The Unlogical "Answer"

The Secret Behind Dreams



Beep, Beep, Beep….
As I opened my eyes I see a white ceiling. Strange. That I recall, our practice room has a black ceiling…
Wait, where am I?
“Guys I think he is awake.”
I look up and see MinSoo sitting right in front me, giving a quizzical look.
“ByungHun we are at the hospital, you fainted four hours ago. How do you feel?”
I look to my right and see ChanHee giving me a faint smile.
“I’m fine, just a little light headed. What Time is it?”
“Its 4:30 a.m. Let me go get the nurse, we need to leave for our next schedule,” MinSoo said as he exited the door. Now that I was fully awake, I saw, indeed, we were in a hospital room. White walls, a bottle of hand sanitizer in the far right corner, a box of tissue next to my bed. The room smelled like coffee, could be the one ChanHee was drinking. The room remained silent for about ten minutes, and then the nurse arrived. My vitals were checked and then I was able to leave. Apparently, my collapse was only from fatigue. The nurse just stated I needed more sleep and I would be as good as new in a few days. But how could I possibly sleep with all the dreams that were haunting me? Especially, the most recent one. I mean, it’s not a common thing to dream of dying giraffes, that’s just too strange. They say every dream has its meaning, its existence that lets you know that something may happen. I’m sure we are not going to the zoo any time soon… So what could that mean?
As we drove to our next schedule, I searched on my phone what it meant to dream of giraffes.
Honestly, I was quite surprised to know there was an answer to this weird dream. Apparently, when one dreams of giraffes:


1. You need to take a better a look in life, analyze more.
2. You want attention.

3. You are being betrayed or have learned a truth you mustn’t know.


Okay. So none of these seem right. How could I be betrayed? That’s not even logical.
What I didn’t know was that in the near future, I would learn something that would change my perspective entirely.



A/N : Im so sorry. Two weeks after I uploaded this story I was hospitalized, and since then… things have been pretty hectic if I may say.. I feel like Im dying everyday. But Im fine, so I should stop being selfish and update right? :p

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Chapter 3: I love your story very much so update soon okayy :*
ally-chan #2
Chapter 2: update soon~
Chapter 2: i love this...update soon ok ^^
Chapter 2: ahhh! update plz!! this is great so far! and ihope ur okay ^^
Chapter 2: Are you okay?
Jambamolly #6
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
update soon ^^
continha_troll #8
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it