Chapter 1

Bad People Don't Deserve to Live

I was walking through the mansion to see if any intruders were here.

D*mn it

He makes me do this every day.

It’s freakin 3:30 am and you make me track your 4 story freakin mansion for intruders! D*mn no one even knows where this place is!

I hate this kid but I have no idea why I put up with this crap. I climbed the stairs and looked around.

Finally I can go back to sleep!

My life turned into a living hell as soon as that devil appeared. I could have lived my teenage life to the fullest. I could have finished my training with the national security just like my family. But no I’m stuck in this freakin house.

*sigh* “Why did I have to meet that bastardd?”

“Well it is your fault for meeting me.” I heard that snake like voice behind me and I knew that he was smirking

“What do you want Doo Joon?” I said over my shoulder

“I can’t walk around in my own house without being questioned by you Ray?” Doo Joon said with sarcasm

I couldn’t take this guy he just knows how to irritate the crap out of me

“Just thought you were having fun with some of your s” I said glaring at him.

“Awwwww Ray I thought you knew me better” he said while batting his eyes

“You wish” I said as I tried to walked away

“Well if you are going to walk away then I guess I won’t show you the newest member of our loving family. But I guess you’ll have to see her tomorrow. “Doo Joon smirking his devious smirk

I stopped and glared at him

No wonder girls are all over him.

He had a strongly built body. His hair was a light brown slowly going back to his natural black colored hair. He styled it very naturally making him even more attractive. He wore big diamond ear rings on both ears. Tall, mysterious, and y; what girl wouldn’t fall for his trap. Doo Joon walked towards me and stared at me

“Every time I see you, you always glare at me.” Doo Joon said while playing with my shoulder length hair. I pulled away from him.

“What girl are you talking about?” words coming out of my mouth like venom.

“Calm down dear, you’ll meet her tomorrow.” He said with a low husky voice.

“No, tell me who she is now

“Now why should I?” he said circling around me playing with my hair again. “It’s not like you know her. You’ve been in this house for what the past 8 years.”

“Shut up you b*s**rd. It was your freakin fault why I’m here” I said pulling away from Doo Joon.

Doo Joon chuckled; another reason why girls feel in love with him.

“Chill girl, you’re so cute when you’re mad” Doo Joon said “come with me darling” he said walking away.

You got to be kidding me

I did as he said. He’s got another poor girl. I wonder who she is; well I probably wouldn’t know her.

D*mn you Doo Joon you’re the freakin reason why my life is h*ll

I walked closely behind him making sure I was on top of things. One slip up and Doo Joon can do unspeakable things to me.

“You know that I don’t like it when things are silent” Doo Joon said

I was startled but I was composed in less than a second. “It isn’t my fault that it’s silent”

Again Doo Joon chuckled “You should act more kind to the person who has cared for you for 8 years”

“8 of my worse years”

He had the nerves to say that, that jerk

“Calm down anyways here we are.” Doo Joon said as he stopped in front of the door.

He searched for his keys which seemed like years. Receiving the key from his pocket he unlocked the door and slowly revieled his new victim. 

Doo Joon stepped into the very small bed room and the horribly lit lights.  A poor innocent girl turned to us as soon as the lights were . I was shocked; she looked horrible. Her wavy hair reached mid back and was light brown. She wore a necklace which seemed like a locked but I couldn’t really tell. She was wearing a black t-shirt with Hello Kitty outlined in white. Over that she had a leather jacket that looked a little tattered. Either she had worn that jacket for a long time or she has put up one hell of a fight.  She wore black tattered jeans with neon colored Adidas ciero-mid sneakers. She had something in her pockets up I couldn’t tell.She looked around 16 or 17 but I knew that she didn’t belong here. She looked at Doo Joon than straight at me. I held her gaze and I couldn’t look away.

The look in her eyes; she reminds me of

“Ray this is my new friend” Doo Joon said but I guess the girl didn’t even hear him. I did and I glared at him. “Where did you take her from?” I said as calm as possible.

“I wouldn’t say that I took her. It’s more like she needed help but didn’t ask so I took the liberty to help her.” Doo Joon said. I guess she heard him say that because she was staring at him with timid eyes.

“Awwwww darling don’t look at me like that. Your making me feel guilty.” Doo Joon said as he placed his hand on his heart while stepping closer to the girl.

“Yeah right you sick bastard” I said as I stepped between him and the girl

“Ray, Ray, Ray~ you know you’re the only girl, only PERSON who has the courage to talk back to me.” Doo Joon said as he laughed.


 “And. It. Makes. Me. SICK” He said as I looked back at him after he had slapped me.

“Move Ray” He said with venom dripping out of his voice

“No” I said stepping closer to Doo Joon

“You know that I could kill you right here, right NOW. But there is a reason why I haven’t killed you.” Doo Joon said looking at me with eye’s that showed me that whatever he was going to say was going to piss me off.

“Because I know that keeping you alive and in this house, it’s better than me killing you.” He said looking straight into my eyes; felt like he was looking into my soul.

“Go to h*ll.” I said as I looked into his eyes

Doo Joon started to laugh “See Ray this is one of the reason why it’s fun to keep you alive. I don’t know why you don’t kill yourself.”

I didn’t respond

I promised that I would never commit suicide no matter how bad the situation was.

I looked back to the girl behind me. She started to tremble.

“Don’t worry darling you and me are going to get to know each other well.” Doo Joon said

“Not even in your dreams Doo Joon” I said

“You have no power over this Ray.” He said

“You sure about that?” I said looking straight into Doo Joon’s black eyes. He just arched his eyebrow.

“I have something that you want and I’m the only person that can get it” I said with seriousness that made Doo Joon arch his eyebrow even higher; which didn’t even seem possible

“Well this seems interesting. Now what are you proposing?” amusement filled his voice.

I gulped “RF9833” 

Doo Joon looked shocked and I smirked

“RF9833, as in the gun?”

“What else?” I said with arrogance  

“Bull. How are you suppose to get that? I couldn’t even get it “Doo Joon said sounding angry.

“I could get you it, because I have it.” I said with pride

“What the h*ll you don’t have it. Its impossi……...” Doo Joon said. Before he could finish his sentence I reached for my gun hostler and I got out the RF9833. It shined in the dim light. It had a gun capacity of 200 bullets in a single round; also being the fasted handgun shooting at speeds up to 1500 m/s almost a full mile and a half.

“How did you get this beauty?” Doo Joon said admiring the gun settled in my hands.

“You don’t need to know that but I have it and I know you want it.”

“Okay so I guess I get the gun if……..” Doo Joon said

“If I take care of the girl that means you don’t touch her and she stays with me.”

“You got to be kidding me Ray. I honestly don’t know what’s going inside that little brain of yours.” Doo Joon said as he pushed my head back with his finger.

I held the gun in front of Doo Joon’s face, “you know as well as I do that this is the only RF9833 in Korea maybe in the world. You don’t agree with me than you won’t get your precious gun.” I said as serious as I could.

Doo Joon glared at me obviously thinking about what he should do. After a few minutes which felt like years he finally spoke “Fine I’ll let you take care of her but life as you know it will become a bigger h*ll for you.” Doo Joon said with a seriousness that was to scary.

“Just try making my life worse.” I said it to get Doo Joon mad but it failed; he just smirked at me.

I sighed “Before I give you the gun you swear that you will NOT touch her.” looking straight into Doo Joon’s eyes, into his soul.

“I swear on my life.” Doo Joon said raising his right arm and making an x mark where his heart should be.

“Yoon Doo Joon. I am not kidding. You swear” I said trying to control myself.

“Okay I swear that I will not do anything to this girl behind you. Starting tomorrow she is your responsibility.” Doo Joon said collectively.

“Key” I said holding my hand opened for the key. He gave it to me eagerly.

Reluctantly I gave Doo Joon the gun. He smiled and looked at me.

“Night darling” Doo Joon said walking away twirling the gun in his hands.

I’m sorry appa.

I was about to walk away but I heard a faint sound behind me.

“Thank you” the girl said

I looked at her, nodded my head, closed and locked the door and walked away.


I really hope you guy’s liked the first chapter! ^^ if there is anything you want in the story please comment! ^^ oh and comment just for fun too! ^^ All of that that gun stuff was sooooo fake! I just made it up! Hahahaha I hope it sounded professional though.

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@asnsa123 - thanks soooo much! YAY MY FIRST COMMENT! don't be afraid to suggest stuff! ^^<br />
asnsa123 #2
luv ur story , i get too excited when u update , and dont worry nothings confusing ur story is just fine ^^