Second Prince

My Prince is AB

Minri was dazed in her room. She imagined if Hoya was her prince. The real prince with white horse. Then he asked to go to heaven together. Minri hit the pillow continuously with blushing face. Before she became a crazy girl who will be screaming Hoya’s name. She decided to play online game in study room.

In study room, There was Minyoung. Minri’s big sister in 3rd year. She was in the same school with Minri. She was suffering internet to do her homework.

“Eonni, have you done your homework?” Asked Minri.

“Not yet sis. Please don’t disturb me.” Minyoung eyes focused in monitor. There were many formulas that made Minri didn’t understand.

Minri puffed her cheeks and went away from study room. She decided to play playstation in her room. She took a box that contained playstation’s game and dug for a game. But nothing that could satisfy her.

“I should buy some of the newer games.” Minri took her red hoodie and black purse. She prepared to go to games store.  

Minyoung saw her sister passed the study room. She took her money from her purse and ran after Minri.

“Ri-ah, buy me some cheesecake.”

Minri just sighed and took money from Minyoung’s hand. She closed the door of their house.


In front of the game store. Minri was cheering happily. She ran and saw many guys took a look of playstation game. She saw an interesting game just from the cover. She already set a target to buy that game.

It was 3rd birthday.

And it was just one.

Minri ran as fast as the light and finally got the game. But there was a guy that got the same game with her.

“Can, you let go your hand?” Asked Minri.

“Ani, I have it first.”

Minri puffed her cheeks. Finally an idea popped in her mind.

“Ladies first, okay?”

“You’re a lady? A lady doesn’t come to this place.”

“What!? You mean just the guys who come to this place!?”

“Yes, look your surroundings.”

Minri looked her surroundings. She just saw guys and there were no girls in this place.

“Yeah, I’m different. But....” Minri realized if the game wasn’t in her hand. She looked for that guy and saw him at the cashier. She ran to him but too late. That guy already paid for that game.

“What the hell, you’re cheater!!” Shouted Minri.

“I am not.”

“Seeez, I hate you!!” Shouted Minri.

“Huh, we don’t know each other. How can you say that you hate me?”

He went away from Minri. She puffed her cheeks and went to bakery to spend her money by cakes.


At the bakery, Miri drooled with the look of the cakes. She took her favorite cakes, chocolate cake and fruit tart by tweezers. She remembered if Minyoung wanted cheese cake. She saw one cheesecake in its corner. She took it with tweezers but other tweezers came to take it. It made tweezers compete each other. Minri saw the owner of tweezers who competed with hers. And it was a guy who took her game.

“So, It’s you again.” Told Minri.

“Put your tweezers.”

“Ani! This is for my sister!” Shouted Minri. She quickly took the cheesecake and put it on her own tray. She ran to the cashier and paid it.

“ANDWEE!! THAT’S FOR MY FRIEND!!” The guy ran to cashier.

But too late for him. Minri already paid for cheese cake. She stuck out her tongue at him and laughed in happiness. She walked out from the bakery.


The day after tomorrow, at school. Everyone finally knew the result of midterm test. The result was hung on the wall-magazine. Minri, Eunyeong and Sungra looked for their result. They were screaming and jumping-dance in happiness.

“Look! You’re the 5th rank, Minri!” Screamed Sungra.

“Yeah, and you’re the rank 2nd!” Screamed Minri.

“And I don’t need to remedial!!” Screamed Eunyeon.

“I want to see Jimin oppa’s score!” Screamed Sungra.

“I will see Jongup oppa’s score!” Screamed Eunyeon.

“I will see my sister’s score!” Screamed Minri.

Sungra and Eunyeon disappointed with Minri. They were looking for their idol’s score while Minri just looking for her sister score. But it didn’t matter. Because her sister was her idol. Minyoung was popular and had many fans too. Because of her smartness and beauty. Minri looked for her sister score in 3-A class, the class where were all talented students here. She found her name and found her in 2nd rank.

“What! My sister is lost! Who is the 1st!” Minri saw Yoo Youngjae was in the first rank.

“Yoo Youngjae? I don’t know him! Where is a pabo who can beat my sister!!”

“In your back.”

Minri looked at behind and someone that was familiar to her.

A guy who was fighting with her because of game and cheese cake. He was with someone that unfamiliar at Minri.

“Oh, so you’re Minyoung little sis.” Smirked Youngjae.

“Yeah, and you are a robber who was stealing my game!” Minri pointed at Youngjae.

Youngjae was in rage, “I don’t steal it!! If I steal your game then you steal my cheesecake!” Youngjae pointed at Minri.

“I don’t steal it! I get the cheesecake first!” Shouted Minri.

“And I get the game first!!” Shouted Youngjae.


Minri, Youngjae surprised with someone’s shout. That voice was familiar to them.

A girl with glasses, hair in natural and tidy uniform.


“Big sista! You save...” Minyoung quickly hit Minri’s head. She put down Minri’s head to make her bowed at Youngjae.

“I am sorry, Youngjae-yah! My stupid little sister is always being like this.” Apologized Minyoung.

Minri didn’t want to apologize. She lifted her head forcefully.

“I will never apologize!! Stupid fat boy!!”

“I am not fat!! If you want insult someone, you should buy a mirror.”

"Yah! I am not fat!!"


Youngjae and Minri shocked to see MInyoung was shouting like that. Youngjae finally gave up. He and Daehyun turned back.

“You better watch out, Minyoung’s little sister!”

Youngjae walked away from the crowd. Minri smirked in victory.

“Hehehe, Yoo Youngjae is lost!!” Laughed Minri.

“He didn’t want to lose but he didn't want to have business with you.” Minyoung smacked her forehead and sighed.

“Anyway, what is Yoo Youngjae’s blood type? I bet he’s A!”

“Huh, he is AB.”

Minri frozen like an ice. She met with a kind AB a day before yesterday named Hoya. Then she met with an annoyed AB named Yoo Youngjae. Minri curved like a ball and confused about her fate.



Finally the 2nd chapter. kkkk

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