
The Necklace


Chapter Two:

“Did you sleep well?”. I jumped up to find my mother sitting on the edge of my bed smiling at me. I made an ‘o’ shape with my mouth before she asked again, “Did you sleep well?” I sighed and lay back into my pillow, I had just misheard her. I nodded and smiled. “Good”, she answered, ‘Do you want to come with your father and I into Seoul?”. I held my head and looked at the time, “I’d rather pass…I’m really jetlagged…” She smiled, “You’re right! Rest up today! We’ll be moving into our house in the next few weeks so just keep tight!” And like that I was left alone for a whole day. Being woken up at such an early time, I had a whole day to kill. I slipped on a pair of sweatpants and walked downstairs, barefooted, in search of food. The cupboards were however filled with lots of Korean foods and it took me a while to actually work out what they were. I settled for a Banana and some juice before making my way into the living room.

I the TV to find some reruns of dramas, the news, the weather and some cartoons. Bored, I turned it off and made my way outside into the sweltering heat. I chose a seat in the shade by the side and began to read a book I found sitting there.

I had only gotten through two pages when I was blinded, blinded by Lee Howon. I had no idea we would be working today yet he was there at the bottom of the garden cutting pieces off the bushes, in just a simple pair of trousers. When he reached up to cut pieces off higher branches I got the full extent of the muscles on his arms and down his back. When he turned around I could see how the sweat from the heat dripped down his chest onto his torso to his toned stomach. He looked up and saw me, smiling and began to walk over. I freaked out and used the book to conceal my very obvious . Lee Howon smiled and bowed as he neared me, introducing himself.

“Hello! I’m Lee Howon but you can call me Hoya! I work for your grandparents as a gardener”. He grinned from ear to ear a very flashy smile and extended his hand in a very Western way. I took it, “I’m Jang-Jang Dongwoo…it’s nice to meet you”.  He exclaimed, “Wow! You have a cool accent, did you live abroad?”. I couldn’t stop staring at his glistening body and I blanked out for a few moments. I opened my eyes finally to see Hoya grinning at me, waiting for an answer from me. I smiled nervously, “Oh-yes I’ve lived in England for most of my life…dad got a job here so we moved back to Korea”. “Oh wow, that’s great! Well I have to be getting back to work…I hope we can be friends!”. I nodded and Hoya ran back down the garden to finish his work. I was red hot, flustered and blushing. I took my leave and withdrew into the VERY cool kitchen and began to splash my face with water. I hit my head with my hand and sighed, leaning against the kitchen counter. What was wrong with me! I took a big glass and filled it with some ice cold water from the fridge and downed the glass in one go, taking huge gulps. I walked out again and sat down in the shade with my notepad and pencils. I began to sketch some of the trees that Hoya was working on and soon enough Hoya became the focus of my drawing.

“Wow that’s pretty good!” I jumped and shut the notepad I was working on to find Hoya standing behind me peering over my shoulder. I must have got too into my work and blanked out. I turned around, blushing, and smiled, “Yeah…thanks”. Hoya smiled back at me, “I’m done work now! We should hang out!” My blood went cold, “Hang-hang out?”. He nodded his head and pulled me up, “Yeah! We can go swimming!”. I looked over to the swimming pool and before I knew it Hoya had already stripped off to shorts and jumped into the pool. Those legs. I stopped and fell back, tripping over a step. Hoya laughed and called over, “Come on Dongwoo!”. I took off my shirt and pulled down my sweatpants and suddenly I was standing by the edge of the pool in just my shorts feeling very vulnerable. Hoya laughed, “Jump in! The water is really cool!”. I didn’t know whether to tell Hoya that I couldn’t swim or not but I took his advice and just jumped in, really underestimating how deep the pool was. As I jumped in, the water rushed in on top of me and I plunged under. Frightened, I gasp for air but all I received were gulps of pool water. I felt someone yanking me up by the arm, it was Hoya. The sun was again on me and a wet body was holding his close to mine. I was gasping for air and holding onto Hoya tightly. He looked at me with a half smirking yet concerned face, “Are you okay Dongwoo? Can’t you swim?” I laughed nervously, coughing up more water, “Eh about that…not really…” He laughed and brought us over to the side of the pool where I had left my phone and clothes, “Do you want me to call your parents?” he asked, very concerned about my wellbeing. “No! I’ll be fine…I swear!” I answered nervously looking down. He took his hand and lifted my chin up to ensure we had eye contact and said, “Let’s teach you how to swim them eh!” I laughed, “Sure!- oh I got a text…my parents won’t be home until late, they’re going to a party” I sighed before closing my phone. “That’s great!” Hoya exclaimed, “I mean…lets get started ok!?”

Before I knew it I was swimming up and down the pool, my legs kicking water everywhere- but I was doing it and that was all that mattered to Hoya. “You’re such a fast learner! Seriously!” After I had learnt to swim we played around in the water, splashing each other and suddenly the lights started to come on and the sky went black. I swam over to my phone and looked at the time- 9:49. Hoya swam up behind me, putting his head on my shoulder and wrapping his hands around my torso, “It’s nearly 10! I should be getting home!” I turned around abruptly, “No!...I mean you haven’t even eaten yet!”. He smiled, “I’m not hungry!” He was soon interrupted by his growling stomach, which told me otherwise. I smirked, “Come on- I’ll make us some food!”

I gave Hoya a towel to go off and dry himself with whilst I set about making something edible. The only thing I could find were some instant noodles so I put them into a pot and hoped for the best. Hoya came downstairs half dressed in a pair of jeans and began to dry his torso right in front of me; it was as if he was purposely trying to . I turned away and set about pouring the noodles into bowls. I ushered Hoya to sit on the sofa. “Wow…these noodles are…good” Hoya said, cautiously slurping at his. He began to cough and spat them back out, “On the other hand…eh” I laughed and hit him on the back, “Hey! My cooking isn’t THAT bad!” Hoya laughed and leaned back putting his hands behind his head and sighing, “I’ll cook you a meal someday to say thanks for this…delightful dish”.

Silence filled the house. Hoya turned around to me, his smirk turning into a grin and closed his eyes. I began to freak out in my mind, was Hoya going to kiss me? Was Hoya even gay? Were we going to do other stuff? My palms got a lot more sweaty and I slightly leaned into Hoya. He leaned in to me when our necklaces touched and began to sizzle. He jumped back and we both just stared at our necklaces. Hoya giggled nervously, “Wow…that was weird huh?” I looked on the other side of my now sparkling bright scarlet necklace where the letter ‘H’ was printed on the back. My parents opened the door at that point and I thanked god that they didnt catch me and the gardener boy possibly kissing. I didn't even know if we were going to kiss, I was very confused. Hoya smirked and excused himself to my grandparents and to my own parents and that was the last I saw of Lee Howon for a few days.

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Chapter 2: Awwww. That's so... Awwww!! Saranghae!!!
burdenheart #2
Chapter 5: aww such a cute ending. i liked this story. it made me happy:) thank you author-sshi.
Chapter 4: fuhh..hot..really hot..>//<
Chapter 3: Aigooo~ >_<
I really love it.. And they're so cute together author nim..
Please update it soon nae.. ^_^
Chapter 2: Hai.. *waves
New reader here author nim.. :D
Please update it soon..
I can't wait to see what will happened next with them.. H means Hoya right?? :D
And your story is great, nice, and interesting to read..
Hehe.. :D
so keep on writing author nim..
Hwaiting!! ^_^