.. update soon author-nim...
cant wait to readd ;D