
Please Don't Go

I shifted in my bed. Ugh What time is it? I thought as I reached for my phone which was on my table stand. As I turned the phone on the light burned my eyes. After they adjusted I realized it was only 4:30am. I rolled back onto my my bed and stretched. I couldn't sleep, I had spent most of the night texting Dongwoon. He had asked me all sorts of questions like what my favorite color was and if i liked flowers and what kind of flowers. Most of them were just random but the wierd thing was that every time I asked him why he would say it wasn't all that important. But I honestly didn't care, I really liked texting him and for once it felt like he actually wanted to text me. Most of the guys I had texted seemed annoyed or only wanted one thing. If you catch my vibe. But Dongwoon? He was different. I sighed, he had even sent me a goodnight text. I don't know why but that made me really happy. I just layed there thinking about him, his voice, his smile .him in general. I rubbed my eyes and decided to go take a shower.

I walked into the bathroom and the shower. I waited for the water to heat up before I stripped down. I untied my hair and got in. The hot water felt nice and relaxing against my back. I decided to stay there for a while longer. Well until I heard my alarm go off. I dont want Mari to wake up. I thought as I quickly soaped up and jumped out of the shower. I toweled myself down and then the music stopped. I slowed down a bit and put my hair up in a towel, put my underwear on and just when I was clipping my bra on I heard the alarm go off again. This time it got cut off. "Sam?" To late it was Mari. "yeah? I'll be out in a minute." I yelled back. I heard her groan and lay back on her bed. I tossed my shirt on and jeans. I connected my straightner and waited for it to heat up. As I waited I looked at myself in the mirror.

Today I wore a purple V-neck witha see through back area, some blue jeans. I towled dired my hair and brushed it out real quick. Since my hair is curly it almost instantly curled up. I tossed it into a messy bun and clipped a purple bow at the bottom of it. I pulled out my bangs and straightened them like usual. I don't quite know why but I had an urge to look nice and pretty today. I looked at my reflection and said "I wish I was prettier." I brushed those thoughts aside and I opened the door to let the heat go out. I plopped down on my and I put some purple flats that I borrowed from my cousin on and said "thank god we are the same size!" As I sat there my cell phone suddenly rang. It was a text message from my boss. It read:

"Something came up, You don't have to come in until 9am today."

I set the phone down. Man jet lag was a killer. But I didn't really mind I loved my job, the boys were so nice to me even the director was. Since I couldn't sleep I decided to visit Jae at the store. I walked out quietly and headed toward my destination. On my way there I had an idea! I needed to make up ditching Mari for lunch the other day. "thats it ill make breakfast!" I said quietly. The day was nice and calm, it always was, well at least in the mornings. Ding the door went as I entered the store. I saw Jae reading a magazine. "hey!" I said "Hey longtime no see! But why aren't you at work? Its 6am already." He asked "Oh yeah they told me to go in at 9am today." He smiled "Have you eaten anything?" I nodded no. "I cam ebyt o get some food, I need to make up ditching Mari last time." He nodded "well get what you need, its on the house." I looked at the floor. "I feel bad when I get things for free." He sighed "Look it's no big deal. So get what you need" he urged. "Well, do you have any eggs?" He smiled at me and showed me where the eggs were.

After Jae helped me with all the things I needed I asked him "would you like to come and eat breakfast with me and Mari?" He nodded "Yeah, sure let me go let them know." After a couple minutes he came out followed by a older looking man. Must be his boss. I thought. "Shall we?" asked Jae as he opened the door. I nodded and we headed toward the hotel. Once we got in the elevator I asked "Was that your boss?" He modded in disagreement "No that was my dad. In case you were wondering that is why I wasn't to worried about giving things to you." "Well thank you for doing that for me" I smiled "No problem" he said as the elevator opened.

"So what are we gonna cook today?" Jae asked excidetly. "A standard american breakfast." I said as  ipassed him the bowl to put the eggs in and mix them while I prepared the pancake mix. We made omlettes, homemade pancakes, and since they didn't have bacon I settled for sausage. I also squeezed fresh orange juice. "Hey Jae, move the food to the table, I'm gonna wake up Mari." I said. He just nodded as I walked into the bedroom I said "hey Mari wake up, I made breakfast. Your favorite pancakes!" I stood there and gentle tugged her until she woke up. I saw her walk to the bathroom to tidy up. Jaw was alreadys sitting at the table. "mmmm that smells so good!" I turned around it was Mari. We all ate, but I practically gobbled up my food. I checked the time it was 8:15am. "well you guys finish up the food, I will be home aorund 3pm." I told Mari. "bye" they waved.

I pushed the door to the dance room and walked in. The boy were already there. "Hey!" I said as the turned. "Good morning!" said Yoseob. I looked around but I didn't see Dongwoon. I was a little bumbed out as I thought Well there goes an outfit. "Just in case you were wondering, Dongwoon had something super important to do, he-" The rest of his sentence was muffled by Gikwang. "Don't listen to what he says. He talks to much." He elbowed Yoseob lightly and Yoseob sat down and pouted. I smiled they were so cute! The director walked in and they started prcaticing. The director looked for the time and suddenly left. I guess something came up. I shrugged and checked the time it was only 1pm.

"So what do you do for fun?" It was Doojoon. "Me? Well back at home I use to play the piano, I'm not that good but I like playing. It's more of a hobby." I said softly hopeing they didn't but did hear me. "Piano?!" It was Gikwang. "Dongwoon plays piano too, though we hardly hear him he kinda does it by himself." "Well" I sat up "Thats something we have in common." Ahhh He plays piano! He is like Prince Charming I thought. But nodded Nah he probably doesn't like me. Iooked at the guys they were talking about something. "can you play for us?!" Yoseob practically yelled. "Ehh, I don't know." I said. My plan was to not play for them but that was until Yoseob practically threw himself on the floor and begged me to play. "Okay." I finally agreed. "Yay! Let's fo to the Pinao room!" He said as he pulled me down the hallway leaving the boy facepalming themselves.

He opened the door to a room. It was huge and it had lots of window and a piano! "The piano is beautiful!" I giggled on my way to it. I sat down and turned to wait for the boys. I hit a couple keys and it sounded perfect. "Back at home we have a piano but its not tunned." I laughed. They all sat down and looked at me. "Ok! What should I play?'' I asked "Well what do you know?'' asked Hysueng. Hmm what do I know? I asked myself. "Oh I got it. Let's see if you guys can guess what this song is!" I smiled at Yoseob and his eyes lit up "I love guessing games!" He said. I played the melody, It was Beast's On Rainy Days. I use to love playing it back then. I remeber telling myself that I would meet them as soon as I learned the whole song. Who would have guessed that that childish dream would actually become reality. I continued to play.

As I finished I turned and looked at them. "Well?'' I asked they all seemed a little distant. "You guys?" I asked loudly. they snapped out of it. "It's On Rain Days..." mumbled Junghyun. I smiled "Mhhm." "Wow that brings back lots of memories." said Doojoon. "thank you" said Hysueng. I nodded we all sat there for a while enjoying the silence. Ring Ring. It was someones phone. Doojoon stood up and answered it. He said something fast in korean that I didn't quite catch it. As he closed the phone he said "Well Sam, we have to get going. But thanks for the somg. Stay here for as long as you want. No one will bother you." Oh I was a little sad because I enjoyed there company. "Okay" I said sadly. Yoseob hugged me, "Don't be sad! We will be seeing you tomorrow okay?" I smiled and nodded okay. I watched them leave, after a couple minutes of messing around with the piano I left too it was already 2pm so I had to get to the hotel.

As I opened the door to the room my phone rang. It was a text from Dongwoon. I got the butterflies just thinking about him. The message read:

"Hey, I missed you today :/"

I smiled and replied:

"Yeah I missed you too ;p"

He then replied:

"How was your day?"

Somehow him asking me that made it better I thought as I replied:

"Good but now that you texted better haha. How was yours?"

He replied:

"Well It was busy to say the least. Well I have to go. I just wanted to see how your day was. I'll txt you later! :)"

I texted back:

"Ok thanks for asking. :)"

He sent a smiley face. Wow it seems like he cares. I thought. "Who as that?" Asked Mari. "Uhh it was Dongwoon, he just wanted to ask how my day went and he said he missed me." I giggled. I sat down on my bed. I really wanted to see him today. I thought. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing much." I looked at her and she gave me a look. "Fine, it's just Dongwoon didn't go to practice today and well I kinda wanted to see him." There was a pause as I looked at her. "You like him! You totally do!" She practically yelled. "No!" I said, I could feel my cheecks burn. "It's written all over your face! Everytime you text him it lights up, everytime you talk about him its like your living a dream!" She explained. I just laied down and thought. Is that true? Do I really like him? I sighed and rubbed my face after I took off my glasses.

The rest of the day me and Mari caught up. It had been a couple days that we didn't talk much because I was so busy with work. "Have you seen Taecyeon?" She asked I smiled "Nope but I might he seems to be good friends with Dongwoon!" I winked. She said "oh." She was funny she really liked him ever since we were 16 she would say he was her love. I smiled I had thought Dongwoon was my prince too. He is just to perfect I cant wait to see him tomorrow. I thought as I changed for the night. Me and Mari cooked pasta and had dinner. The rest of that afternoon was nice and calm.



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