Meeting you.

My dear friend, I fell for you.
First day of school. Jongup was new there. He didn't know anyone. He had just moved there from his previous town so.. he had to make some friend but he wasn't the type of guy who talked to everyone. He was shy so he had some problems to find new friends.
The first time he had sawn Zelo was when he first entered school. He was walking on his own, didn't notice anyone else. Until he bumped into someone. Into a very tall someone.
"Hey. Watch your step, idiot." Exclaimed this someone, with a loud voice while Jongup tried to excuse himself, lowering his head. He couldn't even look up at the other boy because he was as red as a tomato and was really ashamed. First day of school: first poor figure.
"..I'm..sorry.." He said shyly, everyone was watching him, he felt like the whole school was staring at him and he felt so embarassed. He wasn't used to this and he didn't want to get used to this. He wasn't the kind of guy who liked company, he was always with the same three or four friends, nothing more. He didn't want to get attention just because he was clumsy or because he was new. In the movies the new guy or girl always received a lot of attention from everyone, but he hoped that wouldn't happen in real life.
The other didn't say anything else and walked away, leaving him alone, in the middle of the corridor. Jongup raised his head. He hadn't even seen the other's face, he had just seen a blond and curly head walking away. He heard someone laugh at his back, probably some guy who thought he was ridiculous. Good job, Jongup, you're doing great! He mentally slapped himself and turned away.
"Hey.. you okay?" Another boy said, walking near him.
"..ow.. yeah. Thanks." He tried to smile at the other who just smiled back.
"Don't worry about him.. I mean. Yeah, he's a bit rude but he's not that bad, if you don't mess with him. Just try to stay away from him from now on. Zelo is the type of guy who gets easily annoyed. Oh.. by the way, I'm Youngjae."
Zelo.. so his name was Zelo ? 
Jongup smiled again, nodding his head as Youngjae kept talking and bowed slighlty when he introduced himself. "I'm Jongup. I'm.. new."
"Yeah, I've never seen you here. Welcome to our school, then." Joked the older. "Want to see the school?" He asked, trying to be polite.
Jongup couldn't even answer because another guy popped into the conversation and shook Youngjae's body.
"Heeeey, we're going to be late if you don't move, babo!" Said the other guy and Jongup saw the way he tried to act cute but failed, because he burst into laughter.
Youngjae turned to face the other guy, who he called Daehyun, and told him something that Jongup didn't understand. Something about some school project or similar things. Then he turned towards Jongup again and apologized.
"Sorry Jongup, I have to go.. but I'll wait for you at the gate after the lessons, ok? So we can talk a bit."
The younger nodded again and waved at him as the two of them started to walk away. That other guy didn't even introduce himself.. well, at least he didn't bump into someone else.
And still.. he was quite happy. He had met a nice guy, right? But that Zelo guy... how could he be so rude? It wasn't like Jongup had spilled something on him or anything like that!
The bell rang and the students started to walk away in their classes, Jongup looked left and right, the corridor became empty in a few seconds.
Where did he have to go? He didn't know where his class was but he didn't know where the secretariat was either.
He started to walk to the stairs and got off the first two steps, but a voice stopped him.
"Hey, are you going to eat at this time?" He automatically turned around and saw a very tall someone. Again. With blonde and curly hair. Was that guy... that Zelo guy?
"..w-what?" He asked, stuttering a little as he felt his cheeks red. How come he was so embarassed?
"..that's the cafeteria, you dumb boy." Said ironically Zelo, raising his eyes to heaven. 
"I mean. You can go there but it's not good to skip the first day of school, you know that, don't you?" He added, with a small smile on his lips. "And if you want to skip.. then bring me along." Zelo laughed silently as he brought his hands through his hair.
Jongup was confused and just nodded, pointing out a small smile.  "..t-thanks. I.." He tried to say something, why was he so damn shy? Zelo was just talking.. normally. He didn't want to look like an idiot so he took a deep breathe and flashed another smile. "I have to go to the secretariat.
" look so dumb." Laughed the taller one, slipping his hands in his pockets. "I'll bring you to the secretariat, if that's what you have to do."
He wanted to reply ''I'm not dumb'' but he preferred to stay quiet, remembering what Youngjae had said to him.
"..yes. ..thanks."  Ok, so. Zelo didn't seem so ...rude. But Youngjae didn't seem the type of guy who just talked randomly about the others. But Jongup didn't know the both of them so.. he didn't know what to think.
They walked in silence, Jongup was too embarassed to say anything and Zelo was.. too immersed in texting with someone so he didn't even notice the silence.
"Can I tell you something?" Asked suddenly Zelo and Jongup raised his head, nodding quietly. Zelo was soooo tall for a teenage. And he himself was too short for his age. He hated his looks but couldn't do anything about it.
"Uh..yes.. I guess."  He answered, slowing down his pace as he noticed that Zelo had stopped walking.
"You're boring. I thought we could talk a bit but you're so quiet. Just not my type, pf." Zelo said, sarcastically. He wasn't joking about that, in fact he was serious. He expected someone who was more.. sociable? Maybe. He wanted to talk with someone but Jongup was so damn calm and.. put anguish. He didn't like those kind of people. 
The older one felt his heart stop. "You're boring"? He opened his mouth but couldn't say anything. Again. "..I-I'm sorry.. y-you were.. and I d-didn't." He couldn't even finish a proper line. Maybe he was really dumb.  
He just didn't want to disturb the other who was texting to someone else, he didn't know he had to say something. Zelo shrugged and showed him a door. "That's the secretariat. See you soon, dumb boy".
Ok, so the first day of school wasn't so bad.
He had met a boy who kept calling him ''dumb'', who told him that he was boring and who yelled at him. Then he arrived late at his first lesson. Fortunately the teacher was kind enough to smile at him and didn't count the delay this time. His classmates were dumber than him and didn't even introduce themeselves properly.  When the lessons finished, he went to the gate and waited for the other boy, who had told him to wait there.
He arrived late because the teacher wanted to talk to him and while Youngjae was walking with Daehyun by his side towards Jongup, he noticed Zelo walking away with his friends, laughing. Their eyes met but Zelo just turned away.
They weren't friends but.. at least ''Bye!'' or something like that could have been nice.
But, at least, he had met Youngjae, who was ok, and that Daehyun guy too. Daehyun was nice, yes, but he kept managing his phone so curiosity took him over and he asked Youngjae who was texting to and Youngjae sighed deeply, while Daehyun wasn't listening.
"His boyfriend" He answered, trying to smile. But something wasn't ok, Jongup noticed that. He didn't want to ask more because they weren't that close and Youngjae could have thought that he was nosy and all, but when Daehyun waved them goodbye and took another street, Youngjae sighed again, shaking slowly his head.
" something wrong?" Jongup said with a low tone, watching his "new friend"'s behaviour.
"..well.." Youngjae smiled sadly and shook again his head.
He told Jongup that he and Daehyun were best friends and that they were always together. He told him about Jiho and his relationship with Daehyun. He told him almost everything, except for one thing.. he didn't say that he loved him. It was too embarassing. He didn't want Jongup to think that he was a loser, unlucky with both friendship and love. He just.. felt so useless, he couldn't do anything for his best friend who was too naive to face reality. Jiho was an .
" I care for him. He's the best person I've ever met. Jiho is nothing compared to him, he doesn't deserve him .."
They parted away as the two of them had to take different direction. Jongup wasn't good with words, but somehow he comforted the other and a smile appeared again on the older's face.
Well, first day, first friend. It wasn't so bad.
Next day, he arrived at school earlier, he didn't want to be late again, but when he got there, there was a huge crowd in the corridor. Somehow he managed to get in front and what he saw was Youngjae punching someone, who, as he guessed, was Jiho. He smiled amused as he raised his thumbs to  encourage him. But suddenly the chemistry teacher stopped everything with a loud yell, and everyone went to their own classes, Jongup included. 
Well.. second day of school. Maybe he would have found a second friend.
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Chapter 3: All of them have been introduced now! I'm glad that tere are interactions between other couples too and that their stories are not completely separated! :)
chanchanxx #2
Chapter 3: this story seems interesting! keep up the good work ^^
baplover2012 #3
Chapter 2: Daehyun is a jerk I can totally picture jongup smiling with thumbs up
Chapter 2: Yes this seems interesting, Ill keep reading if you keep posting ;)
cant wait to keep reading this!! thanks for telling me about your new account