
Oh! My High School / 아! 내 고등학교

Sorry for going on a hiatus for such a long time....started my practicals in a hospital and pheww...it aint easy. I had no time to myself at all and the exam was even worst!! Never suffered this much....huhuhy...but im back baby! And to answer all of your question, I didnt change khunwoo's pairing because I'm really a big supporter of both of them. ..I love them n their soo much I could not bring my self to pair them with other gurls...pls be patient with me

And thank you Yumi143 for helping me to read this fanfic and giving me all the strength i needed!! hohoho...i love you sweetie!!


Taecyeon was already up when his alarm went off. Being so used to waken up before dawn, he finds it hard to sleep through the day. Slowly heaving his body off of his bed, he turned off his alarm clock and made his way to the bathroom. His room was elegantly furnished with a king sized bed and expensive furniture. But those are not things he was used to. And he doubt he will ever get used to.


He stripped , the shower and stepped under the searing hot water. His mind seemed to at ease, but the peacefulness was short lived, as fragments of memories of his life back in juve sliced through him unyieldingly.


Well at least it wasn’t as bad as living in this house, especially under the same roof as his father and his stepmother…


7 years ago


It was almost 2 o’clock in the morning, when taecyeon heard the sound of the front door of his house being opened. He knew instinctively that it was his father. Drunk from excessive drinking at the pub. It was not just today. This had been happening for years. Ever since he understand what family means, he had to face his father like this. Everynight he would come home drunk and he would climb all the way to Taecyeon’s room to hit him.


There was even a time when Taecyeon was hurt so badly, he had to rushed to the hospital for an immediate treatment and wound management.


Today would not be any difference. Taecyeon got up from his bed and rushed off to his closet. He opened it, pushed his clothes to the side, climbed in and shut the doors tightly. As he sat in the dark closet, his heart thumped even faster each minute as he hear the appearing sound of footsteps.


The door to his room opened, causing the light from the hallway to spill into his room. Taecyeon covered his mouth with his hand and inched deeper into the closet. Praying that his father would not find him. God, please he wanted to sleep one night without cringing in pain or wailing over his misfortune.


“You bastard!...Where the hell are you?” His father voice seemed to echo violently through the silent night. “You better come out before I make you to!” The old man switched on the lamp and moved slowly around the room. Occasionally he would wobble, but his eyes were intently looking for his illegitimate child who had been the reason for the downfall of his marriage.

Taecyeon could feel a choking sensation of fear rising up his throat as his eyes started to tear. Honestly this is too much for a 10 year old to face in his lifetime.


Smirking wickedly, his father pulled open the closet door, revealing Taecyeon who was curled up, while shivering so badly. Reaching in he grabbed a handful of the boy’s hair and jerked him out of the small space.


“Appa…appa please….don’t hurt me…please…I’m scared…” Taecyeon wailed as his father dragged him across the room and tossed him onto his bed.


“You’re scared?” His father asked mockingly. “Don’t with me you son of a devil!” Pulling out his belt, he wrapped it around his hand before using it to repeatedly cause harm to the small body of his son.


“Appa!...Appa!! Please!” Taecyeon cried over and over again but his father doesn’t seem to pay any heed to his pleads.


When, the old man feel satisfied, he stopped. By then, Taecyeon was already shaking so badly and his body was aching terribly. “If you had never born, my wife would not have left me, you bastard…your mother was nothing but a one night pleasure for me, and yet she had the audacity to stand in front of my house and tell me that you belong to me….puihh!”


Once his father left the room, Taecyeon would climb back onto his bed and cry himself to sleep. Wishing that his mother had never sent him to his man. If only she had kept him, he would be happy by her side even if it means he have to beg for food and money. Instead here he was, the son of such a rich man, but a slave to his anger and hatred. Those moneys did not mean anything to him, at such a tender age, he had only asked for love and nothing else.


Turning off the shower Taecyeon, got out, get dressed in his school uniform and left the house. He didn’t even bothered to check whether his father was still alive or dead. After Taecyeon was sent to juve, apparently his father was diagnosed to have a rare disease called as Systemic Lupus Arythematous or commonly known as SLE. It like an autoimmune disease that causes a rapid degeneration of the muscle and joints causing the one that was affected to be almost paralysed.  


Like hell he cared.


Once he reached the school, he silently made his way into class and slumped into his chair at the end of the class by the window. He liked that spot actually. He could see the world outside and feel the fresh air blowing onto his face.


Just beside him was Sulli, she was sitting upright with a silver spoon in her hand and she was staring at it with such intensity, it could put holes through the metal spoon. Taecyeon actually find her attitude to be quite amusing, but not showing any sign of humor on his face, Taecyeon kept on looking at her to see what she was actually up to.


After a couple of seconds, Sulli dropped the spoon and laid her head helplessly on the table. While she was doing that, she spotted Taecyeon looking at her. But he quickly turned away in a hasty attempt to play coy.


“I was trying to bend the spoon with my mind. They call it psychic power.” She explained earnestly.


“Not many people can do that, but my grandmother said people who can look at ghost and dark spirits might have it…that’s why I was trying to bend the spoon.”


Taecyeon pretended not to hear what she said but honestly he was at the verge of laughing out loud. If it wasn’t because of his damned alter ego, he freaking would have rolled on the floor laughing his off.


As everyone settled down in their respective place, a short man in his late 40’s entered the class. He was dressed in a suit and had a pair of specs. For some reason he looked like a gagman rather than a teacher.


“Good morning students…” He chirped excitedly. “I’m Mr. Yoo Jaesuk as most of you might know, I’ll be teaching hangug for this class…the intro is mostly for the new student in your class…Mr. Ok Taecyeon is it?”


“Ne.” Came a short but sharp reply from Taecyeon. All the students turned abruptly to look at him.


“Alright, listen up guys…” The students turned to face back Jaesuk. “You have only one more precious year in high school. You might not know how important this is…but its okay, I’ll teach you that!” Jaesuk exclaimed as his eyes drifted into a far away place, face lighting up with hope. The students could not help themselves than to choke down muffled wave of laughter at their teacher’s intro speech of the year. Now, both his hand enthusiastically, Jaesuk exclaimed, “For this year, let’s work hard together!”


“Ne, algesumnida…” the students answered in an unimpressed manner.


Halfway through the lecture, T.O.P was already asleep. And Changmin was intently flipping though a magazine underneath his language text book. Occasionally he would smile like a ert and looked around to see if anyone was looking at him. Chansung was carefully stuffing a banana into his mouth by using Minjun who sat in front of him as a shield. Hyomin was swirling her hair with her finger, while Yoona was daydreaming with her eyes open. Wooyoung was busy playing his gameboy and Eunjung was dozing off, with her head dangling off her neck in an awkward position.


Jinwoo could not take it any longer, he was bored beyond words. So, tearing apiece of paper from his book, he crumpled it and tossed it right at Minyoung. It hits her right on the shoulder and bounced off sideways.


Minyoung looked to the back and growled as she saw Jinwoo laughing his off. Gathering every ounce of her anger, she tear a piece of paper from her book, wrote the word ‘ OFF’ in capital letters, crumpled it and used every inch of her strength to throw it to Jinwoo. But she may had used a little too much of her strength, because the paper flew right past Jinwoo and landed on…




. Minyoung quickly turned in front and feigned ignorance, while T.O.P, uncrumpled the paper and read what was written inside. For a moment his anger seemed to boil to its maximum capacity. He looked around and saw Jiyeon looking at him and her hands were cupped to .


Who threw this. He mouthed silently.


Jiyeon wanted to say that it was Minyoung but thought the better of it. She mouthed Junho’s name instead. Ah this is going to be hilarious, Jiyeon thought to herself.


T.O.P got up from his chair to have a better aiming at Junho. Just when he was about to throw the paper, jaesuk turned to face the class and caught T.O.P’s weird position.


“Seunghyun-shi, what in the name of world were you doing?”


“Ah…stretching…” T.O.P said uncertainly. Jaesuk looked at him as if he was not right in the head. T.O.P quickly sat down and hold in his rage of being humiliated like that in front of the whole class. Junho yah, you’re so dead.


Something else caught Jaesuk’s attention. “Eunjung-shi!” he called out, Qri quickly woke her up. “In my 15 years of service to this school I had never come across anyone who slept of through each one of my class.”


“Mian.” Eunjung said shyly. She was so embarrassed.


At the end of school, Eunjung left the class in a hurry to meet her best friend Gyuri. They haven't seen each other through out the holidays, since Gyuri went to Thailand with her family for vacation while Eunjung had to take care of her mother.


“Gyuri ah!” They both hugged each other tightly.


“Jungie, I missed you!” was the earnest reply from Gyuri. Go Hara who came together with Gyuri watched the both of them with no feeling whatsoever on her face. That girl is known around the school as the ‘plastic’. Some say it’s because she was not pretty when she was young, so she had to do so many surgeries and some say it’s due to her ability to turn a poker face most of the time especially after the controversy that went viral around the school about the fact that she used to stuff tissue paper into her bra to make her s look bigger. But either way, Eunjung never believe any of the stories. They tend to be well exaggerated by the time it reaches the third person itself.


“Hey Hara!” Eunjung greeted trying not to be rude to her. But the latter didn’t even bother to reply back even if it was out of courtesy.


“Jungie, is everything okay back home?” Gyuri dropped her voice into a whisper.


“Ne. geokjeongmasaeyo!” Eunjung responded.


“Jungie ah, do you want to go get something to drink? There is just so much to catch up with you.”


“Ah I really want to...but i promised Jangwoo oppa that i would go out with him. Mian Gyuri...”


"Its okay. No worries, there is always tomorrow sweetie..enjoy your date with Jangwoo!"


“Ah…excuse me, but who is that?” Hara asked Eunjung as she spotted an unidentified man clad in their school uniform strolling through the hallway, heading straight to the entrance. He was a handsome man, and his body was so lean and muscled, that Hara seem to find it kind of impossible to pull her eyes off of him.


“Geugo?” Eunjung asked, pointing toward the man she had bumped into earlier. “Ah, he’s a new transfer student in our class. Name is Ok Taecyeon.”


“Transfer student?” Hara repeated as if, she might find something about him by doing so. There was definitely something about him that grabbed her attention. And it wasn’t everyday someone will be able to do that. Hara followed him with her gaze until he disappeared through the sea of students who are also exiting the school.




Go Hara as she was looking at Taecyeon.... ^_^

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really?? haha I feel happy but I seriously want more subbies


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Princess910603 #1
update please
mrdeerlulu #2
Chapter 7: Please,update.;;
chanujee #3
Chapter 7: hahaha...oh... god... jst whn i thot it gng to b a nice lite clge drama fanfic u add jooju wooju cat thng great. .
1123 streak #4
Chapter 7: Poor Jungie why is Jangwoo always hurting her... Why didnt he listen to her first... Taec you have to make up with her..she will face more difficult situations after what happen tp her
pioushej #5
Chapter 7: poor Jungie! i hate jangwoo! he always hurt Eunjung! T_T
CoolPrettyGirl #6
Chapter 6: What Wait!? This is going to be a fantasy fanfic? I don´t like those very much... but I will continue reading... I want more T-ara interactions!.... I am really interesed in Top and Hyomin and Qri and Taeyang... also Where is Soyeon!
pioushej #7
Chapter 6: this is great cant wait for the next chap! bopeepbopeepbopeepbopeepboppeep ohh!
1123 streak #8
Chapter 6: Hahaha why did Eunjung turn to a cat?? Is this the jap version of bopeep bopeep?? ;-) and the cat is cute... I think that ahjumma passed her curse on Eunjung... if not why did she say sorry to Ej??
UmaMee #9
Chapter 6: Eunjung is a cat because ahjumma earlier?
iiiihhhhhh, funny cat.
how Eunjung could become human again?
whether to kiss with Taecyeon again?