The Boy Who Cried Wolf

once upon a time

"The wolves are here! Run for your lives!"

Jongdae hollered down the waiting room corridor, creating a commotion as the other idols opened their doors and looked out. Most idols were baffled after realising what was going on. EXO had arrived at the broadcasting station and was walking towards their waiting room. 

"AHA! Trolled you guys! We are one! We are EXO!!" Jongdae yells and runs back to the waiting room. 

"The wolves are here! Run for your lives!" Jongdae hollered again, this time at a different broadcasting station. Some idols opened their door again to see what was the commotion about. They sighed as they see Jongdae wearing a wolf mask running about. They slammed the doors at him. 

"AHA! Trolled again! We are one! We are EXO!!" Jongdae yells and runs back to the waiting room. 

"The wolves are here! Run for your lives!" Jongdae hollered once more, dressed up as wolf and running down the corridor of a different broadcasting station. This time, there was no idol that opened the doors of their waiting rooms. Instead, EXO's manager came out and hit Jongdae, shouting "I found the wolf! I found the wolf! Capture him!". The rest of the EXO members came over and carried him back into the waiting room. 

"NOOOOO..." Jongdae struggled as he got carried back. 

Written by: infinitelykyoungjae

Author's note: Well lookie, we have Jongdae the troll in da house. Karma bites, so Jongdae got a taste of his own medicine! A story inspired by The Boy Who Cried Wolf as well as Jongdae's quirky personality, this REALLY short story is just in time EXO's Wolf comeback! Keep the comments coming and thank you for reading! My style's really different from Vivian 'cause I prefer comedy ;) So do expect a vast contrast!

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