Introducing: Daehyun's Illegal Crap.

Why So Serious?

Chapter 3:

                                                                                                                                                                 3:00 pm: After School

“You are not going to graduate, Mr. Jung” Lee Hyori stated as she flipped through Daehyun’s record folder, her manicure nails slowly tapping on her wooden table, her pretty red lips press down by her canine teeth. Daehyun sprung up his seat, placing his hand on the edge of her wooden table, his brown eyes widen at the news. He was not? But last time he checked in his high school in Busan, he was on track, he actually a head. How can he be placed behind now? “Yep, from what it looks like you are not on track and quite behind.”

“So, wait, nothing I do can change this?” Daehyun asked in disbelief. “I was on track back in Busan, how did this happen?” Lee Hyori stared at his files for a couple of minute before nodding her head in confirmation then leaned against her huge leather seat. Daehyun swallowed harshly eyeing his school guidance counselor with a worried expression.

“You probably were on track in Busan. I am not going argue with you about that, Daehyun. But the point is you are not on track here in Seoul.” Daehyun’s eyebrow furrowed at the words the woman in front of him. “Seoul and Busan high school as well as colleges have different requirements. Those requirements you took in Busan are for Busan’s high school credits, those credits don’t transfer here in Seoul.” Daehyun’s jaw slacked open as he pulled away from her wooden desk and lean against the wooden chair in front of her desk and then crossed his arms. “You are not off by much through…”

“How many credits am I missing?”

“Four credits off.”

“Doesn’t one class count for three classes? Do I need to take another extra class and a small activity for that missing one credit?” Daehyun questioned.

“Actually, you are taking a class currently that counts for your four missing credit. If you pass that class, you knock off three credits off.” Really, than the situation isn’t so bad! She made it sound worse than it really was! “Problem is, you been failing that class. I talked to your teacher for the class; she claimed that you are so behind that there are no way you can catch up and pass the class.” How bad was he? “Have you been putting any effort, be honest with me, Mr. Jung?”

“Yeah, of course I have been putting effort!” That was a lie. He hasn’t. Truthfully, he didn’t put effort not because he thought he was going to graduate but because…he was distracted. It was understandable through! You come to a new school with new people, come on! Who would not get distracted? Especially when everyone seems to like you and want you around them…every minute of the day? He was little Mr. Popular!

“Daehyun…” Lee Hyori didn’t like using her student’s first name, she wasn’t their friend. She was a mentor that is paid to guide the students in the right direction. But she couldn’t help but spit out his name in such a harsh tone, she was going to be played by the cocky kid, she knew damn well, he wasn’t putting effort and she wasn’t going to defend a kid who isn’t putting their share. She was nice not stupid. “I know you are not putting any effort, don’t lie to me.”

“I am,” Daehyun argued.

“You know what I think it is?” She questioned Daehyun, who shrugged his shoulder, keeping his eyes focused behind the guidance counselor. “I think you are a very smart and handsome kid, who isn’t trying anymore. I looked in your file and it shows back in Busan, you were very smart. But now I look at your grade and I wonder is this the same person? So I ponder, what could have happen? Maybe when you came here…you were lost…and didn’t try to catch up. Why? Well because you got distracted with everything around you. Now you are in trouble and going to try hard to get back on track…but it’s late…it’s near impossible to catch up and get to a passing grade unless you score at least a B plus in all your tests.” Damn.

“All of them?” Daehyun repeated with a depressing tone. He couldn’t do that. Not all of them. He didn’t understood math, he never understood math! Not in Busan and he won’t here either. There was no hope for him. Lee Hyori nodded her head with a small smile on her face, watching Daehyun twitch a couple of time, letting the news sick in before reopening his file and sigh. It’s not like he was doom to fail but the chances of him graduating was very slim, it was better to crash any hope before doing plan B. “So…what’s going to happen to me? Do I have to tell my mom?”

“You don’t have to tell your mom just yet. I was talking to your teacher and we created a plan. But you have to understand and come to term, that for this plan to work, you will have to sacrifice a lot and it won’t be easy. If graduating is such a big deal to you, I say let’s do it, if it’s not a big deal, try to graduate next year.”

“I want to graduate now! I want to go to college now! I promise my mom, I’ll graduate. She been through so much for me, it’s the least I can do, Mrs. Lee. What’s the plan?” Daehyun pleaded softly. Lee Hyori nodded slowly, letting her eyes fall back on Daehyun’s folder and reread it again, ignoring the blinking like that was flashing on her telephone. It usually meant another student was outside the office waiting for her, so she knew she needed to wrap this up but she couldn’t just spit out her plan and wish Daehyun the best. Well she could! But something held her back. Maybe it was Daehyun’s pleading look or maybe it was the story behind him that made her pity him?

Daehyun never told her anything, he probably never would, but his mother sure did. The moment his mother applied Daehyun to the school, she ended up spilling everything about her son and her situation, in hope…well she didn’t understand why she did it but she did. Maybe it was to vent, but she knew Daehyun situation and despite his priority being wrong and weird. She wanted to help. It was hard for a kid his age to understand a divorce. Especially, when the divorce happen due to his father coming out to the family saying he was gay and in love with another man. Talk about awkward.

“The plan is…you are going to pass the math test. You are going to score B plus and higher on every test you take. I believe you can do it. You just need a little push, which is why; I am going to get you a tutor.” Daehyun’s eyes widen slightly but nodded regardless. “I am going to give you YoungJae, he is a sweet kid who has taken the place and had passed it with an A, so he should know what he is doing. He will be able to tutor you every Monday and Wednesdays after school, so cancel any plans. He also is willing to help, whenever you ask him. He always makes time. You also got to make effort. If you do that you get the missing three credits.”

“But what about the other missing credit? Do I have to join a club or something?” Daehyun asked quickly.

“I was getting to there, Daehyun. A club would have given you that needed credit. But it is the second semester, so it’s too late to actual join any club. I asked all the advisers. So that idea was ruled out but I still have a plan. Our school gain relationship with Seoul local community center and there are program there that can be transfer into credits. You just need the teacher of the club to sign the paper every time you go there. When you achieve the amount of hours needed for a one credit class, you be done.” Daehyun blinked. Was that all was needed didn’t seem so hard. “But everything always sounds easy…the hard part is doing it.” Daehyun looked down as he hummed quietly, feeling his pants side pocket vibrate due to the new text that came. “I’ll go get the local community center catalog, pick out a class and check if they late you join. Okay? I am also going to get you the sign in sheet as well. Just wait here, Mr. Jung.” She stood up slowly, eyeing the teenager for a few second before slowly walking out of the room leaving Daehyun alone with his thoughts and his cell phone. Daehyun waited until he was sure Lee Hyori was not near the door before taking out his phone and clicked on his phone to read the latest message that Zico sent him.

To: Daehyun From: Zico Man, where you at? G-Drag and I wanted to bounce, but we can’t find you. Hit us up with location man. School !

Daehyun rolled his eyes before taking a peek at the door and quickly compose a quick message to Zico.

To: My Idiot Friend (Zico) From: Daehyun Man! You are not going to believe this ! I ing need a tutor for Math! The hell is this? Look. Wait for me at the campus entrances; I’ll be out there in a few. Do you know who YoungJae is?

The entrance door creak open causing Daehyun to snap his phone shut and turn around only to be staring at a black hair teen wearing a varsity jacket and a smirk on his face, behind him was a piss off looking assistant. Daehyun blinked twice, slightly confuse with the teenage boy who pushed his way into the room, ignoring the guidance counselor assistant’s yell. Once the boy found out that Mrs. Lee wasn’t in the room, he released a huge groan and turn to the assistant angrily. Daehyun felt his phone vibrating in his hand which caught his attention for a spilt moment. “Hey Blondie, where is Mrs. Lee?” Blondie, really, he couldn’t come up with something more creative? Self-consciously Daehyun ran his finger through his bleach blonde hair before shrugging his shoulder. “Don’t act like you don’t know, Daehyun, you been with this chick like for a damn hour, I am been dying to see her and I can’t wait no longer!”


“Yongguk,” the dark hair teen helped the blonde teen out before rolling his eyes and flipped down on the empty seat next to the blonde. The guidance assistant was about to protest but Yongguk beat her to it by saying, “Don’t bother saying anything. I am not moving from this office. Blondie here just need to hurry about and stop ing about his perfect life because other people need Mrs. Lee beside you.” Daehyun narrowed his eyes and glared at the careless raven, his eyes turning into small slit. “What’s wrong? Dust in your eyes?”

To: Daehyun From: Zico YoungJae is Zelo’s friend. You know the school , the one with blue and blonde hair? Well he is the one who always reading a book, the one who always answer every question in class, yeah, that’s YoungJae. And is he your new tutor? LAME! G-Drag said hurry, so tell Mrs. Lee that you need to bounce because your mom is on your case or something. Your smart, think of something man!

“Zico is an ; I don’t understand how you can be friends with him. From what I see you aren’t a big kid,” Yongguk spoke up, after skimming Daehyun text quickly, a small smile dancing around his face. At first Daehyun’s face held confusion but once it clicked that Yongguk was being nosey, he snap his phone close and stuff it his pocket, not reply to Yongguk’s statement at all. His face stayed focused in front of him, ignoring the raven’s chuckle. “You mad, Bro?”

“ you, Yongguk…” Daehyun responded bluntly at the same time, the entrances door open revealing Mrs. Lee holding a purple binder and two small tan folders in her hand. Daehyun looked down for a second and shut his eyes tightly, hoping Mrs. Lee didn’t hear his foul language but once he heard her making ‘tsk’ noises, it was obvious to him that she heard. Yongguk broke into laughter as his eyes followed the beautiful guidance counselor, once she was behind the table she extend her hand out to Yongguk who flung off his seat to shake her hand. “He is not supposed to be here, Mrs. Lee.”

“He really isn’t. How did you get in here, Mr. Bang?” Mrs. Lee tone wasn’t angry, it was actually a very amuse, which brought rose eyebrow for both teens.

“I was waiting but I have a life, I couldn’t want for Blondie to finish, so I just came in. Where were you, I didn’t see you pass by me at the waiting room?” Mrs. Lee just giggled and ignored the question as she went back to work, flipping through folder and jotting things down index paper. “Are you almost done with Blondie?”

“My name is Daehyun! You said it before! Stop calling me Blondie!” Daehyun interrupted causing Yongguk to turn to the blonde then stick out his tongue in a mocking manner before returning back to Mrs. Lee. “It doesn’t matter anyways. Did you get everything I need, I have to go home.” Mrs. Lee stared at the blonde boy before she passed his the purple binder, a tan folder, and an index card.

“The binder is where you can look for the program, once you found one that accepts you, please come by my office or shoot me a quick email. In the tan folder it has future review sheets that your teacher made for you, so make sure YoungJae reviews them with you. On the index is YoungJae information as well as mine. E-mail or text the poor boy to inform him you are his new student, okay?” Daehyun nodded. He stood up, ready to jet the office but paused the moment, he heard Mrs. Lee’s last words to him. “I believe in you, but me believe will take you nowhere, Mr. Jung. Please remember that. I can only point out the right path; it’s up to you to walk it.”

Yongguk hummed agreeing with the guidance counselor which only irked the blonde for some reason. He turned around a presented both people in the room a fake smile before slamming the door behind him. He was so angry! How could he let this happen? He was so focused back in Busan. He was on track to graduating! He was making his mother proud! His mother gloated about him to everyone, saying: he was good looking, he was talented, and he was smart! So smart, college will be fighting for him! Ugh! Truthfully, if it wasn’t for his mother wanting the best from him, he would be fine not graduating on time. He just wanted her happy…that why he was here angry at everything. He promised G-Dragon and Zico that he’ll be out soon, but he couldn’t get his body to move any faster than the pace he was moving now. His body was drained. His emotions were dulled. Usually when he felt like this, he would go meet up with his father and play a little bit of soccer, but that was before he went gay. Well that was before he ing started to and ruin the family that he supposedly love. Yeah, right. That man never cared, if he did would he really just turn like that? Can you just turn gay out of nowhere? Wasn’t it like set in your DNA or something? And if it was, why couldn’t anybody tell.

He could tell that: Ren was gay; he looked like a girl half the time and acted like a girl most of the time! He was gay.

He could tell that: Zelo was gay, he changed his hair color more than a girl changes her mind, he also had a weird style of clothing, and it wasn’t bad! Just wasn’t normal either. He was gay

But he could not tell his father was gay, why?

Because he did everything a normal guy did. Everything Daehyun did! Looking down at all the information Mrs. Lee gave him was too overwhelming and despite him knowing this was a dumb move, he didn’t care. He open his locker and quickly shoved everything in without a second thought and quickly shut the locker door before jetting away. He was going to fail, he felt it in his gut, he felt his inner conscious pounding within him, and he heard his mother sobs in his head but he didn’t turn around. He took out his phone quickly and text Zico, hoping it will erase everything around him but it just made everything worse, louder, and painful.

To: My Idiot Friend (Zico) From: Daehyun I need help. I need something to get everything off my back. Got anything?

Anything will do. He didn’t care anymore. He just needed a stress reliever. He needed to get away from everything and everyone around him.

To: Daehyun From: Zico G-Dragon got something that can relieve some stress; I just don’t think you’ll be down. Its illegal crap you know? You still down?

Was he really going to do what he thinks Zico was talking about? Would he reduce himself to that? He was against it from the gecko. Was he going to drop his moral for a quick hour or two of peace? Was he?

To: My Idiot Friend From: Daehyun. I’m down. I’ll be out in 5.

                                                                                                                                                  4:55 pm: After School


Okay guys! Daehyun was finally introduce! Now every B.A.P. member stories and issues are out there, yeah!! So now that out of the way, let the story begin! Lmao. It already did but still. Thanks for reading chapter 3! Please review!!


Now I would like to say, the time set on the pages like for example: "4:55 pm: after school" are going to be important because I am now going to be switching character stories back and forth and to not get lost, I need you to pay attention to that. You'll understand what I mean as I go on. Doesn't Daehyun look hot?! Look at that pic! ! I am only missing Zelo pic!

Hey! Guess! Check out Coffee Shop! It came out and happy birthday or be-lated birthday Daehyun! This chapter is for you!!!! (and my fans0 and you!!!!

Please review!

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kpopplz #1
Chapter 5: Updates are more exciting when it is a longer chapter. Nice job on the story so far. :)

Jongup is AWESOME!!!
Chapter 5: i personally love long chapters =] a lot went down in this chapter.. especially between Yongguk and Zelo... a lot of things that needed to be said were... and I'm glad Zelo told Yongguk off... he needed to be put down like that...
Chapter 4: gaah Daehyun seriously get your act together.. ugh...

Zelo and Jongup =] I love them =]
Chapter 3: OoOOO so Daehyun has his own problems here too.... and Youngjae is his tutor.. interesting... =]
Chapter 2: gaaahhh poor Youngjae ... and poor Zelo... I love Jongup here.... =] they really care for one another even though all the they're going through...
Chapter 1: it's an interesting introduction to Yongguk's life... i like --- I get it already on Himchan's part --- he likes Yongguk but he's homophobic... I can already forsee the many complications there... but that's what's the story is about =]
Chapter 2: (^w^) I love younguplo friendship... And I absolutely adore the way Jongup taking care of Youngjae...
Evraska #8
Chapter 2: This is interesting. Poor Zelo, I can't understand people bullying others, especially when they're as cute as Zelo <3
I'll be waiting for more ~
sj15cuevas #9
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^