
Vampire Hunter

just to tell you guys chapter 1 may or may not be boring idk. i feel like it's boring because not much happens. but hey, its only chapter 1. give my story a chance :c i'd be very happy if you subscribed and commented c: hope you guys enjoy~

I was sleeping peacefully when a harsh knock came to my door, accompanied by a child-like voice which i’m all too familiar with. With a grunt, i get up to see it was only 1 in the morning on a Saturday.

I planned to ignore the knocking but it never stopped.

I open the door, only to reveal a young brunette, his face very very familiar to me.

“Lee Taemin if you are knocking because you had a nightmare, just know i’m not gonna let you sleep beside me.”  I was about to close the door again when he blocked it with his foot. “i’m not, okay?” I could easily tell from his voice that he was annoyed just as much as I was for being up so early in the morning. On a Saturday.

“Onew hyung called for us.” He sighed. Lately, he seemed so tired. He wouldn't know, but i could see that he's getting thinner and the bags under his eyes are getting darker. Maybe it was because he’s started going on missions already, getting called out no matter what time or day it was. It was a duty as vampire hunter, and there's nothing we could really do about it.

I gently pat his head and mustered up the best encouraging smile i could for the young brunette. "You go ahead. Tell him i'll be there in a few minutes."

He simply nodded and smiled as he walked away  to the direction of  Onew hyung’s office up at the loft. I watched as he slowly disappeared from sight and walked back in my room.

I sigh deeply as i walk to the bathroom. I never chose this life. I never wanted to be a vampire hunter. It’s hard to believe that those beautiful creatures are actually dangerous and deadly. But this is my life. I kill vampires for a living. Not that i gain any money from it. No. By killing, i get a place to stay and food to eat and a warm house. All my life i’ve been living in this mansion. I never knew who my parents were or what happened to them. I had no friends either, besides Onew hyung. That was until Taemin came when i was around 10. He was so little and seemed so scared when his parents left him here and never came back. We became best friends, almost brothers.

I smile at myself as i reminisce the memories of what has come to be my childhood.

After changing into proper clothes, i made my way through the familiar halls of the mansion i call my home. I wandered around ‘til i found myself standing in front of Onew hyung’s office.  Onew hyung is the organization leader. The position was handed down from generation to generation in hyung’s family line and he’s had the position since he was 15, when his father became too sick to carry on.

I knocked once, twice before the door opened. Taemin peeked out the door, worry and slight anger etched on his face.

“You said you’d be here in a few minutes!” he whispered angrily. “Isn’t it only a few minutes?” i calmly whispered back. “Idiot! It’s been 20 minutes! You know hyung hates waiting!” I rolled my eyes. Knowing Onew hyung, yes he gets annoyed and he hates waiting, but I’ve known him all my life and he never ever got mad at me. “oh calm down you . Onew hyung loves me and he’ll never get mad at me.” This time, Taemin rolled his eyes and finally let me in.

Onew hyung was standing behind his desk, reading papers with a serious face. He had his spectacles on, and this meant something serious. He only wore them when he was reading something serious.

With a serious face, i stand across the room, ready to listen to what hyung has to say.

“Glad you can join us, Jonghyun.” He put the papers down and stared right at me. “Sorry hyung. I got caught up in the hallway.” He rolled his eyes, obviously annoyed. “Excuses, excuses. It’s time to grow up Jonghyun. You’re not some sort of hunter in training anymore. You know how time is precious to us and all the other people living in the city.” I look down, suddenly finding the ground interesting to stare at as silence crept into every inch of the room.

A few minutes passed before a knock came onto the door, gladly breaking the deafening silence. “Hyung, you called?” i could clearly hear the deep voice which I know belonged to Park Chanyeol, an elite vampire hunter.

Taemin and I stepped aside, knowing not to interrupt on serious conversations between Chanyeol and Onew hyung.

“what are you two doing there? Come over here.” I was surprised when Hyung called us to come closer. This means we have a major part in whatever is going to happen.

“Vampires are getting closer to Seoul. I’ve received news that currently, they’re at the river up north. Also, there are a lot of them. From the looks of it, 5 class Bs and unknown number of class Cs.” He puts a map of the forest down on the table, showing where the vampires are possibly residing at the moment. 

"Chanyeol, you'll be leading this mission with the assistance of Jonghyun. You two are the best hunters I have and I'm couting on you two to get rid of these vampires. Taemin, you'll be going with them too. I'll leave the two of you to choose whoever you want to come. Report back here by 2:30. I'll have vehicles ready to leave by 3:00 sharp. Understood?" We all nod in unison and soon later, we're dismissed.

Chanyeol and I go our separate ways to call for hunters, Taemin tagging along with me.

"Hyung, isn't this going to be extra hard?" Taemin quietly asks as we walk back to Onew hyung's office. "I guess so..." I could see the fear and worry in his eyes. I pat his head trying to comfort him and he simply smiles at me.

As Onew hyung told us, we reported back to his office by 2:30 and we left the mansion at 3:00, fully armed and ready to battle.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath as the vehicle comes to a stop, the others one by one getting off the van as we get closer to the river where the vampires are supposedly at.


all of you must be saying "FINALLY CHAPTER 1". well im saying sorry. im really really reaaaally sorry for the delay. i havent been in the writing mood since forever. all i've written for the past few months are drabbles and short random stuff for a friend to read. i'm also sorry if the first chapter is long and boring. hopefully, the story gets better as it continues on.

i haven't re-read this or edited the latter part, so if any mistakes show up in grammar or spelling, feel free to tell me so i could correct it c:

that's that for now. i'll update again soon c;


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my friend is pressuring me to write but i forgot my story outline at home and im at my grandparent's house :-(


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marimpar #2
I would like to read a new chapter, the first meeting between us was good and I feel curious about what will happen after it
Keep writing!!
Chapter 2: nice chp.i really liked it
u shiet donT PRESSURE ME ;A;
Chapter 2: dude update soon! i love et!!
Chapter 2: Nice for a second chapter. Try adding more deets, it'd enhance the beauty of this story ^.^
Chapter 1: hmm its good.waiting for more
Chapter 1: Interesting c: I'd love to continue on reading this. Fighting!