Where Should I Go?

Please Come Back To Me

(When Chanhee left)

Byunghun Pov

“Appa is omma gonna come back” Min Ki tugged at my shirt as he calmed down my heart shattered as I heard my child scream after the man I loved the most

“Min Ki I am sorry but I don’t know” I answered softly but he broke down again struggling in my arms I tried to soothe him but he kicked and screamed for Chanhee a tear streamed down my face. After a few minutes he cried himself to sleep

“I am so sorry guys but I think I am gonna head home now” I spoke softly they all gave me sympathetic looks as I walked away to our apartment. As I stepped into the door I headed towards Min Ki’s room laying him on the bed

“Good night daddy’s little angel” I kissed his forehead heading out the door I sat on the couch resting my head on the cushion looking at the phone I noticed I had a new message bringing the phone to my ears I listened to it

“It’s all your fault bring him back you bring him back to me he doesn’t belong to you tell him to come back please te-“ then the line cut off it was Chanhee’s mom who screamed in the phone did Chanhee leave home or something. If he did where is he now I wondered heading to my room.

Chanhee Pov

Here I was on the park bench why because I didn’t know where else to go not remembering has proven to badly. I wanted to badly search for Min Ki and Byunghun but I didn’t know where to start I laid my head on the bench

“Chanhee Hyung” I could hear someone’s voice opening my eyes I stared up at Jonghyun how did he know where I was

“Your mother she franticly called asking where you were and to bring you back because you didn’t belong here” he said did he just read my mind I wondered

“No I didn’t just read your mind I’ve know you for many years” He said I stared up at him in surprise he just did it again

“Assh even though you lost your memory your still the same” He chuckled shaking his head

“So you left home why is that?” he asked I signed

“Well the words that Byunghun said stuck in my head I didn’t want to believe my parents lied to me it hurts to know the truth I guess twice” I said he patted my back

“So what are you going to do now” he asked

“You know what I don’t know I want to go to Byunghun and apologize, ask him to understand me but, I’m scared he’s mad and would reject me” I said

“He won’t Byunghun hyung, he loves you very much he understands what you’re going through”

“Does he really Jonghyun I didn’t know who I was until my parents picked me up from the hospital. I get told things that I believe then I turn around someone tells me who I really am I find out my parents lied to me, find out I have a child who I carried in my belly for nine months that I don’t have the slightest memory of then there’s Byunghun who is supposed to be the love off my life it kills me not to remember I know I hurt him today he might try to be patient but the truth is the doctor told me I might never get my memory back his patients will run out and mine as well I want to remember all I had the good memories and the bad ones” I said clenching my head

“See your wrong you might not remember but it doesn’t mean you can’t move on and make better memories start a fresh with the people who love you. I get that your brain will never remember but your heart and body do I saw the way you looked when Byunghun hyung kissed you, you felt something I just know you. The thing is if you don’t try your just gonna be stuck in a ditch forever” He said I looked up at him I know he was right but was I ready to give a chance to someone who is a stranger to me

“No no no don’t think that Byunghun hyung is no stranger to you and you know it don’t deny what is in front of your face. Remember Min Ki how he cried as you walked away you wanted to stop turn around didn’t you. Doubts have always stopped you hyung you have always been the same but that can’t stop you now you need to realize that if you don’t take the chance you might just lose everything” He said I looked up at him he read my mind again

“I know your right but it doesn’t change the fact that I am scared” I said

“I know but you can do it I am not gonna say anything else because I want you to make that decision for yourself you need to feel it from the bottom of your heart hyung I am just trying to guide you” He said standing up he walked away I watched him leave then realized he was my only way of knowing where Byunghun lived.

“Wait Jonghyun” I screamed after him grabbing my luggage I ran after him

“Can you tell me where Byunghun lives” I asked he nodded his head and told me but I looked at him completely confused

“Oh right you don’t remember” he snapped his fingers then offered to take me there I accepted so now here I was in front of Byunghun's door

“Hyung I got to go bye” Jonghyun waved walking away

“Wait what if he says no” I said desperately he chuckled shaking his head

 “If Byunghun hyung says no which I doubt he will give me a call you have my number in your phone” He smiled as he made his way down the stairs

“Fighting Hyung” He screamed out I silently prayed for the best taking a deep breath I knocked on the door





Next Chapter will be the last hope you liked this one Thank you for reading

Sorry for late update will update soon

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Chapter 9: it makes my heart wrecked on the first part but now, my heart went floating like bubbles~~
Chapter 9: That's amazing ~ haha i have read it long time ago but now when it's already end i decieded to cheer for u ^^ great job~ keep going ^^ fighting~
Byungchan_angel #3
Chapter 9: New reader here~
Awww~ I love it <3
Chapter 9: I love it <3
higuys808 #5
awesome so far!
Chapter 9: aww .. good ending >< ..
<3 love it
Chapter 7: update please!!
Chapter 7: Update please ~
Kaynne #10
Eu quero mais, por favor continue...