
A Thin Line Between Hate And Love

E p i s o d e 5




I was lounging around the house, waiting for the one guy to get home. I would call him but believe it or not, we had a fight the other day and I erased his number out of anger. My mother had called telling me to meet her and Kyuhyun’s mother up with Kyuhyun himself in about half an hour. I knew it had something to do with the wedding that I had purposely continue to delay with various reasons whether it be ‘I have a lot of work to do right now’ to ‘Kyuhyun’s busy’. With boredom quickly sinking in, I started to sing out loud to myself a song that has been stuck in my head all day long.


“Wah, you sing BTOB’s song instead of ours?” A voice silenced my singing and I had to sit up to face the person I know the voice belongs to. I maintained a poker face on and he stood there awkwardly. “Come on, you can’t still be mad.”


I scoffed. “My mum called. We have to her and your mum at some place soon. We’re late already.”


“Let’s go then.” He made way to the door with a gesture to the door, waiting for me to get up and lead the way. I trudged past him to slip on my heels and out the door, not waiting for him. Together (by together, I mean, him trailing behind me), we made our way into the car he parked in front of the house by the side of the road. Soon after, the car roared to life and we were on way with Kyuhyun driving. “How was class this morning?”




“Did you get your assignment done in time from last night?”




“What about your assignment from last week?”




He gave up after a while with a glare towards my way but I ignored it as I kept my sight at what’s outside the window. I heard him sigh out loud and the silence consumes us until he broke it yet again. “I’m trying here, Eunhye.” I know he was, but I ignored him. I didn’t know why I hated him so much. He has been nothing but decent to me, that I’ll acknowledge. It was as if it all became a habit of hers, one she couldn’t break.


“I know.” I muttered and despite the low volume, I knew he heard me when I felt his eyes on me. “Focus on the road.” He stayed silent and did as I said. Not long after, he stopped in front of a wedding café with his phone in one hand.


He unbuckled his seatbelt after he parked on the side of the road. “This should be it. Come on.” We both exited the car carefully. I stood on the sidewalk, waiting for him to get out without getting hit by a car. We both walked into the building with his hand on my lower back, looking like an actual soon-to-be-married coupled. After a brief scan around the one floor café, Kyuhyun caught his mother waving her hand around and lead me to their table. “Hello, mothers.”


I bowed simply with a smile. “Hello kids. Come, let’s go upstairs.” My mother stood up with her handbag in her hand and Kyuhyun’s mother mimicking her actions.


“Wait. I’ll catch up with you guys. I want a drink. You want anything, jagi?” Kyuhyun gestured to me with a hand on my waist casually. It took almost all my energy to not to cringe and not to push his hand off me. His eyes stayed on me and he looked genuine.


“Iced green tea latte, please.” I mumbled, looking away for him to look as though I’m blushing but the both of us know it’s so I don’t puke all over him.


He patted my head before making his way up to the counter and I followed the two mothers up the stairs for the wedding appointment. “Will this take long? I have another class in a few hours.” That was a lie.


“We’ll make it as quick as possible, dear. We’ll just get your sizes first.” They took my handbag from my hand and pushed me up a stand. Suddenly, about four woman surrounded me with measuring tapes and starting measuring every part of me. Now, mind you, I’m not the model type. I’m not tall or all that skinny. Which probably explains the unimpressed looks on these women. Before I know it, they were done and pulled me behind the wall-sized curtains, telling me to strip down and put on a wedding dress. Their actions became much gentler when the dress came and they helped me in it as well. I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn’t help but admire myself and how I looked in it. The curves of the dress perfectly hugged all the curves of my body. I knew right off the bat without looking at any other dresses, that this was the one.


“Are you ready to show the mothers?” One of the women spoke out to me, breaking my train of thought.


“Oh, um. Yeah. Let’s do it.” I turned my back to the mirrors and waited for them to open the curtains.




“Thank you.” I grabbed the iced americano from the younger man with Eunhye’s order in my other hand. With a quicker pace, I made my way up the stairs to meet the two mothers lounging on the sofa, skimming through magazines and conversing casually. Yet Eunhye was nowhere to be found. “Hey, where’s Eunhye?”


My mother pointed to the curtains without a word as I put down Eunhye’s drink on the coffee table before I could say anything else, another woman approached me and pulled me to another area. More women approached me to get my measurements. I stayed stilled, sipping on my iced americano. I placed my drink on the table when they handed me the white collared button down. After the women left, I changed comfortably along with the tux. Just as I was checking myself out in the video, I heard my mother’s voice behind the curtains.”Darling, are you done?”


“Yeah. I’m just going to change back.” I responded and rushed through the process. I snatched my iced americano off the table and trudged out from the back of the curtains to meet the two mothers and Eunhye drinking her iced green tea latte. “How was your dress?”


“Good. Your suit?”


“I liked it. I have schedule.” I announced to the three women around me. “So I have to go now.” I looked down to Eunhye only to see her sipping at her empty plastic cup. “Do you need a ride home?”


“No. I have to meet up with a friend not to far from here.” She shrugged me off, bowing to the mothers who were about to depart on their own. I bowed beside her respectfully. “We’ll talk about the wedding plans soon, mother.” They patted her on the arm and smiled at me before finally leaving the building. “You should go. You’ll be late.”


“You’ll be okay?”


“Yeah. Just go.” Just as I was about to head towards the car, I turned back to her to see her staring right back at me. “What?”


“Come home for dinner? We’ll go out.” I tightened my jaw, hoping she’d say yes or at least think about it and give me an answer later. To be honest, I’ve been thinking about her a lot more than usual. It wasn’t until the boys were pretty much boasting about her and praising her that I realize how great she is. From then on, I started seeing her as a woman whether I liked it or not, whether she sees me as a man or not.


She stood there motionlessly, before finally coming up with an answer. “I’ll see you at the house.” With that, she gave me a shy smile before turning away to walk down the street. Unconsciously, a grin made its way to my face. I watched her walk away for a while before finally getting to my car to head to my schedules.




I crawled out of the taxi after paying for the bill. “Thank you!” I wished as I closed the door behind me and made my way to the house. Just as I exited the elevator, the first thing I noticed was the unfamiliar wedges in front of the door. I tilted my head in confusion before ignoring it and entered the house anyway. I didn’t make too much noise as per usual but I immediately halted my actions when I heard voices in the living room.


“I should go before she comes back.” A feminine voice spoke out loud, laughter tangled in her words.


“She won’t be home until later. Don’t worry.” Kyuhyun’s voice grabbed my attention even more, making me roll my eyes. I pulled my heels off without much rustle and dragged my feet towards the bedroom past the living room, ignoring the stares of two pairs of eyes on me. “Um, Eunh-?” I heard his voice call out to me before I cut him off with a slam of the door. “I’m sorry, babe, I think I need to settle this down.”


“So you’re kicking me out now?” I heard her -hurt voice whined but she replaced it immediately with a giggle. “I’m kidding. I’ll leave then. Call me later okay?” Not long after, I heard the opening and closing of the front door along with it locking automatically. And of course, came the knocking on the door coming from the one and only.


“Hey. You’re home.” He muttered slowly approaching me on the bed, sitting beside me with a distance. “That was, uh, Seohyun, she had to get something from me that she-”


“You going to keep up with the lies?” That shut him up. I didn’t have a problem with him being in a relationship in the first place but for him to have lied to me this whole time, that I couldn’t accept. “I’m not going to even be upset about this. I’m calling Chinese for a take out.” I left the room with my phone in hand to get the menu paper from the kitchen. Quickly I ordered my jjajangmyun and stayed put in one of the seats of the dining table. I was too busy staring at my phone for no reason to notice Kyuhyun sat himself in front of me.


“I’m sorry.”


I looked up at him to see the genuine guilt in his eyes. He meant his words but I couldn’t take them in. “Just when everything was starting to get decent.” I muttered out with a sigh. “Are you still with her?”


He was dead silent. Not even moving. Until I tapped my fingers on the table to get a response out of him. “Yes.”


“Why couldn’t you just tell me? Why did you even tell me you broke with her when you didn’t?”


“I did. I swear I di-”


“But you got back together with her? So that’s the story.” I nodded, finally grasping the situation bit by bit. The ringing of the bell on the front door broke the usual silence between us. “I ordered jjajangmyun for you. So get hungry.”

Not the best, I'm sorry :( Please comment, subscribe for more, love me. Thank you for reading, love you x

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Chapter 5: Hey i just read the whole thing. Are u going to update this???
Chapter 5: I like the story!
Oh gosh. I hate Kyu! I thought he's good coz he already treated her nice! But it's not decent to bring another woman in their house! Argh! I hate him and Seo!

I hope u update more often.
Chapter 5: Read all the chapters in one the story.
update quickly
Chapter 4: I read from the first chap to recall the story. Please update more often.
lulu88 #5
Chapter 4: Long time no update so welcome back , nice chapter , Kyuhyun is telling her that he care about her let's see how it will go with this couple .
Take care of your self authornim and update soon if possible ^_^
Carmelnap #6
Chapter 3: i really hope you continue this fic, i just found it and want to read more.
Chapter 3: That was sad. :(((
I know that they are still strangers with each other, but I don't understand why Kyu did that.

Please continun updating this fic. I am a supportive reader. :)
Chapter 3: That was sad. :(((
I know that they are still strangers with each other, but I don't understand why Kyu did that.

Please continun updating this fic. I am a supportive reader. :)
Chapter 2: Ur story is so interesting!