Bad day

Oh! My High School / 아! 내 고등학교

She just turned into a cat.


A freaking cat.


It was a bluish-grey cat with green eyes. The cat purred slightly then moved away from the pile of clothes that it was initially sitting on.


“Oh, !” Taecyeon exclaimed. Obviously he’s freaking out a little. “This can’t be good…not at all.”


The cat moved nearer to him and started rubbing it’s head on his feet. At any other situation he would have thought the cat was super cute, but right now is an exception. There is absolutely nothing cute about a fully grown 17 year old woman, who turned into a cat in front of him and most probably is . So, instead he used his feet to push the cat away from him.


Upon being pushed away the cat looked up at him with its glassy eyes and purred indignantly.


“No! Don’t you dare make that face to me. I am not letting you anywhere near me.” Taecyeon hissed back.




She turned into this damn thing after I kissed her right? Then naturally she would turn back if…


Taecyeon inched closer to the cat and cooed it into coming near him. “Here kitty…” The cat just sat there, looking at him as if he was mentally challenged. Well, he’s not surprised. Even the least bit. He even started to doubt if he was just imagining all this . Just as he as about to grab hold of the cat, it jumped away from his reach and headed straight to his window which was opened wide. It was raining outside “No. No. No!!! Damn!”


Taecyeon grabbed his jacket and dashed out of his house. Where the hell is it?


“Eunjung!” he bellowed and started running to the back of his house. “Eunjung!”


“Taecyeon-sshi.” Came a soft sobbing voice from the back of the tool shed. The tool shed had been there since he could even remember, but it was never used other than as a storage. Why his old man still kept that thing intact is still a wonder to him.


“Is that you?” Taecyeon asked. She changed back to her usual self? How?


“Don’t come closer….please.” There was a clear glint of helplessness in her voice that made Taecyeon halt in his step.


Right…she’s . Taecyeon thought. He looked around ineptly to find for anything he could use to wrap her up. That’s when he spotted the pile of bed sheets that his maid had stocked beside the washing machine probably to wash it by tomorrow morning. Quickly grabbing one of those, he went in closer to the shed and crouched at the side. He turned his head away while his hand was stretched toward where she was. “I…I’m not looking, take this and wear it.”


It took a moment for Eunjung to gather up her strength and peak through the side of the shed. Well he wasn’t really looking plus what choice does she have. Mentally kicking her own self for getting into such a situation, she carefully took the linen out of his hand and hurriedly wrapped it around her buck body. Good, now that she’s dressed, the only thing left is to pick up her aching body of the ground and walk back to the room.


Using the shed as her balance point, Eunjung heaved herself up, only to flop down again. Her leg was wobbly and she felt as if she could pass out any minute. The again who wouldn’t, after that terrifying fall. She changed while she was midair, heading down to the ground with quite a velocity.


“Do you need help there?” Came Taecyeon’s voice from the other side of the shed. He probably sensed her tumbling down and wincing in pain.


Someone please just kill me now. Eunjung thought sarcastically. “Um…I can’t get up. Could you….” She cleared hesitantly. “Could you give me a hand?”


Taecyeon instantly turned toward her. She was kneeling and her whole body was completely leaning over the shed. Her short hair was sticking everywhere and she was covered in dirt. He helped her to haul her body up and once she was completely standing, she almost slumped again. This time Taecyeon managed to catch her before she does. “Wow, careful there. You sure you can walk?”


“Yeah, I can…”


Before she could finish her sentence, Taecyeon bend down and grabbed her knees in one hand while her shoulder on the other and carried her off the ground. Bridal style.


She was speechless and thankful actually. Despite her attempt to sound capable in front of him, she felt she could jelly out the moment she takes one step.


He carried her all the way back to his room and placed her on his bed again. This time she ain’t complaining.


“Get some rest first, and then wash up yourself….the bathroom is that way.” Taecyeon pointed to the other room that was attached to his. “And your clothes…..”


“Yeah…I get it.”


“You want me to call your parents or something? It’s almost 10 p.m.”


“It’s okay. No one will be worried.” Eunjung said with a not-so-sincere smile before Taecyeon nodded and closed the room door behind him.




It was half past eleven when Eunjung came out of the room fully dressed in her high school uniform again. Taecyeon was sitting in the hall watching television. Only now did she realize that there was no one in the house except for him. She cleared loudly to get his attention.


“I want to go back home.” She said sheepishly.


“I’ll send you back.” Taecyeon said. He switched off the TV and grabbed his car keys.


“Ani, it’s okay….”


“That wasn’t a question.” He replied with such authority, she didn’t dare to say otherwise.


Both of them climbed into his Honda S200 convertible which was parked in a garage that’s big enough for ten cars. The car slowly came out of the garage and made its way through a broad paved drive that actually led to the house and splits into two roads, one encircling the house, the other leading to the garage they just came out from.


Damn this guy is not just rich, he’s like super rich.


God, she just remembered where in the world she is. This is like an estate on its own. Just a few blocks from her house. Everyday since she was a kid, she had walk past this house countless of times and had been itching to at least take a peak at the interior. Lucky her, fairy god mother had swung her wand in her direction. The house was magnificent-which was supposed to be something that is not surprising-but it is. The stone house was designed like a European chateau and set back on a three-acre bayou lot. The heavy iron gates open with majestic slowness it almost made her fidget with excitement.


“That is your house? Who the hell are you people?” Eunjung was completely awed. She was rich too no doubt but damn she would never afford to buy this type of car or live in that kind of house. This guy’s father must be some kind of Korean version of Donald Trump.


None spoke after that, both were willowing in their own self proclaimed agendas that ran through their head. After a few minutes, Taecyeon was the first to break the silence. “Were you…always like that?


“Like what?”


“You know…the cat thingy?”

“Hell no!” God it must have been that ahjumma.


“Mian, so how did you turn back?”


Eunjung looked at him blankly as she realized she hadn’t thought about it yet. “Mollayo. When I changed back I was halfway through a fall.”


“You don’t remember anything at all since you turn?” Eunjung only shook her head; her face expression was a little hard to read right now. “I guess it should be the rain. Or maybe water in general, since you turned right after you jumped out of the window.” Silence again.




“This is my house.” Eunjung said as they reached in front of a three storey bungalow with hues of white and peach. The lights were on but the front door was closed. Her maid had definitely went back after putting her mother to sleep. Turning to look at Taecyeon, Eunjung swallowed hardly. Wait, since when he looked so handsome.


“Kamsahamnida for…” Eunjung laughed shakily as it crossed her mind how crazy today have been. It’s kind of awkward too in a tad of places, since they actually shared a kiss and thing had been going down a spiral then onwards.


“No problem…” Taecyeon said. Just as she was about to climb down Taecyeon grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes. “Just be careful okay?” For a second he realized that he was truly concerned for this innocent looking girl. “I mean…it’s not like I care or something…just…”


“Yeah I got it.” She smiled again…the second time for the day, but somehow Taecyeon felt as if her smile does not reach her eyes. Those two entities are hollow, well not literally, as if the happiness has been drained out of her long before they even met.


Well at least that makes the two of them.


Eunjung closed the car door and waved at Taecyeon before pressing in the code to unlock her gate. But her fingers halted on the button when she heard a familiar voice behind her.




She turned around only to see Jangwoo standing across the small road in front of her house where his chauffer had parked. Taecyeon was still there in his car, watching Eunjung intently. “Jangwoo oppa. What are you doing here?” She breathed.


“Why? Wasn’t expecting me? Do you know what’s the time now?” Jangwoo’s tone was almost sarcastic. He moved in closer until he stood towering against Eunjung.


Who the hell is this guy? Taecyeon turned off his engine and pulled out of his car.


“Ah, aniya. I….” Jangwoo grabbed Eunjung’s hand so hard, she winced. “Arghh, you’re hurting me.”


“You never allowed me to take you home, but all of a sudden you let this bastard drive you all the way to your front gate?”


“Take your hands off of her.” Taecyeon said. He closed his car door and stepped in closer to the both of them. For some very obvious reason, Taecyeon seemed more intimidating out of the two.


“Ijashika…” Jangwoo cursed under his breath. “What the hell were you doing here with her?”


“That is none of your damn business.” Taecyeon replied, no intention of giving up.


“Stop! Both of you. Jangwoo please, stop making an issue out of this.” Eunjung was starting to loose her temper as well. Today was hell. She just hopes that these two people would not make it any worse.


“Making an issue? Seriously Jungie?” Jangwoo ran his hand through his hair exasperatedly. “You go messing around with guys like him behind my back and that’s all you got to say to me?”


“I wasn’t messing around! I had a small accident and he helped me. What is wrong with that?” Eunjung shrieked.


“Why didn’t you call me instead?” Jangwoo asked.


“I…uh….I wanted to…”


“Yeah, go on Jungie. Build up more of your lies, because eventually you’re going to loose me if you keep this up.” Jangwoo said as he turned and walked away from her.


“Jangwoo!” She watched in despair as the man she loved for more than one year left her like a stranger and drove away. She turned and saw Taecyeon looking right at her. “You should have just gone back after dropping me off.” Eunjung said with an indistinct voice as she punched in the pass code again.


“So now it’s my fault?” Taecyeon said. “Thank you! Well I think I deserved that after saving your sorry .”


“I didn’t mean it that way. Why are you being all sensitive?”


“You know what, save it for someone who actually cares.” Taecyeon got into his car, slammed the car door and drove away without even glancing back. He was a fool that never learns. How many times had he been betrayed by people who he had trusted in? And to actually think she was any different. People just uses others for the sake of their own benefit, nothing more and definitely nothing less.


Eunjung closed the gate behind her and just sat down there. Her back was leaning on the gate, knees were pulled close to her chest and hands wrapping them securely as tears start to fall down her cheeks. She wailed like a small kid because she knows that tomorrow she had to pick herself up, dust herself off and plaster that fake smile in front of the others.


She had to be strong.


Even if she was scared, confused and utterly at loss right now.


Wae naya? Why me?

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really?? haha I feel happy but I seriously want more subbies


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Princess910603 #1
update please
mrdeerlulu #2
Chapter 7: Please,update.;;
chanujee #3
Chapter 7: hahaha...oh... god... jst whn i thot it gng to b a nice lite clge drama fanfic u add jooju wooju cat thng great. .
1123 streak #4
Chapter 7: Poor Jungie why is Jangwoo always hurting her... Why didnt he listen to her first... Taec you have to make up with her..she will face more difficult situations after what happen tp her
pioushej #5
Chapter 7: poor Jungie! i hate jangwoo! he always hurt Eunjung! T_T
CoolPrettyGirl #6
Chapter 6: What Wait!? This is going to be a fantasy fanfic? I don´t like those very much... but I will continue reading... I want more T-ara interactions!.... I am really interesed in Top and Hyomin and Qri and Taeyang... also Where is Soyeon!
pioushej #7
Chapter 6: this is great cant wait for the next chap! bopeepbopeepbopeepbopeepboppeep ohh!
1123 streak #8
Chapter 6: Hahaha why did Eunjung turn to a cat?? Is this the jap version of bopeep bopeep?? ;-) and the cat is cute... I think that ahjumma passed her curse on Eunjung... if not why did she say sorry to Ej??
UmaMee #9
Chapter 6: Eunjung is a cat because ahjumma earlier?
iiiihhhhhh, funny cat.
how Eunjung could become human again?
whether to kiss with Taecyeon again?