End of a beginning

A Thin Line Between Hate And Love

E p i s o d e 3



Class ended like always and driving back to the house from campus through the same route was the norm. It’s been a while, maybe a few months into this marriage life and nothing has changed. I had left earlier today to an empty house and I was hoping to return to see it just as empty. But of course, whatever I hope for gets turned down when I walk in to see Kyuhyun lounging on the couch, his eyes glued on the television screen, not even noticing my presence. I slipped my shoes off hastily and headed towards the bedroom but stopped myself just in time when I realized I have to go through the living room to get to the bedroom. “How was class?” His voice brought her out of her daze.


He turned off the television that was screening some music program, letting silence slip through between the two of them. “Don’t you have schedule to go to?” I retorted a bit harshly than I had practiced in my head.


Scoffing, he pushed himself off the couch to approach me. My feet stuck in the same spot, unable to move for whatever odd reason. Without a word and his eyes glaring down at me, he grasped the strap of my backpack clinging on my shoulder and gently took the weight on his hand. Slowly he backed away, retreating to the bedroom with my backpack. I blinked in confusion, still stuck in the same position for a while before finally shuffling my feet towards the kitchen. “Do you have plans tonight?” I heard his voice coming in from the bedroom.


“Why?” I inquired monotonously.


After a while, he eventually made his way in front of me, on the other side of the dining table, pouring himself a glass of water. He chugged down the ice cold water before placing the glass on the table. “Maybe you want to have dinner out?” I snapped my eyes up at him, shocked he would ask me to go eat with him for dinner. The first time in a few months, the first time ever since this all started, the first time since we got engaged.


“I have assignments. And the wedding plans which you aren’t helping with.” I pushed myself off of the bar stool, departing for the bedroom to get my phone since I heard it faintly ringing for a bit.


“I would help if you let me but you don’t even let me touch the planning book.” He derided in return which only became fuel to my anger. It always ends up like this, everything ends in a fight and no apologies. “I know about your boyfriend.” I freezed in my tracks, right at the door of the bedroom. How did he know? I never told him about Matty. He knows none of my friends so they can’t tell him about Matty, even then only Yejin knows about Matty. My body turned around on its own only for me to see him standing a few steps behind me with a smirk on his face. “Yeah, I know about him.”


“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” My voice sounded soft and weak, the opposite of how I wanted to sound.


“I know exactly what I’m talking about.” He remarked, slowly taking steps closer to me. “And you know what I suggest?” Before I could even do anything about it, he was right in front of me, leaning down just slightly to whisper into my ear. “I suggest you break it off with him as soon as possible.” I clenched my fist, rummaging through my head trying to think of something to say but nothing would come out. Yearning to push him away from me but my body wouldn’t allow me as though it was experiencing some sort of shock. He chuckled darkly before distancing himself from me and turning around, heading for the front door to leave. “I already did it for you.”


Only once the door was closed shut did his last words processed in my head. I dashed for my backpack, laying motionlessly on the window sill. Scrummaging through my book bag, I finally fished out my phone out of the front pocket. Hastily, I unlocked my phone and noticed all the missed calls and unread messages from Matty.


Matty: What are you talking about? Marriage? You’re joking right?

Matty: Babe, pick up the phone. I wanna talk about this.

Matty: Eunhye, pick up.

Matty: Call me when you can. We need to talk about this.


I could feel my hands start to shake as I read his typed words, my eyes started to blur with tears and my jaws tighten. In panic, I checked the sent messages folder to see the text Kyuhyun had sent to Matty under my name.


Eunhye: Matty, I don’t think we should continue this anymore especially with the wedding around the corner. There's someone else. I’m getting married. I’m sorry.


Just when I was about to chuck my phone across the room, the ringing emitting from the phone alerted me back to it. I picked up immediately when I read the familiar name flashing on the screen. “Matty.”


“Eunhye, what’s going on? What marriage are you talking about?” He sounded wary and perturbed, fuming and disappointed. I checked the time on the clock hanging by a nail on the wall and realized it was well past midnight where he was. Breathing in deeply, I sighed out before trying to figure out the proper words to explain to him my situation that I’ve hidden from him for months now. When I was done, he stayed quiet for a while I would have thought he fell asleep until he heaved a heavy sigh. “Why didn’t you tell me? We’ve been together for four years now, I would expect you to tell me this straight away.”


I couldn’t help but let out all the tears that I have been holding back as I was spilling out my guts to him. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to lose you.” I rambled on, ignoring his coos, telling me to calm down and not to cry. He has always been the composed one, the only one who knew exactly how to ease me.


“I don’t want to lose you too but...there’s nothing we can do now.” His words only brought me into more tears and hysteria. The words I was afraid to hear the most from him was ultimately said out loud for me to hear. “I guess the man was right. We can’t do this anymore if you’re going into a marriage. You know I love you and I always will, Eunhye, but...” His voice became weak as tears were threatening to spill from his eyes as well. Silence fell upon them once again and the waterworks continued.


“I love you. I’m sorry.” I whispered before hanging up, letting the phone fall from slipping from my fingers. My knees became weak, unable to hold me up anymore until my legs gave out on me. I laid there in a fetal position, rooted to the spot on the ground. In one phone call, a four year relationship, all those talks and dreams of staying together after university, of moving in together and living together, and getting married, all out the window. Ongoing cries and whimpers falls from my lips as I stay there, feeling hopeless for the first time in my life.




“Oh, you’re here?” Siwon greeted as I dragged my feet into the dorm with my head down. I won’t lie and say I feel great for what I did but I know it was the best for the both of us. It was what’s needed to be done. “Where’s your wife? You never bring her over.”


I lifted my head to meet his gaze warily. “She’s busy with her assignments.” I replied with not much emotions. Fighting with Eunhye really takes out all my energy and seeing her look at me as if I’m the worst person she’s ever met actually made me feel like I’m the worst person ever.


“Ah, I remember how it was with university. You should be focusing on your studies as well, Kyu. Stop playing Starcraft all the time.” He reminded me as a good older brother before averting his eyes back to the television, playing on some drama. I flopped down beside him, sighing out loud and closing my eyes hoping to lose some of the headache.


“Are you okay, hyung?” Henry inquired as he entered the living room from the kitchen with a plate of sliced up watermelons. I opened one eye to see him and meet his worried expression. With a nod, he looks away from me hesitantly and fixes his gaze on the television as he took a seat on the floor. But the interrogation didn’t stop there.


Eunhyuk strolled in, stretching his arms up, groaning about his sore muscles. “Ah, Barefoot Friends is wearing me out, man. Maybe I should quit. Ha, like Hodong-hyung would let me. Ah, Kyu, how’s your wife? You won’t even tell us her name.” He slide down next to Henry, stealing some of his watermelons.


“Hyung, don’t talk about her.” I muttered.


“Oh, did someone have a fight today?” He teased, turning his position on the floor to face me. I felt Siwon move beside me to glare down at me as well as I felt his eyes on me. “Yah, what happened?”


I sighed, sitting up and getting prepared to spill everything knowing they won’t let it go until I tell him every bit of it. “She has a boyfriend. Well, more like had.” They looked at me with serious faces, waiting for me to continue. “I broke them up. I sent a message to him through her phone saying to, you know...break up.”


“That’s not nice, Kyuhyun.” Siwon was the first to speak up. Then Eunhyuk followed. “Why would you do that? You could just tell her to break it off with him.” Even after what the two said, Henry’s words drew me in the most. “Wait, hyung, this is an arranged marriage, one that you opposed. If you don’t have any feelings for her, why do you care if she has a boyfriend or not? It’s not like you don’t have a girlfriend as well, what about Seohyun?”


He was right. All eyes were on me, waiting for me to say something. But I couldn’t. The only thing in my head was exactly what he asked me. Why do I care? I don’t. I know I don’t. Then why did I break them up? I’m still with Seohyun anyway. “You should apologize.” Siwon’s voice broke my train of thoughts. He was right too. “You don’t have to say anything to us. Just go.”


Ryeowook who had showed up in the middle of the conversation, stopped me before I could even stand up. “Wait, bring this!” He handed me a plastic bag that was rather heavy and from the smell of it, it was definitely packed food he had made earlier. “Okay, now go.”


“She probably hates you now so be careful.” Eunhyuk warned, turning his attention back to the television, taking another slice of watermelon from Henry’s plate. I nodded to myself before pushing myself off the couch.


“She already does.” And with that, I headed back to the house in a hurry.


By the time I entered the apartment, only the quietness greeted me. Carefully, I slipped off my shoes, not wanting to make any noise. Worry started to fill me up inside as the silence just grows heavier by the minute, not even a rustle was made. After I set the plastic bag of packed food on the counter of the kitchen, I scanned through the every room and every corner of the apartment and not even a sight of her.


Quietly I tiptoed my way to the bedroom, the last place I have yet to check, only to find her on the ground, balled up in a fetal position with her phone right beside her. With a swift steps, I dashed towards her and kneeled beside her body. I grabbed her wrist as gently as I could and pushed the hair back from her face. She was sleeping. Her eyes were shut closed, her lips just slightly parted as she breathed in and out softly, her tear-stained face at last looked calmed. She cried. Because of me.


Tenderly I slipped an arm behind her shoulders and another behind her knees. I pushed myself up with my legs as I carried her asleep in my arms to place her on the bed and tuck her in under the sheets. Not forgetting the phone on the ground, I reached down to grab and look through the logs. He called her multiple times but only missed in exception of one that she had picked up. After that call, there were no more calls made or any texts sent.


Running a hand through my hair, I placed the phone on the bedside table. Just as I was about to leave the room, her words halted me instantly. “Are you happy?”


I turned my body to face her, she was still laying there exactly how I had settled her in. Her eyes were wide open, staring up at the ceiling, slowly flooding up with tears. “I’m sorry.” I genuinely apologized. I had never heard her voice so weak and faint. I had never seen her so fragile and frail, so lost and pitiful. She was nowhere near the strong, independent girl I knew.


“That’s all you have to say?” She croaked out. “You broke my relationship of four years, separated me from the one person I love and that’s all you have to say?”




“Just because you’re some big idol doesn’t mean you are anything to me. You’re nothing.” Her words were spiteful, and I’m not going to lie, they hit me hard. It hurt to know she didn’t think of me as anything. Why, I don’t even know. “Have fun with Seohyun.”


Now that was the real blow. I looked away from her, hiding the sadness I knew was evident in my eyes. “Food’s on the table if you’re hungry.” I muttered before departing to have some time to myself, away from her.

Okay, here you goo! I hope you guys like it. Comment telling me what you guys think, what you guys might possibly want, anything at all! Please dont be silent or passive readers because your comments and subscriptions are whats keeping this going. Thank you guys again! There will be more coming up if I see good results with this :) x

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Chapter 5: Hey i just read the whole thing. Are u going to update this???
Chapter 5: I like the story!
Oh gosh. I hate Kyu! I thought he's good coz he already treated her nice! But it's not decent to bring another woman in their house! Argh! I hate him and Seo!

I hope u update more often.
Chapter 5: Read all the chapters in one go...love the story.
update quickly
Chapter 4: I read from the first chap to recall the story. Please update more often.
lulu88 #5
Chapter 4: Long time no update so welcome back , nice chapter , Kyuhyun is telling her that he care about her let's see how it will go with this couple .
Take care of your self authornim and update soon if possible ^_^
Carmelnap #6
Chapter 3: i really hope you continue this fic, i just found it and want to read more.
Chapter 3: That was sad. :(((
I know that they are still strangers with each other, but I don't understand why Kyu did that.

Please continun updating this fic. I am a supportive reader. :)
Chapter 3: That was sad. :(((
I know that they are still strangers with each other, but I don't understand why Kyu did that.

Please continun updating this fic. I am a supportive reader. :)
Chapter 2: Ur story is so interesting!