Chapter 3

Bad People Don't Deserve to Live

Chapter 3

___2:45 pm___

We entered my our room. It was a pretty big room with two huge windows. They were pretty close to each other and made a corner to my room.  In front of one of the windows was a balcony, like the ones you find in those princess movies.  I had a medium sized closet but half of it was empty since I didn’t have much to wear.  It was on the wall that borders Dae Hyun’s and my room. So we made a little “doorway”. I also stored blankets and pillows in there.  It was a very mellow blue color with nothing on the walls.  There was a bed right next to the window with the balcony. I guess I would have to sleep on the couch since Eun Byul will be staying with me. Next to the bed was a little table with an alarm clock. There was a desk next to the door with no computer since Doo Joon is a paranoid . But I use Dae Hyun’s so it’s all good.  There was a small comfy one person sofa in the corner of the room. It was made of light brown leather and it’s very comfortable. Yeah that was it; simple but suitable.

“Okay Eun Byul we have the whole day to ourselves. Thanks to you I don’t have to do sh*t today” I said crashing onto my bed

“Is that suppose to be a compliment?” she asked very innocently while sitting in the sofa.

I chuckled, “I guess you can call it that.” Then there was an awkward silence.

“Soooooo, tell me about yourself, or not maybe I should go first?”

I had to make it even more awkward *sigh*

She giggled, I was shocked.

“It would be nice if you would go first.” She said

“Whoa~, way to formal for my taste, just relax.” I said

“Okay I’ll start first.  You already know my name but my Korean name is Rae Yeon. That’s where I got Ray from. ANYWAYS~ I like the color blue, black, white, well yeah. I’m 24. I like spring and winter, not a big fan of liars, don’t get along with people that well, hot tempered around Doo Joon, and yeah. That’s practically it, your turn” I said nonchalantly

“Really, is that it? Nothing about your family, what you wanted to be when you grew up, how you got here?” she said with curiosity.

*sigh*, “That’s a story for next time.”

“Well okay then it’s my turn. I'm Eunbyul.."

she said that way to casually i arched my eyebrow. 

"ugh well.. yeah since thats the name you gave me i'll use that.  I have parents but they treated me like dirt. So my older brother and I moved out and we don’t talk to our parents anymore.”

“Really, wouldn’t you want to talk to them just one more time, I mean they are your parents.”

“Not really, they're both alcoholic drug addicts and I can’t handle them anymore. So my big brother takes care of me. Well I was top student in my class and I was into dancing. I like fall and spring, I also don’t like liars. Hmmmmmm what else, oh yeah, I’m 16.”

“Your 16……………….”

That stupid b*st*rd

She just nodded her head.

“You must feel so lost, mad, confused, and overall worried about the ones that you care for.” I said looking out the window.

She looked at me shocked, “How did you”

“I just know soooo tell me about your brother.”

She started smiling and jumping up and down like a little kid, “Panda, he’s such the most awesome, sweetest, caring brother you could ever ask for. A little over protecting, could be scary sometimes EXPECIALLY WITH HIS EVIL GLARE! But still I love that about him”

“Panda? His name is Panda?” I said arching my eyebrow

“OH NO! That’s my nickname for him^^, his name is Seung Ho. You see he has dark circles and well, let me show you a pic of him.” She took her phone.

So that’s what was in your pocket

“Hmmmmm which pic? No he would kill me if I let you see that pic, ummmmm”

I stared at her while she talked to herself

She must care a lot for her brother like me and

“OH HERES A PIC!” she said jumping next to me

“Whoa clam down girl” I said

“Sorry but I finally found a good pic of him! ^^ not that any of the other pictures are good but this is one of my favorites! Here ^^”

Wow, that was shocking. He looks really cute in that pic though

“Cute” That was all I could say.

“I KNOW RIGHT DOESN’T PANDA LOOK SO CUTE IN THAT PIC! He is so dorky! We were waiting for his friend Byung Hee or G.O I don’t get why people call him G.O, but we were waiting for him to get ready but he was taking forever so I guess I feel asleep and he took the pic put it as my wallpaper and I when I saw it, I was like whoa!

“You must really love your brother,” I said with caring eyes

She just shook her head and smiled, “OH AND THIS PICTURE, by far one of my favorites!”

Wow he looks wow in this pic I guess I know why she calls him Panda now. He had very dark, dark circles but I looked very handsome on his face.  He had very nice features, cute eyes, a rounded nose and very luxurious lips. Different color hair from the other pic but still looks good on him. He was very handsome.

“Wow” another simple reply

She giggled, “He took this pic when I was taking my final exam. He always does things like that to support me. My Panda oppa. Doesn’t he look handsome?” She said

All I could do was nod my head.

“All of my friends swoon over him but I don’t allow any of my friends to ask him out. Plus he doesn’t like the type of girls that I hang out with, not that there’s anything wrong with them. He would like you though.” She said looking at the picture of Seung Ho.

“Excuse me?” I said still shocked

“Yeah Panda likes girls like you, you fit all the criteria. You’re tall but not taller than Panda, a year younger than him; you have pretty eyes, a nice smile,”

“Wait you haven’t seen me smile before though.”

“Well, I just know you have a nice smile. Anyways you hate liars, does whatever is right, brave, you don’t seem like the clingy type, independent, loyal, quiet, nice, and I approve^^” she said looking at me.

“You approve? How would you know that about me when we just met"I said still in a state of shock

“Well whenever he or I like someone we always have to get them approved by me or him before we can go out with him or her. And I just know my instincts never fail me"

“He started it but it is a really good system for both of us^^ so far all of our picks got declined.” She giggled and I grinned.

“SEE! You do have a pretty smile!”

"it's called a grin" i said nonchalantly

Wow she actually got me to smile

“So anything else about your brother?” I asked actually very curiously

“Well he’s 25 popular, a dance instructor for his studio and part time for my school, he’s the reason why I got into dancing, he is an amazing singer, the best pianist in the face of the earth and just overall perfect.” She said smiling

“So Ray unnie what do you want in a guy?” she asked very curiously

Unnie? Haven’t heard that in a long time

“Let’s see, someone handsome, taller than me, has many different talents, caring, nice, funny, charismatic, kind of cute and does whatever it takes to take care of the people he loves.” I said spacing off

“O.M.G!! IT’S PERFECT! You and Panda would make such an awesome couple!!!!” she said clapping her hands.

“Why?” I asked

“Because you just described Seung Ho oppa!” she said full of glee

“No way, that’s really funny so we both described your brother and I don’t even know the kid.” I said with a smile.

“I just know if….you….meet”

Oh no, what do I do?!?!?!

*knock, knock*


“What was that?” she said looking at the door

“Relax and it didn’t come from the front door.” I said as I stood up from the bed.

“Then where?” she said with her head tilted to the left

I chucked. I went over to the closet and opened it. I slid my cloth out of the way and I grabbed the little opening inside of the wall and I pulled it towards me. I put it aside in my closet and there stood Dae Hyun.

“Hey Dae Hyun what’s up?” I asked casually as I stepped out of my closet

“Nothing much just wanted to meet the mystery girl.” He said as he came into my room.

“Hi I’m Dae Hyun” he said looking at Eun Byul smiling.

“Hi, I’m Eun Byul” she said with a blush

“Wow, that’s a really pretty name”

Wow Dae Hyun you sure know how to make a girl fall for you

“Oh Ray Unnie came up with it.” She said shyly

Then Dae Hyun looked at me, “YOU CAME UP WITH THAT NAME!” then he started laughing

YA!” I ran over to him and put him in a choke hold but he still laughed

“Why you laughing?” I said tighten my grip

“Oh let go of me Ray!” Dae Hyun said easily getting out of my hold

“I’m just saying” he said and walked over to Eun Byul sitting next to her

“How could you, Ray come up with such a beautiful name for this beautiful girl?” he said as he but his arms around her shoulders.  She just blushed like a mad women.

“Dude get your hands off her!” I said as I sat in my sofa draping my legs over the arm rest

“Oh sorry Eun Byul anyways where was I? Oh right I’m Dae Hyun, I’m 25 so call me oppa!”

“25 my ” I mumbled

“I heard that Ray, *sigh* okay I’m 30 but still call me oppa! ^^”

“Oppa? More like ajusshi!” I said laughing

“DUDE!” Dae Hyun said blushing. Eun Byul just giggled

“Oh come on she’s 16 your 30 there’s a 14 year difference!” I said

“Well still she could call me oppa if she wanted to!” Dae Hyun said crossing his arms and looking away.

“I rather call Dae Hyun oppa than ajusshi” Eun Byul finally said

I just shook my head while Dae Hyun acted like a 12 year old

Maybe he should be the one calling Eun Byul noona

“Well we have the day to ourselves what do you guys want to do?” Dae Hyun asked

“Doo Joon gave you the day off?” I asked

“Yeah so since you guys are my only friends *sniff* I guess I’ll have to hang out with you guys!” He said smiling

“Gonna have to take a rain check on that. I have to catch up on my sleep!” I said as I closed my eyes.

“Ray unnie! You have to hang out with us! It would be no fun!” Eun Byul said as she tried to get me out of my couch

“Just hang out with Dae Hyun, get to know him” I said still trying to relax

“But I want to get to know you to! Unnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnie~” she started to sing then if that wasn’t enough Dae Hyun started to act like a 12 year old again.





“OKAY OKAY! Seriously you guys could be siblings for all I know!” I sighed and I got up

“Okay are you guys coming or what?” I said heading towards the door

“YAY!” Both Dae Hyun and Eun Byul cheered while giving each other a high five

They rushed out the door and I just chuckled

It seems that I am the 30 year old one *sigh*

We spent the whole day just hanging out. We went to the garden where Eun Byul and Dae Hyun started playing tag.  I laughed and enjoyed the scene. Then we went to the basket ball court and played 2 vs. 1 (girls vs. guys) we tied. Then we went inside and just messed around in the theater.  We tried to act out You’re Beautiful, Coffee Prince, and Secret Garden all failing miserably but it was fun. By the time we got up to our rooms it was 11:30.  I told her to take a shower. Since I didn’t have any clean cloth right now I went over to Dae Hyun’s room and asked him for some cloth

“Yeah no pra~blemo” Dae Hyun said looking for something that would fit Eun Byul

“Thanks Dae Hyun” I just stood there waiting for him since he takes forever

“Today was fun wasn’t it Ray?” He asked

“Yeah it was, I’m glad I got to take care of her”

“You really care for her don’t you?” He asked

“Yeah she reminds me of Jin Ae.” I said looking off into the distance

“Really? Well I guess your little sister would have liked her.” He said stopping for a second

“Yeah she would have.”

“Plus she’s 16, the age I got trapped in this old stink bomb.”

He nodded, Dae Hyun finally found an old small tank and basket ball shorts.

“Wow took you long enough.” I said as I was about to take the cloth

“Do you miss them? Your family?” he said not letting go of the cloth

I was flustered, “Yeah I do, if I could turn back time I would but I can’t. So I have to live my life to the fullest for me and my family.” I said

He nodded and let go of the cloth

“Dae Hyun, I have to ask you something.” I said as I tucked the cloth under my arm

“Yeah what up?” he said walking over to his bed

“Your behind me 100% no doubt in your mind, you trust my judgment and your 100% positive that you can do anything that I ask for, right?”

“Yeah why do you ask?” he said lying on his bed

“Just because,” there was an awkward silence

“So no matter what you will do what I ask of you to do without a doubt no matter how stupid or dangerous or even life threatening it is?” I asked

“Yeah of course I would do anything for you. Why do you ask?” he asked

“Because I have a feeling I’m going to do something” I said and I walked into my room

I closed our little “door” and I found Eun Byul wearing her old cloth

“Oh sorry did I take long?” I asked

“Yeah but it's okay unnie ^^” she said smiling

“Here go put these on. It might be a little big, sorry all of my clothes are dirty, but I’ll have them clean tomorrow.” She smiled and eagerly put on the cloth.

I went to the closet and grabbed some old p.js

“You can go to sleep” I said as I walked into the bathroom

“Okay!” she said through the door

She’s cute.

I was taking my shower and I realized I had to do something.

No matter what it takes I’m going to get Eun Byul out of here, but how?

I pondered on that question for a while but couldn’t think of an answer. I stepped out of the shower and looked at the mirror.

*sigh* Umma, appa, I’m hope your with me.

I got dressed and walked out of the bathroom towards the closet.

I got some blankets and pillows, placed it on the couch and laid there. I closed my eyes and then I heard a beautiful piano melody.

I looked around and it was coming from my bed. The melody stopped but I walked toward a strange mumbling sound and it was Eun Byul’s phone.  As soon as I found the phone the melody ended.  I looked for the song in her mp3 but there wasn’t any music 

It could be a video

I knew I shouldn’t do this but I had to figure out what that song was.  I looked through her videos and I saw one with a guy and a piano.  I opened the video and played it

He is amazing. Wow even his friend is cute.

I looked at Eun Byul and she seemed so peaceful

Don’t worry Eun Byul I promise I’ll get you out of here. I never break my promises.

I placed the phone of table and went to sleep.


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! ^^ yes I finally featured Seung Ho in it! I just had to put that video in! I really hope the chapter was good! Please comment! Oh if you guys what to figure out what type of girls MBLAQ boy's liked go to all credits go to 110606 [SCANS] MBLAQ@ Scawaii July Issue translated by mocka@AbsoluteMBLAQ and posted by shinyana on

Egeltjeand apol_bongthank you so much for subscribing hope you like the chapter!

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@asnsa123 - thanks soooo much! YAY MY FIRST COMMENT! don't be afraid to suggest stuff! ^^<br />
asnsa123 #2
luv ur story , i get too excited when u update , and dont worry nothings confusing ur story is just fine ^^