We meet again...

You Are Mines Forever


Ting's POV
I arrived safely in Korea. I got out my phone. Luckily, I kept their numbers in my phone. I called Tao. 1 ring, 2 rings, 3 rings, "Yoboseyo?" I heard the person say. The same old Tao. After 3 rings he would pick up. "I'm here." I said. "T-T-Ting?!?!" He asked. "Yup!" I said. "Where are you?" He asked. "Going in a taxi." I said as I went inside the Taxi. "Come over! Imma text you the address." He said. "Uh-" I got cut off. Stupid Tao! Hanging up on your bestie! 
Tao's POV
"Guys! Tidy up!" I yelled. "Why?" Luhan asked. "My old friend is coming!!!" I replied as I started to pick up trash. "Why would we care?" Kris asked. "It's a girl!" I said. Everyone got up and started to clean. "A girl?! Is she hot?" Kai asked. "To me, yeah." I replied. "Why is she an old friend? Are you guys still friends now?" Suho asked. I stopped what I was doing. "Uh, we all don't talk to eachother anymore..." I replied sadly. I continued cleaning. We all finished. "How do I-" I got cut off.  KNOCK! KNOCK! "Is anyone home? My knuckles are tired!" I heard someone shout. I smiled. I ran to open the door. When I opened the door she knocked on my forehead. "Ow!" I yelled. "That's what you get for making my knuckles tired. " She said. She walked inside. My members stood up and looked at her. 
Ting's POV
I waved at them. "Hi! My name is Sun Ting but you can call me Tina if you like!" I greeted. They still starred at me. I turned around to face him. "Dude, why are these dudes starring at me?" I asked. I covered up my face. "Do I have something on my face?" I asked. Tao shook his head and put my hands down from covering my face. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. They all waved at me. "So what are your guys names?" I asked. They introduced themselves one by one. "So much remembering." I complained. I went to look in my backpack. I found name tags and pencils. "Write your name and place it on your shirt so I can remember." I said as I passed them they supplies. I heard someone chuckle. It was Tao. "What are you chuckling about?!" I asked. "I thought you were our nerd." He said. "A nerd not a person that remembers everything!" I spat. He chuckled again. I made an annoyed face and turned back to the guys with a smile. I read all of their names in my head. "So where will you be staying Tina?" The Chen guy asked. "I think a hotel." I replied. "What?! You haven't booked an apartment yet?!" Tao asked with widened eyes. I laughed. I missed his widened eyes. "No, but I have enough money." I said. "I bet it's from your parents." He said. "How much you wanna bet?" I asked. "20 dollars (in america)." He said. I nodded. "I got it from work." I replied. Tao's eyes widened. "I need proof." He said. I took out my paper work from my job. "I work at NetEase." I said as I showed him my contract. All of their eyes widened. "THE BIGGEST GAME COMPANY IN CHINA?!?!?!?!!?!" They all yelled. I covered my ears and nodded. "Dang. You guys are TOO loud." I said. "Sorry." They said. "Wait, why didn't you know our names before?" Luhan asked. "I don't know who you are, duh." I replied. "B-B-But we are famous!" Lay said. "So..." I said. "I don't have time for researching stuff like you guys on the Interwebs." I added. "Interwebs?" Sehun asked. "That's her way of saying internet."Tao answered. I nodded. I looked at the time. "I should be going." I said. "Why don't you stay here?" Tao asked as I turned towards the door. "No thanks. I know you want to protect me but I have more buisness to handle." I rejected. "I'll come with you." He said. I sighed. "Let's Go!" I exclaimed. "Bye!" I said to the others. Me and Tao started walking. "Where are we going?" He asked. "Somewhere." I said as I continued walking. He ran next to me. "I see your wearing our friendship ring." He said. I looked at my finger. I smiled. "That's how much it means to me." I said. It was a pink ice cream with the letters BFF on the cone. We reached to the building. I walked up the stairs while Tao followed. I went to an office. "Ting." The man said as he stood up from his desk. It was Junjie. I looked at him and smiled. "Look who I brought." I said. I moved aside. Tao waved at Junjie. "No bro hug?" Junjie asked. Tao walked forward and gave him a bro hug. "What about me?" I asked as I pouted. Junjie went closer and wrapped his arms around me. He hugged me tighter and tighter. "I can't breathe!" I said. He let go. He cupped my face. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded. "Good." He said. "So what brings you here?" He asked. "I want our friendship back." I said. Tao nodded. "And you need help to find the others?" He asked. I nodded. He sighed. "Okay, I'll help." He said. "Yay!" I exclaimed. We all started walking. "Mommy is going to find her husband and sons right?" I asked.  Junjie chuckled. "Yeah." He said. I looked at Tao. His head was down. I quickly grasped onto his hand. He looked at me. "You looked lonely." I said. He blushed as I smiled. "We are going to find Huan first. I think he might be working at an icecream shop." Junjie said. I nodded. His obsession over ice cream, oh Huan! What would we have done without you. Junjie lead us to a nearby ice cream shop. It was still sunny out. I looked at my watch. It was 2:49 pm. I walked towards the cashier. The employee was Huan. "How may I-" He froze as he clearly looked at my face. I smiled. "Employee! Do your job!" I said. He smiled. "I would like a mint choco chip ice cream." I said. "Okay miss." He said as he started scooping ice cream. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "Don't you want our friendship back?! I've been so desperate!" I replied. He laughed. "You didn't change at all." He said. "Thank you?" I said. "And your ice cream obsession haven't changed at all either! I bet at night you sneek in the freezer and eat ice cream by yourself." I said. "You saw that?" He whispered. I laughed. "So, wanna be besties again, ol pal?" I asked while doing some aegyo. He looked at me. "Of course!" He replied. He handed me my ice cream. "Nicole! Can you cover for me?" Haun asked a women with the same uniform as Haun. "Of course." She said. Me and Haun walked out linking arms. I gave him my ice cream since I didn't want it. "Hey guys!" Haun exclaimed to Tao and Junjie. They smiled. "Who next?" I asked. "What about Longwei? I need a laugh right now." Huan suggested. I nodded. "Let's Go!" I exclaimed. I linked arms with Tao and Haun while Junjie was leading us. "Junjie, how come you know where everyone is?" Huan asked. "I do my research." Junjie answered. We all continued walking. "So Tao, your in a band right?" I asked. He nodded. "When you told me you were in a band, I thought it was those ones that you make without being under a company." I said. "That explains a lot." He said. I smacked him on the head. "It's not my fault I didn't have time!" I said. He chuckled. I stopped linking arms. I suddenly felt something grab my hand. I turned around. "M-M-Mengyao?!" I exclaimed. He smiled. I hugged him tightly. "I miss you daddy!" I joked. He laughed. "I miss you too princess." He played along. Everyone else turned around. "Mengyao!!!" They all exclaimed as they ran to give him a hug. No, it was not a bro hug. It was those I-can't-believe-your-here hugs. I smiled at the view. "And guess who is here with me?" Mengyao asked. Two boys showed up. It was Longwei and Dinxiang. "What's up baby girl?" Dinxiang said to me. "Ahem but I'm no one's baby girl, flirtsy." I spat. Everyone laughed because of my sassiness. "You guys wanna come over my place?" Mengyao asked. We all nodded our heads. We started walking. With all of my friends here, it's just like before. "Guys, you know that when we went our seperate ways, my life was like hell." Longwei said. We all nodded and laughed. "So, what do you guys do now?" Dinxiang asked. "I work in an ice cream shop." Huan said. "I'm work as an idol." Tao said. "I work as a banker." Junjie said. "I work at NetEase." I said. "NetEase?! You still have your gamer side?" Longwei asked. "Yup." I replied. We continued walking. I started linking arms with Tao and Mengyao. We started debating on random things like if a cat or dog is better. We finally reached his place. "Oh my god! It's so big!" I exclaimed while slapping my hands on my face. It was like a mansion, well it is one. Mengyao lead us inside. "How did you afford this place?" I asked. "My parents bought it for me." He replied. "Still the spoiled kid like before?" Junjie asked. Mengyao nodded. "Remember the time when Mengyao got a car for his 8th birthday?" Huan asked. We all nodded. "And he asked for a license for his 9th birthday." Tao added. We all laughed. We sat down. "Why did you want our friendship back?" Mengyao asked coldly. Ah, I remember the mood swinging Mengyao. One second he is like a puppy the next second he is like the grudge. "Why are you being so cold?" I asked while feeling his forehead. I saw a tint of pink on his cheeks. "Well, you shouldn't act cold when you actually aren't." I said. "I wanted our friendship back because my life in incomplete without you guys." I replied. They all looked at me while I looked down. "This is the first time I heard you say meaningful words." Longwei said while putting a hand over his hand like he is touched. We all laughed.I looked at my watch. It was already 5. "I should be going now." I said. "Tao, can you go to Sheraton Seoul D Cube City Hotel and bring my luggage along? I think I left it at your place. Meet me at the 38th floor, kay?" I said to Tao. "Okay!" He said. "Be there at 5:30 or else." I threatened. He nodded quickly. I walked out the mansion.
Tao's POV
I watched her walk out of the mansion. I sighed. "Why did she bring you along?" Dinxiang asked. "She-" I got cut off. "You know how much she cried?!" Mengyao said. I felt guilty. "Your the reason why our friendship ended." Junjie said. "She was hurt so much. You think you can play with her heart like that?!" Mengyao asked. I shook my head. "Just when she was going to confess. You left her." Dinxiang said. "She wanted you to come back because we wouldn't be complete without you." Huan said. "She said that if you didn't come back, she wanted to end the friendship... forever." Longwei added. "So we are telling you that she loved you." They all said. "Does she still love me now?" I asked. "Loved, past tense." Junjie replied. "This is going to be the last time this is going to happen. If she falls in love with you again, don't hurt her." Mengyao said. "And if you do, we will never let you see her ever again." Longwei said. "Deal?" They all asked. "Deal." I answered while shaking all of their hands. "Don't treat this like a game. It's reality." Dinxiang said as he pat me back. I walked out of the mansion. They have changed so much. I think they still love Ting. She loved me and I just ran away from her. I really love Ting. I would die just for her to be in my arms. I started walking to the dorm. I thought if Ting the whole walk. I got my keys and unlocked the door. "I'm going to Ting's to give her her luggage." I said. I grabbed Ting's luggage. It was already 5:20. I decided to take a taxi. I texted her.
Me: I'll be there in a lil.
Ting <3: Your sooo slow! I've been here 10 minutes ago! And I walked!
Me: Hooray! You get the prize for walking for 10 minutes!
Ting <3: Stop being sarcastic! Anyways, you'll see me at the outside of the elevator at the 38th floor.
Me: Okies!
Author's Note: As you shall all know, the talking and texting is in Korean. Once we move on to other languages I will change the colors. Don't worry, they will just be talking in Korean for now. Muahahahaha!
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huang zi tao is my baby panda lol i'm really looking forward to this