
Hey Beautiful

25 years ago, I had a total different life. It was way back in 2013; I was 25 a struggling journalist. I was living with my best friends Minho and Sulli, life was good. While I was on a plane heading back to Seoul,

“What a day! One sad person after the other.”

 “Honey, you work at a counselling centre. What do you expect, comedians?”

“It’ll defiantly be nicer.”

“I’m heating up the soup, want some?”

“Yeah Sure.”

“Oh hey Donghae!

“Done deal, totally banged the hell out of that one. Spanish girls are amazing! So what time Suho’s coming back, Minho?

“Any time soon. By the way, you don’t speak Spanish how did you get her to sleep with you?”

“You just need to know two words my man “Si” and “Honka-Honka”.

“I still can’t believe this man. Minho just a bowl, didn’t you remember the last time I drank more than a bowl of soup.”

 “And I had to clean the bathroom that day.”


“Hey Suho! Welcome back man!”

“You guys won’t believe this; I think I just met “the one”

For this story to make a little bit more sense, this was what happened before I was on that plane,

 “Will you marry me?”  And I heard the loudest scream in my life and a yes. A couple just got engaged in front of me. It got me thinking, this couple is thinking the biggest step of their life. And what the hell am I doing!

“Guys, I think I’m ready to settle down!”

“Look here Suho, I think that flight of yours have messed up that bachelor brain there. Suho there’s tons of women out there for you to bang. Why settle down.”

“Don’t listen to him, Suho; I think it’s really sweet, right Minho?

“Yeah, look who I’m with now, the most perfect woman.”

And both of them made out passionately

“Get a room guys!”

“Go Minho! Get her! Yeah! ”

“Okay there’s more guys. So I was in the plane wondering about my future plans when;”

“Hi, would you like anything to drink?”

“So you banged the air stewardess, been there banged that.”

“No! Donghae let the man finish. Go on Suho.”

And both of us answered “Just a glass of vodka” and we both laughed.

As the air stewardess left, we both introduced ourselves;

“Hey I’m Suho.”

“Jessica, nice to meet you.”

As I was talking to her, I thought to myself she’s the one. I mean she has all the qualities of my perfect woman.

 “Hey this may sound a little crazy and a bit too fast but you want to grab some lunch once we reach the airport?”

“Yeah sure, what the hell.”

We’ve landed and were ready to grad lunch when,

“Oh My God! She’s giving birth! How is she, I’ll be right there! I’m so sorry Suho, I’ve got to go.”

“Wait who’s giving birth? Is she alright?”

“She’s fine. My dog, she’s giving birth now. I’m so sorry, got to rush bye”

And she just left right there in the airport and I didn’t even get her number. Maybe its destiny, I’m never going to meet her again.

“Oh Suho, it’s not destiny. I’m sure you’ll see her again. Maybe she’ll pop right up”

*Knock*! *Knock*!

“I’ll get the door, go on honey.”

And I heard the most familiar voice, and I turned to the door

 “Hi I’m Jessica. I’m sorry if I’m interrupting anything, but do you mind helping me move a few boxes up to my apartment? I’m your new neighbour, by the way.”

“Wow! I should work as a fortune teller.”

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Chapter 2: great story. keep updating.
kwonyuwree #2
Chapter 2: great story so far! author fighting!
Chapter 2: I thought I've read this~
Chapter 2: What happened to Donghae? Is this a susica fanfic?