Ting, you are now mines

You Are Mines Forever


Tao’s POV
I finally arrived. I went in the elevator and pressed on 38. I waited and waited. DING! I reached the floor. "Boo!" Someone screamed. I jumped. "Lol! You should have saw your face!" Ting shouted. She wiped a tear. "Let's Go!" She 
exclaimed. She lead me to her room. She got her key and unlocked it. We both walked inside.
"It's not me." She complained.
"I should have gotten the guy room!" She whined. I chuckled. It's cute when she whines. I put down her luggage. "So how long are you staying here?" I asked. "They said as long as I want since i'm an exclusive guest." She replied. "How are you an exclusive guest?" I asked. "I go on a lot of buisness trips so I mostly go to their hotels." She replied. "Why are you asking so much questions?" She asked. "Just wondering." I replied. She began unpacking her stuff. "So what is your band named?" Ting asked. "Exo." I replied. "Exo like xoxo or exotic?" She asked. I chuckled. "Kinda." I replied. She continued unpacking. "Why don't you get yourself busy? Put on a green tea mask or something." She suggested. I quickly ran over to Ting. "Where is it?" I asked. "Somewhere." She replied. I search through the apartment. I opened a door to a room. It had beauty supplies. I spotted the green tea mask. I ran over to it. "So your enjoying a girl hobby?" A voice asked. I turned around.  It was Ting. I nodded while she laughed. "Your still cute as before panda!" She complimented as she pinched me right cheek. I blushed. It's been a long time since she called me that. "Let's try on the mask!" She said. She grabbed two and handed one to me. We both put it on. We looked at eachother and laughed. "Dude! You look like a wrinkly alien!" She said. "Here let me help you." She suggested as she came closer to me. She took it off me and placed it back on smoothening it. She was so close to my face. I kept my eyes on her the whole time. She was concentrating. She then finished. She looked in my eyes. "Uh- Let the green tea mask time begin!" She exclaimed as she took her eyes off of me. We went back to her bedroom. "Tao, remember when we used to play dress up?" Ting asked. I nodded. We were all 5 when we started to play dress up. Sometimes we would dress up as the oppisite gender. "And you tried to dress up as me?" She continued. I laughed and nodded. I was wearing her pink fluffy dress when we did that. I also wore extensions and make up. "You failed so bad!" She laughed. I laughed along. By the way, Ting's laugh is addictive. Our laugh slowly died. "So why did you leave us?" She asked while laying down on her bed. "I can't let down an awesome offer." I said. "Would you let down an offer like that?" I asked. "Yes, I would never give up my friendship like that." She replied. I layed down next to her. "Ting." I began. "Hm?" She said. "I know what happened." I continued. She froze. "Well, look what time it is! We should take off our mask!" She exclaimed. We both took off our mask. I looked at the digital clock. It was 7:12. "I should be going now." I said. "Stay here for the night." She said while I got up. She made a sad face. "Prease." She said. I chuckled. "Okay." I said. "Yay!" She exclaimed as she jumped up and down. "I'm going to change." She excused.
Ting's POV
I took out my pajamas and went to change in the bathroom. I took out my contact lenses and put on my glasses. I walked out. "How do I look?" I asked Tao.  "You look adorable!" He replied. I smiled. I went over to him. "Remember the time when we all had a sleepover?" I asked. He nodded. "And we were all scared to sleep on the floor." Tao added. I laughed. "We all slept in one bed! Luckily it was a king sized one." I said. Tao laughed. "Ms. Sun, Dinner is here." A ladylike voice said. I went to open the door. "Who is this young fellow?" Miyung asked. "He's a friend." I replied. "He looks handsome! I wouldn't be surprised if you guys go out sometime!" She said. I blushed and covered my face. "Whatever. Anyways, thanks Miyung!" I said. I took the dinner. "Ta dah!" I exclaimed as I showed Tao, who was sitting on the living room couch. "Are you really going to eat that all?" He asked. "No. WE are going to eat it all!" I answered. I saw a tint of red on his cheeks. "Ooo panda Tao is blushing!" I exclaimed while I pinched his cheeks. His cheeks got more red. "You know  if you keep blushing like that your face might explode." I said. He laughed and I giggled. "Let's eat!" I exclaimed. I digged in. Tao looked at my and laughed while picking up his noodles with his chopsticks. "What?" I asked with food stuffed in my cheeks. "You look like a chipmunck." He said. "I know." I agreed as I ate. He chuckled and ate happily. We ate in silence. I went to the phone and dialed 7. "Are you finished with the food, Ms. Sun?" The lady on the other line asked. "Yup." I replied. "Please leave it outside your room." She said. "Okay." I said. I hung up, grabbed the food and put it at the side of my door outside my room. I walked back inside. "Imma sleep on the couch." Tao offered while getting comfty on it. "Sleep with me." I pleased.
Tao's POV
I gulped. Did she ask me to sleep with her? Okay, Tao don't think dirty. "I'm already comfty." I said. "But I need something to hug at night!" She whined like a 5 year old. "Remember when we had that sleepover?" She asked. I laughed. "Yeah, you kept moving trying to hug all of us." I said. "Yeah, so sleep with me! I know you want to." She said with a y voice. God, why did you have to make her this y? "Okay." I said. She was in her bed. She patted the spot next to her while I walked over. I went in the bed. "Why are you so nervous?! We done this a lot of times when we were younger." She said. "True." I agreed. She gasped and turned to face me. “Are you thinking dirty thoughts?” She asked. I blushed. “You are! Dirty man!” She said while poking my chest. “Don’t worry! I’m not doing THAT until I get married.” She said. She layed back down and so did I. She faced me. "So how's life as an idol? Any rumors?" She asked. "Lots of rumors actually. But it's been a fun time being an idol." I answered truthfully. "What kind of rumors?" She asked. "Me having a Gucci obsession." I replied. She giggled. "You always bring me along to the Gucci store so they won't think it's for you." She said. I nodded. "Ting," I began. "Hm?" She said as she looked at me with innocent eyes. "Uh- Nothing." I said. "Goodnight, panda."She said as she turned off the lamp. She then wrapped her arms around my waist and layed her head on my chest. My heart rate started increasing. She looked up at me. "Dude, are you having a heart attack or something?" She asked. I shook my head. "Then that means..." She began to say. "You wove me!" She exclaimed. My face and ears started to turn red. She giggled. "Well sleep well panda." She whispered as she closed her eyes. I looked at her. "Goodnight, Ting." I whispered. I kissed her head and went to dreamland.
Ting's POV
The sun shined through the curtains. I sat up. "Yah~ Tao! Wake up!" I yelled lazily as I shook him. "Just five more minutes." He said as he hugged my waist. "Five more minutes my face." I mumbled. I got up. I took some clothes from my drawers. I looked back at Tao. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. THUD! I quickly got out of the bathroom with my bathrobe on and a towel on my head. "What happened?" I asked. I saw Tao on the floor. "I thought I was at my dorm and normally I sleep on a smaller bed than this so when I tried to step on the floor I stepped on the bed and my other step was on the floor so then I fell." Tao replied. I walked over to him. "Are you okay?" I asked while moving his bangs from his face. A tint of red showed on his face. "Yeah..." He replied. "Now, be patient and wait for me." I said as I started walking to the bathroom. I fully dried my hair and wore my clothes. I walked out. "Let's go." I said while wearing my backpack. He followed me. We took the elevator to the lobby. We began to walk to EXO's dorm. "Um Ting?" Tao began. "Hm?" I asked. "Would you um like got out with um me?" He stammered. I chuckled. "Sure!" I replied. I held his hand. He blushed lightly. We reached their dorm. He opened the door. "Bye~" I said after I gave him a kiss on the cheek and left.
Tao's POV
OH MY GOD! MY BESTFRIEND- I mean SOON-TO-BE-GIRLFRIEND  GAVE ME A KISS ON THE CHEEK!!!! I closed the door tightly. "Tao where were you-" Kris paused. "Do you have a fever or something?" He asked while looking as my head. I shook my head. I walked quickly to my bedroom. I laid down on my bed. "I can't wait until she's all mine." I whispered. I inhaled and exhaled slowly. I sat up quickly. "But what about the rest?" I said to myself. "They all have feelings for her too and plus before Ting told me she had feelings for Mengyao." I continued. I yanked my hair in frustration. I calmed down. I went to the bathroom and took some clothes and took a quick shower. "Tao, we have to leave for a schedule in 5 minutes!" Suho shouted. I quickly dried my hair, wore my clothes and grabbed my phone. It had 1 new message. 
Ting <3: So when is our first date?
I smiled at the message. 
Me: When i'm finished with ny schedules, kay?
I ran to the van, took a seat, and put on my seatbelt. We are going to Beatlescode. 
Ting <3: Kay. :-P
Me: Meet me at the Olympic Park.
Ting <3: Kays~ 
“Uh, Guys i’m going to go to the park.” I informed. “Ooo! Can I come?” Sehun asked. “No.” I replied. I ran downstairs. I called a taxi and it drove me to Olympic Park. I got out and saw Ting near a tree. She turned around. “No fair!” She yelled as she pointed at me. I walked towards her. She was wearing this. 
“So what are we going to do on our date, panda?” She asked as she held my hand. “Hm... let’s take a walk.” I suggested. “Okies!” She agreed. We both started to walk. “So panda, did you miss me?” Ting asked. I looked at her. “Why wouldn’t I miss you?!” I asked. “Hm... maybe cause I stole your special ring.” She replied as she showed me a hand with my ring on it.
My eyes widened. “W-W-Where did you get that?” I asked. “I found it next to your laptop while you were taking a shower.” She replied. “Anyways, if you want it back then catch me!” She added as she started to run away from me. I started to chase after her. After 10 minutes of chasing I finally caught her. I had her in my arms. “Okay okay! Here!” She said while taking the ring off her finger. “By the way, I think it won’t fit you anymore.” She added. She turned around. “I bet it will only fit on your pinky!” She said. I examined the ring. I tried to put it on my ring finger. She started laughing. “Dude! Don’t try to put it on or it will get stuck.” She informed. I sighed. I grabbed her hand and placed the ring on her finger. “This ring, marks you as mine.” I said. She looked at me with widened eyes. “What happened to sharing?” She asked. “I won’t share you with anyone.” I answered. She hugged me. “Your like my daddy.” She whispered. “Now teach me all about Korea! I need to survive!” She ordered. I chuckled. “Okay.” 
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huang zi tao is my baby panda lol i'm really looking forward to this