Love Me Tender

Hey Beautiful

There’s always a point in life where a guy will say, she’s “the one”. And there she was, a few feet away from me.

As I walked towards the door, I felt like my heart was going to explode.”

“Hey! I’m not sure if you remember me but I’m the guy who sat beside you?”

“Suho! What a coincidence, I’m so sorry about the lunch by the way.”


“Wow, I think Suho has finally found the girl”

“Wow, you know she likes it dirty. Bam! Check.”


“So I’ll pick you up tomorrow night? Well actually, we’re just a few feet away.”

“Yeah Sure, I’ll love that. See you then, But first”


“My things.”

“Oh yeah right, guys!”

After carrying those boxes of items, up till this day we’re still not sure what is in that box?!”

Guys! I’m finally taking the perfect girl out! This must be fate!

I’m so happy for you Suho, You’re finally meeting the girl!

“Bye, Suho.”

“Donghae! Where the hell are you going?!”

“I have some issues to deal with, see ya “

And up till this day we still regretted letting him leave the apartment. I’ll tell that story some other time.

So the next night, I took Jessica to a nice Bistro right down the street.

“So how’s your dog?”

“Great, she’s fine. She had two boys and a baby girl, they‘re all at the clinic.


“Welcome back honey, give me a minute I’m cooking!”

“You’re cooking! Wow baby, you’re on fire today!So what cha cooking?”

“Rice and I order in a few side dishes.”

“I’m so right now!”

“Wait wait baby, there’s much more surprises ahead.”

“What surprises?”

Minho was the last person I know who won’t crack until pressure,

“Boop-Boop-Bi-Doop ! Err… That’s your surprise. I got to go back to the kitchen, like err…. cooking.”

So back to me and Jessica,

*Bum Badu Bum Badu Bum ~~~*

“Oh! It’s Gleen Miller.”

“You know Gleen Miller?!”

“Know him, I love him. I’m more than meets the eye, Ms Jung.”

“I have tons of records just sitting in my place, after the meal let’s go back to my place and listen to it.”

“Waiter! Bill, Now! So where did we left off”

“I can do this, Minho yes you can.”

*Bum Badu Bum Badu Bum ~~~*

“May I have this dance, my lady?”

“Yes, kind sir.”

As we we’re having the most perfect moment there will always be an idiotic moment.

“I think I love you”




What I was 25, don’t blame me.

“You love me!”

“I didn’t know why I said that. I mean who says that! I should probably go.”

“Hold on. Here’s the Gleen Miller Record.”

“Oh, thanks. I love you. Oh god! What the hell is wrong with me?!”

“Choi Sulli, will you marry me?”

“Yes You Idiot!”

“Um…… When you tell anyone this, could you avoid the word psycho or stalkish?”

“Good night stalkish psycho.”

“Bye. You know what, I’m done being single. Obviously it’s not my niche. Maybe you can’t tell a woman you just met you love her, but that . Maybe if a woman would bear with me through all this mess, I’ll be a damn good husband and a great father to our kids. Because those of the stuff I’m good at.”

“Good night Suho.”


“And I’m a pretty good handshaker”

“That’s a pretty good hand.”

 “Hey guys I’m back”

“Suho look!”

“Congratulations Sulli! Minho, you proposed!”


“Yes, this is he. May I know whose calling? Oh, is it serious? Sure, yes I’ll be right there.”

“What Suho? Who called?”

“Guys, I think something happened to Donghae.”

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Chapter 2: great story. keep updating.
kwonyuwree #2
Chapter 2: great story so far! author fighting!
Chapter 2: I thought I've read this~
Chapter 2: What happened to Donghae? Is this a susica fanfic?