My Weekend

Bring It On, Ben Ben

                 Since there's going to be a lot of description in this story and I can't describe things very great and precisely, just try to bear with me and get the most out of it or think of something that would similar to it.......


                                                                             Your POV

              Finally, Saturday came. Gosh I should rest more since I see some dark circles forming around my eyes.

           -------phone rings-------


            "Hey, (your name), it's me, Jessica. Do you wanna come out with me and Tiffany to the mall?"

            "The mall? Hmmm,.......let me ask my grandma first. Brb." As I was walking out of my room, I saw my grandma heading to my room and said, "It's ok, you should go hang out with your friends and have fun."

            "But, what about you? I don't want to leave you alone and what about my chores?"

            "It's okay, (your name). Your grandma and I will be fine and you can just come back home finish them."

           As I hug the both of them, I said, "Thanks harabonim and harabuji!!!"

             "Your welcome, and don't come back late. Better be back by 11."

             "Got it. Hey Jessica, I'm on my way." When I was about seven, my parents died in a car crash on their way back from their friend's place. Even though I didn't know much about the details since I don't recall about what had happened. My doctor told me that I had amnesia after the accident and I don't remember anything about the accident. Luckily, my grandparents had an extra room that I could use and I love them so much because without them, I would have been in an orphanage or my drunk uncle. I hope they're watching me and lead me to a good life. Gosh, I wish they were here to see me........ Anyway, I just wore favorite white V-neck shirt, a pair of pink denim jeans, and slipped on my black converse. I grabbed my bag that had my wallet full of money, my mini make-up kit that Tiffany bought me for my birthday last year, my keys, and phone. After I gave my lovely grandparents a hug, I ran out the door and saw Tiffany and Jessica outside.

                  "Okay, let's go!!!!!!!"

             As we got to the mall, the three of us went crazy and got too addicted it that we had to take a rest at the food court. Then food court, my miracle for my soul......... I decided to get a large strawberry smoothie and some dukbokki since we would be go crazy shopping again. I had so much fun with the girls until I heard a voice, "Well who do we have here?" Damn it! I just needed a day away from them....... Even though they twelve of them dressing casually and I saw Kris wearing headphones and that's good thing that he's wearing them so he wouldn't have to hear me scream at him in public. Although he does look good- Wait, why the hell and I admiring his looks? Ugh whatever, I'm going to eat more dukbokki.... 

                "Can we sit here?" all of them said in unison.

                 "Of course!!!!" Damn it, Jessica and Tiffany. Oh whatever, I'm just gonna ignore them for now.

               "What brought you guys here today to shop?" said Tiffany

                "Well, we all were dragged here because of Tao....."

                 "Gosh, Kai. And yeah, I wanted to for some new bags at Gucci"

                  "Really? Jessica and I were going to go there,but someone needed a quick stop....." and I felt Tiffany staring at me.

                "Yah, we were running around the shop since we got here at 9 and we should rest for a while. You guys go first, then."

                "Hey, Tao. Wanna go with us? I heard that if you buy two bags, you get the other one 30% off..."

                 "Chinja?! Let's go then!!!!!!" and he drags Suho with him.

                 "Yah, stop walking fast. Omma is tired!!!"

                   As soon as the rest left, I felt relieved for a while that I could rest a little longer and do some alone shopping until I heard.......

                  "What the hell? Where are the others?!"

                  I slowly turned around to the left and saw Kris. Ugh, why am I stuck with him. Can't I just get a day where I don't have to be with him. "What?" He just kept on staring at me and he leaned closer. As I moving back, I don't know why my heart was beating fast. Suddenly, I saw Kris's thumb, touching the corner of my lips and saw him it.........


                 "Yah!!!! What the hell was that for?!"

                  "You had something on your face." 

                  "YOU COULD OF TOLD ME THAT AND I WOULD HAVE  USED A NAPKIN!!!" I saw him turning around to his left. What the hell is wrong with him, but mostly, what the hell is wrong with me? Why is my heart beating faster?

                                                                                                        Kris's POV

                  As I turned around to the other side so (your name) wouldn't see me, my heart started to beat faster and I didn't know what got into me to do this such thing. , I need to keep my cool. Do I like her? A part of me wanted to that again, but the other part went crazy....... Gosh, what the hell am I going to do?..... She might think I'm a ert or a weirdo now. Damn it, I need to figure out what is my heart doing.......

                                                                                                        Author's POV

           There was awkward silence with the both of you until you heard a girl's voice calling for Kris. As soon Kris heard his name, he pulled you and started run, but you stopped him. 

             "What the hell are you doing?" 

             "We need to hide.NOW!"

             "Why though?"

            "I SAID NOW!"

            "Wait, let me get my stuff first." As you were putting the lid to cover the dukbokki then put it in your bag and grabbed your smoothie, Kris immediately dragged you and ran like crazy. You didn't know why he was hiding and it wasn't like him to be hiding from someone. Finally after running for about 10 minutes, he pulled you inside the photo booth and you started to question him. "Ben Ben, who the hell are you running from?"


          "And who is this someone? Your girlfriend?"

          Out of nowhere, Kris starts to get closer that his lips were about a couple of inches away from yours. "shut up or I'll use my lips to make you you shut up......."

           "Oh really?"

            He got even closer and said, "Try me, then......." You just went silent at the end, but you heard your heart beat faster and thought: Why the hell is my heart beating like this again? Why the hell is he even that close to me? Oh what the hell am I going to do now?

           On the other hand, in Kris's mind: Why the hell am I like this? Damn, why is my heart beating fast? Can she hear it, though? I hope not...... Damn, why is her lips.......... her lips so cute and...... , what the hell is wrong with me? Why the am I thinking about her lips? Why do I have this urge to kiss them?

           The both of you stand in the booth for a pretty long time and you finally broke the silence, "Are you gonna look if she's there or we're just gonna stand here?" He looked outside slowly and came out slowly.

          "Mind telling me what's going on?"

          "Sigh......... she's one of those..... I guess you can call her a saesang fan......."

          You help but laugh about this whole "saesang fan" situation that Kris was in and it took you a while to reply. "OMG, didn't know that was going to happen, but really?" He just glares at you and you forgot that you were supposed to meet up with the others at Gucci. You then called Tiffany.

             "Tiffany, I'm coming to Gucci now." 

             "Huh? We just left to go to sing at the karaoke......"

            "Moh?!?!?! You got to be freaking kidding me......."

            "Well, have fun with Kris while me and Jessica are having fun at the karaoke. Bye!"

             "YAH!!!WHY THE HE-" and Tiffany ended the call, but you got a message from Jessica.

            To: (your name)

            From: Jessica =)

                 Hey, (your name),

                   Sorry we had to leave you with Kris, but the guys suggested that it was best to leave. Keke, I guess they knew it, too. Don't even try to deny the fact about him. Just let fate do the magic, I guess. I know you love us =D. Sarangheyou and don't even try finding us!!!~<3


            "What the hell now?" You just hand over your phone to him and he cursed under breath.

           "Now what, Ben Ben?"

           "How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?"

          "Hmph, I don't want to be around with you" and you stick your tongue and walked away.

         Kris smirked and thought: Why do you have to be so cute?........... and catches up to you. As you were walking faster so Kris wouldn't have to be sticking with. However, you saw a bunch of kids riding their bicycle fast on the sidewalk and you felt someone's grip on your arm............

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Chapter 53: beautiful fanfic!!!! hehehehehehe....
Chapter 50: OMG!!!!!!!!!! Kris and Violet are siblings!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 24: hwaiting!!! Kris oppa
Chapter 6: hehehehehe... love it!!!
Exotic_96H #5
Chapter 14: Am I the only one who thinks this story should be turned into a drama...? Anyway I looooved it !! <3
ReinaPark #6
Chapter 53: woooowww... this was so great love this much
Chapter 54: new story is here my fellow lovely readers and/or subscribers!!!!!!!!!!!
biancabeybe #8
Chapter 47: Hope nothing happens to the baby.... :|
Chapter 46: lol her and Brian's convo though~ and O_O someone just had to like kidnap her... -_-