Hyun Ki's Girlfriend?

Empty [Semi-Hiatus]

Chapter Four: Hyun Ki's Girlfriend?


After what felt like a lifetime to Mi Yeon, following her brother’s trail towards his workplace was the worst experience ever; the endless reverses, U-turns, and overtakes nearly made her want to rip her brother’s wheels out – if she reached him.

When they FINALLY arrived, and left their cars in the parking space, Mi Yeon conclusively rubbed her temples, annoyed at Hyun Ki’s childishness, not that she showed it, of course.

“You alright?” He asked, as if nothing happened

She looked at him for a few seconds before rolling her eyes, “Whatever. Just tell me where we are,”

“…Or you could just turn around and look up, sister,” Hyun Ki turned her shoulders around to face ‘it’

The building she was scanning was a tall construction painted with tinted dark blue windows, and a sign nearby that said ‘SM Entertainment’. So this was where her brother worked – in one of the biggest entertainment companies in South Korea.

“Can we go inside rather than just standing here and freeze to death?” Mi Yeon quivered

His eyes widened. Many girls would do anything to be in her place right now, and she was more worried about the cold? This was just something unheard of.

Oh well, that’s what the plan’s for anyway, he thought

Hyun Ki led the way inside the main floor, a bit similar to the reception in Gangnam, but more space and busier. He passed through people, exchanging ‘Hi’s and ‘How are you’s while Mi Yeon just stood there, waiting until they could finally go to the actual place where he worked.


When they stepped into the elevator on the way up, she already felt tired, just by standing around while some people curiously looked at her. She hated being stared at.

The doors opened and they strolled outside – the interior was more business-like than the main floor with countless doors that lead to many different rooms. They passed endless hallways and finally arrived in front of black double doors with white musical notes professionally painted all over; it practically screamed ‘Hyun Ki’ all around.

The area was bigger than her room with white painted walls and black musical notes this time. Hyun Ki’s work room was divided into two sides; the right where all the real work and equipment are, while the other where it’s more of a ‘chill’ side with a black leather sofa, white coffee table and such.


Mi Yeon flopped herself on the sofa and looked about “Hard work pays off, eh?”

“What did you expect?” One eyebrow raised as he sat next to her

“Meh. Don’t you have work to do now?”

Hyun Ki stood up and reached over to pat his sister’s head, “Aw, it’s good to know Minnie’s curious about her favourite brother’s work. And yeah, I do, but they’re not here yet,”

“You’re the only brother I have, stupid. And don’t call me Minnie,” She dodged his hand

“Pft, meanie. Want something to drink or eat?” He stretched

“Strawberry milk, please,” Mi Yeon replied as she took off her blazer and hung it on one of the peg hooks, thankful that it’s warm in the room

“’Kay, be back in a sec,” Hyun Ki said as he went outside the room


He arrived at the canteen where the trainees and some of his fellow workers were.

16 year old trainee, Tae Hyuk, came up to him with wide eyes, “Hyung! I heard from one of the assistants that you have a girl with you! And that she looked like a model. Is it true?”

The canteen was suddenly silent, ears perked up to hear what’s next.

Hyun Ki was known to be easy-going who got along well with others, and since everyone knew he didn’t have a girlfriend, others were interested to know. He still couldn’t believe that the he just got into the building 20 minutes ago, and that news of him with a pretty girl already spread like wildfire.

 “What kind of things have you been hearing?” He ruffled Tae Hyuk’s hair and chuckled, before going to the counter to buy the drinks.

“Tell us, tell us, tell us,” Others slowly started chanting as he was near the door

“You guys, really…” Hyun Ki shook his head as he got out

“Awwwww, hyung,” “Oppa’s got a girlfriend!” “Kyaaa, I hope I see her!” and such can be heard when he closed the door. Again, he shook his head and laughed.


Hyun Ki went back to his work room to find Mi Yeon standing where the digital piano was, slowly touching the keys.

“It’s been almost 12 years since you last played,” He said quietly

You see, there was that time when Shim Mi Yeon was a musical girl; always looking forward for her and his brother’s piano lessons, playing in recitals, and the likes. That is, until, a small piece of darkness came over her life.

She immediately stepped away from the piano at the sound of her brother’s voice, and spoke, “Got my drink?”

Hyun Ki sighed. He knew she didn’t like talking about what happened years ago and decided not to push her any further.

The door suddenly burst open, revealing a bun-faced guy with dark brown hair and an eager expression,

“HyunKihyunisittruethatyou’vegotagir-“He was cut short when he saw a girl next to ‘HyunKihyung’

Multiple footsteps can be heard outside, and with the door still open, several boys pushed the boy as they crowded inside the room with shocked faces when they spotted Mi Yeon.

It was quiet for a few seconds while the boys examined her; big brown eyes with long eyelashes, white clear skin that made contrast with her black hair which reached the middle of her back. She was pretty much a real-life Snow White, in their opinion.

Mi Yeon turned away at once. It wasn’t new that some boys would stare at her for more than a minute. She wasn’t used to it even though it always happened.

Hyun Ki decided to ignore the fact that the boys were ogling at his sister, and looked at his watch, “10 minutes late, I see. Where’s manager hyung?”

The boys still stared at her but answered anyway, “Uh, he was behind us a while ago,”

He sighed, “We’ll just have to start now, since you’re late. It’s only a rough mix anyhow,”

“But hyung wh-“ One of them with chestnut brown hair wearing a thick line of eyeliner said, but was cut off when Hyun Ki did that ice gaze thingy.

“Don’t worry, Baek-ah, we’ll make sure to ask him later,” Chen whispered to him, when the ‘couple’ wasn’t looking at them


All of them got on with the recording practise, while Mi Yeon just sat on the sofa, bored, with her earphones plugged into her phone. She wondered why she’s wasting time when she could have done more work instead.


Eventually, it finished when the girl was contemplating to sneak out and leave. The boys got out of the recording studio and stood near where Mi Yeon was, making the atmosphere awkward than it already was.

Hyun Ki, sensing the air, took his headphones out and stretched, “Right. Chen, your voice was getting a bit flat in the middle,” he looked at a guy with black hair and a straight expression on his face, “Kris, your rapping’s going a bit fast, you need to slow it down or the pace won’t catch up with you,” he indicated to a guy, whom Mi Yeon thought was the tallest out of the group.

“I’ve sent it to the staff and to the president for comments, suggestions, and whatnot. But other that, you’re nearly ready,” the producer got up from his chair

The group sighed in relief. For that second, they forgot about Hyun Ki’s ‘girlfriend’, who was still sat down, earphones out this time.


Eyeliner guy cleared his throat and asked Hyun Ki, “Uhm, hyung, aren’t you gonna introduce us?”

“Oh, this is Mi Yeon,” Hyun Ki beckoned her to come over, and she walked next to him, “Why don’t you introduce yourself?”

“Anyeonghaseyo, Shim Mi Yeon imnida,” She bowed 90 degrees with her infamous poker face. She might be the ‘cold’ girl that people depicted her to be, but she didn’t forget her manners – showing it in a uh, different way.

“This group’s called EXO, divided into two groups; EXO-K and EXO-M, for Korean and Mandarin. They’re debuting sometime this year; the date’s yet to be decided.”

“Oh.” Was all she could say

It became silent for a while until a guy stepped out from the group and held out his hand with a smile, “It’s nice to meet you, Mi Yeon-ssi. I’m Suho, leader of EXO K,”

Mi Yeon shaked his hand and replied, “Nice to meet you too,”

Following the leader's actions, everyone started introducing themselves, still amazed at how good-looking she was

The boy with the chestnut hair earlier said, “I’m Baekhyun, lead vocalist,”

“Chan Yeol imnida, the best, funniest, derpest, and most handsome out of EXO,” Another tall guy shook her hands happily while the others argued behind him, “I hope we can be friends!”

“D.O, or you can call me Kyungsoo, the umma for these idiots,” He pointed to the bunch, with his large eyes

“I’m Kai, the main dancer,” 

He kinda looks like SHINee’s Taemin, Mi Yeon thought

“My name’s Oh Sehun, vocalist, and maknae of EXO K,” Sehun bowed politely


“Now, for EXO M,” Hyun Ki said


“I’m the leader of EXO M, Kris. I hope we can get along,” The tallest guy nodded

“Xiumin imnida,” Bun face waved at her

ANOTHER tall boy with a baby-like features stepped out and bowed, “I’m Lu Han, please feel comfortable around us. We don’t bite,”

“My name’s Lay, or you can call me Yixing. I like to dance,” Dimples appeared on the male’s face as he smiled

“It’s nice to meet you, Mi Yeon-ssi. I’m Chen, one of the lead vocalists,” The guy with the black hair and straight expression said

“And uhm, I’m Tao, the youngest in EXO M,” The maknae introduced himself slowly, an accent evident from his voice


Mi Yeon had to admit, they were all good looking in their own ways. But she didn’t understand why she had to be here, I mean, she nearly fell asleep during their recording. Fan girls would die to be in her place right now, being in the presence of rising idols. 


Hyun Ki clapped his hands together, “Okay! So now you know EXO. Each of them has been training for years, and they’re on their way to their debut. Treat them well, Minnie,” he nodded at the girl, “And vice versa,” he sent a look to the group of boys


“We don’t have any schedules for the rest of the day, what do you guys want to do now?” Suho asked

“Why don’t we just stay here? I want to know more about Mi Yeon-ssi!” Chanyeol jumped in excitement

Suddenly, Hyun Ki’s stomach grumbled, “Can we go to the canteen? I’m hungry,”

Mi Yeon looked at her brother with an eyebrow raised, “We just had lunch earlier,”

“Earlier is earlier, and now is now. Let’s goooo,” He headed for the door, the others following

She sighed as she took her stuff with her and followed on as well


She walked next to her brother as they passed through the hallways again. The staff rushed in different ways, but never forgetting to stare at the beautiful girl with Hyun Ki. They murmured amongst themselves about the rumour. So it’s true, they thought


“I’m guessing Mi Yeon-ssi’s already known around the company?” Chen whispered to Lu Han

“Well, it is surprising, you have to admit. Girls think that Hyun Ki ge’s handsome, and were surprised when he didn’t have a girlfriend. We all were,” Lu Han replied, thankful that they’re at the back so that the others can’t hear them

“She’s pretty though, isn’t she?” Kai turned around and muttered

The two nodded in agreement; Hyun Ki and Mi Yeon looked good together

Oh, if only they knew.


They got to the canteen where there were still some trainees, staff, along with Super Junior and f(x) too.

Hyun Ki’s group settled on a long table near the window, with enough seats for the fourteen of them

Mi Yeon chose the seat nearest to the window, Chan Yeol next to her, and Hyun Ki on the opposite.

“Are you guys gonna get something?” Hyun Ki asked

“I’ll just get it for them. Suho and Xiumin hyung, can you come with me?” Kyungsoo said, since he won’t be able to hold all the food

“What about you?” The producer looked at Mi Yeon

“I’ll go with you,” She replied, knowing she won’t be able to handle the questions and small talk that EXO’s gonna give her if Hyun Ki's not there

Everyone in the room practically stared at them as they walked to the counter, admiring the girl along the way


Members from Super Junior, and f(x) slowly crowded around EXO with wide eyes. Somehow, Hyun Ki with a girlfriend was a BIG deal to everyone.

“So it’s true?!” Luna exclaimed, excited

“Shh, keep your voice down. You don’t want them to hear,” Donghae looked at the ‘couple’ to make sure

“Yeah, I think it’s true. We just saw them like an hour ago,” Baekhyun replied

“Is she nice?” Sulli whispered

“Well, she’s not much of a talker. Different from hyung,” Sehun said

Shindong chewed his chips and nodded at  Mi Yeon, “Can you introduce us when she gets back?”


The other five got back from getting their food with tray handful of food, especially Kyungsoo, Suho, and Xiumin. 12 boys have big appetites after all.

Mi Yeon only got another milkshake and a chicken sandwich while Hyun Ki had the same but with an addition of soup, and a slice of cake. 

“Pig,” Mi Yeon muttered when Hyun Ki paid for all of it five minutes ago


They sat down and the boys immediately dug in to their food, Super Junior and f(x) took the tables nearest to them, waiting for them to finish first.

“If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you, Mi Yeon-ssi?” Kris indicated after sipping his drink

“I’m 20 years old. And please, no formalities,” She took a bite of her sandwich. More or less, she expected these questions from them.


The door suddenly burst open to find SNSD and SHINee panting altogether their fingers pointing at Hyun Ki, “You have a girlfriend?!"

Mi Yeon didn’t mind when strangers in streets thought that her and Hyun Ki were a couple, because they didn’t know them anyways. But she was rather surprised when the others in the company assumed, since Hyun Ki was pretty much best buddies with everyone. He would’ve told them, right?


The groups walked towards them, while the staff and trainees watched in interest.


Mi Yeon glared at her brother with a frown, “Hyun Ki, what the hell?” 

Author's Note: 

Yep, it seems to be that big of a deal. XD 

I think this is the longest chapter I've wrote so far... 


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Chapter 7: This story is really interesting and i really like the way you write the chapters!! Update soon~!!! :)
guiltyNaNa #2
Chapter 4: cant wait for the nxt chapter.. update soon author-nim...
cant wait to readd ;D