The Signal

Bring It On, Ben Ben

                                                                                Author's POV

      It has been about four days that you have been missing. Even though you were being beaten the crap out by Violet, L.Joe feeds you even though you puked the food out. He was clueless of why you were acting like this for the past four days. 

"(your name)............ why are you acting like this for the past few days?..............."


"(your name).............." L.Joe was going to cup your face until you looked at the other side.

"If I tell you, ou're going to be shocked.........."

"(your name)............. are you........." He glanced at your stomach and then looked at you again. You just nodded and L.Joe started to drop to the floor, couldn't believe what he just heard........... She's..............pregnant.............

"You can say or do whatever you want, but I'm still going to ignore you after doing this to me............." L.Joe was about to say something until Violet had came in.

"Well well,.......... guess someone isn't eating properly..............." You just glared at Violet while L.Joe was freaking out a little since he was worried that she would do something to you

"What do you want now?........."

"I'm just curious now, (your name)..............tell me........ why are you puking the food out?...... that just hurts my pride since I'm being nice to you........."


"There's two reasons that you're puking your food out.............." You started to worry, but kept a straight face. "Either you're not eating properly because you have anorexia.......or.................." You got even more worried. "'re pregnant............"

You started to freak out and didn't know what to do since you couldn't think of a response yet. "What are you going to do?........ Kill me?........."

"Nu-uh......... you're going to suffer slowly by my hands........" She started to walk around you. "Because if you're pregnant........." Violet started to say something to your ear in a threatening way. "I'll be cutting your stomach up and............kill that baby............" You started to shiver a little and L.Joe started to freak out. You couldn't think of anything else to say. Mianhe, baby............ forgive omma for this..........

"Yes............." Violet started to back away from you.

"(your name).............."

Violet was to pull out her knife until you said something "I have...................." You turned around to face Violet  while she was about to stab you. ".......anorexia..........." Violet stopped and had quickly hide her knife back.

"Well that's good to hear then............." She flashed a smile and then walked to L.Joe. You were relived as you were holding onto your bracelet that Hyuna gave you..............

"Take care after her........... I have a photo shoot now..........." As she was walking away, L.Joe looked at her as you were holding to your bracelet until you felt something weird on the bracelet. That's weird.............. why does it feel there's a button...................wait.............. OMG, Hyuna!!!!!!!!!!!! You're a genius!!!!!!!!!!!!

        On the other hand, the rest of the members were at your place and good thing that Girls' Generation doesn't have any schedules today. Everyone was struggling to know where you went and all of them weren't able to sleep. Suddenly, someone rang the bell. Jieun ran to the door to open it, thinking it was you, until she saw her other friends. 

"Jieun................" Jieun started to hug Hana as she started to cry as they all walked in the house.

"There's still isn't a call about (your name)?​.............." Jieun shooked her head and Sunhwa started to get pissed.

"What is this trying to do to (your name)?!?!?!?!?!?!..........."Hyosung started to rage.

"We haven't received any calls from Violet and.............." Kris started to break down after he heard what Jongup said. The rest of the members started to comfort Kris, even Y0ngguk.

"Even though we don't get along.............. we should hurry and find her............Kris............" Kris just looked up at Yongguk and nodded. Everything started to become silence again until there was a ringing noise in the room. 

"AISH,............WHY IS THE DAMN PHONE RINGING AT THIS ING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hyuna looked at her phone at she was about to throw the phone across the phone until she saw something strange on her phone. "What the ?..........a tracking device?..............."

"What the?......... Hyuna did you steal the tracking device that I made?!?!?!?!"

"Yah!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't, Hyunseung oppa!!!!!!!!!!! Wait............ since when did you make it?........"

"Yah!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not the ing right time to talk about this............." said Suho.

"Just hold up!!!!!!!!!!!!" said Hyuna and Hyungseung together.

"Since when did you make it, oppa?"

"I made that after a couple of weeks that you had met (your name)." 

"What did you use to make that tracking device?"

"The bracelet that was on kitchen counter."

"What the ?!?!?!?! That bracelet was for-" Hyuna stopped and suddenly realized something.

"What is it, Hyuna?............" Seohyun asked with a concern look.

" the bracelet the one with hearts and stars on it?......." 

"Yeah?.......wae?" Hyuna then smiled and hugged Hyungseng, leaving the rest clueless about the situation. 

"Oppa, you're so freaking smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"What the are you talking about?............."

"That bracelet is (your name)'s and I got a signal!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's (your name)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone got surprised and smiled in relief.

"Yes!!!!!!!!!! I can get the specific locations......." Hyungseung had stopped smiling.

"What's wrong, hyung?" said Kai.

"The only problem is that we need the computer that's left at my place......" Everyone had stopped smiling and Jieun just walked towards to Hyuna.

"Unnie, what's the coordinates?" Hyuna had tunred her phone on and gave the phone to Jieun. Jieun started to type something on her phone and then a message had popped up on her phone.

"Hyosung, look at this............" as Jieun started to walk to Hyosung who was sitting between Hana and Sunhwa. All of them started to give each other smiles.

"Bingo........." everyone but EXO and BAP had catched on and started to smile.

"YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!Why are you guys smiling!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Oh, you guys are so freaking slow............." said Taeyeon.

" you're saying that you know..........." the rest of them started to nod their heads and everyone felt relief.

"Oppa, don't you remember? I had did this before since Hyuna and (your name) had taught us this a little.........." Yongguk started to walk over to Jieun and hugged her. 

Yongguk started to whisper something to her ear. "Since when my girl is this ing y?.........." He was about to kiss her until someone had interrupted them.

"Don't want to spoil the lovey-dovey here, but........" D.O started to look over at Kris who looked away from the stuaton since it made him think about you more.

" bad."

"It's all right,................Yongguk..........." Kris and Yongguk started to look at each other, but this time, they weren't pissed at each other.

"Okay......let's get to work then, shall we?.............." Everyone started to form together and make the plan as soon as Baekhyun finished his words..........

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Chapter 53: beautiful fanfic!!!! hehehehehehe....
Chapter 50: OMG!!!!!!!!!! Kris and Violet are siblings!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 24: hwaiting!!! Kris oppa
Chapter 6: hehehehehe... love it!!!
Exotic_96H #5
Chapter 14: Am I the only one who thinks this story should be turned into a drama...? Anyway I looooved it !! <3
ReinaPark #6
Chapter 53: woooowww... this was so great love this much
Chapter 54: new story is here my fellow lovely readers and/or subscribers!!!!!!!!!!!
biancabeybe #8
Chapter 47: Hope nothing happens to the baby.... :|
Chapter 46: lol her and Brian's convo though~ and O_O someone just had to like kidnap her... -_-