Chapter 2.

IILWMBF sequel.
Himchan groaned as the loud music was blowing out of his phone on the table next to him. It had taken him some time to been able to fall asleep yesterday after all of his friends endless witty comments that never seemed to come to an end. They came up with new ones one after another and talking about his and Bang's relationship seemed as their new way of get time going, which for Himchan, was still a subject he felt uncomfortable talking about around the others. It somewhat bugged him that his friends kept talking about their relationship so openly all the time and that Bang just went along with it, exposing things about them. You know, it's supposted  to be at least a little private, but he goes and blows everything out to everyone and not caring about how he feels about it. 
''Aish... Turn it off'', he heard his boyfriend mumble next to him whilst burying his face into a pillow. Himchan grogilly opened his heavy eyes and rubbed them as he sat up and let out a big yawn. He rubbed his shoulders that was still sore from yesterday and glanced over at the clock in the room with squinted eyes and noticed it was too early to be up and wondered who the hell was calling him at this hour. The black haired boy reached out to his phone, glanced at the caller ID and  let out a loud hiss at the bright light that hit his eyes.
''Yah, you know what time it is. What are you even up this early pabo, and why are you calling me'', he whispered with a hoarse voice and let out another yawn. He looked down to his boyfriend as he felt a hand make its way around his waist and gave and apologetic look even though the other couldn't see it in the dark.
''Himchannie~ Come on, let's go out for breakfast! You know it's better to go early since everything is going to be right out of the oven! I want to go on a boat ride too, remembered you promised me to go on one but we never did? Well, I bough two tickets and Himchan, I'm really looking forward to it~'', the other beamed, a little too happy and a little too loud for Himchans taste as he had to move his phone away from his ear, afraid the others loud voice would make him go deaf. 
''Hana, ever though that maybe I was busy today? And It's six in the morni-''
''And it takes two hours for you to get up, shower and get dressed. You're slow and that's why I called you at this hour. And no, I don't think you have any better to do today. You would just spend your time in the house all day'', the cheerful girl cut him off, ''You know I'm just going to keep calling you until you get your up from the bed and get over here''
Himchan  scratched the back of his neck as let out a small laugh,  she was right about him spending the day inside. Hana was as stubborn as a mule when it came to getting her way. Himchan knew she meant what she said about her bugging him until he would accept, he had been a victim of it before and god, he almost wanted to rip her head off for being so annoying.
''Arraso, arasso'', he said with a sigh, ''Usual place at eight o' clock? Do I need to bring anything?'' 
''Ne, and you better not fall asleep again or I'll come over there and kick your '', she said with an attempt of sounding scary, ''and no, not really. Just your happy smile and a camera I guess''. Himchan only let out a laugh and replied with a ''Ne'' before he hung up and put the phone away. 
It was funny to him how close they actually had become. Just four months ago they would only greet  each other with a small nod if they passed one another in the company, and sometimes they didn't even do that. Today she was calling him at six in the morning just to wake him up go out for breakfast when she knew how much he hated waking up early. Not even Bang dared to wake him up too early, knowing he would get all moody and gloomy for about two hours and leaching out on everyone, even if they just were random stand-byer.
Himchan sat on the bed for a short while in a daze. He was still half asleep and the urge of going back to sleep was strong as he didn't want to go up. He would rather stay here in his room and his warm bed, he wouldn't do that though. Himchan was a man of his word and if he said he was going to meet up with her he would even if his body wanted to do other.
He slowly started making his way out of the bed when he was stopped by the arm around his waist, keeping him in a firm lock. 
''Yah, Guk, I have to get up'', he said with a small voice, hoping the other would let him go since he knew Bang wasn't too happy about him and Hana. 
''You're going to meet Hana, right?'', he heard his boyfriend mumble with a voice full of sleep and couldn't help but think how the others morning voice was like music in his ears.
''Yeah'', he replied with a firm voice. He felt the arm around his disappear and the bed moving, soon enough Bang was sitting up next to him, yawning and stretching out his body. 
''Fine'', the older said with a sigh as he got up from the bed, ''it was good she called anyway or else I wouldn't have woken up'', he mumbled to himself. Himchan followed his boyfriend with his eyes before the leaders figure disappeared behind the bathroom door and the sound of running water started coming out.
 Bang was still a huge mystery to him. He was cool about Hana calling him at six in the morning and cool about him going out to meet her this early? He would always start asking him a bunch of questions for even smaller things. He couldn't even leave the couch if they were watching a movie together to go get something to drink without Bang asking him where he was going. He was always trying to convince Himchan to stay with him if he had to go somewhere, telling him he wanted to spend time with him, which was a complete lie due to the fact that they spend every single minute of their time together. So much time it started getting annoying being around the other from time to time.
A few minutes went by and Bang came out with a towel around his waist whilst drying his hair with another one. Himchan stared at the olders abs and got stuck with his eyes at the firm muscles. Bang could be annoying and overly jealous, but god did he have a good looking body. Himchan had abs as well, yes, and he knew he had a okay looking body, but Bangs were perfectly sculptured and his arms were muscular and fitted his body type perfectly.
He came out of his trance when he saw movement from the corner of his eye and noticed Bang was starting to get dressed and realised he had to get fixed himself. He shook his head and started walking towards the shower when he came to an halt and furrowed his brows. Why was Bang up now? It was their day off and he knew his boyfriend would love spending it sleeping, the guy hated going up early as much as Himchan.
He looked over to his boyfriend who had a smile on his face whilst he was trying to style his untamed hair and couldn't help but click his tounge. 
''Are you going out?'', Himchan asked with a raised eyebrow. The older looked at him and nodded with a smile on his face before he returned to fixing his hair, not giving Himchan a destination or telling him with whom he was going out with. Himchan leaned against the doorframe of the bathroom and crossed his arms, eyeing the other in disbelief.
''This early? On a day off when you could be sleeping?''.
Bang looked over at him and nodded once again as he brushed his way past Himchan and walked into the bathroom. The black haired turned around and walked inside himself as he put on the shower and started getting undressed. If Bang didn't want to tell him anything it was fine with him. It annoyed him and he was curious, sure, but if the other didn't want to tell him anything he would stop asking questions since he only got a nod from the other in response. He didn't have time with it either since he had to shower and get ready. He hated to admit it, but Hana was right when it came to him taking forever to get ready.
He was just about to take his boxers off when he remembered Bang was still in there with him brushing his teeth and decided to wait until the other had left. Who knows what the guy would do to him if he suddenly got . He had endured enough these two months and his really needed a break.
''You know, it's not like I haven't seen you before'', he heard the other mumble with the toothbrush in his mouth whilst staring at him trough the mirror. Himchan felt a faint blush make its way up on his face and looked away as he took the towel and covered up his body. 
It didn't matter how many times Bang had seen him, it was still embarassing and it didn't make it better with the way Bang was staring at him like he was a piece of meat. 
''Doesn't matter. Just hurry up and get out'', he hissed at the other.

The older finished brushing his teeth and rinsed his mouth as slowly as he could, making Himchan a bit annoyed since he had to get ready. The rapper turned around and leaned his body against the sink with crossed arms as he raised one of his eyebrows and stared at the sligtly younger. 
''What are you doing? If you're done, get out'', Himchan hissed once again. The older didn't budge, he only smirked at the boy with a hint of amusement in his eyes. 
''I'm done, yes, but I'm not getting out'', he cooly replied, '' It amuses me seeing you this flustered when it come to me seeing you . I've alredy seen you so many times that I even remember small things, you know. Like the birthmark that's on your left bu-''
''Yah, you want to die?!'', Himchan snapped, ''stop talking about my body and get out already'', he growled as he started pushing Bang out of the bathroom. The older only let out a small chuckle and turned around so he was face to face with the other. He slipped his arm around Himchan's bare waist, making the slightly younger let out a yelp. 
''Aigoo Channie, stop being so embarassed all the time. You know I'm going to see you soon anyway'', the rapper laughed with a smirk on his face, making Himchan raise an eyebrow at the other. 
The guy was too confident about himself, but I guess it was one of the things Himchan liked about him, even though it could be annoying from time to time. 
''Yeah, we'll see about that'', Himchan retorted with a snort as he tried pushing the other away with no success, ''can you let go now? I have to get ready, Hana is wa-'', he started but was cut off by the others lips crashing into his own. He was a  bit surprised a first, but only a second later, without hesitation, he kissed the other back with equal force. Bang his lower lip and the younger parted his lips immediately, letting the other slip in his tounge and explore his cavern. It started getting hotter and hotter for every minute that passed and Himchan swore, if it wasn't for Bang's phone going off they would have done it right there even if it was too early for any physical activity.
They both parted, gasping for air as Bang swooped his phone out from his pocket and tried getting his breathing back to normal before picking up. Himchan stood there dazed with his hands in the others hair and was grateful for the person that had called the other in this moment, stopping them in the heated moment. He got carried away and cursed under his breath for letting the other do what pleases him so easily.
''Yeoboseyo? Ah, Hyosung'', he heard his boyfriend speak into the phone as he placed his head on the crook of Himchans neck, making him shiver as the others breath hit his skin. He closed his eyes and felt a bitter taste in his mouth. Hyosung.
''Ah, I'm on my way right now. Yeah. See you then'', the older said and finished the call before he looked up. Himchan stared at him for a second with curious eyes, wanting the other to tell him at least where he was going. But, the older only let his hand fall from his waist and pecked him on the forehead and mumbled a ''bye'' before he turned around started walking out of the room. 
''Oh, right. When are you coming back?'', he heard the leader say as he stopped in his tracks and looked over at Himchan. The black haired felt bitter at the thought of Bang and Hysoung going out so he only shrugged. 
''Don't know'', he said cooly as Bang eyed him carefully, ''you know how it is when I'm out with Hana'', he said with a smile on his face and noticed a dangerous glint forming in the others eyes. 
'' 'Don't know'? What are you two going to do?'', the older asked and raised one of his eyebrows. Himchan stared at him for a second before he looked over at the clock and widened his eyes. 7am!. 
''A little bit of this and that'', he answered quickly and gave a quick nod towards the other who stared at him with an raised eyebrow. 
''Yah, Channie, you bett-'' 
''I have to get ready because Hana is going to kill me If I'm late. You should get going too, arasso? I'll text you later!'' he cut the other off and slammed the door shut. He let out a sigh before he jumped inside the shower and washed himself as fast as he could. When he got out he noticed he only had about 40 minutes to dry his hair, style it, get dressed and get to the bakery. He cursed under his breath and started running around in his room, throwing on clothes whilst drying his hair with a towel and tripping over Bang's stupid bag that he always leaves on the middle on the floor. Annoyed, he picked it up and placed it on the bed with a huff before he walked to the mirror and looked at himself. 
He had black skinny jeans on, a white v-neck with a grey cardingan over it with arms that were rolled up to his elbows, looking somewhat fashionable. Satisfied with his clothes, he took some hairspray and sprayed his bangs upwards until it looked like a horn of a rhinos, put on some glasses, grabbed his bag and phone and walked out of the dorm with a satisfied sigh. 
He looked up to the sky and took a deep breath. It was a hot morning and the sky was clear blue with only one or two clouds on it, birds were chirping and only a few people were either out walking with their dog or was simply out running. A few of the folks recognized him and took up their phones to take a picture of him. He smiled and waved at them before he glanced at his clock and puffed his cheeks. Hana was so going to kill him. 
A/N: Hello there folks. Just want to say that I think, only think, this was more as a fill-in chapter? ahahha... I don't even know ; V; But hey, longer chapter! 
Was it too long though? Aish, I don't konw what to do. 
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benny- #1
update soon please !
Chapter 4: OH ! So yongguk kissed hyosung too !, that two divas already planned those things !
At least banghim didn't get mad at each other, so yeah sorry divas your plan didn't work !
Chapter 3: Whaaaaat ? Hana why did you do that ? Woopsie...
But afterall their fake realtionship finally ended anyway, hope yongguk will kindly understand that..
Ohhhh I wonder what Yongguk and Hyosung are up to o 3o
Chapter 2: Eeeeh what will bang going to do with hyosung ? Curiooouuuusssss !
Chapter 2: OOOoooooohhhhh jealousy again~
Chapter 1: Trololoooooool !!! I can't stop laughing here !! XD
Himchan being bullied is a great way to start this story, seriously !! XD
Oh yeah their mv is absolutely perfect ;D
Chapter 1: lols bang himchan!!~ XD i feel so sorry for channie!! all of them make fun of him so much. its good he still has hana~~
Chapter 1: fhfdhgsd bang himchan dfhjsdhf these dorks
axenishere55 #10
Chapter 1: Lol, It's ironic that I was also laughing like crazy! Poor Himchan Oppa~~
Awesome story!