
Jongin, we haven't paid the bills for two months. What's going on?” Soojung demanded, now speaking loudly due to the fact that Lauren was asleep. It had been half a year since Lauren's fourth birthday, and things had only gone downhill.

Jongin ran his hand through his hair tiredly. How could he tell Soojung, who was so intelligent and able and yet still agreed to become a housewife? At least until Lauren was a lot older. How could he tell his wife who had given up everything she'd worked for and trusted him fully to get the money in?

I lost my job.”

Soojung stared at him, completely shocked. Jongin was the best at his job; all the parents told her this. He worked at the Royal School of Dance, as head instructor of hiphop. The job was paid well because he had worked so hard to get it and had gotten many promotions. How could he have lost it?

What the Hell do you mean, you lost it? Did you get fired? When was this? Why didn't you tell me!” Soojung yelled, tears pooling in her eyes. Those tears were not for herself, but for Lauren and her family's future. How could they keep going when Jongin had lost the only job anyone would give him?

Jongin couldn't say anything. He looked at the floor but it was no use - he could hear the disappointment in Soojung's voice. This was too unbearable for him. He had to get out of the house immediately or he'd start throwing things. Standing up so abruptly his chair fell over, Jongin didn't even look at Soojung as he walked out. She ran out after him, screaming awful things.

He simply ignored her and slammed the door shut behind him. There was no way he could face this right now.

'I need a drink,' was all Jongin could think. He stood still, letting the cold numb his body. It was nicer this way, because he couldn't feel anything else. Without knowing it, his feet took him to his favourite bar. Inside, the bartender, a lovely woman named Yuri, gave him a beer on the house.

“You look as if you need it,” she said with a warm wink. “Just don't tell the boss, yeah?

Course I won't, noona. Thanks,” Jongin answered hoarsely, grabbing the glass before taking a long swig from it. Yuri smiled at him and went to serve some other customers.

In what seemed like no time at all, Jongin's beer glass was empty and he was trying to get the last droplets out. Little did he know that there was someone observing him from the far side of the counter.  Someone who would play a very important role in his future.

The stranger made his way over to Jongin, who was still determindely shaking the glass over his parted lips. The man coughed discreetly, making Jongin pause for a moment before setting his glass down. He turned to this dazzling person, blinking curiously.

Can I help you?” Jongin said politely, making the man laugh. He had a lovely laugh, clear and pure as crystal in this noisy world of alcohol. He made Jongin's head spiral in swirls on confusion, envy and longing. Ever since Lauren had been born, him and Soojung hadn't done anything more than kiss.

Jongin was hungry for affection and physical contact. Somehow he knew this man could give both to him.

Well, I was just looking around and I saw you. You looked a little lonely for such a handsome person,” the man purred, edging closer to Jongin, fingers making swirly patterns on the wooden counter. He had long, slender fingers, white as porcelain.

Uh, I...just needed a quick drink. Had a - a tough day,” Jongin mumbled, transfixed by those beautiful fingers edging closer to his body. They hovered over his hand before resting on it, their touch as light as moth's wings.

The man nodded in sympathy, taking the seat next to the latter. “I see. I'm sorry to hear that. My name's Lu Han, by the way. You can call me Luhan,” Luhan said, smiling warmly at Jongin. His hand turned to lace its fingers with the other's, but again, his touch was oh so light. So light Jongin was wondering if he was real. And he needed Luhan to be real;  he had never felt so vunerable and alone.

“I'm Kim Jongin, it's nice to meet you Luhan-ssi,” Jongin choked out, looking up and losing himself in the other's deep brown eyes. Luhan was, quite frankly, the most handsome man Jongin had ever seen. Why had he chosen to speak to him - when he had a whole bar full of stunning people to flirt with?

Jongin...What a lovely name you have. I like it,” Luhan whispered softly, leaning in until his lips were teasing the shell of Jongin's ear. The steady breathes against his skin were making Jongin shiver with pleasure, and Luhan  let out a smile of satisfaction.

With renewed confidence Luhan let his tongue dart out of his mouth, running it slowly up and down Jongin's ear. I like you as well, Jongin,” the man purred seductively, wrapping his leg slowly around Jongin's. The latter was momentarily lost in a world of pleasure before reality came back to him.

“I-I'm sorry, Luhan-ssi, but - but I'm married.

This made Luhan stop his loving acts abruptly, and he pulled away quickly, a hurt look painted onto his delicate features. “Oh, I...I didn't know. Please accept my apology,” he said before standing up and bowing low, making Jongin incredibly uncomfortable. He hadn't meant to scare Luhan away, it's just that what they were doing was wrong. But then again, no one had touched him in this way for four years...

Jongin shook his hands frantically, pulling a surprised Luhan up again. “It's fine, honestly. You didn't know, it's my fault for not making it clear.” He wrapped his arm around Luhan's waist, trying to steady him. Although Luhan seemed manly at first, Jongin could tell there was a certain frailty that once seen, could not be overlooked. The dance instructor suddenly had the urge to protect Luhan and make him feel loved.

Luhan nodded and settled himself in the seat again, swivelling to the left, now facing Jongin. “Could we do that again? I'd like to introduce myself without sounding like a erted flirt.

Jongin laughed loudly and nodded. Stretching his hand out for a handshake, he said warmly, Hey, I'm Kim Jongin. It's nice to meet you!”

Luhan grinned cutely and shook the latter's hand with enthusiasm, answering in a chirpy voice. Hi Jongin, I'm Luhan. It's nice to meet you too!” He held onto Jongin's hand a little longer, leaning down to peck it lightly. Looking up with a wink, he sang, Sorry, I couldn't resist~ It won't happen again, I promise.”

This made Jongin laugh again and he patted Luhan's head affectionately. It's fine, Luhan. As long as we don't tell the missus, eh?” He winked back, making Luhan chuckle.

I hope we'll be good friends, Jongin.”


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HoneyCates #1
Chapter 4: Luhan and jongin???

I like the plot btw :)
Chapter 2: I loved it! Update soon, author-ssi :D