Weird Changes..........

Bring It On, Ben Ben

                                                                                           Author's POV

                  As you walked inside that school, you noticed a lot of people were staring at you and some group of boys whispering to one another. You thought to yourself: Why is everyone staring at me? Is it my hair or my outfit? I just wear the same old outfits, but different colors almost everyday. Ehhh, maybe it's because I didn't have my glasses today. I should find Tiffany and Jessica..... As you were heading to your class, you saw Tiffany and Jessica. ? So, you decided to walk up to them. "Hey guys!"

                 "Uhhh.......... do we know you?"

                "Oh come on, Pink Princess..........."

                "(your name)............."

               "Finally, the Ice Princess got it!"

                "Yah,when did you get contact lenses?! And stop calling me that!"

               "Yesterday. Why?"

              "Why didn't you call me? We could have been shopping!!!!"

             "What?! But we had went on Saturday though.............."

           "I have to agree with Tiffany on this. We could have- Omo, who are they?......"As the three of you turned around, there were six guys walking towards your direction and one of them look familiar. They were in this formation:  k_bap_oneshot.png

            "J-Jongup?......" They cam closer to you and one of them stopped. "OH?, your name) you go here, too?"

                "Wait, you guys are the new transferred students?..........."

                "Yeah." said the one in a husky voice.

                -The bell rings- 

               "Well, let's get to Geometry class." said the tall one.

              "What the hell? That's where I'm going......"

             "That's great, (your name)! We could be math buddies in there!"

            "Omg.......come on, Tiffany and Jessica. Let's get there before we're late again............."

            "Yo, wait for us!!!!!" You thought: Great, what have I gotten myself into............. You walked up to seat and found Kris sitting at his usual seat. You were going to sit down until,..... "Yah, what the hell are you doing here?!"

           "Well, Mr. Ben Ben. That's my seat!!!!"

           "(your name)........."

           "Woah, (your name). Since when did you wear contact lenses. You look better than before." 

            "Yesterday you mean and what does that supposed to mean, Chanyeol?"

            "He was supposed to say you look cuter without your glasses." and Suho smiled. 

           You smiled back and said, "Thanks, Suho." Kris looked at you in confusion and thought: Wow, she does looks even cuter and more beautiful without her glasses........., I think I'm falling her. Why is she smiling at Suho? Why Am I being like this to her?.............

           As the teacher was coming the classroom, you and the others were sit down and you saw the six boys coming in. "Class, settle down, now. We have six new students and please introduce yourselves." Most of the girls started to spazz in happiness, including Tiffany and Jessica, while you just sit there. 

          "Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Choi Jun Hong, but I prefer Zelo." So that's the tall guy's name.......

          "Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Jung Daehyun."

          "Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Bang Yongguk." So that's the husky guy's name.............

          "Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Kim Himchan."

          "Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Yoo Youngjae."

          "Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Moon Jongup." And most of the girl's screams becomes louder, just like when Exo makes an entrance to the school. "Okay, Jongup, you're going to sit in front of (your name). (your name), could you raise your hand?" You slowly raised your hand and Jongup started to walk to his seat ,while Mr.Lee continued to tell where the rest to sit. "Annyeong, (your name)."


          As he sat down, he turned around to you and said, "Looks like we're going to be seat buddies after all," and winks before turns back to face the teacher. You thought: What the hell was that all about?...... You felt someone staring at you so you turned around. So, you turned around and saw Tiffany and Jessica staring at you with a confused face. The three of you started to mouth words to each other. "(your name), since when did you know this hottie in front of you?"

         "Omg, Jessica. Just give me a break for once."

         "Gosh, (your name), you have to tell us everything when lunch comes."

        "Sigh, fine, Tiffany, but don't even think about what's going to happen to me." and turned around.

         Kris, on the other hand was thinking too much in his mind about what had just happened: How the does he know (your name)? Why did he just wink at her? Why am I feeling so jealous now?  As usual in class, you kept writing down notes on the board, while Kris kept playing with your hair, which you got used to and didn't bother want to talk to him.


         The first four classes went by fast and Jongup had the first three classes with you. Finally, lunch had came and you got what you wanted to eat: some kimbap, dukbokki, and a bottle of water since you didn't feel like eating a lot today.You were about to leave until a boy stopped in front of you. He just gave you a letter and walked away. "Huh?, what's this?" You just walked out and saw Jessica and Tiffany. You walked to them and they immediately stared at you with curiosity. "Yah, how did Jongup know you?

          "Omg, is he your boyfrined?

           "No, Jessica, he's not my boyfrined and we met yesterday.........."


         "Yah, why the hell are you so curious about my life?"

         "Omo, you got a letter.Ohhhh, it's from a boy, huh?" You just nodded as you took a bite of your kimbap.

         "OMG, you got a confession from a guy." said Tiffany as she was reading your letter. 

         "Yah!!!! WHY THE HELL ARE READING IT?!!!!!!!"


         "Ayo, (your name)." you turned around and saw Jongup and the other five boys from the first class. "Aigoo, were we bother you and your friends?"

        "Oh no, Himchan. We were just reading a letter that (your name) got from a boy on her way to lunch."

         "YAH, JESSICA!!!!!!"

         "Omo, noona got a confession?" 

        "Damn it, not you too Zelo..............."

        "Omo, I don't need to introduce myself then. Noona, I want some kimbap."

        "Zelo, just eat your cherry tomatoes........"

        "Fine, but I'm going to sit with (your name) noona since you  wouldn't let me have a kimbap." As they got comfortable, you all got to know each other and you found out that they called themselves B.A.P., which you didn't know why, but thought it quite suit them as a group. When Exo came, the conversation had died out. All of Exo, but Kris seemed to be happy that B.A.P. were here. "Sup, Yongguk."

          "Sup, Suho. You're gonna join us."

          "Why are you here, Bang Yongguk?"

          "What? Can't I sit with my new friends?"

          "Woah, calm down, Yongguk hyung and Kris, what's up with you?"

          "Damn it, can't you all just sit you down?!" Suddenly, everyone was looking at you. , what the did I just do..............

          "Yeah, I agree with (your name), here. Come on, let's just chill..........."said Kai. Throughout the whole lunch, it was quiet and you, Tiffany, and Jessica were "talking" (reading each other's mind) 

           "(your name), what the hell was that all about?"

           "Ugh, I don't know, Jessica......."

           "Are you guys reading each other's minds?....."

          "Who the was that? Tiffany, were you talking like that? I didn't even know your voice could do that."

           "Mwoh? that wasn't me........."

           "So if wasn't you or Jessica or me then..........." you looked all around you and you noticed Luhan was staring at you.

           "Hello, I could actually hear you guys........"

           "What the , how the hell did you know we were talking like that?"

           "Well, I got my ways............"

           "Weird,.....Yah, (your name), what are you going to tell the guy who gave you the letter?"

           "Omo, (your namegot a letter from someone? Oh, interesting."

           "Shut up, Luhan."

           "Okay, are we all going to sit here in silence or is someone going to ing talk?" Everyone's eyes went to D.O.

           "D.O, I didn't know you cuss................"

           "Well, we've been silent for a pretty long time and it's boring, don't you agree Sehun?......"

           You leaned to Zelo and whispered, "Zelo, why does Yongguk and Kris looks like they don't get along with each other or something?"

           "Well,.........they don't like each other because they used to like the same girl."

           "So what does that have to do with them?"

           "She cheated on the both of them at the same time............."

          "Ohh,....................., but shouldn't they forget about that situation though?"

          "Well, things got worse."


          "Well, let's just say that it's a competition between the both of them....."

          "Ugh, they're being ridiculous............."

         -The bell rings- 

         "Oh? Lunch already ended? Awww, I don't wanna go to class.........."

          "Come on, Sehun. Let's go. See y'all later."

                                                                                                    -Later in Dance Class-

            "Class, get with your partners now and I wanna introduce you guys some new students."

             You thought to yourself: ! I forgot about that. Ugh why do I have to deal with him.......... All of you got with your partners and you suddenly saw six guys coming into the class. "Okay, class. I assume most of you guys know who they are so, I guess they don't need to introduce themselves. Since they aren't enough people to do couple dancing, I'm going to change some things." Finally, I hope I don't have to be with Ben Ben....... "You are going to be in groups and figure your own choreography."

             Kris got pissed and said in his mind: , after these six punks had came, they had to ruin the moment where I could be with (your name)! 

            "First, let's get the girls on the left and the boys on the right," and everyone did as they were told. "OKay, this would be your group from now on." Yes! I don't have to be with Ben Ben. Wah, Kahi. You're not a bad teacher after all.......

              Throughout the entire dance class, you and the girls were having fun and Jessica told them about the letter you got from a boy. Sure you were annoyed with that, but at least you didn't have to be with Kris. You looked up to the wall mirror (or whatever it's called) and was about to fix your hair until you saw Yongguk staring at your group. You thought he was dozing off, so you just ignored him and fixed your hair. Even though your group talked about shopping and figure out what song to dance to, time had went fast and you decided to just gather you stuff and not change into your uniform. You were about to leave the school until a couple of guys ran up to you. "Huh? What's going on?" They just gave you their letters and ran away. "Not again............" You just went home and took a nap in your room, hoping it was just a dream.

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Chapter 53: beautiful fanfic!!!! hehehehehehe....
Chapter 50: OMG!!!!!!!!!! Kris and Violet are siblings!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 24: hwaiting!!! Kris oppa
Chapter 6: hehehehehe... love it!!!
Exotic_96H #5
Chapter 14: Am I the only one who thinks this story should be turned into a drama...? Anyway I looooved it !! <3
ReinaPark #6
Chapter 53: woooowww... this was so great love this much
Chapter 54: new story is here my fellow lovely readers and/or subscribers!!!!!!!!!!!
biancabeybe #8
Chapter 47: Hope nothing happens to the baby.... :|
Chapter 46: lol her and Brian's convo though~ and O_O someone just had to like kidnap her... -_-