The (Ridiculous) Adventures of CL

We Could Happen

It was early afternoon and it was time for CL's meeting at the SME. The diva leader sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror. When she saw the sight of herself, she laughed hysterically. 'Seriously, this is ridiculous. I can't believe I'm doing this. What am I doing?' CL thought. She was at the verge of insanity. She really looked ridiculous. Her oversized basketball jersey, leggings, snapback with her hair tied up and tucked inside of it, sunglasses, high top basketball sneakers, and a mustache. "Why did sajangnim give me leggings? Leggings are for girls. Aish, whatever, I'll wear them." CL growled to herself. She quickly grabbed her phone and said goodbye to Minzy, Dara, and Bom as she left the dorm. 

Next thing she knew, CL was in a van on her way to the SM building. "We're going to drop you off at the building, CL-sshi." one of YG's assistants said. CL stared at the assistant in shock.

"What...? I'm going to be dropped off? That means I'm going alone!?" CL asked as her voice shook in nervousness. The assistant simply stared at CL and couldn't help but laugh just a little, I mean knowing that CL is a fashionista and most of all, a girl and seeing her in guy clothes, covering her hair with a hat, and covering her face with sunglasses and a mustache, it's just too funny. The assitant quickly went back to being serious.

"Well yeah," the assistant said. "If I come with you, people are going to think that you're someone important. But we're trying to keep it on the down low, remember?"

'This is really ridiculous, really really ridiculous. I wish I could laugh but unfortunately it's happening to me.'

The driver finally arrived at the SM building, dropped CL off, and left. 

"Now I'm alone. Great. Just great." CL muttered under her breath as she stood in front of the SME building. 'This intimidating aura coming from this building alone is hitting me like a ton of bricks! Face it, Lee Chaerin, this is for work, and maybe you'll get to see him- Snap out of it! Okay now walk in the building with confidence!' CL shook all the thoughts out of her head and opened the building door. An intern greeted her.

"Annyeong! Welcome to SM Entertainment. How can I assist you?" CL greeted the intern back. "Annyeong! I'm-" But then she stopped herself as she remembered something. 'Oh shoot, do I need to talk in a deep voice? Yes, from now on, I will talk in a deep voice. Thank goodness my voice is already deep enough and I don't have one of those girly high voices!' CL thought.

She then walked over to the intern's desk and leaned her elbow on it. "Annyeong, my name is Lee. Lee Jay-Reen." CL said in a try hard deep voice, emphasizing 'Jay-Reen' and trying as hard as possible to give the intern her identity without actually saying her name but by pronouncing it. The intern finally understood and called Young Min. After getting off the phone, the intern said she could go up to his office on the top floor to talk.

"Thank you." CL said as she bowed and left.

'Aish, I really hope I don't run into anyone. But no one would recognize me, right? I'm wearing a great disguise, am I right? Haha. No.' CL thought as she approached the elevator. She pressed the button to go up and as the elevator opened, she saw that  no one was inside. 'WHEW, what a relief.' 

CL then walked into the elevator and pressed another button to go to the top floor. As the door was about to close, someone's hand held it open. Jonghyun. 'CRAP! What's this guy doing here? Great, this can't get any better.' Jonghyun walked inside the elevator and stood next to CL.

"Oh you're going to the top floor, too? Me too." Jonghyun said with a friendly smile.

"Oh heh great." CL replied with a fake smile as she rolled her eyes. 'Now I'm really frustrated. Good thing I'm wearing sunglasses so I can sass people with my eyes freely.' CL thought. Jonghyun and CL finally got to the top floor and CL practically ran out of the elevator and towards Young Min's office.

"What's his problem?" Jonghyun said to himself as he walked the opposite direction. 

CL knocked on Young Min's door and walked into his office. 'Intimidation. I definitely feel it now.' Young Min looked up from his desk and greeted CL.

"Annyeong, Lee Chaerin-sshi!" CL looked at the SM CEO, surprised. "How did you know..."

"Yang Hyun Suk told me you would come like this." 


"Anyways, I called you because I wanted you to get comfortable with the environment here since you are going to be working at SM with collaboration projects after 2NE1 is finished promoting." Young Min explained. "Also, SHINee is leaving for Japan tomorrow for roughly a month to start promotions for their Japanese album, so this will be your only meeting here until both 2NE1 and SHINee get all their promotions done." CL was surprised. She didn't know they would be leaving, he would be leaving and she couldn't help but feel sad. 

"I see..."

Suddenly, Jonghyun burst into the room. "Sajangnim! I brought the donuts you asked for." He exclaimed as he placed the donuts on his desk. CL stared at Jonghyun with an annoyed expression.

"Oh, who's this guy?" Jonghyun asked. CL's eyes widened.

"Oh, he's my nephew." Young Min said, eating a donut.

"Oh hi! I'm Jonghyun." Jonghyun said as he put out his hand. CL took it.

"Hi... I'm... Jay Rin." CL replied. 


"Why don't you go bring Jay Rin to your dorm room and let him meet the other members for now? I have a meeting for an hour so I'll just call you when the meeting is done." Young Min said. 

"Sure, sajangnim. We'll babysit him." Jonghyun said as he pushed CL out of the office, earning a dirty look from the diva leader.

CL awkwardly followed Jonghyun down the hall and towards another building and finally the dorms. When they approached SHINee's dorm, he opened the door to the dorm and shouted something. CL didn't hear what it was because she was too nervous to listen. 

Suddenly, the rest of the SHINee members were right in front of her. When CL saw Key, he was the only one she stared at, and she was just so shocked she couldn't look away. Good thing she was wearing sunglasses because she would have been told off by Key to not look at him like that. 

"This is Jay Rin, sajangnim's nephew." Jonghyun said, motioning to CL.

"Uh, nice to meet you. I'm Jay Rin." CL said as she looked at the ground and scruffed her fake mustache.

'I feel so embarrassed with them, and most of all HIM just looking at me like this!' 

CL just stood awkwardly in front of the door, not knowing what to do. 

"Are you just going to stand there?" Key asked. CL's head snapped back up as she looked at Key. 

"Oh, uh-" CL stuttered.

"It's okay, don't be nervous because we're famous or whatever, we're just regular people really." Onew said as he gave a warm smile.


"Yeah, just go ahead and sit on the couch or something. You're making us awkward too." Key said.

"Okay, thank you..." CL muttered as she shuffled past the SHINee members and sat on the couch.

'SHOOT! I didn't know this was going to happen! Damn it what do I do now?' CL thought to herself. Just then, the SHINee members sat on the couch with her and on the floor around her. 'Oh so they want to talk? Ugh don't they have something else better to do than to mess around with me?!'

"So..." Jonghyun said. 

"So do you listen to SHINee?" Taemin asked, trying to start a conversation. The rest of the members groaned.

CL looked up nervously and adjusted her sunglasses. "Uh, yeah, of course."

The SHINee members nodded their heads. Taemin's attempt at starting a conversation didn't work.

A few minutes passed and it was really getting awkward. CL didn't know what to do. 'Is this what you call a meeting? Ugh save me someone!' 

"Um, can I use your bathroom?" CL asked. All of them nodded and pointed to a room down the hall.

"Thank you..." CL said as she ran to the bathroom. 

'Should I tell them that I'm really CL? SHINee isn't bad, I already know how they are and they're nice... Key is a diva! I shouldn't be surprised... But he wasn't a diva around me... I mean the real me, Chaerin.' CL thought as she giggled like a school girl. 'Okay, I'll just tell them. That's it. Don't be scared. It's just SHINee.' 

CL opened the bathroom door, walked down the hall and stopped at the entrance of the living room. Taemin, Minho, and Jonghyun were sitting on the couch watching TV. She then noticed Key and Onew on the floor playing with Comme Des, Key's dog. 'OH MY GOD IT'S COMME DES. HE'S SO CUTE... I CAN'T RESIST MYSELF.'  CL thought as her mind boggled with everything about cute dogs.

"Comme Des!" CL squealed. Right when CL squealed like a little fangirl, all the SHINee member's heads snapped back to look at her. She ignored the weird looks that the the boys gave her and started to run towards Comme Des. Onew, who was sitting on the ground with his legs spread out, was in the way. As CL ran past him, she tripped over his legs and fell face down on the wood floor of SHINee's living room. 

Everything was quiet as CL rubbed her whole body, trying to get rid of the pain. The SHINee members stared at her in shock.

"Oww..." CL groaned. She lifted her arms to get up but she caved in. 'Whatever, just save your embarrassment for later. Just smoothly make your way towards Comme Des and be cool!' CL thought. She then crawled over to Comme Des without looking up and ignored the fact that she just tripped over Onew's legs.

"Comme Des-yah," CL said playfully as she rubbed his head. The dog then began to CL's face. After a few minutes of playing with Comme Des, CL realized it was deadly silent in that room despite all that happened. She also felt like everyone was watching her. Looking up, she saw all the SHINee members, staring at her, their mouths agape. Wide open. Like they just saw a ghost.

"What?" CL asked with a hint of annoyance in her voice. She was still lying on her belly. 

"Chaerin?" Key asked suddenly. CL made a confused expression on her face, but then she looked around and noticed that her hat was on the other side of the room, her sunglasses were broken a few feet away, and her mustache came off and it was right in front of her. All from the impact of her fall. 'Damn it, I blame it on Onew-sshi.'

"I-I can explain." CL said. She also realized that she stopped talking in her try hard manly voice ever since she squealed 'Comme Des!' 

'Oh well, I was going to reveal myself to them anyways, just not like this.'

Suddenly everyone started laughing. CL started laughing a little too, but then she looked over to Key and saw that he was staring at her arm with a concerned look.

"You're bleeding." Key said. CL looked down at her arm and noticed a long streak of blood coming from her elbow. 

"Oh..." CL muttered. Key sighed in exasperation, got up from his spot on the floor, grabbed CL's hand and led her to the bathroom. The SHINee members stopped laughing and stared at CL and Key as they passed by them. Soon enough, they were in front of the sink. Key was washing CL's blood from her arm. When he was done, Key grabbed some band-aids and ointment. He then led her to sit on the edge of the bath tub and motioned for her to sit next to him. CL gazed at Key, who was concentrated on putting the medicine on her arm and putting the band-aid over her cut. She didn't even notice that he was done, and continued to stare at him. The male diva looked up at CL.

"Be carefuly next time." Key simply stated. "I seriously hate it when you're hurt." CL looked more shocked. Her heart beat faster. 'What is this?Why?'

Key got up from the edge of the bathtub and stretched. "Let's go, you need to ice your head." Key said as he left the bathroom. CL watched as he left and got up. Confused, she looked in the mirror and saw that there was a red spot on her forehead. She was sure a bruise was going to form in a couple of hours. CL lifted her hand to touch the spot, causing her to cringe in pain. Now that she thought about it, her whole body was in pain and tears just started falling out of her eyes. 'Why am I crying? I'm not even sad. Is it the pain in my body that's making me cry? All this stress put on me? This humiliation?' CL thought. That's right, everything was just so unreal. It was all ridiculous. 

Suddenly, Key appeared back at the bathroom door. "Yah, Chaerin, what are you still doing in here-" Key asked, but was cut off as he saw CL's reflection in the mirror. CL quickly wiped her tears and turned to face Key.

"Nothing, I was just about to leave." CL muttered as she walked around Key and left the bathroom. She practically ran to the living room. Seeing a spot on the couch, she flopped on the cushion, sighing in relief. Her body was so tired, so was her mind. Everything was just too crazy. Acting as if nothing happened, CL watched TV with the rest of the SHINee boys. 

"CL-sshi... I'm really sorry for tripping you." Onew said from his spot on the hard wood floor.

"Huh? Oh it's okay, really. It's my fault for running after Comme Des." CL insisted as she gave him a warm smile. 

"Since you didn't get to greet Comme Des properly, why don't you hold him?" Onew offered as he gave Comme Des to CL. Her face and mood immediately brightened as she took Comme Des from Onew and set him in her lap.

"So cute..." CL muttered.

Key walked into the room to see CL on the couch watching TV with Comme Des on her lap. He smiled at the sight. Key let out a sigh and walked to the kitchen to get an ice pack. Then he walked back into the living room and sat down next to CL on the couch.

"You still need to do some explaining." Key said as he put the ice pack on CL's forehead. The said girl looked nervously at the ground.

"Fine," she said. With that, Minho muted the TV and all the SHINee members faced CL to listen to her explanation. She sighed. 

"Well, Young-Min told YG that I should come over here for a meeting but I didn't want to go as myself and I couldn't go as myself. So I wore this diguise. I also wanted to see if I would like it here so I kept the disguise on." CL explained. Once again, everyone laughed, especially Key. 

"You really are something," Key said, smiling at CL.

It wasn't an hour yet so everyone just watched TV. Eventually CL fell asleep after all that physical and emotional stress she's been in. Comme Des was even asleep in CL's lap. Key looked over to CL and saw that Comme Des was sleeping in her lap, causing him to smile softly at the sight in front of him. The other members noticed this and smirked. 

"I think Comme Des found a mommy~" Onew joked.

"Shut up." Key snapped.

"Yeah, Commes Des did find a mommy, but also, does CL-sshi always fall asleep in a room with strangers? This is the second time that I know of." Minho said. Key just simply shook his head.

An hour passed since CL arrived at the dorm and Key got a call from Young-Min to meet with CL in his office for a meeting. Waking CL up was the hard part. He didn't have the heart to ruin the precious image of CL and Comme Des asleep on the couch. The SHINee members thought it would be funny so they began to bang pots together. Startled, CL woke up, and so did Comme Des. As a result of the banging pans, Comme Des ran away to somewhere quiet and Key just led CL out the door and towards Young Min's office. 

The diva duo arrived at Young Min's office and sat next to each other on the chairs in front of his desk. 

"So, you ended up revealing yourself, huh, CL-sshi?" Young Min asked. CL nodded her head in embarrassment.

"Anyways, Kibum and CL-sshi... since myself and YG wanted you to do a collaboration, then why don't you choose how you want to collaborate? That's fair, right?" Young Min asked. CL and Key turned to look at each other. 

"What do you want to do, Chaerin?" Key asked. 

"We should do something we both specialize in? I don't know..." 

"Rapping?" Key offered. Suddenly both CL's and Young Min's faces brightened up. 

"You guys could do something that has to do with rapping... like a rap battle, or rap duet- special stage. We haven't had many special stages in a while." Young Min said.

"Alright, let's do it." Key replied. He looked over to CL and smiled to her; she couldn't help but get butterflies in her stomach.

"It's settled then, a rap collaboration. We'll talk more about it when you're both done with promotions. The meeting is over."

CL and Key said goodbye to Young Min and made their way out of his office. They both walked to the elevator but for some reason, they both walked slower than usual. When they got to the front of the elevator, they just stood in front of each other not knowing what to say. 'Should I just say goodbye and leave? Ugh, this may be selfish of me to say, but I wouldn't be satisfied with myself.' 

"Chaerin, can I see your phone, please?" Key asked. Confused, CL got her phone out of her pocket and handed it over to Key. He took it and typed something in, then handed it back. 

"What did you do?" CL asked suspicious of his action.

"I just needed to check the time." Key replied, a smirk apparent on his face.

"Oh... okay then." CL said. "Well... I guess I should go now... thanks for walking me to the elevator and for letting me play with Comme Des, and for cleaning my cut."

Key smiled. "You're welcome. I'll see you in five weeks."

CL nodded and smiled back as the elevator opened. 

"Well, I'm off." CL said as she walked in the elevator. Key stood in the hallway. 

"Yah, Lee Chaerin, you better not claim my spot as the number one diva while 2NE1 makes their comeback." Key warned.

"No promises." CL smirked as the elevator closed.

'Why do I feel so sad as I watch him leave?'

'Why do I feel so sad as I watch her leave?'

A/N: Hi! I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who subscribed and are keeping up with this fanfiction! This is my first fanfiction so I feel really grateful for all of you. Again, this is for all the 2SHINEE1 & ChaeKey fans! And if you're not a fan but is still reading this story, thank you!

As you can tell, I'm trying really hard to make this fanfiction to follow the events that SHINee and 2NE1 are scheduled for as of right now and continuing the rest of the year. For example, SHINee's "Boys Meet U" concert in Japan and 2NE1's comeback/promotions. It's not going to exactly follow the events of course. A few things must be changed for the sake of the story.

So, again. Thank you to all my readers, subscribers, and commenters. I really appreciate all your feedback and support. ♥

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I need to read it all again. :@@@@@
LittleKeyFreak #2
Chapter 15: please update i want to see whats kibums reaction about the picture :((((
Chapter 15: I love this
Chaekey and Chaekris
RilakkibumsTheBomb #4
Chapter 15: OMG!!!!! Thanks for updating!!! In the next chapter could you make it somewhat scarier and add a ghoosstt or something?? But if you don't want to I'll still love ChaeKey! #Chicken
DreamSparkStar #5
Chapter 15: Waaahh I'm so happy that you've updated! It's hard to find good chaptered ChaeKey fics, so thank you~
All the YGSM is giving me butterflies ^^
Chapter 14: I adore the new poster!!!
vip21_exotic #7
Chapter 14: I really hope you don't give up this story because it's sooo good and well-written not to be finished. I'll patiently wait for the next update. Keep up the good work :)
Chapter 14: omg kris ! why why why ugh
u ruin key's chance = = i really hate you now
Chapter 14: You're killing me. No. YOU KILLED ME WITH THIS CHAPTER is the most appropriate sentence to convey my current feelings. I was crying and swooning over ChaeKey (i squealed when they first stepped out as hosts) and then the build-up/suspense bUT THEN KRIS. how dare he come in and skewer my heart. I just had to like ChaeKris omg. Although, he seems pretty aloof/reserved. I wonder what's going through his head. Also, bless that reporter, because chaekris photo? Yes, pls. But ChaeKey all the way. Key was so sassy, I loved it. And Bom taking pictures of the models just cracked me up. Whoops, did I ramble? Thank you for the update!