Chapter 3.

IILWMBF sequel.
''You're late'', Hana said as she puffed her cheeks and crossed her arms. Himchan gave a small smile and bowed before he walked next to her and brought her into a bone crushing hug. The girl let out the air from her cheeks with a sigh and smiled as she hugged him back before she ruffled his hair, making him let out a yelp and furrow his brows. 
''Why did you do that for'', he whined and took up his phone to look in the reflection, luckily, it wasn't as messed up as he thought it was. Thank god for that bloody hairspray. 
''Because you were late! I even called you at 6am, leaving you with two hours to get ready'', she said with a huff as she sat down and picked up the menú, glewing her eyes on the delicious picture as she had a hard time deciding what to get. Himchan only klicked his tounge, put down his phone and rested his hand in the palm of his hand as he let out a small sigh. 
''I know, I know, I'm sorry. But Yonggu-'', he started, but stopped as soon as the other looked up at him with empty eyes. He put his hand on his lap and looked down as he shifted uncomfortably, feeling a bit bad for bringing him up at that moment, or at all. 
He knew Hana wasn't a big fan of Bang, it was not like she hated him and never talked to him or anything like that, it was just that he knew she didn't like it when he brought him up since she still liked Himchan. Having the guy you like talking about his boyfriend can't be a fun thing to hear about. Even though she said she was fine with it before.
''Let's just order and eat, the boat is leaving at 9:30'', she said with a small smile before she looked down to the menú once again and started looking at all the pictures of pastries and bread. Himchan gave a small nod and picked up the menú himself, he couldn't order whatever he wanted though since he was on a diet. He let out a small sigh and shook his head, ing diet ruining all the pleasure. 
* * *
''Sir, I'm going to need you to back away'', he heard a tall man say. He looked to his side and saw a few fans with their cameras taking pictures of Hana and himself, a few trying to get closer which only ended up with a huge mess of people pushing one another. He looked at Hana and gave her a smile, thanking her for bringing some guards with her since he was an air head and didn't think about that. He wasn't a nobody anymore, he was famous and he had to start thinking a bit more rationally now. He couldn't really leave the dorm whenever he pleased to go out and but some snacks or beer, no, he had to stick to a diet and he had to have a guard with him whenever he left the dorm just in case some fans would go beserk. He was at least lucky enough to go to the bakery by himself due to the early hour. 
''Waaa, it's really pretty here'', he heard Hana say with a smile and a satisfied sigh. She was grabbing the railing of the boat as she took in a deep breath and closed her eyes, taking in her surrounding and the sound of the wind and waves mixing together. Himchan stared at her for a minute and smiled before he looked out himself and took a deep breath. It was beautiful and relaxing. The sounds of waves, birds, wind and the fresh air made him happy since they didn't have a lot of time to do things like this - none of them really had. The only reason for his and Hana's free time was because they were ''dating'' and had to be seen outside from time to time, so they both tried to enjoy the small amount of time they had. 
Of course, it would have been a little better if the paparazzis wasn't around like a swarm of bees trying to get some honey. Himchan knew he had to live with them and he was okay with that, but whenever he was outside with Hana the amount of photographers increased, not only five more people or so, no, but almost ten or fifteen. It was hard sometimes but that came with the carreer and he knew it was going to be tough not having any privacy. 
''Yah, are you even listening to me?'', he heard Hana say as he came back to reality. He looked at her as she tilted her head. He gave a small smile to her and mumbled and a 'sorry'. She only let out a laugh and locked her arm with his, giving the paparazzis something to photograph he guessed. 
''I was just saying, we're going to be back at the dock at around three pm and I was just wondering what we're going to do after that?'', she said with a smile on her face. Himchan looked up to the sky and pondered for a bit, he knew he was going to be hungry around that time so of course they would go eat something, but after that he had no idéa since they had pretty much done everything with each other that a couple does. Which got him thinking, him and Bang had been together for about two months and they hadn't done anything outside the house. He knew they couldn't go out and act like a couple and all, but he at least wanted to do anything other then, well, and lay around in the dorm watching random and crappy movies all the time. It was comfortable and annoying at the same time. Sticking around Bang was, as stated before,  beginning to get a bit annoying since they did the same time over and over and over again - there wasn't anything new happening around them and it ticked him off and he sure as hell knew it ticked the other off as well. 
Going out with Hana was a relief. You could at least leave the house and do something other than sitting around inside, watching movies or playing video games. He guessed that was why Bang left the house today too, he still wondered what he could be doing with Hyosung so early in the morning but he guessed he just had to wait and see if Bang wold tell him anything - which he doubted since he didn't tell him about anything he was going to do with Hana. 
He let out a sharp breath and turned to face Hana with a smile.
''Well, we've pretty much done everything there is to do so I don't really know, all I know is I'm going to be hungry when we return'', he answered. Hana only nodded at him and walked over to a table and sat down, Himchan following and sitting down next to her. 
''Yea, I guess we have'', she replied with a laugh, ''and yes, I'm going to be hungry too so let's just go eat and we'll figure out something from there''. Himchan nodded at her and picked up his phone as he felt it vibrate in his pocket, he unlocked the screen and smiled a little as he saw the persons name on the display. 
Himchan looked over at Hana who had a questioning look on her face and gave a small, shy smile in return, it was all it took for her to understand and look away. Again, Himchan felt bad and turned his phone off  without reading the message from the other and decided he would look at it later, it couldn't have been anything important anyway or the other would have called him.  
He looked over at Hana who was staring out at the water and moved closer to her and grabbed her hand. She turned her head around to look at him and he gave her a smile in return, making her smile back at him. 
''Let's have fun, alright. I'm not going to check my phone or anything, It's just going to be the two of us... and some paparrazzi's and fans, but..'' he mumbled as he glanced over at the crowd of people surrounding them. Hana let out a laugh as she nodded her head with a bright smile plastered on her face. Himchan smiled back before he stood up and dragged her with him. 
''Time to explore the boat before we arrive at the island!'', Himchan yelled as he raised one of his hand with a laugh, making the girl behind him laugh as she hid her face in her hand, embarassed at the other. 
* * * 
They returned at the dock later than expected. They had stayed at the island longer than originally planned and took a later boat back. When they returned it was already six pm and their stomachs were hurting and making all kind of weird growling noices. They took a cab to a rather fancy restaurant and decided to eat some pasta because, well, Himchan craved for some of those carbs and decided he could cheat at least one time on his diet. It wouldn't hurt, right? 
As they sat down at the table they started chit-chatting about everything and nothing at all - like many times before. It didn't really matter how many times they would sit and talk, they always had something interesting happening around them so it was easy striking up a conversation about all the gossip that went around their company.

When their food arrived, Himchan zoned out from their conversation a moment when the pasta hit his taste buds, making him moan in satisfaction because , it tasted like heaven.
They sat at the restaurant for almost two hours before Himchan payed for the food and they both left with the guards trailing behind them - Han river as their destination. They had been there before with each other and decided to go there again because it was just so beautiful at night that it didn't matter if you had already seen it a hundred times, you could never really get tired of it gazing out at it, plus it was a good place to spend a ''date'' on. 
When they arrived it was already eight thirty and it was already dark outside, telling them that fall was around the corner, meaning it was starting to get colder which was heaven for Himchan. He like walking around with big sweaters, drink tea and wear colorful hats on his head, it was a plus too since they covered up your hair if it was hard styling or if you simply just didn't care about fixing it. Plus all the cuddling he would be able to do with Bang, even though they did cuddle a lot already.
They both stood by the railing looking out at the water, the bridge and the beautiful lights that reflected in the water, making it glimmer in a almost magical way. If only Bang was here.
''It's already been two months now, huh'', Hana said with a sigh and a smile. Himchan glanced over at here as she turned her head to face him. ''Since we started this'', she said with a small laugh before she turned her gaze out on the water. He looked back at the water himself and nodded his head, not really sure if she saw it but didn't really care. 
''Yeah... I wonder when we're going to break up though'', he mumbled a little to loud, making the smile on the others face disappear as she once again turned her head his way with sad eyes. 
''You hate being with me that much?'', she asked with a sad voice. Himchan snapped his head towards her with wide eyes and he started waving his arms around as he shook his head furiously. 
''N-no! That's not it!'', he screamed out a little too loud, making the guards and the girl flinch at his loud voice. He stopped flailing his arms around and started moving his hands in some weird way, trying to figure out how to explain without hurting the girl.

Hating being with her was not the case it all, he loved being with her and she was funny as hell, it was just that it had been such a long time and he had started noticing how Bang was reacting to it - not only him but the other members too. He really didn't know but they all seemed to dislike when he went out with Hana for some reason he couldn't understand. Okay, he knew he was never spending some quality time with them since it was always Bang or her, and that could have been one of the reasons since they all were so close before this fake relationship started. 
''I love hanging around you, I really do, you're funny, cheerful and a friend I wouldn't change for a thing'', he started and stared her in the eyes. She gave a small smile and he thought it was a good time to continued. ''But this had been going on for a while, not that i hate it!'', he quickly added and his lips nervously, ''but it's already been two months and the members are getting affected by it since I don't spend so much time with them and that I don't give my all at the dace practices and well, Bangiskindofannoyedtoo'', he mumbled the last part and rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly shifting from foot to foot as he waited for Hana to speak. 
He stood there for about five minutes, staring down at his feet waiting for her to speak - which she never did. He hesitated for a minuted before he looked up to open his mouth, trying to ask her why she wasn't saying anything since it really wasn't that big of a deal - even if his heart was beating like crazy. He never had the chance to speak up though, as his lips was covered with something soft and he instinctively closed his eyes. It took him a moment to realise what was happening and put his arm on Hana's shoulder to gently push her away. 
When they parted, he stared at her with wide eyes and a frozen body - his arm still on her shoulder, almost glued to it. Hana had glimmery eyes that he swore could bore holes into a brick wall, they looked sad yet somehow determinated which scared him a bit.

She slowly lifted her hand and placed it over Himchans before grabbing it and bringing it up to her cheek, closing her eyes with a sharp breath. 
''I can't do this anymore,'' she said with a small breath, ''I like you Himchan, so much, and I can't keep going on like it's nothing and that it doesn't affect me! It hurts seeing you everyday, you're so close to me yet you're three hundred feet away. We're only faking this but I want it to be real, I want us to be real. I know I said I was fine with you and Bang and I know I cheered you on... but I can't do that anymore!'', she whispered and held onto his hand tighter. They both stood there for a couple of minutes in complete silence before she opened her eyes and looked at him. 
''Why aren't you saying anything?...'' she asked with a small voice.
Himchan was still frozen and didn't really know what to do, she had just kissed him for christs sake, not only that but gave a huge confession! It was weird in a hundred different ways because , she was like a sister to him. He could never think about her like that, ever! He didn't like her like that and she knew it, he loved Yongguk and it was enver going to change - she just had to accept that even thought he knewit was a hard thing to do. 
He was dragged back to reality when he saw a flash in the corner of his eye and immediately removed his hand from Hana's and blinked. She looked at him with confused eyes when he grabbed his hair in panic. 
, ! Those pictures and going to be posted online at any time. , , ing !
''H-Himchan what's wro-''
''ing ! What is Yongguk going to think when he sees this!'', he hissed in a low tone as he started pacing back and forward,panic slowly starting ro rise in him. He's really going to misunderstand this and he's going to be really mad! I mean, I would've if I've seen him doing the same with Hyosung, but I would at least had given him a chance to explain, well, not really but... 
He snapped his head towards Hana when he heard her let out a unamused laugh. The look on her face was cold, sending chills all over his body and making him shiver. He had never seen her that mad before and let's just say she looked like a lion who had her cubs murdered or something. 
''Even after I kissed you, all you can think about is Yongguk'', she hissed as she clenched her fists by her sides. Himchan looked at her with blank eyes before he stopped walking and took a deep breath, staring at her with a determinate look. 
''Of course I am. I'm dating him, I'm in a relationship with him. Of course I'm going to think about him when someone randomly decides to kiss me'', he said with a low voice. Hana stared at him and was about to open but was cut off by Himchan. 
''I'm sorry, Hana, but it can never be the two of us. I'm In love with Yongguk and that's not going to change for a long time, it might actually never change and I'm extremely happy with that. You should have told me earlier about how you felt so we could have ended this sooner, I never wanted to hurt you or lead you on,'' he ended with a small sigh before he turned around and took a deep breath before he spoke up so the crowd could hear him. 
''I'm sorry it had to end this way. I really like you, but I guess I'm not the one'', he said before he started walking away with a guard running after him, trying to keep all the fans and papparazzis away. 
It was a bad way to end their ''relationship'', but it had to be done if that was the way she wass feeling. If he only had known about it sooner they could have ended it in a better way and not with her being mad at him and on the verge of crying. He knew that they probably wouldn't hang out as they did before and it really bummed him out since he had become so fond of her, he could tell her everything and she was a great rock when he was feeling down, even before she knew about Bang and him. 
He let out a bigh sigh as he sat down in the car and closed his eyes, the only thing on his mind was how Bang would react or say to him when he returned to the dorm. He really had to make it up to him even if he wasn't the one who initiated the kiss. 
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benny- #1
update soon please !
Chapter 4: OH ! So yongguk kissed hyosung too !, that two divas already planned those things !
At least banghim didn't get mad at each other, so yeah sorry divas your plan didn't work !
Chapter 3: Whaaaaat ? Hana why did you do that ? Woopsie...
But afterall their fake realtionship finally ended anyway, hope yongguk will kindly understand that..
Ohhhh I wonder what Yongguk and Hyosung are up to o 3o
Chapter 2: Eeeeh what will bang going to do with hyosung ? Curiooouuuusssss !
Chapter 2: OOOoooooohhhhh jealousy again~
Chapter 1: Trololoooooool !!! I can't stop laughing here !! XD
Himchan being bullied is a great way to start this story, seriously !! XD
Oh yeah their mv is absolutely perfect ;D
Chapter 1: lols bang himchan!!~ XD i feel so sorry for channie!! all of them make fun of him so much. its good he still has hana~~
Chapter 1: fhfdhgsd bang himchan dfhjsdhf these dorks
axenishere55 #10
Chapter 1: Lol, It's ironic that I was also laughing like crazy! Poor Himchan Oppa~~
Awesome story!