One agreement

A Thin Line Between Hate And Love

E p i s o d e 1




“Dear, will you please join us for dinner tonight? We have a special occasion for you. Get ready now. Oh, and dress nicely.” Mother knocked, speaking through the door of my room with that annoyingly high pitched voice of hers.


It’s been forever since I’ve last been in this country of South Korea and by forever, I meant probably since the early years of my life.With growing up in the Upper East Side of Manhattan under the supervision of my uncle, aunt, and cousin of about the same age, my younger sister spent all her life in here with my parents. You could see how wanted I am to my parents. But I would be lying if my parents spent more money on my sister than me.


I’m the type of daughter that has lived all her life doing exactly what her parents want in order to keep them happy, in order to keep them married and together - doesn’t mean I’m all happy about it, in fact I’m sick of it. While I lead this kind of life, my sister lives the free life which I want her to lead. Enrolled in a preppy, top-notch school all throughout elementary to high school in New York and after two years in New York University, I had finally returned to South Korea to finish up my last two years in Seoul National University upon my parents’ request, leaving my closest friends and my almost four-year boyfriend that I’ve kept a secret from my parents back in New York.


Pushing myself off my armchair, I dragged my feet towards my walk-in closet. They had mentioned about this dinner before and how important it is to my father’s business company. My father had always told me that one day I would inherit the company as it was a family business and to this, I didn’t have much say to. I scanned the rows of dresses neatly hung up. Let’s just say that if we were to say that my family financially well off, it would be an understatement. After a quite while of rifling through the dresses, the most appropriate dress for the occasion caught my eyes.


After a hot shower and slipping the dress on, I flopped down in front of the make-up desk and lazily blended cosmetics onto my face like I always do for special occasion like such. Just about done until someone came knocking on my door again. “It’s me.”


“Come in.”


“Hey, she wants you down stairs now.” Eunji walks in, not dressed up for what’s most important as I noticed her through the mirror. “Don’t you look nice.” My sister and I have been closer than ever and we grow closer each day which was easy enough to do considering the three year . I know her better than our parents and the same goes for me. She’s the only thing that will keep me sane while I live under this roof.


“Well, thank you. Why are you not dressed up?” I turned around in my seat to look at her directly. If she’s not coming along for dinner, then dinner won’t be a family company dinner as I had thought it to be. Then what the hell am I going for?


She scoffed, pretty much sarcastically. “Not allowed to go even if I wanted to.” She made herself comfortable on the couch diagonal from me, just by the end of my queen-sized bed. “Not that I want to at all.”


“Great. That means they want something else from me.” I groaned and twisted back around to fix up some last touches before getting up to throw on some heels.


She sneered at me, making herself much more comfortable in her seat. “You’re going to go with what they ask again? Like always.” There have been so many times when she asked me why I do everything they say instead of just rebelling from time to time. But I could never really tell her why since I didn’t really know myself.


“No, not this time.” I snatched my bag that contained everything I needed already off my made bed, finally preparing to leave.


“Seriously?” The surprised look on her face was self-explanatory. I wasn’t exaggerating when I said I had done everything they asked of me for my whole life.


“Seriously.” Clutching the knob of the door, I in a deep breath. “I’ll see you later.” And I meant what I had said. I’m done with their requests and orders in attempt to control my life. Whatever they ask of me tonight, I’m rejecting it straight away.





“Where do you think you’re going?” Yesung asked as he was lounging on the couch with Sungmin, the both of them watching the television. “Isn’t it kind of late? We’re having dinner soon. Stop hanging out with Seohyun so much.” They teased me, giggling amongst the two of them.


“I’m having dinner out with the family. I’ll be home later tonight.” I briefly explained with a roll of the eyes. I was already running a tad late, and I knew how strict my father is when it comes to time management. “See you later, hyungs.” I snatched my car keys from the dinner table and rushed out the door.


Just as I exited my car, I handed the keys to the chauffeur for him to park before quickening my steps into the restaurant. The waitress led me in deeper into the restaurant towards the private rooms. She opened the door to let me in, only to have four pairs of eyes staring right back at me. I bowed deeply as I moved my feet towards my parents’ side of the table. “My apologies for being late.” Man, the atmosphere is bad...


“Don’t worry about it, son.” The man shook it off with a wave of a hand. That’s when I noticed the older looking woman, the kind of woman you could tell straight off the bat that she’s wealthy, and the younger looking lady beside her with her eyes glued on the top of the table, her eyebrows slightly crunched. She was stunning, there was no doubting that. She had the type of appearance that makes me want to know her better. But why is she here?


“Sit down, Kyuhyun.” My mother caressed my arm down as I took my seat beside her, right in front of the young lady. Her eyes flickered up to meet my gaze, her eyes filled with anger, disgust and frustration. Just as I tried to comprehend her expression, she looks away from me towards the clock hanging up on the wall. “Should we eat first or talk about what’s most important first?”


“Let’s eat first. I think it’s better to talk things through with a filled stomach.” The woman reasoned but the only thing I noticed was how the lady in front of me simply cringed, hearing the woman’s words.


I cleared my throat to grab their attention - by their meaning the parents as the lady ahead of me paid no attention me whatsoever. “Actually the members kind of made me eat at the dorm with them so I’m kind of full. Would it be okay if we just talk and get it over with? Because I’m being waited on back in the dorm.” The look on her face eased up slightly. I guess I said the right thing.


“Oh. Is that okay with you guys?” My mother reassured with the married couple in front of her. They nodded and agreed happily, sipping on their water, getting ready to finally go into business. “Well, then. As you know, this is our son, Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun, this is the Kang’s eldest daughter, Eunhye.” She introduced her to me but she wasn’t fazed by any it. Shortly after, she lifted her head up towards me and I couldn’t lie about how pretty she is.


“Hello.” She softly spoke with an obvious sarcastic smile. Wow, for a pretty face, she does not have a pretty personality.


“Nice to meet you.” I greeted in return with a charming smile but it was hard to read her expression unlike before. It’s like she put on a mask without anyone noticing. Just at that moment, my phone vibrated against my lap in my pocket. Discreetly, I fished it out without any of them noticing and opened up the unread text I had just received.


Seohyun: Oppa! ^^ What are you doing?~ Can you come by the practice room to see me? :*


Unconsciously, I smiled at her message before sending a quick reply.


Kyuhyun: Seohyun-ah... I’m busy with my family tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow, I’m sorry...


Seohyun: Oppa... I miss you :’(


Seohyun was sort of my girlfriend. I mean, it’s always on and off with her and it’s been that way since forever - the off period longer than some other times. I like her just as much as she likes me but for all reasons, we keep fighting about all sorts of things and that just breaks us apart. However, within a day or two, we’d go back to each other as though everything’s fine and we’d just forgive one another. The only thing is my parents know nothing about her, especially not our secretive relationship.


The conversation between the parents continued but I managed to block it out until the message was sent. “And so, what this dinner meeting was really about is, well, you two.” Mrs. Kang explained vaguely. I scrunched my eyebrows at her, waiting for further clarification as she watched my expression. “Your father and Eunhye’s father had made an agreement. For the sake of your father’s academy and Eunhye’s father company, in order to have a connection between the two vocations, you and Eunhye have been arranged to a marriage.”

We both exclaimed with our eyes glaring into our parents’, “You’re joking me.” The parents broke into some sort of awkward laughter amongst themselves until Eunhye stopped them. “You can’t be serious. This is your last request?” Her voice was strong and harsh, so contradicting with her kind and innocent image.


“Honey, calm down, we talked about thi-” Her mother tried to calm her down while her father massaged his forehead with his hand, sighing inwardly.


“We talked about this being your last control over my life, not about me getting married with some I don’t even know.” Ouch, that hurt.


“Kang Eunhye, watch your mouth!” Mr. Kang exploded but she simply stormed out of the room, leaving everyone speechless. That’s when he turned to my father and started to discuss seriously in whispers. “I’m sorry, Mr. Cho, she will definitely accept this. It’s only because she’s taken by surprise.”


My father shook his head, shrugging it off. “Don’t worry about it, Mr. Kang. I completely understand. Kyuhyun, will you please go along with this?” The look on his face softened me up, and just when I glanced at my mother’s face, I couldn’t help but want to give in. “If you accept this, everything will be much easier.” In other words, Eunhye wouldn’t have much more say anymore. Therefore it was either my parents’ sake or this girl I don’t know’s sake. I guess it’s pretty obvious which one someone would pick.


“Please, Kyuhyun...” The whisper that slipped out of my mother’s mouth definitely got to me.


“Alright. I’ll do it.” I groaned out, dropping my hand onto the table.


“You’d need to sign this.” Mr. Kang handed a slip of paper kept in a thick navy blue folder. Trusting my parents, I effortlessly skimmed through the words and signed my signature above the line where it printed out my name. “Thank you, Kyuhyun. If you will, please go check on my daughter.” I nodded, standing up to my feet. Taking my bow to leave, I set off to find Eunhye before she could go anywhere far.





I stormed out of there, not caring about how I was acting in front of a bunch of strangers anymore. There’s a line to everything and they went way too far out of line. I scoffed to myself, making my way out of the restaurant with hurried steps. They really had everything all figured out.


“Could you get me a executive taxi please?” I asked the chauffeur to which he simply responded with a nod and called up the service. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. If I go along with this, it’s the end. If I don’t, they’ll continue. I could always get a divorce but I had always imagined that I’d only get married once in my life. Groaning to myself, I clutched onto the strap of my handbag. Engulfed in my own thoughts, I was only brought back to conscious when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to meet one of the last faces I wanted to see. “Yes?”


“Do you need a ride back?” He politely offered, which I would normally acknowledge and return the kindness but I was nowhere near the mood to do so. He avoided my eye contact, and I could tell his shyness.


“No, thank you.” I replied, not as friendly as I’d usually be.


“It’s dangerous for you to use a taxi alone at night-”


“I can take care of myself.” I didn’t mean to snap back at him like I did but it unintendedly came out that way. I could tell from his looks that he was a good guy. On top of that, he seemed familiar as though I had seen him somewhere before but I couldn’t really put my finger on it. I won’t lie and say he’s not good-looking when anyone can tell that he is.


“Look, I don’t want this as much as you. Just do this once for your parents, why don’t you?” His question only seemed to anger me much more than I already was.


I gazed at him with a startled look. How dare he... “You know nothing about me or my family.” I shrugged him off, the chauffeur returned to me with an executive taxi as my ride back home. “Good night.” I bowed slightly before finally departing from him, my future husband.


Just as I was entering the vehicle, his words attracted my attention once again. “I signed the paper. You’re stuck with me.” He didn’t have any sort of smile or smirk on his face. His eyes was almost as though he was sorry. Registering his words in my mind, I slammed the door shut and slumped down the leather seat.


Everything is so wrong.

Yay, new story with Super Junior's Kyuhyun. Please support this story and stick around for more because there will definitely be more ;) unless there's no signs of love and support, then I'll take it down. So comment to tell me if you want more of this, anything to happen, what you think, anything at all. Subscribe for more and check out my other story about Beast's Junhyung if you haven't. Thank you, guys x

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Chapter 5: Hey i just read the whole thing. Are u going to update this???
Chapter 5: I like the story!
Oh gosh. I hate Kyu! I thought he's good coz he already treated her nice! But it's not decent to bring another woman in their house! Argh! I hate him and Seo!

I hope u update more often.
Chapter 5: Read all the chapters in one the story.
update quickly
Chapter 4: I read from the first chap to recall the story. Please update more often.
lulu88 #5
Chapter 4: Long time no update so welcome back , nice chapter , Kyuhyun is telling her that he care about her let's see how it will go with this couple .
Take care of your self authornim and update soon if possible ^_^
Carmelnap #6
Chapter 3: i really hope you continue this fic, i just found it and want to read more.
Chapter 3: That was sad. :(((
I know that they are still strangers with each other, but I don't understand why Kyu did that.

Please continun updating this fic. I am a supportive reader. :)
Chapter 3: That was sad. :(((
I know that they are still strangers with each other, but I don't understand why Kyu did that.

Please continun updating this fic. I am a supportive reader. :)
Chapter 2: Ur story is so interesting!