Cinema Date: Just Jinwan & Jieun

Love Alone


“Ah! My back is breaking! Detention is finally over!” Jin Wan complained as he stretched his back.

“Hey! Let’s go for dinner and then catch a night movie! I wanna watch Death Bell2!! We are 18! Ahh!!” Ji Eun shrieked with excitement.

“Sure! I’m so hungry ㅠㅠDeath Bell 2!! Yayy!!” Jin Wan replied excitedly, jumping up and down like a 5-year-old.

You became excited too and almost agreed, but you remembered that you had to start working at the club tonight.

“Er…sorry guys I don’t think I’m joining you guys again tonight. I’m so tired and my knees still hurt a little from the fall just now…so I wanna go home and rest. You two go ahead. I’m not really interested in Death Bell 2 anyway...I’m sort of…scared.  Haha. ” you lied.

“Aww…it’s okay. I’ll go with Jin Wan then. Have a good rest” Ji Eun smiled.

“Yea, rest well!” Jin Wan patted your shoulders.

The three of you parted at the school gate. Jin Wan and Ji Eun went off to the mall while you walked home.


In the cinema..

“Ahhh!” Ji Eun screamed when she saw the gruesome corpse of the dead sudent hanging down from the ceiling. She hugged Jin Wan and buried her face into his chest.

Jin Wan blushed uncontrollably. When Ji Eun realized that she was hugging him, she quickly released and returned to her position. They looked at each other and quickly turned away blushing.


After the movie..

“Hey! I’m hungry again…My stomach is growlingㅠㅠLet’s eat supper!” Ji Eun said as she grabbed Jin Wan and pulled him to a Japanese restaurant nearby.

Jin Wan’s cheeks turned red instantly as he looked at Ji Eun’s hand on his wrist. Blood rushed to his face as his heart started beating faster and faster.

“Here we are!” Ji Eun stopped. “Let’s eat here!” She grinned as she pulled Jin Wan into the restaurant. They got a seat by the window and ordered lots of sushi.

Jin Wan watched Ji Eun as she stuffed sushi into and started talking about random stuff.

*She’s so cute when she eats…*Jin Wan thought to himself.

“This is Jason oppa’s favourite restaurant. He used to bring me here frequently when I was young. But too bad he had to go to the U.S to study…I miss him so much!” Ji Eun started talking about her childhood life with you and your brother, Jason.

“YA! Stop it!” Jin Wan slammed the table and shouted all of a sudden.

Ji Eun stopped talking immediately and her eyes widened. She was puzzled and did not know why Jin Wan got so angry. He had never shouted at her before, never once since they became best friends in middle school.

Jin Wan too was shocked at his own behavior.

*Did I just shout at Ji Eun?! What?! Omg I hope she’s not angry. Argh why did I do that?!* He scolded himself in his heart.

Usually, he would only get a little angry when Ji Eun mentioned Jason, but this time he was furious. 

“So-Sorry” Jin Wan stuttered as he looked down at his food and started eating non-stop.

“It’s…okay…” Ji Eun replied, puzzled.

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Chapter 19: iloooooooveeeeeeittttt.... please update <3
choxolatecandy #2
Hyun Jin and jiyeon are cute <3 but I'm really sorry for him at the end :[
Please update!
X5 + Jiyeon = Hot Combination
keep it up!!
MandyUCMA #5
Are you going to update this any time soon? :(
ilovelove #6
Please update! I like this story!
Mblaqlover0609 #7
UPDATE ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
Zin is definitely jealous ! Btw…i love ur story ((: