Jongup, YoungJae, and Zelo: We Here To Help

Why So Serious?

Chapter 2:

                                                                                                                                                                            12: 45 pm: Lunch

Jongup ran passed many students with a huge grin as he held on to the lunch tray tightly until he arrived to his destination, which was a circular white lunch table which had a bored looking brunette reading a small book on it with a small pout on his face. The boy did not want to be here, he hated the smell of the nasty cafeteria food, he hated the loud noise of excited looking teenagers, and he hated being the target of the school bullies, who seemed to appear more dangerous and mean during lunch time. Jongup eyed the boy in front of him before huffing loudly, slamming the food tray down loudly, in hopes it would startle the taller boy in front of him. But the boy simply blinked and flipped the page of the book; he was reading, and pretended like the tray of food that Jongup brought was not being pushed over to him slightly.

“YoungJae, I got you something…” YoungJae sigh loudly, closing the book he was reading, before staring at Jongup’s happy face. “Ham and cheese sandwich, I know it’s not very much but it has enough substances to hold you up for a while.”

“It has 352 calories. I am not hungry.” YoungJae stated in a bored tone, slowly taking out his book once again, but it was soon snatched out of his hand the moment he opened it by Jongup, who was now angry. “I am not hungry!” YoungJae pleaded as he watched Jongup place the small book inside his own book bag and then completely pushed the tray toward him. “My mom made a big breakfast, so I ate a lot!” That was half true! His mother did make a huge breakfast consisting of; Pancakes, waffle, bacon, and some eggs, with numerous different kind of juice for example: apple, orange, grape, and mango juice. She over did it, in hopes her baby boy, YoungJae would eat it up. Her hope was crushed the moment she saw YoungJae just walked by the table grabbing a small bottle of water in the refrigerator and left to school.

“I wasn’t born yesterday!” Jongup interrupted YoungJae, his index finger waving back and forth, until it made a ‘no’ motion, than pointed at YoungJae. “Your mom probably did make a good meal, but you probably ate it and vomit it right out because you look very pale and you look very shaky. It looks you haven’t eaten at all. Zelo and I are getting worried. Now ease my worries and eat this and not vomit it right out?” Jongup’s finger than pointed at the sandwich again. “Plus it’s a simple 352 sandwich. You will burn it off by the end of the day, right? What is the harm?”

“I didn’t vomit out my breakfast, thank you very much. And I know how to take care of myself so you and Zelo need to stop concerning yourselves with my problems, okay?” YoungJae stated angrily, crossing his arm in a puff, and turn his head away from Jongup who was now glaring at the older teen. “Besides, it does, I am truthfully not hungry.”

“Fine, don’t eat it, I don’t care, I am not the one dying here. Neither is Zelo. So here is your little book,” Jongup grabbed the book from the book bag without looking and fling it to YoungJae angrily and then grabbed the orange juice from the tray and snarled at YoungJae. “Go yourself! I am trying real hard to be a supporting friend but it’s really hard when the friend is being an !” YoungJae caught the book with a struggle before sighing loudly.

Jongup can be so annoying! Couldn’t he be like the other friends he had in middle school, the kind that mind their business?

YoungJae looked up from his book and focused on the smaller teen, who was now sipping on his orange juice while he tapped his finger in a slow beat. A snarled playing on his face; his usual bright eyes were narrowed as he scan the area behind YoungJae head and almost instant YoungJae felt bad. Jongup wasn’t doing this to piss him off; Jongup was just trying to help even if it was unwanted or annoying. But truthfully, if Jongup wasn’t as annoying as he was, YoungJae probably won’t have eaten for a while now or worse he probably wouldn’t keep the food he ate in his stomach. YoungJae huffed loudly; putting his book down on the table then pulled the tray toward himself until the sandwich was in front of him. He hated this.




Jongup’s lips started to tug upward but he brought his hands up and scratched his nose in attempt to hide the smile that was playing around his face. YoungJae sigh once again, ignoring the annoying voices screaming in his head and slowly raise the sandwich to his mouth and slowly bite it, with a look of disgust on his face. Don’t get him wrong, the lunch food was surprisingly good, it was simply the sandwich seem so foreign in his mouth, it tasted almost new and slightly weird. “So what book are you reading this time, Baby Jae?” Jongup questioned once, he spotted YoungJae’ Adam apple bounce the moment the older teen swallowed successfully. YoungJae blinked, when he heard Jongup’s calm voice and then slowly grabbed the book and displayed his friend the cover with the title and then bite on the sandwich again. “Yuck, it’s a science book, can you stop being a nerd for a second?”

“Can you stop being annoying for a second?”

YoungJae shot back with a smile. “Of course not, who do you think I am?” Jongup laughed loudly, ignoring the freaked out look the passing student gave them.“No but for real, what is up with the book? Shouldn’t you be reading like…fun books on your own time…not educational books?”

“And what are fun books, Jongup? Enlighten me, please?” Jongup tapped his lips with his index finger before leaning in very closely to YoungJae, almost like Jongup was going to expose a very important secret, so YoungJae foolishly lean in.

“50 SHADE OF GRAY!” Jongup shouted loudly causing many head to turn and even led YoungJae to drop his sandwich and grab on to Jongup’s shirt. What? He considered that book a fun book! Okay, maybe he never read it, but he heard a lot of the girls from the Dance Academy gush about it, so he assume it was good. Plus, wasn’t it a book about ? What wrong with that book? And why were people looking at him weird? is normal. “What did I say something wrong, Baby Jae?”

“You don’t scream that out loud, Dummy!” YoungJae sighed as he lowered his head and started to run his hand through his short hair and then pouted again. Jongup laughed a bit before grabbing the dropped sandwich and placed it back in YoungJae’s open hand. YoungJae eyed it for a minute but didn’t attempt to eat it but looked back at his younger friend, who was eyeing the food carefully. “I’ll eat it, calm down, geez!” Jongup quickly smiled and then grinned up at the older boy, knowing at least the older teen would be fed. “I don’t consider 50 shades of gray fun. Plus, I am only reading this because if you have forgotten, I tutor, so I need to know what I am talking about.”

“You do not need that book to tell you anything. You are ing smart as all hell!” Jongup praised YoungJae who blushed slightly and started to nibble on the food. He knew what Jongup was trying to do. Jongup knows why YoungJae….is bulimic…he knows…he know that YoungJae feel like he is a fat piece of gay …so whenever Jongup had a chance to praise him, he would, anything to make YoungJae feel better. And despite YoungJae knowing the truth behind it, he couldn’t help but blush here and there and actually feel good about himself. “Thank you.”

“No problem!” Both were silence once again, Jongup slamming his fist on the table this time making an even louder beat as he watched YoungJae happily chew on his sandwich and read over the text of the book for what seem like the tenth time. “Have you seen our suppose school ?” YoungJae look up at Jongup who was now looking around the cafeteria with a worried look but then he met YoungJae face, both eyes met, and he took the chance to shake his head quickly.

No, he actually hasn’t seen the blue-nette all day.

“That’s weird. He usually around us at this time, do you think he is trouble? Do you think he needs our help?” Jongup questioned, which only made YoungJae shake his head slowly and return to the book and ignore Jongup consent questioning, he’ll calm down eventually and hopefully before lunch end Zelo would appear and tell us what held him back so long. “Maybe Zico found him? Oh my God! What if Zico is asking Zelo for some ual favor! Oh my God! I am going to punch Zico face! He is so rude!” YoungJae sighed before placing his finger on his lips and hushed the younger teen. “What?”

“Zico is not causing Zelo any problem because Zico is over there talking to Daehyun, so stop worrying. Zelo probably ing somewhere in front of someone while watching something, get off the poor boy’s case,” YoungJae joked but it only cause Jongup to glare. Okay! Maybe he was too weird to joke around about Zelo’s title, but damn, he thought it was funny. Guess he was wrong? “In all seriousness, he probably got held back by one of the teachers. He is fine. Stop worrying, did you eat?”

“No, I am not hungry because I actually ate before coming to school. Do you want me to buy you another sandwich?” Jongup offered after consider what YoungJae stated, he probably did get held back or maybe he went to meet up with some people. Jongup and YoungJae wasn’t Zelo’s friends after all, usually have many, so Zelo’s had a lot…truthfully most of them wanted to sleep with him but whatever, they were there when Zelo needs it and his true friends couldn’t provide the help.

Honestly, YoungJae wanted another. He was hungry. And once he bit into the first sandwich, he realize how hungry he was and how good taste like, his growling tummy overshadowed the screaming teasing voice which made everything so much bearable. But he couldn’t tell that to Jongup, once he said that one sandwich would turn into three sandwich and a chocolate bar and he couldn’t afford that. He was hungry, not a pig.

“No, I’ll be fine,” he lied. He really wanted that other sandwich. Jongup stared at him for a long minute before shrugging and went back to his juice. At least he ate. At least he didn’t starve himself. That was good sign. “So I won’t be able to make it to Dance Academy class today. I have to help Mrs. Jong tutor this kid for science, So you and Zelo need to endure some heavy hip hop without me, sorry.” Jongup pouted once he heard the news and quickly gave the best puppy dog look before making weird dog noise. “And no Jongup, there is no way around this. I am going to Mrs. Jong. Zelo and you just got to teach me what you learn or something. Okay?”

“Okay.” Jongup gave up with a pout and slammed his head on the table. “Is it gay that I am missing my gay best friend? I think since you are gay you should know the answer to this gay question.” It sounded like it’s a statement.

“It’s gay, that you only have two friends in this school, when you are a senior, and both of your friends are gay. That’s gay” YoungJae stated blankly, laughing at Jongup pout increase in size. “You should be concern about that, Jongup.” Jongup nodded agreeing with every word YoungJae was saying then went to sipping his juice but notice it was all done and he pouted. YoungJae continue to read his book in silences before clearing his throat. “Here come Zelo…” Jongup looked behind him immediately to find his blue and blonde hair best friend carrying a small tray with three slice of pizza on it and two cans of Coke. When he arrive to their table, he place the tray down quietly before flopping down and then flipped his ‘Boy’ snapback on the table and growl. “You seem angry.”

“I am!” Zelo shrieked loudly, grabbing the first plate of pizza and gave it to Jongup, who smile gently and took it despite the fact he wasn’t very hungry and then took the other slice and passed it to YoungJae, who ignore the plate and looked directly at him. “Don’t start with me today, YoungJae, it’s only a slice!”

“I ate already! I ate a sandwich.”

“Funny, I didn’t ask if you ate or not, I simply said don’t start with me today! And you are starting! Stop arguing with me and eat the damn slice before I force feed you! Don’t act like I won’t!” Zelo sassed out before nudging the slice of pizza at YoungJae’s face, who almost gagged at the sight but took it regardless and took a small bite of it and looked anywhere but the blue haired teenager. “So, Guys! Guess what?”

“What?” Both questioned, both eating the slice of pizza in disgust as they watch the blue hair teen open his can of soda angrily.

“I supposedly gave a to Jaehyo!” Oh! That’s what got him angry. Zelo usually laugh at most rumors about his ual activities, he only truly get piss when those rumors are create with someone in a relationship. Girls and gay guys alike have confronted the poor blue hair teen, sometimes it led in fight and other times in tears, sometimes they led to break up and Zelo hated being responsible for break up specially when he was innocent in everything. “You know Jaehyo is dating Lizzy! So Lizzy approach me and ask me what’s up? And I told her nothing, she ended up crying to me that she trusted me and she couldn’t believe I gave a to her boyfriend. She knew to never trust the school . That I am , mess with people who are single, not truly happy! And the worse part Jaehyo didn’t deny it because he wanted to dump Lizzy anyways, so he used me!”

“Oh Zelo, I am sorry. I knew you like Lizzy. She was cool!” Jongup cooed as he slyly took a sip of Zelo’s coke. YoungJae nodded actually enjoying the slice of pizza, yes, it might have been more calories to burn but it felt so good! His tummy was not whining anymore and his vision was focusing more and more. “So what are you going to do about it? You know damn well is spreading these rumors.”

“I don’t know and that is why I am so angry! I can’t just approach Zico!” Zelo snatched the soda can and quickly took a huge sip of it, than weight the can in his hand, noticing how light it feels before glaring at his grinning friend. “YoungJae, what are my options?”

“Not much. You can talk to Zico about this. But it’s not like he’ll listen. He is out to get you.” That was an understatement. “You can always ignore it but for that to work, you need to calm down and not be angry.” That was a challenge. “You could also report this as harassment to the Dean and let the Dean take care of Zico.” That was useless and it could cause an even angrily blonde Zico. Zelo was angry, he wasn’t stupid. But his options seem so dull and it never changes. He was getting tired. “What are you planning on doing?”

There wasn’t much to do…but ignore it…right? At first, when people started to talk about Zelo, like he was the school , it didn’t affect him very much. He actually laughed and even confronted Zico about how lame this was. It wasn’t like it bugged him. Actually at first he enjoyed the attention and even played around with the fake role, but as time went on, he started to see the negative on everything, it got to the point, that guys didn’t even give him any attention due to interested but more due to and it got to a point, when something went down they always turn to Zelo. At that point, it started to get funny for Zico anyways. It was an evil plan that took time to take effect, but once it did, the damage was harsh and it was hard to fix.

Because no matter how hard you tried, you can never really change the view of someone.

And Zelo soon realize that. Maybe too late, but at least he knows now, right?

“Nothing…”Zelo mumbled as he took a bite of his pizza and slowly started to chew on it, not looking up to stare at his two best friends. “I can’t believe this is happening to me…”

“Cheer up, Jello, it’s one more year with the jerk and then you are free, right? It’s not like he going to follow you to college, right? He is too dumb for that!” No he wasn’t. He was actually above him in ranking, but no one corrected Jongup. “You just have to endure it for a bit longer. Can you do that?” Zelo nodded slowly, sniffing a bit as his bottom lip quiver a bit at the thought of the whole situation. He was so angry before? Where did the anger go? Why was it replaced with sadness?

Silence rang through the table, no one spoke but simply ate there food. Jongup slowly extended his hand to grab Zelo’s extra soda and offer some to YoungJae who quickly rejected and sipped on his water bottle instead. Jongup rolled his eyes and started to sip on the soda, while Zelo finally raised his head and release a shaky breath, refusing to cry now. Jongup and YoungJae knew that Zelo wanted to cry and to be honest, the both wanted to remove him from the table and direct him to the male bathroom, but no one voiced the idea or moved. They were waiting for the blue-nette’s order.

“Hiya, Zelo, looking good!” Zico chirped as he walked towards Zelo’s table with a small smile on his face, than he winked at both YoungJae and Jongup, before taking up a seat next to the blue-nette who was staring at YoungJae with an annoyed look on his face and a pleading look on his eyes. “You looked pretty angry, when you came over? Are you okay?” His tone was taunting but his face expression said otherwise. “Do you want to talk about it over a ?”

“ you, Zico! You are such a filthy liar! I didn’t do that and you know it!” Zelo responded with a venomous tone before turning his face toward Zico, his glare and scowl on point, unfortunately due to Zelo’s baby face and adorable facial feature, it did nothing to Zico instead made him break into a dark laugh. “Stop laughing at me!” And what made everything worse, the more that he stared at the attractive bully, it cause his tone of voice to increase to a point that it sounded like he was squealing like a girl. It wasn’t just embarrassing for Zelo but for both Jongup and YoungJae.

“I can’t help it!” Zico spoke in between his fit of laughter, which only caused a burning red heat to rush up Zelo’s face.

After a while of laughing, Zico finally calm down and he raise his open palm to tap Zelo’s soft face twice before smirking at the younger boy. “So I heard Lizzy isn’t too happy with you, something involving a , mind explaining what happen, ?”

“You know what happen!” Zelo hissed loudly and roughly pushed Zico’s hand away from his face and glared.

“Do I? What gave you that idea, Zelo?” Zico taunted happily but quickly stopped the moment, he felt Zelo grab on his worn out leather jacket and he frown the moment, Zelo tugged him up using his few inch advantage to his benefit.

“Let go of me, .” Zelo didn’t know how to fight, nor did he support it much, he always ran from it, but hearing Zico calling him a and making fun of him as finally pulled the last string of sanity he had left. Once Zico release, Zelo wasn’t letting go, his eyes moved to the school’s nerd and school’s nobody and told them in a stern tone. “Get him off before I destroy this piece of .”

YoungJae was the first to react and he tugged Zelo away from Zico hard enough for Zelo to lose his grip on the jacket and tip over until he fell on the floor, catching the attention of most of the student in the cafeteria. Jongup huffed, rushing over to Zelo, who was now biting his bottom lips trying really hard to break down right then and there.

Jongup and YoungJae didn’t say much but simply rubbed his back as Zico smirked down at Zelo. He didn’t want to cry. He didn’t want to break down. He refuses to. But sadly, his body and mind weren’t sync because tears started to spill out of his eyes and run down his soft cheek. He was crying. God damn it, he was crying.

ing Zico.

                                                                                                                                                                            1:30 pm: Class Time

Thank you for reading chapter 2! Next chapter is chapter 3 and all Daehyun fans! Here is where you main boy, comes out! Haha. Well I know that this story right now is slow pace but I am the kind of writer who like to be detail and not skip much of anything, so it might get annoying but stand by me. After I introduce Daehyun and his problems, we start the story because to me this is a introduction of the character and get a view of there world.Ya know what I mean (one shot moment!) But still? Anyways, please review and tell me what you think! And for future and past notice: I am sorry for my ty grammar! :(


On a side note: The images that I am placing as the main picture is the picture telling you how they look. So you saw Himchan and Yongguk, now the photo above this story is how Jongup and Youngjaelook in this story! Zelo image will pop up a long the story.

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kpopplz #1
Chapter 5: Updates are more exciting when it is a longer chapter. Nice job on the story so far. :)

Jongup is AWESOME!!!
Chapter 5: i personally love long chapters =] a lot went down in this chapter.. especially between Yongguk and Zelo... a lot of things that needed to be said were... and I'm glad Zelo told Yongguk off... he needed to be put down like that...
Chapter 4: gaah Daehyun seriously get your act together.. ugh...

Zelo and Jongup =] I love them =]
Chapter 3: OoOOO so Daehyun has his own problems here too.... and Youngjae is his tutor.. interesting... =]
Chapter 2: gaaahhh poor Youngjae ... and poor Zelo... I love Jongup here.... =] they really care for one another even though all the they're going through...
Chapter 1: it's an interesting introduction to Yongguk's life... i like --- I get it already on Himchan's part --- he likes Yongguk but he's homophobic... I can already forsee the many complications there... but that's what's the story is about =]
Chapter 2: (^w^) I love younguplo friendship... And I absolutely adore the way Jongup taking care of Youngjae...
Evraska #8
Chapter 2: This is interesting. Poor Zelo, I can't understand people bullying others, especially when they're as cute as Zelo <3
I'll be waiting for more ~
sj15cuevas #9
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^