Apartment for two.

My dear friend, I fell for you.

"Himchan, how about your house? Is it expensive? Is eveything okay? How are you doing? How's Youngguk?"
"Eeehi, mum, calm down! I'm okay, everything's okay." He answered, trying not to laugh at his mother's behaviour. He was old enough to live by himself without the concern of his parents. But he still was their little son, the child that they had to raise, in their eyes he was still a kid who needed his parents' affection, so he couldn't blame her.
"Uhm, the house is pretty big." He lied. The house wasn't big. Actually there were just four rooms. The kitchen that was also the saloon, a bathroom and two bedrooms. Yongguk had insisted in buying a house with just one bedroom, it was cheaper, he had said "We can sleep together, it's not a big deal". But actually, it was. Himchan knew that they couldn't. Or at least he would have found a girl laying between himself and Yongguk every morning. That would have been disgusting. So he preferred an house a bit more expensive with a room all for himself.

"And Yongguk.. he's fine." He continued. He knew that his mother cared about his friend. They had grown together, he was like a second child to her.
"Have you already eaten? I can pass by and bring some food!"
"Oh.. nono, it's okay, mum. We're fine, really." He kept answering while she was still talking about the heater and the air conditioner and this and that.
"Oh, my boy. He's a man, now. I'm so proud of you! Please take care Channie, mom misses you." Said his mother and he understood that his mother now was in verge of tears.
"..One of these days I'll visit you. When I have time. Okay?" He promised, politely. His mother agreed and he knew that now she was smiling brightly.
"I'll cook something good for my beautiful son, then. Bring Yongguk too! I haven't seen him in ages."
"Okay, take care mum. Love you" He smiled as he hung up. She was a good person. He loved her a lot. And she was proud of him. That's because she didn't know anything about his... ual preferences. He sighed, throwing himself on his bed.
"It's already nine. Yongguk should be home.." He said to himself, looking at the watch on his wall. Probably he was out with some of those random s. Who were in their same school. "Pf. Since when you can find in school?" He asked even if there was nobody there. He had prepared dinner but he had to eat alone again. He sat on the chair and looked at the food. It looked delicious. He wasn't the best cook in the world, obviously. But he was good enough to satisfy everyone with his food. 
He was jealous of Yongguk. Not because of his life. Yongguk had a lot of friends, of girls ready to date him wherever he turned. He was respected from everyone in school. And Himchan was.. normal. He always went out with the same company, the same friends. Even when he was with Yongguk's company, he was ''his shadow''. Everyone knew him as ''Yongguk's friend'' and not as ''Kim Himchan''. And.. yeah, he was a good looking boy. Even better than Yongguk but somehow everyone preferred his friend. But he didn't really care. Everyone knew he was gay at school, even the teachers knew that. And nobody had ever said anything about it. For a short period of his life there were some rumors in his school. Everyone thought that he and Yongguk were dating secretly because they lived together, but that was nonsense. They were best friends.. Yongguk couldn't think about him as something more, he couldn't ruin their friendship. And he was straight so.. Himchan didn't have any opportunity with him. And that was the problem. He was jealous because those s could touch Yongguk more than him in just one night, even if he had stood by his side for more than ten years.
Unfair, right? Sometimes he just wanted to leave that house and go somewhere else, he couldn't bear seeing the man he loved with someone else. But he didn't have a place to go and he wanted to be brave for once, he didn't want to run away from his "problems".
After his dinner, he directly went to his room. It was only ten but he was so tired and he wanted to relax. But as he closed his eyes ..
"Hey babe, wait me in my room."
That was Yongguk's voice. And...that girl... Were they dating? Because she couldn't know where his room was unless she had already been there. And Yongguk wasn't the type of guy who would ''sleep'' with the same girl twice so..
Himchan tried to sleep that night but he couldn't. That wasn't even fair! Why didn't they go to her house?
Okey, maybe he was thinking way too much, but he couldn't just sleep with that girl in his house.
He put on his headphones and closed his eyes again so that he could finally hear nothing except the song that was playing on his ipod: "I'm in love" by Ola.
He hated Yongguk. Why did he have to be so damn perfect? And why did he have to be such a playboy? He didn't even know what Himchan thought about him, was he blind? Sometimes Himchan would think that his feelings were too obvious but apparently they weren't.
"Himchan!" Yongguk quickened his pace to the other boy, shutting his locker with a worried expression on his face.
"..well thanks." answered the younger one with a sarcastic tone because he was about to take his books and Yongguk coul have hit his fingers with the locker. "..what's wrong?" He then asked, a bit surprised by the older's actions.
"! I'm screwed!" Yongguk said again, running his hand through his hair.
"Hey, cool down! What happened?" He repeated, placing his left hand on Yongguk's shoulder to calm him down.
"Do you.. remember Hanah?" He asked, without even waiting for an answer. Anyway Himchan would have replied "no", so ..
"She's dating someone else. When she slept with me she was already dating that stupid Jungkyu! You know that guy from the other school? The football player? "  Yongguk seemed really terrified and Himchan just looked at him, confused.
"...I don't think he knows anything. Maybe she's a , but she's not that stupid to tell everything to his boyfriend."  The word "" slipped from his mouth but he acted as if everything was just normal.
".. ? Wait, she's not-- but that's not the issue. He does... or at least I think ..He wants me dead anyways! He's gonna kill me!"
Himchan raised his eyebrow and let out a laugh. "You know that you're a coward, don't you?"
"You can't understand. He's part of a gang and he'll probably bring them here! You need to help me!"
"..and.. what do I have to do?" He asked puzzled. That didn't affect him. Yongguk may seem the kind of guy with no fears, a rebel. But he was such a cutie! He was sweet, Himchan knew it. And he cared. He always cared so much about everything and everyone.
"..don't know. When he.. comes here.. you just pretend to.. ..be my boyfriend. Yes. That's a good idea. My boyfriend!"
Himchan's eyes grew wide.
"W-what?"  He quickly shook his head. " Wait.. what? I .. y-you.. That doesn't even make sense! I mean.. is it at least useful? No.. no,no, I can't."
"Himchan.. if I pretend to be gay, he wouldn't think that I'm seeing his girl! "
"I..no. Than't nonsense, Yongguk. I can't pretend to be dating you. You're not even bi."
Yongguk stood there, in silence. Ok, so.. Himchan was gay, right? And they were friends, right? And Yongguk was a good-looking guy, right? 
So why didn't Himchan want him? Was it so bad that Himchan didn't want him?
He thought that it would be ok for him, but maybe he was wrong. He was kind of hurt to know that his friend, his gay friend, didn't want to even pretend to be dating him. It was just a set up. He didn't even know why but.. he was hurt.
"Okok, if you don't want to, just say it." He became suddenly serious and shrugged.
"..it's not that, Guk. You don't understand.." Himchan didn't want to pretend to be dating him. He just.. thought he couldn't make it. He wanted to really date him, that was the problem. And.. thinking that Yongguk would just use him to be left alone by some other stupid guy.. it wasn't nice.
"Waitwaitwait! I got it! You are hiding someone!" Exclaimed Yongguk, clapping his hands once.
"Ya. Stop kidding, you. You know I'm not." How could he? He was already in love and he wasn't the type of guy who just passed the night with some random guys, like someone else. Himchan crossed his arms on his chest and closed his locker after taking his books, sighing silently.
"What about your reputation? Girls would be like 'Oh my Gooooood, Yongguk is gaaaay!' and will hate me more than they already do." He said, trying to imitate the girls' voices as Yongguk burst in laughter. 
"Do you think I care about them?" He then asked, looking serious again, but Himchan shrugged.
"..don't know. But.. we'll talk about it later, at home, ok?" He said, starting to walk away. 
Comments are appreciated (・∀・)/
I probably made a lot of mistakes, forgive me, I'm not a bad person /?
Actually I'm a bEd person, 'cause I really want to sleep right now (_ _)
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Chapter 3: All of them have been introduced now! I'm glad that tere are interactions between other couples too and that their stories are not completely separated! :)
chanchanxx #2
Chapter 3: this story seems interesting! keep up the good work ^^
baplover2012 #3
Chapter 2: Daehyun is a jerk I can totally picture jongup smiling with thumbs up
Chapter 2: Yes this seems interesting, Ill keep reading if you keep posting ;)
cant wait to keep reading this!! thanks for telling me about your new account