Chapter 4

Bad People Don't Deserve to Live



“D*MN IT!!!!!” I yelled

Oh shoot

I jumped up and looked over at Eun Byul. She didn’t even flinch

Wow good thing she’s a heavy sleeper.

I put on my cloth from yesterday night. I was about to walk out but I couldn’t leave her alone.

*sigh* sorry Dae Hyun

I walked over to the closet, “opened” the door and I went inside Dae Hyun’s room.

“Dae Hyun wake up” I whispered

“Alsdf bjaio rdinw” he said mumbling inside of his pillow

Dae Hyun!” I whispered a little louder.

He turned his head towards me and glared at me, “What do you want?”

“Go look after Eun Byul.”

“Why should I?” He said putting the pillow over his head

“Because I don’t want to leave her alone” I said

“Where do you have to go?” He asked

“Somewhere, please Dae Hyun you can sleep on the floor.”

“Why would I sleep on the floor when I have a bed that I can sleep in?” Dae Hyun asked

Please Dae Hyun. I begged him. He peeped from under his pillow.

Why are you so cute?”

*sigh* “Fine” He said slowly getting up.

“Wow, been working out?” I asked. He wore a tank but you could see his abs and his arms looked so hot. He just gave me a sleepy smirk.

We headed into my room

“Okay I’ll be back at like 4 so just stay here with Eun Byul, k?”


“Dae Hyun?” I looked down to see him already asleep.

“Wow Dae Hyun, wow” I giggled and stepped out of the room

Today I decided to start from top to bottom.  I went to the side stair case and started climbing up to the 4th floor.  I didn’t need to since it was Doo Joon’s floor but went anyways.  There was nothing up here so I decided to go to the security room.  I stepped in and no one was in here.

How come I’m the only one that has to wake up this early?

I decided to see if there were any intruders outside.

“Of course there is no…………what the heck?” I rubbed my eyes just in case my eyes were playing tricks on me but they weren’t. There was something more like someone hiding in the bushes near the garage.

It’s probably one of Doo Joon’s minion’s going out.

I zoomed in. 

What the heck, if it was one of the minion’s why is he wearing a mask, wow we actually have an intruder

The intruder was looking around and then he sprinted into the garage. What the heck. I looked around to make sure again if anybody was around; again probably sleeping.  I turned my attention back to the computer and deleted the clip.

I rushed out of the security room and went to the end of the fourth floor.  It was a dead end. I turned to the right and I pushed in the wall, it pushed in and slid to the right revealing a fire man’s pole to the bottom.  I stepped inside and the door closed behind me pushing out hiding the secret passage way’s presences.  I grabbed on the pole and I slid down. It seemed to take forever since I was going from the top all the way to the bottom and if that wasn’t enough my hands started to burn.  I finally reached the end of the pole and I jumped off.

Note to self bring gloves next time.

I walked straight until there was another dead end, it went back and I opened it like a regular door.  I stepped out and I was in the garden.  I closed the door and began my way towards the garage. 

What if it is one of Doo Joon’s minions or Doo Joon himself? Oh crap. What am I suppose to say? Well nothing really if he asks I have an excuse but he doesn’t.  What if this really is an intruder.  How did he find this place anyways? I don’t even know where we are

I started to talk to myself; by the time I was done I was at the garage already.

I opened the door and stepped inside.

All of the cars are here

I walked around and then I hear a voice

“Hey Ray, what ya doing?” A voice cracked behind me

“Looking for intruders Yo Seob, why you wearing the mask?” I asked not looking back

“I’m no Yo Seob I’m a murderer! Raawr!” Yo Seob giggled

“You’re too nice to be a murderer” I chuckled

“Am not!” He stomped his foot on the ground

“Honestly Yo Seob why are you wearing the mask?”

“Cause I felt like it.” Yo Seob said jumping in front of me

“Take of the mask Yo Seob, it looks stupid on you.” I glared at him

“Ray you’re so mean” he said as he took of the mask

Why does he have to be friends with Doo Joon when he’s so darn cute?!

“Why are you in here wearing a mask?”

“I told you I felt like it!” He said pouting

“Nobody not even Hyun Seung does this.” I sighed

SO?! I just wanted,” Yo Seob started

“Doo Joon made you do this didn’t he?” I asked

NO! Why would Doo Joon hyung “

“He told you do to this to piss me off, didn’t he?”

“I told you no! N.O NO!”

“Don’t lie to me Yo Seob.” I said circling around him

“Why would he tell me to do something like that?” He asked pouting

“I told you, to piss me off” I said stopping right in front of him.

“Okay you caught me!” He said holding up his hands and giggling

Why is this boy so cute?

*sigh* “Go to sleep Yo Seob”

“Okay Ray-Ray! ^^” He walked out of the garage and I just stayed there.

“Ray-Ray?” *sigh*

I walked out of the garage and went back to the security room.  I looked at the clock and it was 2.

I spent 30 minutes doing this sh*t?

I deleted the clip from before and I started to search the rest of the house.

There was nothing on the third floor, nothing on the second. I was about to leave but decided to check up on Eun Byul and Dae Hyun. I pecked in and they were both still asleep


I went to the first floor and heard munching in the kitchen. I walked towards it and I see Yo Seob sitting on the counter swing his legs eating ice cream, chips, and cookies.

“I told you to go to sleep Yo Seob”

“I was hungry” He said with ice cream all over his face

“Why don’t you go eat upstairs?” I asked him

“Because Doo Joonie hyung doesn’t want me to anymore” he said this time munching on a cookie

“Doo Joonie?” I arched my eyebrow

“Yeah isn’t it cute? He won’t let me call him that though” He said pouting

This kid

“Just go upstairs and eat. If he gets mad at you just tell him I told you, you could eat in your room”

“Really Ray-Ray? Thanks!” He grabbed all his snacks and hopped away.

Again CUTE!

Now with him gone I guess there is nobody awake. I looked at a clock and it was 3. Since I had spare time I went into my sanctuary.

I just laid there; looking up at the ceiling just thinking.

Umma, appa, I hope you’re watching over me. I met a really nice girl her name is Eun Byul, well at least that’s what we call her. Anyways Doo Joon took her and I want to get her out of here.  I don’t know how or when but I know that I have to do it.  I also promised her that I would.  Please look after me.

I closed my eyes and just thought about all the memories I had of them.


I stood up and started my way up to my room.  Again nobody in sight; they are so lucky. Stupid Doo Joon, making me do all of this stupid work, taking Eun Byul, kidnapping me when I was 16. I started to rant about all the things that I didn’t like about Doo Joon, by the time I was done I reached my room. I entered my room. I went over to Dae Hyun and started to nudge him gently with my foot.

“Dae Hyun you can leave now.”


“Dae Hyun” I nudged him a little harder


Dae Hyun!” I kicked him

He shot straight out of the floor bed. Walked over to the closet and went into his room without one word.

Wow must have been really tired

I look at my alarm clock and its 4:15. I lie down and start and fall asleep.





“UNNIE, TIME TO WAKE UP!” I hear a cheerful voice next to me.


“Ray unnie?” Eun Byul started to shake me

“Go take a shower” I said still closing my eyes

“I don’t have anything to wear.” She said

“Go outside and bring the laundry bag inside"

“Laundry bag?”

She did as told and brought a bag inside

“There wasn’t a laundry bag but there are some shopping bags.”

“Same diff.” I said not caring to wake up

“YAY all of the cloth are clean. Unnie I didn’t you didn’t tell me you liked bright colors!” She said cheerfully

“What are you talking about? I only have dark colored cloth” I went over to one bag and I saw that they were bright colored cloths and the other bag had all of my cloth. 

“What the h*ll?” then I saw a note.

Glad that you found the new cloth, it’s for Eun Byul so don’t even think of taking the cloth Ray

I scoffed

Anyways hope you like them and if they aren’t the right size then tell me

           Luv, Doo Joon

“The cloths are from Doo Joon” I tossed her the note

“Really that’s so sweet!” she said admiring the cloth

Sweet! Please

“Let me check something first” I looked at all the cloth

There has to be a catch

I started to look at each individual shirt, skirt, jacket, pants and everything else and there it was

I knew it!

There was a little tracking device in a button to her jacket.

“I knew there was a catch” I took the device and I put it on one of my tank

“What was that?” She looked at the device

“It’s nothing you have to worry about it” I took the shirt and laid it on my table

“Okay! Let me see the cloth!” she took the cloth and put it against her cloth

“Okay! Hmmmm let me see! I’ll wear this!” She giggled and walked into the bathroom

I laid down and I took a little nap.

“Unnie, I’m done! Let’s go!” I woke up and we stepped out of the room

“Okay wait one sec.” I went over to the bag with all of my cloth and I saw a list

“Here we go!” I brought the list up to my face and I my jaws dropped

“What the, “I couldn’t even say anything

“What is it unnie?” She looked at the paper

“WHAT THE HECK! There’s like a thousand things on this paper!” She looked at it shocked

*sigh* “I told you that this is going to be h*ll”

“Well let’s go” We walked out of the room with our heads hung low.



Yay I’m so glad that I got a new reader nad337! Thanks soooo much!

Did you guys here that Go Hara and Junhyung are dating!? YAY CONGRADULATIONS KIDS! You guys make such a cute couple luv you and hope you guys have a good relationship!^^ Hope you guys all liked the little Yo Seob appearance lol he’s so cute!

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@asnsa123 - thanks soooo much! YAY MY FIRST COMMENT! don't be afraid to suggest stuff! ^^<br />
asnsa123 #2
luv ur story , i get too excited when u update , and dont worry nothings confusing ur story is just fine ^^