The Confession

My Cute Love Story


"Why are you laughing?" Jonghyun said with his face still like this ._.

"Cause- haha- hold on let me catch my breath.WOOOOOOOOOOOO that was funny. Anyways, its because i know your trying to make me feel better, and the way you did it just made me want to laugh. If you were the real little boy then you wouldve told me after i told you the story. But thanks for trying anyways, it shows that you care." Sunyoung said with tears in her eyes from laughter.

"Do you think this is a joke? Is it something to be laughing about?  Sunyoung-ah, im really the little boy. I was going to tell you after you told me the story, but then i couldnt because of your umma. Im the boy from the park. Im the one who always had sand in his shoe and every 2 minutes i had to take it out and you would laugh with that beautiful smile of yours. Im the one that gave you that necklace. Me. Im the little boy. Since it was such an important day for me, i even remember what you wore. You wore blue shorts with a blue flower patterned tank top with blue velcro shoes and you had a blue headband in your hair. By the way im guessing your favourite colour is blue. Anyways, i am the little boy. Sunyoung its me. Its me. Im back. I found you." Jonghyun said while he was smiling. Sunyoung was silent. She couldnt breathe or speak. She was confused. She had to think. Shes not sure if she believes him yet. She needs time.

"I... will be right back." She said while running up the stairs with tears in her eyes. Jonghyun just stood there and his smile faded. "Is it really Jonghyun? Is it really him?" She thought to herself. Then Sunyoung remembered when they first met. He was so rude and cold. When he was about to slap her and his friend took him away. All of a sudden, he saved her from a burning school, became nice, and started taking care of her and protecting her? He started being mean because of his past? Then Sunyoungs mind went DING.


Song Qian is known as Victoria now cause her name was too hard to pronounce for Koreans. Victoria remembered a few days ago when she was with Onew. She smiled to herself. Is she really starting to develop feelings for him?  Does Onew feel the same way? Was she nice enough to him and not being a stuck up person? All of these things were flowing in her mind. Shes hoping that Onew would start to develop feelings for her too. She has never felt like this before. Even when shes around Nickhun her first ever crush in her first Korean school... never.

Onew apparently does have feelings for Victoria. He thinks about her day and night. But he;s worried that she might have feeligns for someone else. He heard that She has a crush on Nickhun that Taiwanese guy. Onew one time found him drunk with some random other drunk girls. (A/N: Dont get me wrong i love Nickhun.... hes my cutie pie.) Onew thinks he is a really bad influence. He must keep her away from him as much as possible. He must protect her. 

The next day at school, Victoria saw Onew from a distance and she was blushing. He was perfect to her. She then shook here  head from daydreaming and got to class. She had class with Onew today, but she didnt care. As long as she doesnt blush, shes good. Onew then entered the room and waved at her. She waved back and started to feel hot. So she then put her head down to hide it. When the last period bell rang, Nickhun comes up to Victoria.

"Sup." He said and she lturned herself and saw him. She had a bit of feelings for him because of his handsomeness, but She likes Onew all the way.

"Hi." She said shyly. "Sooo, you wanna go out Friday night?" He said. Little did they know that Onew was watching. He froze. She didnt know what to answer. She was confused. Nickhun. Onew. Nickhun. Onew. Nickhun. Onew. All of a sudden, Onew comes up to them.

"Excuse me, but please stop flirting with my girlfriend. Lets go Victoria." He said and he dragged her away from a confused Nickhun. Victoria was confused too. "Uhh what was that for?" She said trying to avoid eye contact. "Im sorry i came out of nowhere and said those things. But he's a bad influence. So make sure you dont go near him. He parties and drinks all night with other girls. Since i live near an alcohol store, i see him everyday. He will do nothing, but break your heart." Onew said. Victoria was shocked, but she listened to his words and will stay far away from him as possible. She then thanked him and went home.


Everyday Soojung is seeing Minho with that girl, but she doesnt know why. She thought maybe its his sister or cousin or something. She decided to tell him how she really feels. She sees Minho with the girl, but shes telling him anyways.

"Hey Minho."

Minho turned around in shock. He completly forgot that he was waiting for her answer. He got up and said, "Hi." And Yuri was just smiling.

"Alright, i thought about it and... Yes ill be your girlfriend." She said and smiled. She then hugged him. His frog eyes widened again. He cant believe she said yes. He was so happy, but sad at the same time because of Yuri. Yuri was like \(OoO)/ "GET AWAY FROM MY BOYFRIEND." As she pulled Soojung and Minho apart. He messed up big time. Soojung was confused. "Boyfriend?" Soojung said.

"Uhh." Minho scratched the back of his neck. Then Yuri said, "Yes my boyfriend. Now stay away from him. Where did you get the idea of him being your girlfriend? He will never love you, but only me. Now get out of here." Soojung froze. A tear was going to go down her face, but she stayed strong. She then looked at Minho who was shocked at what Yuri said. Shes not the sweet and kind Yuri as before. He actually only had feelings for Soojung and never Yuri. He only went out with Yuri so that he wont hurt her feelings. But he will hurt her even more if he tells her, he never liked her. He wants Soojung even more now that she said yes.

"Yuri listen. Dont ever talk to her or hurt her like that again or else your hurting me. I am the one who asked her out and i was waiting for her answer for a long time. The truth is Yuri, the only reason why i went out with you was because i didnt want to hurt your feelings when you said you liked me. So i actually never loved you, but my first love and always will be, Soojung. We have to breakup." 

"WHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. YOU STUPID PABO JERK FART FACE FINE FINE I CAN FIND SOMEONE WAYYY BETTER AND RICHER THEN YOU. OH YA THATS RIGHT IM TALKING ABOUT TAEYANG. AND A BYE BYE." She said stomping away. Minho then turned to a shocked Soojung. "Its okay. Since you said yes, i am now your boyfriend and you are mine." He said while smiling and then hugged her. She was so happy to have someone like him. She hugged him back tighter and said, "I love you." And Minho replied, "I love you more." They then went somewhere private where no one could see them and they started kissing passionatly.

MEANWHILE WITH L AND LYNDA (Last part of story for these guys.)...........

L and Lynda are having a great time together. They think that they will spend the rest of their lives together. They always hug and kiss and no matter how much they fight, they will always find a solution cause they love eachother too much. (A/N: This is very random lol.)


Sulli cant take it anymore. Shes always with Taemin and shes starting to develop more feelings for him. She just wants to go out with him, but shes too afraid to tell him how she feels. But this Choi Jinri is not suppose to be afraid. She is a strong Sulli.

Taemin cant stop thinking of Sulli either. He just wants to tell her how he feels. He is going to tell her today and nothing will get in his way.

The next day they met up with eachother as usual, and it was time to express their feelings for eachother. "I need to tell you something." The both said at the same time. "Okay you go first." Taemin said wondering what she needs to say.

"Okay." She took a deep breath. "Ever since i met you, i have had a crush on you. I like you a lot. I think you are very adorable and handsome. Ever since then, i have been developing more feelings for you and i think im ready to confess my feelings now. So... I like you... alot." When she was waiting for his answer, he answered her with a blissful kiss. She was shocked, but she kissed him back. When he let go, he smiled. "I like you too Sulli. Thats what i was going to tell you, but i was wondering what you wanted to say first. So, are you willing to be my girlfriend?" She then smiled with a beautiful smile that can melt Taemins heart. "Yes i will be your girlfriend." They both hugged eatchother and spent the rest of the day together.

Key and Amber had an amazing party and they have a lot of things in common. (A/N: Sorry, but i dont have much ideas for them. But i will try to write about them in the next chapter. Looll such a random sentence)


When Sunyoung's brain went DING, she found out he really is the little boy. The boy that she loves. She found him. Finally. She cant believe its Jonghyun, but after she realized it was him, she started to think that he is actually really cute and handsome. And she started developing feelings for him. Her first love is him and it will always be him. "Jonghyun, im coming for you." She said to herself and was searching for Jonghyun in the house. She looked everywhere, but she couldnt find him. There was only one place left for her to look. His room that he was suppose to sleep in this whole time. She knocked on the door, but no one answered. She gently opened the door and found a cute sleeping Dino taking a nap. She giggled to herself a bit. She thought he was so cute while sleeping. Little did she know, that he hadnt fallen asleep yet, so he heard her come in.

"Jonghyun. I dont know if you can hear me, but im telling you this anyways. I believe that you are the little boy. I just needed time to think about it. Now that i believe that you are the little boy, i want to be with you all the time. And im not going to lie i love your smile too. I just want to stay with you forever and never let you go. I dont know if you feel the same way, but i think im in love with you now. Ever since we met, i always loved you. Now that i found out that you're the little boy, i started to think that your cute, funny, and protective. Thats when i started developing feelings for you. So until you wake up let me know what you think. Or i will tell you again if you didnt hear me. Oh and by the way, yes my favourite colour is blue." She then was about to get up when Jonghyun pulled her on the bed and was on top of her. "You scared me." She said while her heart was beating faster.

"I love you too though." He had a smirk on his face. "I will spend the rest of my life with you and i will protect you no matter what. I will always love you and only you Sunyoung. The truth is, ever since we met, i fell in love with you too. When your umma slapped you in the face, i was so angry i wanted to punch a wall. I actually had a dream with your umma in it and we were having a conversation. She told me to be with you and protect you with all my life. So i will to that. I love you, Park Sunyoung." He then put his lips onto hers and they were kissing for a long time. To express his love, Jonghyun decided to touch tongues with her and he did so. She was shocked, but she gave in. Their tongues were meshing together and groans were filled inside of the room. They really do love eachother.


Its been a while eh. Im so sorry for not updating in a while, but i have been quite busy with stupid school.

Oh and dont worry about the last sentence im not dirty minded lool. I just wanted the story to be more interesting instead of saying they just kissed.

I also decided to put the other couples in this chapter since i havent done it in a while. But i promise i will put more Keyber in the next chapter.

Thank youu oh nand by the way idk if Luna's favourite colour is blue, so i put something random. Can anyone tell me what it is?

Bye bye~~~

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Chapter 14: well i'd be happier if she was pregnant in normal way lol
Chapter 12: woa onew was hot back there..XD
Chapter 14: My JongNa feels were bursting throughout the whole story <3 I LOVED IT!!! I am so glad you dedicated this story mainly to my favourite ShineeEffection couple=JONGNA!

I wish this would happen to me their childhood love turned into their love where they were meant to be :3 so romantic <3

Make more JongNa stories :D
SHINeeffects #4
Chapter 11: Omygosh why is everyone dyyyiingg ;(
SHINeeffects #5
Chapter 4: ~Kyeopta!~
Chapter 13: OmO amazing chapter Unnie