
Weaving Fireflies Out Of Apocalypse

I’m sitting in my bedroom, propped against a mountain of pillows. That’s all I can do now, I’m that weak. After I confessed to everyone about L, they had called the doctor. He looked very serious and he wanted to take me to the hospital to do some tests. I didn’t want to, so he didn’t force me.

Woohyun hyung had been called and interrogated by my parents. They hadn’t been angry with him, they only asked him questions. Sunggyu hyung has quit talking completely.

My letters have been confiscated. L’s ones as well. Of course I was shocked when they said they knew L. I was even more shocked when they said I knew L. I mean I do know him, but what they said made my head spin so much that I passed out. Yeah, it was that insane.

I still couldn’t come to terms with what they are saying.


L doesn’t exist.


L is a memory, only a memory of mine.


That was when I pulled out the stack of letters and threw it at them.

Sunggyu hyung picked them up and after examining a few of them, he looked up at me with painful eyes.

“He writes to me, he still does!” I shouted at him, tears threatening to burst from my eyes.

“Sungjong,” Sunggyu hyung’s voice breaks. His eyes are swimming with tears as well. “Myungsoo doesn’t write to you. You – you’re writing these replies to yourself. Don’t you see, it’s your handwriting on all the letters?”

“No, that – that can’t be. Woohyun hyung brought me all those letters…” I fainted right after that so I don’t know what happened. But I’m guessing that’s when they called Woohyun. Even when I woke up, I couldn’t come to terms with the facts. Or at least what my family was saying were the facts.


Myungsoo is dead.


I knew him but he’s dead.


I am so conflicted right now - should I feel happy that at least I knew Myungsoo, or should I be horrified that Myungsoo is dead? Shouldn’t I be heartbroken that the L I had has been snatched away from me?

I don’t know how to feel.

Woohyun hyung enters the room, looking defeated and confused. Instead of taking his usual place on the chair, he squeezes in beside me in the bed, telling me to scoot over.

“Tell me how to feel,” I ask him in a low voice.

“I’m so sorry Sungjong, I don’t know.”

I chuckle.

“Finally, something the great Nam Woohyun doesn’t know.”

Woohyun sighs audibly.

“I really wish I knew what’s going on.”

Me too.

“Do you really think L is just in my head?”

Woohyun shrugs, but doesn’t answer.

I’m not going to let him go so easily.

“You saw him didn’t you? You even talked to him. You got the letters.”

“Yes I did,” Woohyun confirms.

“So that means he’s real right?” I clap him on the arm. “We both can’t be delusional – besides, you didn’t even know Myungsoo before so how did you even imagine him?”

“Well Sungjong, you can’t believe everything you see.”

There goes cynic Woohyun.

“But this is…the letters, I didn’t write them, L wrote them to me!”

I’m doing it again, I’m screaming and I can hear my heart throbbing. This is not good for my health but I can’t help it, I simply can’t accept it.

The existence of L had changed my life – it made my life more meaningful, made me want to live, made me happy. Now everyone is saying that all of this is in my head – I can’t accept that so easily and live like it never happened.

Or die.

“So you told them you saw L?”

Finally, Woohyun hyung cracks a grin.

“Yep, and they now want to lock me up in an asylum. I think they even called the doctor.”

“I’m so sorry,” I whisper to him. I have put him in a difficult position with his family, and I don’t like it at all. I wish I could do something for him.

“Hey don’t worry kid. You’re the only family I have, as far as I’m concerned. The others are not a great loss.”

Suddenly I want to cry, not because of what happened about L, no. I just realized that I will miss another person a lot apart from L when I’m gone – Woohyun.

He has been my constant friend, family, whatever you say. He’s always been there for me the way no one ever was; he’s always been honest with me. Deep down, I know he loves me a lot.

And so do I.

Now, I want to live again, if not for L, then for Woohyun.

He probably saw the change in my expression, so he hugs me tight. I rest my head on his shoulder. The bitter sensation I had in my throat since the morning wanes slightly.

“So you think L is real?”

“First you tell me, do you remember that Kim Myungsoo from your childhood.”

I shake my head. I honestly don’t. Apparently I knew and was very close to Kim Myungsoo when I was around 5 or 6. We were best friends - we played together, rode our bicycles together; we even ate together. Frankly though, I remembered nothing of it.

When I asked my parents why I didn’t recall my best friend, they said that I had a bicycle accident. We had an accident, Myungsoo and I.

I lost my short-term memory – the memory from a year back and Myungsoo – he lost his life.

That’s why I never had to go through the trauma of losing my best friend so my parents were secretly happy that I lost my memory.

But now, it seems like my memory came back to haunt me. It made me hallucinate. At least that’s what my parents think. They are not sure about it either, so isn’t the doctor. That doesn’t explain how I can picture Myungsoo as a grown up, not as a 6 year old boy. Or how I can talk to him, write to him, read his replies.

It’s crazy – the entire matter – but I’m not. I can’t be.


I didn’t realize that I had fallen asleep. So when I wake up, I am surprised. Woohyun is still beside me, his hands wrapped around me.

“You have 221 eyelashes,” he tells me the moment I open my eyes. His face is really close to mine.

“You counted?” I ask, yawning.

“Yeah, I didn’t have much to do while you were sleeping.”

I don’t say it, but deep down I’m touched. Because Woohyun hates staying still in one place for long and he had to be in this posture, his hand around me for all this time.

He didn’t even complain or try to move away.

And he counted my eyelashes.

“You know what Sungjong, you should tell Myungsoo to meet you one more time. Just one more time. I’ll take you out somehow, I promise. Even if Sunggyu kills me or chops me up and then sends me to a mental facility.”

I don’t laugh, because I’m too touched to laugh. I’m so moved by his words, that I want to hug him and never let him go.

“I’ll get you your writing stuffs.”

I don’t want him to move away from me, but he gets up anyway and brings me my writing material. I write. I have to stop after every sentence because my wrist doesn’t have enough strength.

I write to L what’s probably going to be my very last letter. My last to him, and since I don’t write anyone else letters, there’s no chance I’d ever write again.

So I write.

There are questions. I tell him about what happened. I tell him that I really don’t know what to believe anymore, I’m so confused.

I write.

Finally I give up and dictate to Woohyun hyung, who finishes it for me. Then I sign the letter with my name.

But all the while I’m thinking about Woohyun.


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Chapter 9: I know this story has been about a year ago, but I just came across it while finding for other MyungJong stories to read, so I just want to share my thoughts on this..
Contrary to the others, I'm not as curious as to who Myungsoo really is because I believe that he is a real person and his love for Sungjong is real..
What I'm more curious about though is if Sungjong fulfilled his dying wish, and if yes, was it with Woohyun or Myungsoo? I know, I'm weird. Lol.
I think this story should also be tagged WooJong because there are WooJong feels all throughout the story. :)
Though Sungjong left at the end of the story, he is lucky because he experienced love. He felt what it was like to love and be loved. Even if it was only for a short time..
It would be nice to have a sequel where Woohyun and Myungsoo hangout and talk about Sungjong and their love for him. That would be lovely.

Out of all the stories I've read since I joined AFF, this would be one of the most memorable ones. One of the stories that touched my heart and that I will surely treasure.
You are now officially my favorite author, I love you!
Chapter 8: I think the next page is your explanation about some certain things but I didn't read it. I didn't want to. It doesn't matter, really, if Myungsoo is real or not or if Sungjong is crazy or not because when you're in love, things like these runs shallow. Every waking moment with the person you're in love with is a dream and reality. Every waking thought of him/her is all nonsense and rational. We don't really know much about this world or how it works. We don't know if we live in a reality or if all of these are just products of our beautiful minds.

But I know this much, this has been the most beautiful I read from AFF. I'm so glad I found the courage to read this (what with all the comments below). It reflects so much about what we humans thought we knew but really we never had a clue. But does it matter? Should it matter?

(I feel so sorry for Myungsoo and Woohyun though because the greatest grief one can experience is continuing to exist but has ceased to live.)

Thank you so much for making me feel a lot today.
This story is beautiful and magic and I love the fact that we don't really know who's Myungsoo. We can imagine who we want him to be, and I did~
It's really sad of course and I cried, but we need stories like that ♥
Chapter 9: Before I tell you which explanation I thought was most sensible, I just wanna say how lovely your style of writing is. I had to mentally prepare myself before reading this because of the comments I saw below. Your first chapter had drawn me in right away and I immediately felt my emotions building up just by reading Sungjong's letter (maybe I've been too invested into fandom lately for my own good). Anyways, I think the explanation that Myungsoo was simply another person would be the most fitting explanation. I think it was merely fate that Myungsoo found Sungjong's letter. After all, Myungsoo had no purpose in life before Sungjong and even when they met at the cafe, it didn't seem as if he had any recollections of Sungjong from the past (everything he knew about the dying boy was from those letters). And the way Woohyun interacted with Myungsoo makes me think that he's sincere and not just an employer-employee relationship (they were mere acquaintances with Sungjong being their only bridge). Myungsoo couldn't be a ghost as well since both Woohyun and Sungjong had seen him in flesh and he has an appartment to return to lol (the fact that he had not been sure about his early life was as I said, due to the fact that he didn't have a purpose). Maybe the person Sungjong remembered was not his childhood friend after all, but really L, who he had have a glimpse of and only memorized his eyes. Like all of my comments on your stories, it's incoherent but I really thank you for this wonderful story, it has definitely got me thinking :)
Chapter 8: wonderful story~ it's beautiful and even though it was a bit sad, it made me feel good- I guess I just like bittersweet things. I'm a little nervous to read ch 9. I'm not sure I've found my own opinion of the whole myungsoo situation happening here hehe so I'll read it later after I've had time to process everything that went on. Either way wonderfully written and unique fic :)
LycheeJelly #6
Chapter 9: I'm going to go with explanation 9 haha. Like you said, there are many possible explanations, although they don't cover everything. Personally I thought 3 was the explanation.

I still have no idea what happened but I enjoyed pondering the possibilities. ^^
lemonboy #7
Chapter 9: Hiya...confusing..
mrsleesungjong #8
I love jongie. thank you for this.
Chapter 9: Hi^^ it was a real pleasure to read everything and I do confess myungsoo was a very mystery till the end for me.

so here is what I believe.

myungsoo is a living person and it is a name coincidence with jongie lost friend.
Thinking of this unknown guy sungjong wrote his love letters and gave them to woohyun.
Because he loves sungjong so much he just did it not really expecting a reply so when he got it he didn't protest.

so why was l confused?
Myungsoo was a lonely person and he was bored and found no interest in anything before jongie. I believe it was not that he was so confuse about being a spirit but more like realizing that before sungjong he was not living just existing. So he asked his self was I really alive? However now the only thing that matter was sungjong so he didn't care because he could left that life behind.