How Things Going To Began....

Why So Serious?

Chapter 4:

                                                                                                                   9:00 am: School (Zelo)

Zelo wasn’t a morning person. Everyone knew this. So when school always started, everyone stayed away from the tall blue-nette and Zelo appreciated it a lot. What he did not appreciate was when he arrive to his locker in the morning to only find it filled with trash in it as well as little notes with the word ‘’ and ‘’ scribble on it. As everything spilled out of his locker, he carefully picked up one of the note and stared at it for a while. Before flinging it to the ground and started to dig inside his locker, ignoring the disgusting smell that was escaping from his locker.

“Good morning, Zelo,” chirped Jongup as he approach the taller boy with a goofy on his face but quickly paused when he smell something weird. He sniffed the air for a couple of second before raising one eyebrow at his friend in confusion but then gasp when he noticed the trash that surrounded Zelo. “Or, maybe not, damn, are you okay?”

Zelo kicked the Coke can that lay on the floor next to him before he rolled his eyes and slam the locker door harshly in hopes that smell will disappear but it didn’t. Zelo sigh in defeat, closing his eyes, and tighten his grip on his text book, listening to his best friend’s foot step get closer to him and then stop. “It’s only nine and I am already angry…I don’t like being angry…”

“I know…” Jongup responded automatically, eyeing the mess around them before lowering himself to pick up a few of the notes on the floor and flip through them. He was never bullied. Maybe it was due to the fact that he was always ignored and never noticed much, he didn’t really stand out much. He wasn’t good looking like Daehyun. He wasn’t nerdy like YoungJae. He wasn’t rebellious like Zico. And he wasn’t as cute or as tall as Zelo. So he never stood out enough to catch anyone’s attention and at first he hated it, wasn’t he good enough? But as time went on, watching people pay attention to both, Zelo and YoungJae, he realized that having attention wasn’t always the best. “Someone got some haters…” Zelo hummed before releasing a shaky breath. “Haters make you famous through?”

“Wasn’t that like a MySpace quote or something?” Zelo questioned the small boy, who broke into laughter and nodded his head eagerly. “Whatever happened to MySpace, I remember back in the day, I use to be addictive to that site. I use to take so many bathroom pictures.” Jongup nodded his head, grabbing Zelo’s free hand and tugged him forward away from the mess and toward the direction of Zelo’s class. So what if his class was at the other side of the school, he needed to make sure Zelo would be okay. Zelo usually had many horrible adventures on his way to this class. Why? That because Zico’s locker was in this direction and to walk to the class, passing Zico’s locker was a must.

“I remember getting on your profile in MySpace and hearing your annoying rap song! Like honestly! Every time I log in on MySpace and check your profile, I could be enjoying my silence and then your blasts through my speaker not only scaring me but scared my dog, which led to barking, which ultimately led to my parents waking up and skinning me alive. So yeah, I hate MySpace!” Zelo laughed. Yeah, that seemed about right. “You do know Facebook exist through?”

“It’s not the same!” Zelo argued causing the small boy to roll his eyes. “Hey, don’t you dare roll your eyes at me, I am the only one that can that,” Zelo squeaked out before pouting. Jongup turn his head slightly and stick out his tongue playfully, but than an idea popped in his head, which led to Jongup quickly grabbing Zelo’s soft face and pull him toward Jongup’s tongue. “Don’t me, you are so nasty!”

Despite Jongup’s appearances, Jongup was actually very strong. And despite Zelo’s appearances, Zelo was actually very weak. So when both boys started to play fight, it was obvious to both who would win, so it wasn’t a surprise when Jongup’s wet tongue left a wet trail of spit on Zelo’s cheek. Zelo shrieked loudly, pushing off the boy and jump up and down in disgust. He didn’t have anything to whip it off with, he wore short less today and he was way too disgusted to use his hand. He was planning on using Jongup’s shirt but once the idea rose in his head, Jongup rushed a head.

“Catch if you can loser!” Jongup shouted as he dashed pass people, swirling around, careful not to bump into anyone but that was fail because once he hit the sharp corner, he crashed into two black hair boy, if he could remember correctly they were named Himchan and Yongguk. “Oh! I am sorry!” Himchan blinked a couple of time and was about to speak, that was until the tall blue-nette appeared around the corner with a frown on his face. Himchan than immediately close his mouth. “I’m sorry.” Jongup repeated before grabbing the blue-nette’s hand and walk away from Himchan and Yongguk. Zelo was slightly confused but he let himself be dragged away.

“He’s cute…” Zelo spoke up after Zelo notice Jongup’s carefree attitude returned.

“Who is cute Himchan or Yongguk?” Jongup questioned with a knowing smile. He knew the kind of guys Zelo usually drawn to, so he knew exactly who he found attractive. Zelo always were drawn to cocky bad boys and from what he seen from Himchan, he wasn’t cocky nor a bad boy, maybe a bit awkward and goofy but not a bad boy. Yongguk was another story. He doesn’t really know the guy, but from what he seen, yeah Yongguk was a bad boy. He acted the part and dressed the part.

“Yongguk, of course, he looked very cute today,” Zelo gushed a bit before sighing loudly. “Too bad the boy is straight as an arrow. I might not be a but I could have caused some major damage.” Jongup’s eyes widen and blush slightly at his best friend’s choice of words, then quickly turn around to look behind him, hoping to see spot the two ravens from before. Zelo turn around with him but slightly confuse at what he was looking for. “What am I supposed to be looking at?”

“Nothing, I was just wanted to see if they were still there,” Jongup answer with a teasing tone before slinging his arms around Zelo’s waist. “I am so going to tease you with this, Jello! You like Yongguk!”

“I find him attractive. I don’t like him. I don’t even know him. The only time we talked is when he came on my nightshift,” Zelo mumbled, turning back around and continue walking a head ignoring Jongup’s ‘wedding bell’ hum. The time Yongguk drop by his work station, it was quick and straight to the point, that only thing that Yongguk said that actual stood out was when he said: “You’re Zelo, right? You go to my school. I love your style. He remembered his blush so hard, he turn a nice shade of red and then he ran off to pick up Yongguk order but his co-worker beat him to it and at the end got Yongguk’s number, lucky .

When Jongup noticed the small pout on Zelo’s face, he grabbed Zelo’s cheek and started to stretch him out, playfully laughing at his friend’s moan and whined loudly. It caused many people to turn and give them a look of disgust but both didn’t seem to care as both started to play fight once more. Everything seemed easier, in Zelo’s eyes, when Jongup was there. Maybe that’s why he dealt with Jongup’s consent play fighting, consent whining, and consent nagging. He made things more bearable. He understood what he was dealing with. He never judged him. He always stood by him and listened to the truth. Jongup was a true friend.

“Last night was crazy! I knew you had it in you, Daehyun!” Zico slurred out loudly enough to catch the attention of Zelo, which provided enough time for Jongup to Zelo’s cheeks again. Daehyun broke into loud laugh, slamming his fist on Zico’s locker door repeatedly causing a huge ruckus in the middle of the hallway. G-Dragon, there another fake blonde in the group, was swaying a bit left to right, he was slightly unbalanced but he didn’t seem phase by it. He seemed happy, peacefully happy. All of three of them did as a matter of fact. All three of them had blood shot eyes and calm smile on their and every so often they broke into hysterical laughter as if something was funny. Both Zelo and Jongup were confused but once they got close enough to them because of the smell in the air, they knew exactly what was wrong.

They were baked.

They were high.

They were stoned.

“Hey! It’s Zelo!” G-Dragon cheered, clapping his hands obnoxiously loud which caused Daehyun to break into a fit of giggle. Jongup immediately puffed out his chest attempting to look tough in front of the three blonde high bullies. Zelo rolled his eyes and shyly waved at G-Dragon, who started to join Daehyun fit of giggle. “So…who have you been , today at 9:20 in the morning, huh?” G-Dragon said between his giggles which resulted in Zelo to moan loudly and walk away faster, Jongup following behind while pointing his finger at the both with a glare, but Zelo stopped the moment that Zico stood in front of him. Zico was swaying a bit but he still stood his ground as he smirked at the taller boy.

“Don’t run away from us! I need to tell you something!” Zico patted Zelo’s chest before laughing. “About yesterday, I am sorry! I didn’t know you would break down so easily. I guess it’s true, what they say! Gay people are an emotional mess!” Daehyun broke into laughter.

Gays are bad.

Gays ruin everything.

Gays ruined his life.

“You should know, right, Zico?” Zelo deadpanned.

Zico’s eyes widen slightly, which made Jongup smile slightly as he stare up at the taller boy. “Excuse me! I am straight!” Zico screamed back. Daehyun’s eyebrow furrowed as he took in the scene, he couldn’t really keep up with everything that was being sad, but something wasn’t right here. Zelo just called Zico gay? Have Zelo not notice how many girls Zico bangs and makes out with? Is he blind! But Zelo look so damn confident about his statement. “Unlike you !”

“Sure, you are straight. I also invited microwave popcorn. You have been informed” Zelo replied with a smirk causing Jongup to jump up and down making noises, hyping up the fight which actual just made G-Dragon break into laughter. Once G-Dragon started laughing, he grabbed onto Daehyun’s hoodie sleeve and pointed his finger at the small brunette and tried to explain to Daehyun how Jongup’s jumping was so funny but it went to deaf ears, as Daehyun tried to clear his fogged up head. “So fellows, it’s been nice seeing you but I have a class to go to. Bye boys.”

“Yeah, bye boys…” Jongup whispered in a seductive tone before laughing and following the taller boy, who broke down into a nervous mess the moment, they were out of ear shot and eye shot. “You did great!” Zelo smiled softly as he twiddle with the hem of his shirt, looking down the whole way to his class room but he didn’t went in, he just stood in front of the door not looking up at all. “So, we meet up at lunch right? You are not going to come late again and get me worried, right?” Zelo shook his head before smiling up at the boy. “Right, Jello?”

“Right, I’ll be there.”

                                                                                                                                                               9:24 am: Lockers. (Daehyun)

“Yo! Zelo got major bags! It’s like hanging out, when did they grow?” G-Dragon asked as he watched the two boys walk away, both confidently. Then his narrowed his eyes before making a weird face and snap his hand up in the air and pointed it at the two boys. “As a matter of fact, who is the guy that was making me laugh? Is he new? Hey! Daehyun you’re not the new boy anymore!”

“He is not new G-Drag!” Daehyun responded letting his head snap back against the locker, his fogged up head was slowly started to clear up somewhat, but now he was hungry and kind of lazy. He knew it was a bad idea to smoke before school started but he did it regardless because of two reasons. Reason number one being he actually enjoyed the feeling of being high; it was new to him because it was only his second time but damn, it felt awesome. It felt like you were floating and everything seem so funny and easy. Reason number two being he knew exactly what school held, it held failure and held the nagging feeling, he was trying hard to run away from.“His name is Jongup. He has been here for a while.”

“Wow, he is like ghost than because I didn’t know he existed” G-Dragon answered before laughing again, swaying a bit back and forth until he got tired and flopped to the floor and grin up at his two friends. “But for real through, who thought that our gay had such a mouth on him?”

“I knew had such a mouth,” Zico responded with a knowing smile. G-Dragon laughed while Daehyun continue to listen in to his two friends. Zico sounded so gay? The is wrong with him. “He’s pretty good with it too.” Daehyun head fling back down to look directly at a smirking blonde who looked kind of dazed out before joining G-Dragon’s laughing fit. Zelo was pretty good with his mouth? How the hell does he know? “Oh! He also swallows…” G-Dragon eye widen for a minute unsure if it was a joke or not. He got even more confused when Zico tilted his head and gave both boys a dazzling smile.

“The is wrong with you, Zico? That gay , you don’t say that , if you’re straight!” Daehyun spit out venomously, looking at Zico up and down unsure of what to do or even say. Maybe, it was the weed that was messing with Zico because Zico will never say that about a guy, especially Zelo. Zico’s eyes open, his smile slowly slipping off his face until he had a blank look. “Zico, are you okay?”

“It’s a joke,” Zico stated before laughing loudly. “I am still kind of high.” G-Dragon nodded, before standing up and looked around them, noticing the hall was become more lonesome and more quite. Class was about to begin and G-Dragon could easily tell that none of them wanted to go to class, they were sluggish and they were hungry. Not to mention, looking at Zico, he realizing that Zico has no mouth filter when high. “I want to ditch and smoke another joint. Let’s hit Mickey D’s or something. You guys down?”Daehyun shouldn’t be down. He has math next period and he needed to pass. But at this point, he didn’t care and he didn’t mind getting high and eating some junk food with his two best friends. So immediately he nodded his head and G-Dragon broke into cheers of celebration. He enjoys ditching as much class a possible, it was fun, plus it’s like he was not going to graduate, he was fine, unlike Daehyun.

It took them a while but as soon they exit the school, all three boys started to run as quickly as their leg could take them because the school alarm started to ring informing the school that some student has exit from the back door. Lee Hyori jump up slightly the moment the alarm went off; the alarm was loud and very scary when it went off. It also annoyed her, it just meant another kid, and she would have to lecture. Slowly she approached her window to peek outside in hopes she could catch a quick glimpse on who she was going to lecture, when she spotted G-Dragon and Zico, she rolled her eyes. She wasn’t surprise. But what did shock her was when she spotted Daehyun right on their tail.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

                                                                                                                            12:45 pm: Lunch (Yongguk)

“He is right there! Go talk to him!” Himchan encouraged Yongguk who was eating his macaroni and cheese peacefully, when that was till Himchan grabbed his eating arm to catch his attention. Yongguk lifted his head up to look up at his excited friend, his expression read confusion but his eyes read annoyances. Can a man eat peace around here? “That’s Jongup! The kid that we were talking about, you needs to talk to him!” Himchan informed Yongguk, but Yongguk eyes skimmed the area that Himchan nudged to but there was so many students around the area; he couldn’t locate this ‘Jongup’. “The kid we ran into earlier, can’t you see him?” Yongguk shook his head and went back to eating his macaroni.

“You are not even trying!” Himchan whined loudly. He really wasn’t through. Truthfully, he was going to talk to Jongup during lunch but that was after Yongguk was fed, he didn’t understand why Himchan needed it to be done now. Maybe he was that concern about Yongguk position but he highly doubted it. Yesterday, after Daehyun left the room with a fake smile, he discovered Lee Hyori was actually a pretty chill counselor and if he had any other problem, he wouldn’t mind visiting her. He also found out he was on track to graduate and he didn’t necessary need to pass his math class to graduate. But he did find out the reason no college will accept him.

He looked too bleak.

He looked too boring.

Which is why Mrs. Lee recommended Yongguk the “Dance Academy Program”, which is a small dance program located in the community center by the chapel, his parents go to. The Center sign a contact with the school stating any program that a student take could be transfer as an activity or a class, depending if all the right paper was sign. At first, when Mrs. Lee informed Yongguk about the program counting as an activity, he was all for it. He wasn’t the best dancer in the world, but he could bust a couple of moves here and there. And he didn’t have to be good; the program was made to make him good. Dancing couldn’t be very hard, right? So once he arrived home later that day, he ate his dinner, and went straight to his room to get on his laptop and research the program. Once he got the community center’s number he dialed it on his cell phone. He ended finding out nothing because he didn’t knew the number of extension of the program and neither did the website.

This morning during mass, Yongguk started to think out a plan to go to the community center after school and ask about the program. But once he spilled everything to Himchan, Himchan quickly informed him that Jongup is a student in the program, if he wanted answers about the program it was best to go to Jongup. He honestly didn’t know how Himchan knew this about Jongup, he wasn’t aware they talked, but once Yongguk asked about it, Himchan just laughed it off and told him he think Jongup is cool kid. It was weird at first but after a while of not getting any answers, he just gave up and started to question Himchan on who is Jongup. He couldn’t match the name with the faces, well that was until this morning, when he bumped into Jongup. Well more like Jongup bumped into Himchan, but the point was still the same.

“What am I supposed to say to the kid, Himchan? Hey! I heard you are a student in the community center Dance Academy, I heard you are a cool kid, so mind telling me about the program and ignore the fact, that I basically know you are a student even through you never mentioned it to me because we don’t know each other. I am not stalking you,” Yongguk played out the scene with a hint of sarcasm dripping in his tone. Himchan rolled his eyes once Yongguk finished with his act before taking some chips from Yongguk’s chip back and then shrug. What could he say to Jongup without creeping him out? The idea of someone you barely know approaching you is creeping in itself. “He sitting there alone…doesn’t he have friends?”

“Yeah, he hangs out with Zelo and YoungJae. He has other friends to but I don’t really saw him talk to them that much. Why you ask?” Yongguk nodded at the new found information before nudging his head in Jongup’s direction. He was sitting alone in the cafeteria table with a small pout on his face, skimming his whole surrounding before stuffing his face with a small muffin.


“And how do you know his two best friends are Zelo and YoungJae, do you stalk the poor kid?” Himchan blinked twice and didn’t respond. “Are you going to ignore the fact I asked a question?” Yongguk questioned again but this time as a respond, Himchan stood up and dig into his pocket until he took out some money. Once he got a nice amount of money in his hand, he started to head to the direction of the food court, ignoring Yongguk’s protest. He stared at the food court for a few minute watching Himchan buy himself a bag of chip, once the item was bought Himchan turn to Yongguk’s table and then angrily pointed at Jongup table.

Yongguk sigh loudly then slowly got up and dust his pants, as if dust was covering his black skinny jean and decided to take approach Jongup. He didn’t know what he was going to say, but his legs kept taking him, and that was weird. He is the kind of guy that doesn’t really do something without thinking of everything out first. Yeah, even when he freaked out on the teacher, he thought of everything; the reaction of the class, the punishment, and his backup plan. And people call him dumb? Please, if they gave him time to open up, people could honestly see Yongguk was pretty smart. Jongup paused his video game on his game boy the moment he felt someone presences behind him. Biting his bottom lip, he turned his head to stare at a nervous looking “bad boy” or well now Zelo’s new attraction. His body started to shake over the thought of Zelo being all over this kid, that’s a weird thought but he was interested in seeing it. Where was Zelo when he was needed? “Is this seat taken?” Yongguk questioned nudging his head to the seat next to Jongup, who quickly shook his head no and remove his book bag that was lying on the seat and placed it on his lap.

“Thank you…” Jongup nodded. He waited for a few minute for Yongguk to start talking but once he didn’t, Jongup shrugged and went back to his game. “What are you playing?”

“Pokémon Sapphire,” Jongup responded without removing his eyes off the small screen, his thumb tapping away with a small smile on his face. “So what brings you to this side of town, Yongguk?” Yongguk chuckle silently before adjusting himself properly in his seat, when Jongup felt some harsh movement beside him, he paused his game once again and turn to the older boy before smiling. Yongguk looked nervous. It was cute.

“I heard you dance in the local community center. Is that true?” Jongup eye furrowed for a minute before nodding his head slowly. “That’s so cool!” It was?

“How do you know I dance?” Does someone paid attention to him? Did Yongguk find him important enough to actually find out who he is and what he likes? Well he rather it was a girl, but he couldn’t be picky could he? Yongguk laugh nervously before pointing his finger at Himchan who was now munching on his chips at their original table. “Himchan told you?” Yongguk nodded rapidly but that only resulted in an even more confused teenager. “Anyways, I been thinking…can I join? Is there an open spot for me?”

“What?” Jongup questioned with wide brown eyes and slacked jaw. Did someone really asked to join? Nobody really ask. Nobody really knows much of the program, which is why the program only had seven students. Which was fine with Jongup, at least those seven students were serious about dance. Jongup would rather have a small class with serious students than a huge class with annoying playful student. He honestly didn’t know how to respond, yeah, there was available spot open for Yongguk but did Jongup really wanted Yongguk to know. “Why do you want to join?”

“Well…”Yongguk paused before sigh shakily. Why was this brat making him so nervous? “I was wondering if I could use this program as an activity. I want to list it so college could see that I am active and stuff. Mrs. Lee said it was a good idea.” Jongup stared at Yongguk up and down before returning back to his game, his thumb tapping the “A” button every now and then, consider what he should do. He didn’t want Yongguk to come over and ruin dance class for him. It was the only bright side of his day. But he didn’t want to lie or mean to the boy by saying no. Where was YoungJae when you needed him? He would know what to say. “Well…so what’s the verdict?”

What was the verdict?

“Yeah there is available seats,” Jongup answer robotically. Yongguk broke into a huge smile as patted Jongup’s back happily causing the small teen to whelp childishly. “So when do I start? When are the days? I tried to research it up but the website seems a bit out dated, you know?” Yongguk rushed out quickly, so quickly that it sounded more like a rap than an actual series of questions. Jongup blinked slowly trying to register what he did and what Yongguk asked. “Jongup, are you okay?” Yongguk snapped his finger repeatedly in front in Jongup’s face.

After a couple of snap, Jongup snap back to reality and huffed, pushing Yongguk’s snapping finger away from his face. That was rude! Couldn’t a guy just stare into space with confusion in peace? Damn. “Well I need to talk to the Dance Teacher, her name Sandara Park, today about you so I guess tomorrow you should come. Classes are Monday through Thursday. Its starts around four, so it would give you enough time to change into sweats and eat something quick, it ends around six thirty.” Yongguk nodded slowly. “Do you know how to get there or do you need help getting there because I have…”

“No, I know where it is, don’t worry about me!” Yongguk cut off Jongup. Jongup nose scrunch up at how rude Yongguk was being. He was never cut off before! It wasn’t like it was a big deal but it was weird and foreign to him and he didn’t like it one bit. Jongup open his mouth to respond to Yongguk’s statement but once again was interrupted by, “Hey, your buddies are coming.” Jongup left eyebrow raised up and turn to find out his two best friends were approaching there table and immediately a wicked idea popped in his head the moment his eyes caught Zelo. “So I am going to go now. Ohm…thanks again, Jongup. I owe you big.”

Yongguk started to stand up but before he could walk back to Himchan, he was harshly pulled back into his previous seat next to Jongup. Yongguk eyes widen, not much at the sudden attack, but more over the fact that a small little kid was that strong. “No!” Jongup spit out desperately, he needs to be here when Zelo pops up. It would be so funny to see how the younger would react. “You need to tell Zelo and YoungJae about you joining. There are in the class too!” Yongguk raised his eyebrow as he listened to the lame excuse and then he sat there wondering if Jongup was for real. But spotting the tight grip Jongup had in his wrist, he knew the small boy was being serious. “Please…” Jongup finished lamely and in a whispered as Zelo and YoungJae up finally made it to the table.

Zelo eyes widen slightly at the sight of Yongguk and blushed lightly. Meanwhile YoungJae stop talking to Zelo and eyed the two teenagers sitting down casually on the table. Both standing teenager were confused at the sight but no one really voice their thought and simply sat down. Yongguk smiled awkwardly at the two boys in front of him waiting for one of them to say hey but no one did, YoungJae just kept looking pass him, meanwhile Zelo stared at Yongguk with a weird expression on his face. Yongguk quickly became uneasy at the sight of Zelo staring at him intensely. He knew Zelo was gay so automatically his body started to react different but he kept the smile on his face.

“Hey, YoungJae, I got you two apples. I looked inside the food court today and I couldn’t find anything you’ll like or actually eat, so I went with this. Eat it!” Jongup passed the two green apples to YoungJae, who took it calmly without a fight. That was new. Or maybe it was because a stranger, Yongguk, was here. Letting his face turn slightly to the older boy, he smile, Yongguk was his secret weapon to embarrass the blue hair teenager and to feed his brunette friend. Jack pot! “So guess what guys! Yongguk is joining the dance academy with us! Isn’t that cool?” Zelo interested peak as he snap his vision off the older boy and turn to his friend, his cheek darkening every second that pass by.

“Are you serious?” Jongup nodded with a huge grin on his face which resulted into Zelo narrowing his eyes and turn to Yongguk once again, “Is Jongup making you do this?”

“No. Actually, I am doing it on my own free will.” Zelo nodded his head slowly before taking out his iPad and set up a game, ignoring the older boy, trying to look casual but despite his attempt he knew Yongguk could hear his loud heart beat and he could see his bright pink face. YoungJae smiled at Yongguk then took out a small math book and started to read it. Yongguk turn to Jongup once he felt the grip on his wrist disappear, he slowly started to get up once again but this time making sure Jongup wouldn’t tug him down again.

Once he stood up straight and had a slight distance from the three boys, he cough slightly catching Zelo’s attention first before the other two. “Thanks Jongup. Like I said before, I owe you. But now I have to go. Ohm…so good bye,” Yongguk waved awkwardly before jetting to Himchan, who he spotted laughing from the table he was in. Yongguk glared slightly but stiffen almost immediately when he heard only Zelo’s voice say good bye. He didn’t turn back through; he sped up until he passed Himchan and enter the bathroom to only end up vomiting his lunch. , he should’ve never eaten.

                                                                                                                                                       3:13 pm: Library (YoungJae)

“I’m hungry…” YoungJae mumbled to Zelo, who was sitting on the library table while he was swinging his long legs back and forth. Zelo hummed with a teasing tone but didn’t say much else. What could he? It wasn’t like he had anything to give to YoungJae to eat. His book bag only held his iPad, some pens, some books, and his dance cloth, so he could change easier and not run home to do it. YoungJae placed the tutoring folder on the table and then sat down properly on the chair. “Do you think Jongup is really that mad at me? This is the second time I ditch dancing. And it won’t be the last. Now that I tutor Daehyun, he took my Monday and Wednesday. Not to mention, if I am requested, I need to drop dance to help.”

Zelo nodded again. That was the only reason he was sitting in the library next to YoungJae and not out eating god knows what with Jongup. During lunch, after Yongguk’s weird exit, YoungJae broke the news on how someone took his Monday and Wednesday shift, which meant he won’t be able to attend class as often, it kind of pissed off Jongup more than expected. Zelo understood why Jongup was hurt by the news, dancing was his passion and once he got YoungJae into it, it made dancing funnier for him. So knowing he losing a source of happiness was really annoying Jongup. Not to mention that Jongup was being ditch for Daehyun.

Despite Daehyun poor choice in friends, he never did anything bad to make any one of them hate him. It’s just Daehyun was nothing to them. So why do anything for him? Plus to be honest from what he saw this morning, Zelo really believe Daehyun wasn’t really concern about school that much too actually use YoungJae’s help. “Jae, don’t worry,” Zelo spoke after a while, turning his body so he was leaning against the table a bit but he was close enough to YoungJae. “Jongup is reasonable and he smart. He’ll understand sooner or later, what position you are in. Okay?” Zelo spoke in a soft tone, it almost sounded like a whisper but not really at the same time. YoungJae nodded his head again, nervously smiling up at his friend before release a shaky breath. “I’ll talk to him if you want because if he actually as angry as he seemed earlier, I think he is being stupid.”

“Do you think he’ll forgive me?”

“Yeah, of course, he will!” Looking into Zelo’s big brown eyes made YoungJae smile slightly and calm down his nerves. Jongup would forgive him. He would. Zelo said so, so it must be true. He knows him better than YoungJae does, anyways. “Just focus on teaching, Daehyun. I think he might need a lot of help.” They broke into a fit of laughter which caused the librarian to walk to hush the two teen, then she quickly pulled Zelo off the table before walking away. “Is she allowed to grab me like that?”

“I don’t think so. But then again, tables aren’t meant for you to sit or lay on them. Plus I don’t know if you know this but when a gay guy sits pretty seductively in front of another gay guy, people are usually against that.” Zelo stared at YoungJae with a blank look before hopping back on the table and stick his tongue out at the direction the librarian went to. “You are a hot mess, Zelo!” Zelo only wink and then blow a kiss to YoungJae who only shook his head. Zelo then quickly grabbed the folder on the table and started to flip through, ignoring YoungJae’s protest. “That’s what I have to review with Daehyun. Mind putting it back where you found it, Zelo?”

“This is the whole semester lessons. Are you telling me he doesn’t get any of this?” Zelo questioned with a look of shock, only to get his answer, when YoungJae nodded his head slowly. “Wow. Just show Jongup this, he’ll pity Daehyun and you are scot free,” Zelo joked before dropping the folder on the table before giggling at Daehyun’s misfortune. YoungJae groan fixing the folder once again but still listening to his best friend’s joke because truthfully they were slightly funny. “Damn, I guess what people say are true! You can’t be perfect.”

“You’re so mean, Zelo!” Zelo once again hopped off the table and walked around YoungJae, running his hand across his best friend’s back before leaning over to whisper seductively in YoungJae’s ear, “I’m going to be late for dance practice if I stay here any longer, Hubby. I am leaving.” YoungJae pushed Zelo away from him with a huff, his cheek red at Zelo’s seductive behavior. Zelo always did that! He always tries to flirt and play around with YoungJae, not because he was interested simply because YoungJae was gay. He would never do it to Jongup because his is ual preference but if Jongup was gay, YoungJae believe he would have it worse. Zelo broke into a fit of giggle as he snatched his book bag. “I’ll talk to Jongup, don’t sweat it. Just focus on Daehyun, he needs it. Text me when you’re done?”

“Yeah, I will, thanks for staying here with me, Zelo” YoungJae grinned as Zelo blow another kiss and glared at the librarian when he walked pass her. Obviously she was on the way to pay the two another visit, but she was late. “Idiot…” YoungJae mumbled the moment that he heard the library door slam extremely loudly. That was on purpose obviously. The librarian glared at YoungJae almost like she was blaming him for Zelo’s action. Which wouldn’t be the first time: Zelo was a sweet kid and he loved by most adult, but he could be childish at time to a point that people start to wonder is he even that cute to let everything he does slide. YoungJae looked up at the clock the hang above the checkout table and pout, when he notice he had at least fifteen minute before Daehyun was assign to come, so to kill time, YoungJae stood up and started to skim over some of the books that surrounded him. It took a while but he soon found a book that caught his interested and once he did he sat down and started to read it, in hopes that it will kill time. When four came around, Daehyun wasn’t there yet. Maybe he was running late?

4:20 pm: Library

Still no Daehyun, maybe he got a little distracted.

4:55 pm: Library

Still no Daehyun, was he even planning on coming?

5:15 pm: Library

Yeah he wasn’t coming but YoungJae couldn’t help but stay in his seat, laying his head on his book bag pretending it was a pillow. Maybe he was judging Daehyun a bit too quick, despite the fact he was late. Maybe he would appear. Maybe YoungJae was thinking so negative, Daehyun did need him. He didn’t know the whole story of Daehyun, but when he saw the math teacher today, she explained to him that Daehyun needs to pass. Failure wasn’t an option. So he took that conversation as, “Daehyun is ed up but he will put effort because he knows how bad his situation is.” He closed his eyes for a minute, his vision was beginning to blur again and his stomach was making weird noises again, it always was hurting a lot. He was hungry; he knew this, but he didn’t want to eat. If he wanted to eat so badly, he could always run to the vending machine outside the library but didn’t.

Normally when his body started to ache at random time maybe due lack of food or maybe due to his hard work in the gym with Jongup or hard work in the dance academy with Zelo, Zelo always told him to nap. “When your body is a sleep, your brain shuts down and you won’t feel the pain as much. And when you wake up, your body doesn’t feel the pain from earlier until later on.” As dumb as that statement sounded when Zelo said it the first time, he took Zelo’s advice and always slept. So he decided to close his eyes and sleep away the pain and hopefully Daehyun would wake him up when he arrives because somewhere in his gut, he know Daehyun would appear.

6:30 pm: Library

“Excuse me…” YoungJae was awakened by some harsh shake that came from the librarian who was glaring down at the sleepy boy. YoungJae narrowed his eyes confused at the fact he was at the library, he looked down as found a tan folder with ‘Daehyun’ written on it and that’s when it clicked. “The library is going to close. As a matter of fact, the school is about to close. You need to leave.” YoungJae nodded slowly before smiling up at the librarian but he still got a glare as a respond. “I’ll give you time to pack up and leave but please hurry.” And that was the last time he saw her. YoungJae sighed once she was gone; he looked up at the clock once again and growled angrily. Daehyun didn’t come. He missed dance class, got his best friend angry, and basically messed up his day for Daehyun and he didn’t even came. He probably didn’t even care that he left YoungJae here alone waiting for his sorry . He probably got a thrill out of thought that YoungJae was here waiting for him. Arrogant ! Angrily YoungJae stood up and started stuffing his stuff in his book bag and then smashed the folder with Daehyun name in it without caring on how ed up it would be once its removed from his book. Arrogant ! YoungJae huffed slinging his book bag and snatched his phone off the table to notice an unread text from Zelo from about an hour ago.

To: My Hubby From: Zelo Hey Hubby! We are on break. I got a funny story for you! Jongup fell doing the B-Boy Spin. It was so funny! Guess he was distracted right? Guess you’re on his mind. Anyways, how is it going teaching Mr. Daehyun? We miss you. Well I do, anyways.

Quietly exiting the library, YoungJae paused when he stood in front of the vending machine. Should he eat? He was going to be hungry and truthfully, he only ate two happy and a cherry that Zelo stole from one of the guys that was flirting with him. He swears Zelo just let guys flirt with him in lunch, so he could steal bits of other people food for him or himself, free loader. Slowly slipping in some coins in the machine, he started to wonder if he would actually eat it or vomits it out, sometimes he never knows what he’ll do. Sometimes his body just reacts without his brain agreeing.

To: Zelo From: YoungJae He didn’t come.

                                                                                                                                 7:34 pm: Daehyun's House (Daehyun)

Daehyun quietly pushed his house door open and then gently shut the door, feeling extremely guilty for coming home this late without any call or explanation. Back in Busan, Daehyun used to come home much later and neither did his parent or Daehyun cared, but now that Daehyun and his mother moved to Seoul, he felt responsible to come back early to spend time with his mother. And if he ever did come late, he would spend a few minute on the phone to explain why he was coming late and with who he was with. Seven was late to him nowadays. The house pretty quiet, which was a new thing since his father decided to walk out of their life. He remembered when the house was livelier with his father blasting music from his stereo: sometimes it was smooth music like ballad, sometimes it was harsh music like hip hop, but music was always been playing. He remembered back then he used to bust into the house dancing along to the song, he was a bad dancer, very awkward but it didn’t matter, his dad was worse. Daehyun believed the only move him and his dad actually master was grinding and truthfully that wasn’t much.

“I think this is what we need, you know what I mean?” Daehyun blinked a few time before approaching the only female voice in the house. It was his mother on the phone, probably talking to one of her friends, but she seemed happy, so Daehyun sighed gently. He felt less guilty for come home late. To be honest, the whole way back from G-Dragon house, he felt guilty for many things. First being, he was late. Second being, he might not graduate and he wasn’t even putting the effort. And lastly, he left his tutor alone. Like alone without an explanation. Smoking weed only help the problem for a little bit once the high feeling left, the guilt and the worries just flew back in. “I think it would be a great graduation gift!” Daehyun’s eyes widen slightly pushing himself behind the kitchen wall in hopes he could overhear his mother’s conversation.

He knew he was doing wrong. His mother probably planning a huge thing and he was going to ruin everything by not acting surprise, he acting so he knew he couldn’t play it off, but he was curious. Plus let say he doesn’t graduate, like what if he doesn’t, he at least knows what he could have had. “I know it is going to be rough for me to see him, but I know Daehyun misses him. I could tell by the reactions he gives when his name is said. So yes seeing him would hurt but this is for Daehyun! So going on a family trip together, the three, road tripping it would be hard but for Daehyun I would make the sacrifice. His happiness is my happiness.”

Daehyun looked down, staring down at his expensive sneaker before looking up, feeling tears fill up his eyes and threatening to fall. Names weren’t said but it was obvious who mom was talking about. His father was going to come over after or during his graduation and take both him and his mother somewhere. His gay lover would stay at home and he was going to try and rekindle the family bond that was lost. It was a sweet gesture. It was even sweeter that his mother agreed to go despite the inner hatred she had for his dad. Daehyun groan softly feeling the feeling of guilt rush through his body, through his veins and into his heart. He could feel the tug of his heart, it hurt so much.

“Daehyun, honey, you’re home. I was getting worried!” Daehyun snap back to reality and smile shakily once he notice his mom have hanged up the phone and was walking up to him. Her soft warm hand touched his cold cheek before she tugged him in for a nice hug. It lasted a few minutes before she pulled away to sniff the air around her. “What is that smell? It almost smelled like…trees and cologne…it’s kind of nasty…” Daehyun swallowed, knowing the smell was coming from him.

“I don’t know, mom. But I am heading to my room. I have a lot of homework to do.” Fact, he also got catch up on too. But it wasn’t like his mother knew that.

“Oh! Of course, my future high school’s graduate!” Daehyun smiled shakily before walking up to the mail area, only to find another college rejection letter, he eyed it for a minute before dumping it in the trash next to it. “Don’t worry. This is only rejection number two. You still have three other responds.” Yeah, he did. No sweating college right? “Anyways, I am going to bring your dinner upstairs. Loosen up and do your thing, sweetie.”

Daehyun nodded before running up the stair case and slowly enter his room. Tears started to fall after a while, so he decided to sit in his bed. He didn’t like crying. It wasn’t manly, but what else could do? He was letting his mother down and what was the worst part was he was dying to smoke a blunt. Now that he was down, he needed a blunt, at least a puff. That’s when he realize even if he only smoke four times…he was getting addicted, if he wasn’t already.

He was bound to fail.

And he couldn’t stop it.

                                                                                                                      8:00 pm: Daehyun’s Room


Please review! This was a late done chapter so expect a lot of mistakes but I just needed to get thoose ideas in my head down! Now I can sleep in peace! Haha! So I dont know about ya! But that new BAP Music video was y! Haha!

Sorry for the huge length thro.

I also recommend youtubing the egg song their is 2 version, you love both. It by BAP lmao.

Look at how Zelo looks! Picture above


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kpopplz #1
Chapter 5: Updates are more exciting when it is a longer chapter. Nice job on the story so far. :)

Jongup is AWESOME!!!
Chapter 5: i personally love long chapters =] a lot went down in this chapter.. especially between Yongguk and Zelo... a lot of things that needed to be said were... and I'm glad Zelo told Yongguk off... he needed to be put down like that...
Chapter 4: gaah Daehyun seriously get your act together.. ugh...

Zelo and Jongup =] I love them =]
Chapter 3: OoOOO so Daehyun has his own problems here too.... and Youngjae is his tutor.. interesting... =]
Chapter 2: gaaahhh poor Youngjae ... and poor Zelo... I love Jongup here.... =] they really care for one another even though all the they're going through...
Chapter 1: it's an interesting introduction to Yongguk's life... i like --- I get it already on Himchan's part --- he likes Yongguk but he's homophobic... I can already forsee the many complications there... but that's what's the story is about =]
Chapter 2: (^w^) I love younguplo friendship... And I absolutely adore the way Jongup taking care of Youngjae...
Evraska #8
Chapter 2: This is interesting. Poor Zelo, I can't understand people bullying others, especially when they're as cute as Zelo <3
I'll be waiting for more ~
sj15cuevas #9
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^