The Truth

Please Come Back To Me

Chanhee signed as he reached the familiar mansion he slowly made his way to the door taking a deep breath he made his way inside as he walked into the house he could hear his mother's laughter as he walked in the living room his father and mother where happily laguhing with his suppose bride to be leaning against the door frame he waited for them to notice him as he silently watched his mother caress Jiyeon the words that Byunghun said remained in his head where his family really lying to him did they really hate the fact that he was gay. Since the past two weeks he woke up he never wanted to regain his memory more then at this moment.

"Chanhee honey how long have you been standing there for" His mother asked gently gesturing for him to take a seat beside her he made his way to sit with his mother who his hand lovingly

"How was your walk son" His father asked

"Interesting you could say" Chanhee replied catching everyone's attention

"Really what happned" Jiyeon asked leaning forward

"Nothing so what where you guys doing" He asked successfully changing the subject

"Well I know that you have only been awake a short while but we have been looking at these" His mother handed him a magizine smiling widely

"You've been looking at dresses already" He asked shocked

"Well you two where so in love before that horribly accident happened that I thought you two getting married would be the perfect solution" His mother said

"Solution to what mother" Chanhee asked standing in front of them

"Solution to you losing your memories sweet heart" She asked furrowing her brow

"Really mother I have been perfectly fine since I woke up and I don't think that getting married is the perfect solution" He crossed his arms

"Then what else is there to do" His mother raised her voice

"Well I could get to know her again since well I forgot"

"That's nonsense you already know each other" She scoffed

"Why do you want to marry us so badly" He asked his voice rasing a little

"Because you two where perfect together" She raised her arms up

"Where we really mother I think it's time"

"Time for what" She barked out



"Who is Byunghun mother" Chanhee asked he watched her tense up

"Do not speck that name in this house again"

"Ok then who is Min Ki then" He asked watching her eyes grow wide

"Oh wait a minute when I woke up did you forget to tell me I'm gay and have a son" Chanhee calmly stated

"No you don't those people are liars they lied to you" She pleaded grabbing his shirt as much as he wanted to believe her he knew she was lying praying her hands off he took a step back

"Please tell me the truth mother" He pleaded

"Are you not believing your own mother: She growled out

"Where you so ashamed of me because I was gay or was it because I didn't do what you wanted, what was it mother"

"That I don't even know what to call him stole you away from me you where always a good boy why did you choose him instead of us" She shouted tears streaming down her face

"I have one question and I want you to answer it truthfully" Chanhee said gazing at his father who shook his head

"Did you guys ever accept the fact that I was gay" He ask shakenly waiting for the answer it was silent until his father shook his head

"No" He quietly said Chanhee wiped the tear that streamed down his face

"Wow it nice to know the people who where suppose to love me most have been lying to me taking advantage of me losing my memories for your own selfish reasons" He laugh bitterly

"No No that isn't it I wanted my son back that's all" His mother cried out

"If you wanted me back you would have accepted me for who I was not denied the fact"

"I'm so sorry son" His father said a tear streaming down his face Chanhee signed running a hand through his hair

"Now that I know the truth I am not going to stay here and act like the son you always wanted  I am leaving this is good bye" He said as he walked up to his room gathering his belongings he received in the past two weeks as he made his way back downstairs he could hear his mother sobbing, As he made his way to the door he was stopped by his mother gripping onto him

"please don't go" She cried out it reminded him of Min Ki he pleaded for him not to go he disappointed a lot of people today turning around he looked into his mothers eyes her make up a mess smearing her beautiful face wiping away her tears he kissed her forehead praying her off of him into his fathers arms

"Mother you and I know that I don't belong here it isn't my place to stay here even though I don't remember I think I left because I never felt like I belonged here Goodbye" With that said he opened the door ignoring his mothers screams for him to come back.

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Chapter 9: it makes my heart wrecked on the first part but now, my heart went floating like bubbles~~
Chapter 9: That's amazing ~ haha i have read it long time ago but now when it's already end i decieded to cheer for u ^^ great job~ keep going ^^ fighting~
Byungchan_angel #3
Chapter 9: New reader here~
Awww~ I love it <3
Chapter 9: I love it <3
higuys808 #5
awesome so far!
Chapter 9: aww .. good ending >< ..
<3 love it
Chapter 7: update please!!
Chapter 7: Update please ~
Kaynne #10
Eu quero mais, por favor continue...