Seeing You Again

We Could Happen

Cheering echoed across the Inkigayo studio. 2NE1 had just performed their goodbye stage for "Falling in Love." It was already late afternoon and the 2NE1 girls were free to relax because promotions were done. CL on the other hand, still had a meeting scheduled with YG, Young Min, and Key. Before SHINee left for Japan, Young Min called YG for a meeting when SHINee got back. Well, they're back. CL couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions. I mean you couldn't blame her, right?

After the show, the girls made way to their dressing room to gather their things and change out of their costumes. When they were done with that, Dara, Bom, and Minzy made their way to the van which would drive them all back to the dorm, but CL left in a separate van with YG. 

Now here she was, in the van with YG on her way to the restaurant in which the meeting will be held. Young Min had suggested that they rent their own dining room in the restaurant for privacy reasons, and YG agreed. 

CL sat on the seat with her hands placed neatly onto her lap. In nervousness she gulped. 'You're finally going to see him after five weeks. Why are you nervous? Ever since I met him, I couldn't help but feel like this. Are you still upset about the incident that happened yesterday? Just be calm, be calm. Remember, when you see him, you'll be sure of your feelings.' CL's thoughts were interrupted as YG called her name. "Chaerin-ah, we're here." the older man called. CL's head snapped up. She looked out the window and saw that they were in the parking lot, though the parking lot was practically empty. 'Sajangnim and Young Min sure chose the best restaurant on its slow day...' 

YG and CL got out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the restaurant. CL's heart was beating hard and fast. She bit the inside of her cheeks as they finally got inside. CL watched as YG said something to one of the waitresses and she motioned for them to follow her. With every step as she walked behind both YG and the waitress, CL shivered out of nervousness and breathed heavily. Finally they all came to a stop in front of a private dining room. CL didn't see what was happening in front of her though, she was looking down the whole time, but it seemed that Young Min and Key had waited in front of the dining room for them and didn't go in yet. She continued to look down as she listened to YG and Young Min talk. The waitress also walked away.

"Ah! Young Min!"

"Yang Hyun Suk!"

CL then saw YG's feet walk towards Young Min, assuming that they already went foward to the room. She heard the older men's voice die down as they got deeper into the private dining room. She didn't hear any sign of Key but she could feel his eyes burning her. He didn't go in with the two CEO's. He stayed behind of course. It seemed as if the two CEO's forgot about their two stars. Suddenly, it was his voice that made her jolt with some kind of shock that she couldn't explain. 

"Chaerin." Key said as he raised his eyebrows. 

'Why is she acting like this?' 

'Just look up at him. You've been waiting to confirm your own feelings. Just take a look at him.' 

CL slowly looked up. It was as if everything was happening in slow motion. Then she saw him. Right there in front of her, just a few feet away from her. The guy that she had been looking forward to seeing ever since she last saw him. Just looking at him made her heart beat faster, him saying her name made her shiver down her spine, just him being there right in front of her made her happy.

Key watched as CL slowly looked up at him. He had been anticipating seeing those fierce eyes with a kind of softness when she looks at him. Being there in front of him, he felt warm and a need to protect her and care for her. Why? 'Because I have feelings for her. That's why I feel this way. I've confrimed it, I have feelings for Lee Chaerin.' 

CL took a step forward, being bold enough to make the first move after the emotional distress she's been in for the past month. 'You have feelings for him. You've confirmed it. You have feelings for Kim Kibum and that's the reason why he makes you feel this way.' CL thought as she clenched her fists and started walking towards Key, who was frozen there, watching CL and confused as to what she was about to do. 

Suddenly she appeared there right in front of Key. Standing in front of him. CL looked up into his eyes and Key did the same staring down at hers. The female diva put out her hand. "I missed you, pretty boy." CL said quietly with a smirk apparent on her face. Key smiled, taking her hand and shaking it firmly. This started the beginning of their official collaboration and probably something else. 

"Let's go," Key said, allowing CL to walk into the dining room first, following her inside.

The two stars arrived at their table in the private dining room and sat down in their appropriate seats. CL and Key knelt down in front of each other while YG and Young Min knelt in front of each other.

"So, I heard you planned for some changes in this collaboration project, Young Min." YG said, taking a sip of his drink.

"Yes, about that... I think we need to postpone the collaboration project between Kibum and CL-sshi for now. I still think it's a good idea but now is a bad time..." Young Min said.

Key and CL glanced at each other with a questioning look then set their eyes back to their sajangnims.

"Postpone? Why?" YG asked with a raise of his eyebrow.

"Well, you heard about the incident with Kibum last night in Japan, right? Well a fan forcefully kissed Kibum and people take that as ual harassment. I think the controversy is too much right now. A collaboration project in the middle of this mess is too much to worry about." Young Min explained. 

As Young Min metioned the kiss incident, CL visibly tensed and Key noticed that. 'Is she bothered by this incident? Could she be jealous?' Key thought. The CEO's went on talking and YG agreed that it would be best to postpone the project as well. In a few weeks when the incident dies down, they'll be able to start working on their collaboration. 

It was quiet the whole time they were eating, mainly because of the reason that YG and Young Min didn't have anything else to talk about other than business, but they already finished talking about that. CL and Key had a lot of things they wanted to say to each other. Key thinking of saying, "Don't burn your tongue, Chaerin. Are you seriously going to hurt yourself again?" and CL wanting to say, "Don't give me that look pretty boy, mind you." but of course they couldn't beacuse they were both seen only as colleagues to their CEO's. 

They all finished their dinner and said goodbyes to each other, CL and Key both upset again that they had only seen each other for an hour, and probably won't see each other for another few weeks. 

"Bye, Key-sshi." CL said.

"Goodbye, CL-sshi." Key said, both trying to hold in their laughter. Just calling each other with honorifics was funny to them. They were professionals after all.

CL unlocked the door to 2NE1's dorm and stepped inside. Bom, Dara, and Minzy were on the couch, watching TV. They just stared at her. Usually CL would say something like, "I'm home!" but this time she walked in silently with a stoned face. 

"I like Kim Kibum." CL said suddenly.

The next few minutes were chaos. Fangirling echoed throughout the room as Bom, Dara, and Minzy bombarded CL with hugs. 

"WE KNEW IT!!!" Bom shouted. 

"Yeah, we did." Dara said. 

"Congratulations, unnie." Minzy said. 

"We all saw it coming. We all did." Bom said as she ran to get something from her room. The rest of the girls watched as Bom came out of her room holding a small pink box. She then sat down on the carpet and the rest of the girls sat down with her and surrounded her as they watched Bom dump paper out in front of them. But it wasn't just paper. They were pictures. CL's eyes widened. They were all pictures of CL and Key sleeping, CL snuggled into Key's side, Key with his arms wrapped around CL and pictures of Key carrying CL on his back when CL was too sick back then at the photoshoot. "Now we can all look at these pictures without feeling guilty!" Bom exclaimed as Dara and Minzy cheered. They began to pick up the pictures and adore them.

"Wait a minute, how in the world did you take this picture? As far as I know, you weren't there when this happened. You were at the dressing room." CL said, picking up the picture where Key was carrying CL on his back. Bom looked at the leader as if she was stupid and then gave her a smug look.

"I went to go check why you guys were taking so long but when I saw Kibum carrying you, I hid in the supply closet and took a picture. Thankfully you guys didn't notice me. Also, if you're wondering how I got to the dressing room so fast, I took the back way. There was another hallway connected to our dressing room! I found that out when I was looking for my chicken." Bom explained. CL looked at Bom like she was crazy; and she was.

"And you took your camera with you?!" CL asked in bewilderment.

"Of course." Bom said, picking up more pictures and sorting them out.

"This is so weird. Why are you guys so obsessed with this-" CL said as she was cut off by a light tapping coming from outside the window. 

"What was that?" Dara asked. 

"I don't know..." 

The tapping continued and it sounded like something was hitting the window. "Ugh, I'll go check what it is...." CL said as she approached the window. She opened the window and looked outside. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice below. 

"Chaerin, oh Chaerin!" 

CL looked down. 'KIBUM?! WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE?!' Key was down below, holding small rocks in his hand.

"Chaerin-ah? What's going on?" Dara asked as she walked towards the window. Bom and Minzy followed after her. CL continued to look down at Key with a wide eyed expression. Suddenly, Dara, Bom, and Minzy fangirled some more when they figured out what was happening. 

"KIM KIBUM WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?! ARE YOU CRAZY?! HUH? WHY ARE YOU HERE?! YOU CAN GET CAUGHT OR SOMETHING." CL hissed. She really looked like Medusa with her hair all over the place and a scary but worried expression from Key's view. 

"Just come with me! Geez, trust me." Key huffed. CL just mumbled a 'fine', left the window's side, and left the dorm in frustration. 'This scenery is all too cliché...'

"Hi noonas! Hi Minzy!" Key greeted. Bom, Dara, and Minzy waved to him in response. "I'm taking CL out for a while. I'll be sure to take good care of her!" Key called. They all nodded, speechless. Just then, a frustrated CL came into view, stomping her way towards Key. Right when CL opened , that's when the rest of the 2NE1 girls knew to close the window. 

"Kim Kibum! What the hell?!" CL hissed. 

"No time to talk now, we'll be seen." Key said as he grabbed CL's wrist and led her to his car. 

"Oh, now you're worried about being seen? Are you crazy?" CL asked as Key opened the door to the passenger side, led her in the car, then closed the door. She cooperated and sat down in the car waiting patiently for Key to get in the drivers' side. Once Key got in, CL started ranting again. 

"What are you doing here? It's-" CL stopped to check her watch. "It's 8:30 PM!" she finished. Key laughed. 

"I missed you, too, you know. So I'm taking you out on a date. I told you I would take you out on a date remember? During out photoshoot I told you I would. Tch, did you think I was joking?" Key asked. CL stared back in surprise. 

"S-Still..." CL said, flustered, as her cheeks began to heat up. "Sajangnim doesn't know I'm with you." 

"Oh, yes he does. I told him I needed to hold a bonding session with you since we're going to be working together a lot." 

"Bonding session?" 

"Yeah, bonding session, date. Same thing." 

"But- people will recognize us." 

"If you didn't realize, Chaerin. Today is the slowest day in business. There's always one of those days when people don't go out and today's one of those days. It's perfect. Anyways, just to be safe, I brought you a disguise." Key said as he reached to the back seat, retrieved a bag, and handed it to Chaerin. Inside was a snapback and an oversized sweatshirt. 

"Are these your clothes?" CL asked. 

"Yes, why?" 

CL looked over to Key and saw that he was looking out the window so she saw this as a perfect time to fangirl. The leader then began to giggle silently and squirm in her seat. When Key turned back to face her, she stopped. 

"Oh, nothing." CL answered as she pulled her hair up in a bun and tucked her hair in the snapback. She then put on his oversized sweatshirt. Good thing CL wasn't wearing shorts or anything too girly. Instead she was wearing a plain white t-shirt, skinny jeans and high top converse. Of course she couldn't forget the sunglasses. People could tell who you are just by the eyes. 'Now when we go out on this date, people will think that we're just on a guys night out.' CL thought. 

"Ready?" Key asked. She nodded. Key proceeded to start the car and drive while CL the radio. "Falling in Love" was on and CL squealed in delight as she started to sing the whole song. Key smiled. Her voice was like heaven to his ears, especially when she sang and rapped. When the song was over and another song played, CL stopped and looked to Key. 

"Where are we going, anyways?" She asked.

"You'll see."

CL pouted and faced forward. Suddenly, "Why So Serious" came on the radio. Looking over to Key again, she noticed that he didn't even notice that his own group's song was on. To get his attention, CL started to sing Key's lines as the song played. Key was not amused. Well on the outside he was stone faced, trying not to be amused and give in to her, but on the inside, he was fanboying. 

"Why~ so~ se-ri-ous~?" CL sang as she faced Key. 

"Yah, Chaerin that's not funny." Key said as he started to laugh a little. 

CL pointed and laughed at Key mockingly and continued to do that until they arrived at their destination. The confused leader looked around and saw that they were at a park. Key quickly got out of the car and walked over to the passenger side opening the door for CL. "Hurry up, princess." Key said as he held the door open while looking away embarrassed. CL blushed, but laughed. The two divas then began to walk around the park, Key being cautious as well because he put on sunglasses and put the hood up on his jacket. 

CL and Key walked next to each other, not saying anything at first. Mainly because they were both nervous. 

"So... why did you want to take me out, again?" CL asked.

"Well because I missed you, and I wanted to hang out with you." Key said truthfully. 

"Oh... I missed you too." CL said. 

After a moment of silence and walking in the park, they found a little mall nearby. There was a store that grabbed CL's attention though. An ice cream shop. 

"Ice cream! Lets go get some!" CL exclaimed. 

"Yah, you're paying right?" Key asked jokingly. 

"Psh, no. You pay." CL retorted as she ran into the ice cream shop. Key followed her inside and saw the rapper tapping the glass furiously and motioning for Key to hurry up. He approached the glass display and saw that CL was pointing to cookie dough ice cream. 

"I'll take two cups of cookie dough ice cream please." Key said to the employee. The employee nodded and grabbed two cups, filling them with three scoops of ice cream. Key paid and handed CL her cup. As they left the ice cream shop, she took a spoonful of her ice cream and put it in , sighing in satisfaction. "Kibum-ah. You're the best." CL said. 

"You're just saying that because I bought you ice cream." Key said, scoffing as he took a spoonful of his own ice cream and put it in his mouth. 

The petite girl just scrunched her nose up in response and continued to eat her ice cream. They passed a stand that was selling K-Pop merchandise, which interested CL. She looked around and saw SHINee figurines, picked up a Key figurine and examined it. "This is so cute. I want one." CL said. Annoyed, Key took the small figurine from her hand. 

"Chaerin, why do you need a Key figurine when I'm right here?" Key asked. CL pouted. "I was just joking. Psh." she said as she walked out of the stand. Key sighed as he put money on the table and bought the small figurine, putting it in his pocket. He left the stand and caught up to CL. 

"Where do you want to go now?" Key asked. 

"I don't know." she replied. They kept walking until an arcade appeared in their sights.

"There." the divas said at the same time.

"Last one there buys tokens." CL said quickly as she sprinted towards the arcade. 

"YAH!!! THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Key shouted as he started to run after her. 'Whatever, I'll let her win. She is the princess, after all.' 

As he got there, he saw CL jumping up and down in the distance, cheering because she won. He couldn't help but smile at her. When he approached the arcade, he ignored CL and walked passed her, walking straight to the little machines to buy tokens. She followed him and pouted. "Kibum, are you upset that I won? Hmm?" CL asked smugly. 

"Don't get cocky, Chaerin." Key responded as he grabbed a small plastic bag from one of the dispensers next to the token machine and scooped all the tokens inside. He handed the bag to CL and as she took it, she grabbed his arm, leading him to play games with her. It took a moment for Key to register what happened because CL had pulled him so quick and dragged him to a dance game. "This one." CL said with a gleam in her eye as she smirked and put a bunch of tokens in the slot. The Almighty Key couldn't help but smile either as he followed CL's steps onto the dance platform.

"Yah, yah, Chaerin. I'm from the group SHINee if you forgot, we dance a lot. Are you sure you can beat me at this game?" Key taunted.

"Shut up, pretty boy. I could say I'm a good dancer myself. You should at least know that much." 

Key simply scoffed as CL started the game. "I'll choose the song since you're so confident anyways." she said as she chose 2PM's "Hands Up" with difficulty "expert."

"HA. You're the one that's being cocky, Lee Chaerin. I'm not losing to you, even if you are the baddest female." 

The game started and the both of them followed the steps perfectly, expert level indeed. CL was even one to follow the steps and stay in sync with the expert easily. Probably because this was too easy for the both of them, expert level or not. As they were jumping around and succeeding in completing all the steps around them, they gave each other competitive glances in the process, finally ending the game with a tie. Looking at the screen, flashing "TIE" in front of their eyes, the two sighed and slowly looked at each other. "We're on the same level." CL said. "I mean in this game. In reality you are a hell of a lot better dancer than me, I'll admit that." Key just laughed as CL pulled him again to another game. This time a karaoke game. "Oh so you want to sing? Fine, let me choose the song since you chose the dance song earlier." Key said as he inserted a few tokens, pressed a few buttons and stopped at 2NE1's "Go Away." CL just stared at him, baffled. "Why this song?" the confused starlet asked.

"I'm an expert at this song." the SHINee diva simply said. As the song started, they both grabbed the attached microphones and adjusted their sunglasses, ready to sing. Singing the song together, Key began to joke around and make diva gestures with his hands on his hips, making CL laugh so hard she couldn't sing anymore. Key sang CL's parts easily, of course. They were both rappers and divas after all. 

"This love is over, love love is over tonight~" CL managed to sing. Then CL's rap part came on. Key abruptly faced CL. Without needing to look at the lyrics on the screen, he rapped CL's part and imitated her while rapping, just like how he did three years ago on that radio show. 

"Ni motnan eolgool dashin bogo shipjin ana no more~ (I don't want to see your ugly face again no more)" Key sang as he pointed at CL. She broke. She was laughing so hard she couldn't breathe. Then she started to hit Key playfully as he started laughing as well. Suddenly, CL's face became serious. "Yah, you don't want to see my ugly face anymore? Okay bye." CL spat as she stepped off of the karaoke game platform and started to walk away. Key just stared at her with a confused expression, trying to register what had just happened. Just then, CL stopped and turned around, laughing and saying, "Just kidding!"

Key rolled his eyes and put away the microphones, walking off of the platform and towards CL. "Yah, I know you were just kidding, but don't call yourself ugly again, because you are not." Key said. 

CL pouted. "I'm sorry..." as she said that, a jumbo crane machine caught her eye. "Omo, Rilakkumas!" CL exclaimed. Key smiled. 'I didn't know Lee Chaerin could be this cute, and unintentionally at that.' He followed as the excited leader made her way towards the crane machine, watching as she stumbled to insert coins in the slot. The crane machine wasn't your average crane machine. It was a jumbo one, with jumbo stuffed animals inside. And of course, the stuffed jumbo Rilakkuma caught the Rilakkuma's eye herself. Key watched and smiled as CL tried and tried to get the jumbo doll, navigating the crane with the palm sized buttons. After a while, CL still couldn't get it and she got frustrated. "UGH," CL complained as she sighed in exasperation. Key sighed, gently moving CL to the side of the controller and took it. "The almighty Key comes into play." the diva said cockily. CL narrowed her eyes but didn't say anything more as she watched Key successfully take ahold of the jumbo Rilakkuma doll and dropped it in the hole. Jumbo Rilakkuma appeared in the slot, quick to react, CL grabbed the stuffed doll and hugged it. "YES! Thank you, Kibum!" CL said in a loud whisper, careful so that no one around hears them. Not like they were in a crowded area anyways. "You're welcome," Key said as he laughed lightly. Suddenly, CL's face brightened up. "I'll name him Rilakkibum!" she said. They both laughed as if it was the most ridiculous thing ever, but of course CL was serious. Key had won her the stuffed doll in the first place.

The diva duo left the arcade and decided it was time to go home since it was already getting late. As they walked out of the the arcade and onto the sidewalk, CL held Rilakkibum in her arms. As they walked passed a hot chocolate stand, CL stopped. "Let's get some hot coco! I'll pay." she said. Key stood there and watched her as she bought two cups of hot chocolate, walked back to Key, and handed him his cup. CL had Rilakkibum in one arm and her hot chocolate in her other hand. They continued walking and made their way back to the car.



"Back at the restaraunt, when sajangnim mentioned the incident that happened to me yesterday... with that fan and the kiss... you tensed up. Why?" Key asked. CL's eyes widened as she took an extra long sip of her hot chocolate. After she finally lifted her cup from her lips, she finally replied, "What are you talking about?" 

Key smirked. "Were you jealous?" 

"No... what the hell. Why would I be jealous? Tch." CL asked as she started to walk faster. Key laughed as he matched her speed, but when she saw him getting closer, she ran back to the car and that just made Key run after her. CL got to the car and Key took out his keys, unlocking the door so CL could get in. Beep Beep. The car unlocked and CL quickly opened the door and got in. After a moment, Key made it to the car and got in, starting the car. Since CL made no move to say anything, Key started to drive back to 2NE1's dorm. 

'If I tell him that I was really jealous, he would think I was weird or something... Wouldn't he?' CL thought as she looked out the car window. 

They finally made it back to 2NE1's dorm and they both got out of the car. CL assumed that Key was going to walk her to the building so she stayed quiet without questioning him. They walked to the front of the building and CL turned around to face Key as he was behind her. "Thank you for taking me out on my first date," CL said suddenly. "It's been a while since I had this much fun. I'm glad that it was you I got to spend my time with." As she said that, she looked away, embarrassed, clutching her Rilakkibum plush tighter. "Me too," Key started to say. "I like being with you." Almost forgetting the Key figurine that Key had bought for CL earlier, he reached for it in his pocket and handed it to her. "You really bought it for me?" CL asked as she took the figurine keychain and attached it to her phone. "Thank you." she said. Key just nodded in response, embarrassed. 

The two awkwardly stood in front of each other, not knowing what to say anymore. "Well, you better get in, now, it's getting late. Your unnies and Minzy-sshi will be mad at me if I returned you any later. Go now, hurry." Key said with a smile. CL nodded in agreement, turned around, and made her way towards the door. Key watched her retreating back, but she suddenly stopped, set her Rilakkibum plush on the porch, turned around, and ran towards Key, putting her arms around his torso and giving him a quick hug. Key's eyes widened at this sudden touch, and both their heart beat raced. After she let go, CL ran towards the building entrance and grabbed her Rilakkuma plush on the way in. It took a while for Key to realize that the girl he likes just hugged him, as he stood there in front of 2NE1's dorm building, dazed. After making his way back to reality, he smiled like a school boy and walked back to his car. 'This girl, really. She's killing me.' Key thought.

CL ran up the stairs to 2NE1's floor, unlocked the door to their room and made her way in. She saw that everything was quiet in their dorm so she assumed everyone was already asleep. She walked to her room, took off Key's snapback and his hoodie and just plopped into bed, hugging her Rilakkibum plush. 'Did today really happen? Or was it a dream?' Ahh I can't even think.' CL thought as she fell asleep.

'I really like him.'

'I really like her.'


♥ I hope you enjoyed this chapter... extra long chapter and ChaeKey moments=WIN haha. CL and Key's date is like my dream date ;-; 

Questions, comments, concerns, suggestions? Write them below! I'd definitely love to hear from my readers. 

Thanks for reading! ^^

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I need to read it all again. :@@@@@
LittleKeyFreak #2
Chapter 15: please update i want to see whats kibums reaction about the picture :((((
Chapter 15: I love this
Chaekey and Chaekris
RilakkibumsTheBomb #4
Chapter 15: OMG!!!!! Thanks for updating!!! In the next chapter could you make it somewhat scarier and add a ghoosstt or something?? But if you don't want to I'll still love ChaeKey! #Chicken
DreamSparkStar #5
Chapter 15: Waaahh I'm so happy that you've updated! It's hard to find good chaptered ChaeKey fics, so thank you~
All the YGSM is giving me butterflies ^^
Chapter 14: I adore the new poster!!!
vip21_exotic #7
Chapter 14: I really hope you don't give up this story because it's sooo good and well-written not to be finished. I'll patiently wait for the next update. Keep up the good work :)
Chapter 14: omg kris ! why why why ugh
u ruin key's chance = = i really hate you now
Chapter 14: You're killing me. No. YOU KILLED ME WITH THIS CHAPTER is the most appropriate sentence to convey my current feelings. I was crying and swooning over ChaeKey (i squealed when they first stepped out as hosts) and then the build-up/suspense bUT THEN KRIS. how dare he come in and skewer my heart. I just had to like ChaeKris omg. Although, he seems pretty aloof/reserved. I wonder what's going through his head. Also, bless that reporter, because chaekris photo? Yes, pls. But ChaeKey all the way. Key was so sassy, I loved it. And Bom taking pictures of the models just cracked me up. Whoops, did I ramble? Thank you for the update!