My Past Lover

True love


As I walked inside I was thinking about that last minute he hugged me. The way he holds me was unbearable it felt like I was going to melt into his arms. The warmth of his body, the way he was hugging me tight, I didn’t want it to end…. I wanted it to last for internally. Seo hwa wasn’t home, she probably out partying as usual while I stay at home and look at Drama shows. I went it up stairs to take me a hot shower; I relaxed when the hot steamy water hit my body. I got out the shower and put on my Pj’s and put my long hair in a bun and got in the bed. I decided to text Jun.K again to thank him for a wonderful time.

To: Jun.K

From: Bre

“Thank you for a Wonderful time Jun.K I really had fun and enjoyed it J “

I started to wait for his text but then I felt sleepy and dreaded to sleep thinking of him.



I got back to the dorm. All the other members were sleep, Thank you…. I went to shower and I started to think about her, but then my mini me just decides to wake up a little bit.

“Oh no, you can’t spring up. not yet at least” I smiled

I went to my room with a towel on my waist. I looked on my bed and saw I got a text from Bre.

From: Bre

To: you

“Thank you for a Wonderful time Jun.K I really had fun and enjoyed itJ”

I chuckled as I text back.

To: Bre

From: you

“You are so welcome maybe we can do it again sometime. If you are not busy how about tomorrow?”

 I text back.

I waited for an answer back; she must have fallen asleep now. As I went to find my sleeping pants I got a text hoping it was from Bre instead it was my Ex… Jae Hee, I rolled my eyes thinking what she wants. I opened the text.

From: Jae Hee 

To: Jun.K

“Jun.K Oppa why don’t you talk to me anymore? Are you ignoring me? Oppa you are mean. Mhianaeyo oppa I just miss you that’s all hehe I was just kidding around… I hope you can talk to me. Bogoshipoyo oppa!!!!! J ^_^”

I rolled my eyes and thought she was playing with me right now. I rolled my eyes to the girl who broke my heart not once but twice. Even though I forgive her but, I still won’t forget how she hurt me 3 years ago.

-Flash Back-

I was at home preparing a nice dinner for Jae Hee. She went to go take care of some business. So now it was my time to do everything of convincing my love for her and asking her to be my wife. I cooked a nice dinner. I light up candles rose petals following into our bed room. I changed the sheets that where dray to white and red. I put the ring in the Chocolate Cake I baked for her and placed it in the middle of the heart saying I Love you. I rolled up my while sleeves shirt and put on my cologne that she went crazy for. I quickly grabbed the bouquet of red roses and hide them behind my back and everything was all set. I heard the door turned and open I hide behind the wall then I a man voice. I peeked and just looked at them. She was kissing all on him and he was doing the same. She looked at the dinner that I made with love and affection.

“aww he made dinner for me?.... aww that’s so sweet. I wonder is he still out so me and you can have some y time together.” She kissed him deeply which made me balled up my fist.

I never thought she would cheat on me, never like this anyway. I loved her just right for not to cheat on me. I just stand there letting my heart sink in. she moved down the hall way to the bed room we USED to share. She saw me and looked at me.

“H-Honey T-This is not what it looks like” she looked at me with those innocent eyes.

I looked away.

“Honey please, don’t do this I’m sorry” she pleaded.

“Hey let him go... He too soft for you anyway... He is nothing but a punk little ” smirking at me.

With that I gave him a good right hook he will never forget. She ran to his side making sure he was ok. Why is she hurting me like this?

“Who is your punk as little now? ...” shaking my hand

“Hey what did you do that for?” she asked.

I can’t believe her. The girl who I was soon going to ask to be my wife who cheated on me, running to his side and questioning me why did I hit him?…. You is so pitiful

“Says the ing Girl who ing Cheated on me” I walked passed her.

“I will be back for my stuff in the morning. Have A Nice ing Life with him.” I walked out with my heart just sinking down.

I went to the Dorm I use to stay before I moved in with my Ex. I walked in, the members were gone, I was alone by myself. I got a wine bottle and went to my room to drink until my heart was content. I lay on the floor crying my heart out. This was the worst night of my life. I had a lot of bad nights but not as bad as this one. I should have known she was no good for me…. Worst ing night of my life

-Flash Ended-

I ignored her text and went on to finding my boxer and pants. I got in the bed and forget all about Jae Hee and thought about Bre as I went to sleep. As I was close to falling asleep I prayed. I prayed that it doesn’t happen again with me and Bre I really like her and it starting to grow more and more every day. When I approach her she just makes my world shine bright as the sun. I wake up in the morning and get out of bed just to see her beautiful face and her beautiful smile. I smiled and slept peacefully.

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Chapter 4: This is a really cute story, please continue!