
Weaving Fireflies Out Of Apocalypse

Woohyun stands in the pouring rain. The raindrops pelt him mercilessly, but he still stands his ground. The dark gray gravestone in front of him is all wet and yet Woohyun feels that the drops of water are bouncing off the stone body, sparkling like angry diamonds. He’s probably imagining things, but he doesn’t worry about it too much.

Sungjong, can you hear me?

Everyone else is gone, the graveyard is deserted now. Sunggyu was with him for some time but then he left, unable to control the tears. He's probably taken cover under one of the big trees, stemming the flow of his tears. Sungjong’s parents were gone long ago. They’ll probably live cooped up in their rooms for a few days. Weeks, months maybe. Then they’ll go back to normal. Everything will go back to normal. Everyone will go back to normal. Nothing will be different.

No one will notice that Sungjong is missing. No one will miss the sound of his breathing. No one will miss the pull of gravity on him.

Sungjong will leave no voids. Except maybe for the one in Woohyun’s heart. Because Woohyun misses him already, and he knows it won’t get any better than this - the dull ache in his chest.

If you want to haunt me, now would be a good time to start. I wouldn’t mind I promise.

He touches the headstone. Apparently evil sinful people are not allowed to touch the sacred stone. The priest said so, while looking at Woohyun pointedly. Yes, the priest knows him. Somehow – he doesn’t exactly remember how. But he’s notorious so it’s not a surprise. Maybe his mother had talked to the priest about him.

He doesn’t care though. He will touch the stone as much as he wants, just like he touched Sungjong.

And he will miss him, even if no one else does.

But, deep down, he knows someone else will also miss him.


He doesn’t turn around when he hears footsteps behind him, even though the rain is pounding the ground noisily. He has been expecting him to come. There are questions he wants answered and he thinks Woohyun has the answers. He braces himself as the footsteps get closer.

A hand rests on his shoulder; he doesn’t turn around.

“You should go back now, Sungjong will be sad if you’re standing here like this.”

Anger hits the back of his throat like poison.

How do you know? How would you know? How much of Sungjong do you know?

“Woohyun, please. I know you love him but I’m his brother too and I know -”

“You know nothing!” Woohyun spits out despite his wish to not start a fight. But Sunggyu irks him too much, especially after the incident.

The hand moves away. He’s glad. He can breathe now.

“I know you loved him differently, not like a brother.”

Woohyun laughs.

Yeah that’s what you want to believe, because that’s what you believed anyways.

“So what?”

“Did you – take advantage of him?”

Woohyun doesn’t want to talk to Sunggyu anymore. He knows why he’s here.

Why doesn’t he just ask already and leave?

“So what if I did? I gave him his dying wish.”

Sunggyu closes in on him. He hears his sharp intake of breath.

“When? How -”

“Just shut up, I’m not interested.”

Wondering if he should just leave, he retracts his hand from the cold wet stone. At the same time, Sunggyu asks the question he’s been waiting to hear.

“Did you – were you the one who made up L? Was it your plan?”

“So what Sunggyu? I tried to give Sungjong happiness but you ruined the very little he had in life. You destroyed his everything. You quashed his dreams and even for his sake, you couldn’t be more considerate. I hate you really; Sungjong doesn’t but he should.”

He doesn’t hear Sunggyu leaving. He’s too busy checking his tears. At one point he gives up and lets the salt roll down his cheeks on the backs of the raindrops.

The rain slows down into a slight drizzle. Woohyun knows his eyes are red and he’s still standing in front of Sungjong’s grave.

He turns around at just the right moment. He’s facing Myungsoo.

“About time.”

Myungsoo looks like a mess. He is a mess. He looks like a ghost, but Woohyun doesn’t comment on that.

He lets Myungsoo stand in his place. Sungjong would be happy that Myungsoo visited his grave.

“I wish I got to know you Myungsoo, I wish I knew you, I wish I let Sungjong properly introduce you to me. I feel bad for not knowing you.”

Myungsoo shakes his head. Woohyun doesn’t know what his answer is. So he says that he’ll miss him.

“But you can hang out at my place, if you want to. I could use some company.”

Now that Sungjong is gone…and who better than someone Sungjong loved. Loves.

“You loved him, didn’t you?” Myungsoo’s voice is badly broken. Woohyun almost can’t make out what he’s saying. When he understands the questions he laughs loudly.

Why is he laughing so much today, of all days?

“He was my step-step brother. Of course I loved him.”

Myungsoo looks into his eyes pleadingly as if requesting him to understand his question. But Woohyun wouldn’t do that.

Finally Myungsoo speaks his mind.

“Not like that, you know you loved him, just like me.”

Woohyun shakes his head vigorously. A bit too vigorously. Myungsoo backs off as water droplets from Woohyun’s hair hit his face.

“I didn’t love him Myungsoo, I love him.”

I love him. Still now. Even now.

Right here, right now.

He lets the wind carry his word. He isn’t sure if Myungsoo heard him. He can’t be sure about anything anymore.

And he isn’t sure if Myungsoo said, “Me too.” Or maybe he just sighed.

But it doesn't bother him. He wonders if anything ever will anymore.

It didn’t matter anyways.

Nothing matters anymore.

Author's Note: Thank you so much subscribing, commenting, upvoting and generally sticking with the story till the end. It might not be the end you were hoping for, but maybe it is. Just use your imagination, and this might be the very story you wanted. :)

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Chapter 9: I know this story has been about a year ago, but I just came across it while finding for other MyungJong stories to read, so I just want to share my thoughts on this..
Contrary to the others, I'm not as curious as to who Myungsoo really is because I believe that he is a real person and his love for Sungjong is real..
What I'm more curious about though is if Sungjong fulfilled his dying wish, and if yes, was it with Woohyun or Myungsoo? I know, I'm weird. Lol.
I think this story should also be tagged WooJong because there are WooJong feels all throughout the story. :)
Though Sungjong left at the end of the story, he is lucky because he experienced love. He felt what it was like to love and be loved. Even if it was only for a short time..
It would be nice to have a sequel where Woohyun and Myungsoo hangout and talk about Sungjong and their love for him. That would be lovely.

Out of all the stories I've read since I joined AFF, this would be one of the most memorable ones. One of the stories that touched my heart and that I will surely treasure.
You are now officially my favorite author, I love you!
Chapter 8: I think the next page is your explanation about some certain things but I didn't read it. I didn't want to. It doesn't matter, really, if Myungsoo is real or not or if Sungjong is crazy or not because when you're in love, things like these runs shallow. Every waking moment with the person you're in love with is a dream and reality. Every waking thought of him/her is all nonsense and rational. We don't really know much about this world or how it works. We don't know if we live in a reality or if all of these are just products of our beautiful minds.

But I know this much, this has been the most beautiful I read from AFF. I'm so glad I found the courage to read this (what with all the comments below). It reflects so much about what we humans thought we knew but really we never had a clue. But does it matter? Should it matter?

(I feel so sorry for Myungsoo and Woohyun though because the greatest grief one can experience is continuing to exist but has ceased to live.)

Thank you so much for making me feel a lot today.
This story is beautiful and magic and I love the fact that we don't really know who's Myungsoo. We can imagine who we want him to be, and I did~
It's really sad of course and I cried, but we need stories like that ♥
Chapter 9: Before I tell you which explanation I thought was most sensible, I just wanna say how lovely your style of writing is. I had to mentally prepare myself before reading this because of the comments I saw below. Your first chapter had drawn me in right away and I immediately felt my emotions building up just by reading Sungjong's letter (maybe I've been too invested into fandom lately for my own good). Anyways, I think the explanation that Myungsoo was simply another person would be the most fitting explanation. I think it was merely fate that Myungsoo found Sungjong's letter. After all, Myungsoo had no purpose in life before Sungjong and even when they met at the cafe, it didn't seem as if he had any recollections of Sungjong from the past (everything he knew about the dying boy was from those letters). And the way Woohyun interacted with Myungsoo makes me think that he's sincere and not just an employer-employee relationship (they were mere acquaintances with Sungjong being their only bridge). Myungsoo couldn't be a ghost as well since both Woohyun and Sungjong had seen him in flesh and he has an appartment to return to lol (the fact that he had not been sure about his early life was as I said, due to the fact that he didn't have a purpose). Maybe the person Sungjong remembered was not his childhood friend after all, but really L, who he had have a glimpse of and only memorized his eyes. Like all of my comments on your stories, it's incoherent but I really thank you for this wonderful story, it has definitely got me thinking :)
Chapter 8: wonderful story~ it's beautiful and even though it was a bit sad, it made me feel good- I guess I just like bittersweet things. I'm a little nervous to read ch 9. I'm not sure I've found my own opinion of the whole myungsoo situation happening here hehe so I'll read it later after I've had time to process everything that went on. Either way wonderfully written and unique fic :)
LycheeJelly #6
Chapter 9: I'm going to go with explanation 9 haha. Like you said, there are many possible explanations, although they don't cover everything. Personally I thought 3 was the explanation.

I still have no idea what happened but I enjoyed pondering the possibilities. ^^
lemonboy #7
Chapter 9: Hiya...confusing..
mrsleesungjong #8
I love jongie. thank you for this.
Chapter 9: Hi^^ it was a real pleasure to read everything and I do confess myungsoo was a very mystery till the end for me.

so here is what I believe.

myungsoo is a living person and it is a name coincidence with jongie lost friend.
Thinking of this unknown guy sungjong wrote his love letters and gave them to woohyun.
Because he loves sungjong so much he just did it not really expecting a reply so when he got it he didn't protest.

so why was l confused?
Myungsoo was a lonely person and he was bored and found no interest in anything before jongie. I believe it was not that he was so confuse about being a spirit but more like realizing that before sungjong he was not living just existing. So he asked his self was I really alive? However now the only thing that matter was sungjong so he didn't care because he could left that life behind.