
Serious Business

Time for chapter 2, which explains Youngbae's every day life. Enjoy! ^^

It was raining heavily. Just the right weather to do what he had to do. Or so Taeyang had thought. But here he was again, running through the streets of Seoul, trying to escape out of the sight of the men behind him. Of course he was trained, and fast. But still, it always made him scared to be chased like this.
The reason for running away was that he had been just too slow. If he had been one second faster, there wouldn’t have been a problem. But the man behind the pay desk had seen him slip the bottle inside his leather jacket. The bottle of liquid that Jiyong suddenly had a taste for.
Cursing himself, he had ran out of the shop immediately, taking the bottle with him. There was no way he would disappoint G-Dragon, no matter what happened. He could see the grin on his face when he would hand him what he had wished for. He wanted Jiyong to be proud of him.
The sound of the footsteps behind him were slowly fading, a little bit too slowly though. These men were faster and more persevering than usual. Youngbae didn’t want to admit it to himself, but he was completely out of breath and his legs were starting to hurt. Luckily, he knew the streets of Seoul better than anyone, he assumed he even knew them better than Jiyong, since he had to do assignments for him almost every day. He knew he was close to a street with a lot of turns and alleys connected to it.
Just one more street to the right and you’re there.
It was time for some tricks.
He took a turn to the right and ran into a big street. As fast as he could he took a turn to the left, then to the right, then to the left again. After another turn to the left, the road started to rise. He ran on, knowing he had to persist for just a little while more. He ran to the end of the street, and turned to the left once again. He was now at the beginning of the big street again. This was a tactic that never let him down before. Because this way, the chasers weren’t behind him, he was behind the ones chasing him. They never expected that, so they wouldn’t come back looking here for quite a while.
Satisfied with himself, he hid behind the corner of a house to be certain he couldn’t be seen and slid down against the wall until he reached the ground.
Exhausted, he was glad he could finally sit down. He knew he had to wait for around ten minutes. He had to leave this place at the moment the people chasing him were searching somewhere else, but shouldn’t wait that long that they would think of researching this place. He grinned because of his little victory, impatient to show Jiyong that he had succeeded once again.
He grabbed the bottle of alcohol from his jacket and watched it more closely. 40% alcohol. Disgusted, he put it back. He hated alcohol. His father beat him up so many times because of the effects of it. He often tried to hide the liquid somewhere in their house, but his father would always find them. If not, he would send Taeyang to the shop to buy some more.
It was a bit strange for him to fetch alcohol for Jiyong, while that same guy had been the one that had saved him from his father’s beatings long ago. It had been Jiyong who had coincidentally seen his father beat him up one day next to their house. At first the guy didn’t dare to come in between them, he had been 17 only, and his father was a big and strong man, despite the amount of alcohol he had drunk. But at some point, his father had lifted an empty bottle above his head, planning to crush it into Taeyang’s face. He remembered Jiyong’s voice, screaming he had to run. Even then, he had listened to him immediately. GD was someone you simply listened to. It must be his charisma, or something unexplainable, but Youngbae had never seen someone disobey. So while he ran out of his father’s reach, he looked back and saw the stranger grab his father’s arm with one hand, and the bottle with the other. His father had been completely surprised, and before he could do anything, G-Dragon had kicked the inside of his knee so that he fell down. For once, Taeyang thought of the amount of alcohol in his father’s blood as a blessing, because his dad didn’t have the strength to get up after he fell. Jiyong had turned around and saw him watching them. He walked up to Youngbae slowly and put his arm around his shoulder.
“He’s your dad?” He had asked.
Youngbae nodded.
“I’m sorry that I hurt him.” He said, bowing his head. “I thought you needed some help.”
Taeyang smiled at him weakly. “Gamsahabnida.”
“Let’s go to my place for a while, okay?” Jiyong offered.
Taeyang had gladly but shyly accepted. Jiyong’s ‘place’ was nothing more than a small abandoned building close to a river. But Youngbae instantly loved it. His father’s house had never been a place he had called home since his mother passed away and his father started drinking. It had been years now.
Without talking about it, Taeyang lived at GD’s house. It was a silent agreement. He wasn’t willing to go back to his dad’s house, he didn’t dare to face him or the mess he had left behind. Jiyong never asked him about it.
Youngbae was very grateful for being able to stay there. After a couple of days, he started to get used to the other guy and decided he wanted to help so that he could pay for staying here. He had always been poor, sometimes getting a tiny amount of money from his father that he had to hide before his dad changed his mind and wanted to buy more liquid using it. He had never stolen before though. Jiyong taught him that it was okay to steal, when you really needed something.
“Is it our fault that the society doesn’t help us out, but looks down on us like we’re monsters?” He’d often ask angry.
Slowly, Youngbae started to think the same way. So he learned how to steal, how to sneak. He learned the streets of Seoul one by one, whether they were large or small. He learned where the dead ends were, and where there were abandoned buildings he could hide in. Every once in a while, he and Jiyong would move to another place to live, so that they wouldn’t be found.
He tried to avoid the busy parts of Seoul, with its huge buildings and companies and men and women wearing expensive suits and dresses. He didn’t want to be confronted with the fact that his life, in many people’s eyes, was a complete failure. He didn’t want to see what his life could’ve been like, hadn’t he given up on his father and dropped out of school. Instead, he tried to stay in the poorer neighbourhoods.
The two guys had inevitably become best friends, always being together. They grew up together since they were 17, and 8 years had passed. Taeyang would do anything for his friend, and he knew Jiyong would do anything for him too. So that’s why even stealing alcohol, even though it brought back bad memories, wasn’t too much for him to do.
Youngbae sighed and stood up, stretching. It would only take him around 15 minutes to get there, he knew exactly which was the shortest route. Looking over his shoulder once more to make sure no one was there following him, he started to run again. Run back home.

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ohwells #1
Chapter 2: ugh, its the perfect makings of a gdyb fanfic D: but i still can't wait to see baeri's first meeting :D
Chapter 2: The life of YoungBae and Jiyong sounds very interesting. I want to know more of his relation. About Ri, well, sounds more like a boring busy life, so he is not happy.
I can't wait for the BaeRi interaction too.
Chapter 2: I love your writing!! I feel bad for YoungBae's life. I'm curious about YoungBae and Jiyon's relationship. Seems very special.

I'm excited seungri and taeyang interaction!!!

Update soon please !!
ohwells #4
Chapter 1: oooohhh seunghyun vs seunghyun, i love it ^_^
Sound so interesting. Update soon please
Seems interesting! !! I can't wait for the update! !!
Ottokaji :D Sounds good, can't wait for an update!