

Four years ago, my daughter was born. We decided to give her a Western name, due to Soojung's roots. Her name is Lauren. She must be the most angelic being I have ever had the honour to meet. I'm not sure she'll stay like that, especially when she becomes a teenager, but she's already decided how to treat people, at four. Can you believe it? Four years old and already treating people like they're perfect. There is no way she got that from me. Why?

Because I'm pathetic. Useless. I am the exact opposite of perfect.

Jongin, could you get Lauren's umbrella? It's tipping outside,” Soojung called down the hallway, crouching down to do up the buttons on Lauren's raincoat. It was a lemon yellow, the little girl's favourite colour. 'It's my favourite colour because it's like the sunshine!' That was the reason.

Jongin chuckled to himself and grabbed Lauren's yellow umbrella, which was the same colour as her raincoat.

“Here it is, ladies~” he sang, running down the hallway like a child to amuse his daughter. She giggled as he handed her the umbrella, clutching it tightly. Soojung was busy buttoning up her own raincoat, but Jongin caught her by surprise as he pecked her lips cheekily.

Hey, no kissing in front of your daughter! Lauren doesn't like it, do you, honey?” Soojung said, glaring playfully at Jongin and patting Lauren's cheek. The little girl squealed and nodded.

Yeah, Mommy's right! No kissy-kissy in front of Lauren, okay, Daddy?” the girl said earnestly to Jongin, making him laugh loudly. He picked her up gently and spun her around, making her squeal with laughter.

Fine, no kissy-kissy in front of Lauren, I promise~” Jongin said, chuckling and setting his daughter down again.

Those were good times. We were like a perfect family. Sure, our apartment was tiny, but then again it was enough for the three of us. Everything was really going fine, which surprised me. Who had thought my life would ever work out? My parents always said to me, “You'll never do anything useful in your life, you stupid boy!” That's what they used to scream at me. But that made me even more determined to make my life a success.

When did my determination die?


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HoneyCates #1
Chapter 4: Luhan and jongin???

I like the plot btw :)
Chapter 2: I loved it! Update soon, author-ssi :D