
Vampire Hunter

Slightly inaudible voices were starting to be heard at this point of the woods, meaning we were getting close to the river.

Chanyeol signalled for us to stop, and Taemin and I not trusting our own senses, obeyed.

“We’re not gonna go in there all together. We’ re gonna go one by one and scatter.” He kept his voice low, careful not to be heard by anyone. “But wouldn’t it be better to go together? There are other groups who are already scattered.” Sometimes, I question Chanyeol’s opinions on certain things. “If we go there in there together we’re gonna get attacked on all at once and we’ll all die.”  But then again, Chanyeol is smart.

“The others should be in position now...i’ll go in first, you and Taemin follow.” He stood up to leave, but then soon later he tripped over branches scattered around the floor, and this reminded me that other times, Chanyeol can be clumsy.

He quickly stands up and leaves. I keep an eye on him, waiting for the perfect moment to attack.

I could see his tactics, making sounds signalling there was someone, slightly cutting his skin for them to smell the blood.

The vampires were getting close to Chanyeol, and that’s when we heard the explosion.

Taemin quickly ran away, knowing that he should start taking his rounds in the woods just in case a vampire ran away.

I simply hid behind bushes and trees, attacking on the vampires in secret.

Hours have passed, and the attacks slowly subsided. Gladly, i wasn’t needed for any close-up battles and my hands were clean of vampire blood.

“We’ll scatter and do our rounds around the forest. Search for the injured and kill all vampires lingering around.” Chanye0l commanded and everyone was obedient and scurried away.


The woods was a scary, dangerous place to be, yet it comforted me. The silence was different from the silence at the mansion. Here, the silence was not deafening. It was actually comforting. The blissful sounds of the birds chirping and the ruffles of the leaves on the trees relaxed me. But in a matter of seconds, a grunting noise came from a corner in the woods. Whoever the sound belonged to, it seemed like he or she or it was hurt.

With my guard up, I followed the sound and hidden behind a huge old tree was a wounded man. By the amount of blood on the ground and on his clothes, i could tell he was badly wounded.

With my gun in my arms, i slowly came closer, unsure of what i should do. Should i leave him there to bleed, and sooner or later, die? Or should i help him? At least to make the bleeding stop?

I went with the latter part. Besides, helping someone out isn't all that bad.

Nervous, i spoke and came closer, my gun still in my hand, just in case. “H-Hey..you okay?”

He seemed startled and when he looked up, his eyes went wide and his mouth opened a few times as if to say something, but he closed it again right after. As for me, i was staring at him in awe. I know for some people staring could be rude, but i couldn’t help it. He looked so beautiful. His pale skin and bow shaped lips, his dishevelled blonde hair which seemed so soft. He was breathtaking.

As if realizing what’s happening, he screamed at me. “D-Don’t!” I stared at him in surprise and confusion. Didn’t he want me to help him? He was wounded and he was obviously in pain. He could barely lift himself up to sit properly.

“I-I’ll help you...at least to stop the bleeding.” I was nervous for some reason and something about this situation didn’t feel right, yet I was too caught up in this man’s beauty to even notice.

Hesitantly, I came closer. He was wounded and could barely move. He couldn’t do anything if i came closer. Yet, as i moved my way towards him, he was crawling away.

I sigh, take off my jacket and lay it over his wound, trying to apply as much pressure as i can without actually hurting or touching him.

“That would do for now...” i dust off the dirt on my pants and stood up to leave.

I didn’t hesitate to take a few minutes to look at him before leaving. He looked scared and somewhat lonely. I smiled and turned around to leave.

I turn around again for one last look at the man, but when I turned around he was gone. Like he was never even there in the first place.

My eyes widen in surprise. This explains everything. The beauty of his face. The lonely look in his eyes. Why he was able to crawl away after such an injury. The feeling that something wasn't right.

The man I just helped was a vampire.

But what doesn’t add up is, why he didn’t want me so close. Wouldn’t he want me to come near for blood? Yet, he didn’t want me anywhere near him.




Millions of questions run through my mind as I make my way back, yet all of them remained unanswered.



chapter 2 was quick because i was pressured by my friend to write >>>:c i'll proof read and edit tomorrow.

any mistakes in grammar or spelling or my english, feel free to tell me about it and i would gladly correct it. feedbacks and comments would be nice.

please comment ;;AA;; your comments make me happy and give me the energy to write. even random nonsense comments are okay :-)

so yeah i hope chapter 2 is more interesting than chapter 1.

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my friend is pressuring me to write but i forgot my story outline at home and im at my grandparent's house :-(


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marimpar #2
I would like to read a new chapter, the first meeting between us was good and I feel curious about what will happen after it
Keep writing!!
Chapter 2: nice chp.i really liked it
u shiet donT PRESSURE ME ;A;
Chapter 2: dude update soon! i love et!!
Chapter 2: Nice for a second chapter. Try adding more deets, it'd enhance the beauty of this story ^.^
Chapter 1: hmm its good.waiting for more
Chapter 1: Interesting c: I'd love to continue on reading this. Fighting!